26 :go back inside demons

(one week later)

We where able to finish Pennys new body faster then I thought and the first thing she did was hug me since she could feel and I was also able to fix her emotions to the point in which they where almost human and I also add a simple program in her which was adapted and evolve now she learns faster and wouldn't need to be turned into a human

Anyway her body is what I call a master piece, a true piece of art, not only is she super strong, fast and agility, I've given her rocket boosters on her feet give her the ability to fly at super sonic, blasters her hands can transform into blasters that can blow through grimm like my guns, solid holograms that can act as weapons or hold her together if she was badly damaged and as for her weapons well I made her robot wings, a spear and drones the fuse with her spear to make a very powerful gun

"so where's Penny" Oscar said as he also finished everything I gave him so we wasted time by playing card, games on the computer or just spurring

"she decided to spend her time by flying, she said she wanted to test her limits" I said as I placed down a card

"huh I would go with her if we didn't have to babysitting and keep the others from dieing" I said as I thought back to the last few days of keeping the others alive

"huh the first two days where easy since we didn't have to do anything, at least it's almost over they should be getting better today right?" he asked as I nodded

"yeah, oh here they come" I said as team RWBY was the first to walk in our room as I looked at Blake who had everything around her head as I sighed disappeared for a second and reappeared with everything she had on in my hands

"while I understand that life sucks for you, you need to learn how to function, but other than that it looks like the transformation was completely" I said as I looked at them as they where quiet as they look at me

"huh seems your still in shock" I said as I slapped all off them as the grabbed there cheeks

"good your back, now how do you feel" I said crossing my arms

"I can feel everything and I hate it" Blake said as she curled into a ball

"yourallmoveingtoslow" ruby said super fast

"everything I touch break" yang said as I looked at the floor to see cracks from her steps

"and my semblance has been activating uncontrollable and I've also been leak aura" Weiss said as I could see her aura flaring

"huh looks like it worked, I've already planned for this and have already have ways that you can control yourselves" I said as the hanger doors opened as we saw something zoom outside

"what is-" as a figure of green landed creating a dust cloud as the dust cleanered they where able to get a better view as Ruby was taken aback as Penny looked at her

"P-P-P-Penny" she said as Penny smile got bigger as she began running to Ruby

"SALU" she said as she used her rockets to blast herself off at incredible speeds as she opened her

"ahhh" ruby made a cute squeak as she tried moving away but was to late as Penny tackled her into the ground

"-TATIONS" as the two rolled on the ground

"wwwwwhhhhyyyyyyy" Ruby said as Penny gave her a bone crushing hug as she rubbed her cheek on ruby's

"how is she?" Blake asked still in ball form as I simply got up and left

"direct all questions to Weiss" I said as they all looked at Weiss

(10 minutes later)

"WHAT THE FUCK WEISS" strangle this was Ruby as Weiss had just told them that the recovered Penny from her father, rebuilt her and then experimented on her

"does it matter, she is Atlas properly"

"hahaha no she isn't, if anything she's mine, since I built her alone" I said as I came back with a bag a chips

"and how may I ask did you get her" she asked as she looked at me as I smirked

"oh that's easy, I found her in a location that doesn't exist with people that don't exist, we anymore anyways" I said as I ate with a smile on my face as she looked horrified

"what did you do" she said as her face turned into anger

"oh you see, I can be very very cold hearted, and those thing decided to hurt my friends, even if she is not from my world, so anyways I locked them in the lab a sucked out the air before erasing every single thing they had on Pen, just to be a dick, but it doesn't matter cause they don't exist hehehe" I giggle as I caught a sword with my fingers took out Mercy pointed it to her stomach

"bang" I said as I shot her as she flew into a wall bleeding as the others where about to do something but I stopped them

"she's not dead, may have a hole in her stomach but not dead, anyways my job here is done" I said as I placed my gun back

"huh you know she's going to give them information about well everything" yang said as nodded

"yes that why I've got a back up plan" I said as I looked at Penny as she went over to Weiss picked her up as her wound was healing as she injected something in her neck as the woke her up

"good your awake now what Penny injected into your neck is a very powerful bomb what has enough power to remove your head from your shoulders killing you, know I am not going to use this to control you, no its simply a way to keep you in check, everything you say and do will be monitored, by Penny here so keep your mouth shut and no death okay okay, now since my time with all of you is almost up" Isaid as they looked at me as I pointed to my feet that where slowly disappearing

"I just want to say..... This world is shitty fix it! I've done to much for all of you to fail!" I said as Penny ran to me and gave me a hug as well as Ruby

"you maybe way to blood tharsty, to be me but you alright" she said as I rolled my eyes

"I'm going to miss you smaller Ruby, and thank you, you've given me so much, oh and here take this" she said as she took out a necklace that was a cross with a crystal in the middle

"it has my most recent memories, so you can give it to me in you world" she said as I gave them one last look

"tell the others that I installed bombs in there heads that will blow if they say anything about this" I said as I comply disappeared as everything turned black

As I stayed in darkness for a day or two as I was blinded by a bright light as I was back as I saw light and darkness

"oh little soul you have returned way" light said as I nodded

"yes know you said you where going to send me to the grimm version of RWBY 3.0 right" I said existedly that I was going to get the chance to kill every single grimm version of the characters without mercy to unleash all my rage I've held inside since day one.....ohhhh I can taste it now there blood as I rip through them as they bag for mercy hehehahaAHAHAHABABAHAHHAHAHAHA

"yes well about that" light said a little scared as I looked at him as he jumped back a little

"that world doesn't exist anymore" darkness said as I dropped to the ground


"yes you see Salem and her forces won in that world and it was overrun with so much darkness that the world well..... Blow up" he said as I got up as my mind came back as I locked my demons up again

"makes sense there must have been an imbalance and Salem"

"she's in a pocket dimension in complete darkness that operates like space, got the ideas from you by the way" darkness said as I nodded

"so what now"

"well you still have one more trip so give me a second" light said as he disappeared and reappeared intently

"I've asked a very good friend of mine to allow to house you for a time being so bye" he said as I blind as I appeared in the shy again falling very very fast as I broke the sound barrier as I caught on fire as I felt the ground coming really quickly but there where was something there so I transformed into my dragon mode and wrapped my wing around me as I also wrapped my darkness around me

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Yeah I know some of you wanted the grimm version but....I lost interest maybe in the future but I will be using the next few chapters as a set up for a new fanfiction and this will give me a way to let loose and have fun

And that you all for your support