30 :new student

(grayfia POV)

It's been 24 hours since that child left and there has been no sign of her anywhere, her presence vanished the second she turned into rose's

'huh I feel as that if lady gremory didn't stop us I would have died, but that energy was different from the one sirzechs told me about when he come back a few hour early from a meeting'

"oh dear dinner is going to begin in an hour" lady gremory said as I walked behind her

"grayfia, if you would retrieve that child for me" she said as she turned to me as I nodded and began to leave but stopped

"and if she is to refuse" I asked with a blank tone

"then insure that she, gets here and ready for dinner"

"yes lady gremory but I don't think I would be able to force her and from the information I received from Sirzechs she is to smart and fast to be tricked" I said as I looked at her with a blank face 'huh my orders from Azazel and Sirzechs are the same, to give her whatever she wants, I think it's completely ridiculous, but the look in Sirzechs eyes....'

"huh you are a smarter women grayfia you'll figure it out" she said as I nodded and left

As I flew to the mountain that the girl said she was going if was one of the biggest in the underworld about the size of Japan and as high as the deepest part of the ocean, it was a few hours away when flying but I was able to teleporte there

"what the hell" I said as I looked around to see that the surrounding trees had been ripped apart there where deep groves all over

"what has happened here its like this place was hit by multiple natural disasters at the same time" I said as I walked around then stopped to see something on the floor

"these look like those things that girl had with her the guns and the scythe are definitely hers meaning shes around her some where" I said as I looked around

"miss Ruby I've been ordering to bring you back to the mansion for dinner" I said as something zoom passed me and stopped but I quickly made a shield of ice behind me as a very powerful force of wind hit slowly destroying my ice as I had to reinforce it multiple times and after a minute it stopped

"huh to be able to hold that back I am impressed devil, now what do you want" she said in a tone that told me that she was looking down on me as if I was not worth her time and I don't know why but this made me extremely angry and disappointed at myself for some reason but I had to hold it in as I looked at her with her cloak covering her hole body leaving only her head

"lady gremory has asked me to retrieve you as dinner will be starting in a few hours" I said as she nodded and walked over to her weapons as her cloak blew with the wind revealing her extremely naked body with nothing covering her body

"where are your clothes and what have you been doing" I said as she simply took her gun holster wrapped it around her

"they burnt off after an hour" as she placed her guns behind her

"are you skilled in some sort of fire magic?"I asked as she didn't even look at me

"no and the answer to that question lays with the first one anyways I've been testing my speed to see how fast I can go" she said placing her necklace back on as I shift a little

"what" I said shocked

"I've been running around half speed around the mountain ever since I left the mansion" she said as I stared at her

"this mountain is extremely large, it would take God's that have a conaction with speed hours just to do one lap" I said as she took her scythe and her bag from some where

"really it takes me seconds" she said as I froze

"I don't believe-" I was cut off

"you don't have to, but I was about to end my fun" she said as she walked over to me not caring of my thought

"teleport us away" she ordered as I nodded as we appeared in the mansion

"show me to your bath and I will also be needing clothes something that is more to the look of my old ones, black and red are my colors and I don't wear heels" she said as she spot orders at me as I nodded

"this way miss Rose" I said as I lead her to on of our pool sized baths 'miss Rose, what the hell'

"I will go retrieve you clothes, I will return before you complete you bath miss Rose" I said as I bowed and walked away leaving her at the bath as I went to lady gremory and Informed her of what has happened

"oh is that so" she said as I nodded

"well we can't have that now can we" she said as she stood up and walked out with me behind her as she went to rias's old room and went to the closet as she picked out a dress

"oh this should fit her" she said as I looked at the dress

"lady gremory I don't think she would wear that" I said as the dress she picked out was a bright red with white

"oh and why is that grayfia"

"she said that she wants something closer to her clothes and that she only wears black or red and nothing else" I said as she looked at me

"huh but this is the color she said she would where correct" shelll said as I shook my head

"from what I can tell from the girl she is what you call a goth, and from what I've read there type has a deep hate for bright clothes, so I can say that I'm 100% sure she will out right reject those clothes within seconds" I said as she shook her head

"well that won't do grayfia" she said as she dug out more clothes equal bright as she gave them to me

"tell her to pick one of these" she said 'lady gremory has always been one to be forceful even with rias and her peerage'

"understood lady gremory" I said as I went to retrieve miss rose and took her to her room as I teleported her clothes on the bed

"huh I see you are an idiot, that can not think for herself" she said in a tone one speaks with when you talk to an idiot and the sheer disappointment in it, it almost broke my mask

"I guess this was my own fault for believing in a simple minded maid huh, I guess I'll spell it out for you then" she said as she went to the dresses and began to fold them

"I want clothes closer to what I had on, short skirt, long sleeve, gloves, stockings and combat boots, I want the in black as the main color and red to add something, I must be able to fight in these clothes" she said as she stopped in font of me

"hold out your hands" she said as I did as she said as she placed the clothes in my hands

"I believe I've given you a clearer picture of the clothes I want correct" she said with a tone one would use when talking to a dog as I nodded

"good girl now get out and get what I asked you get and don't return with anything but what I asked" she said as I looked into her eyes as I bowed a deep bow and left the room

"what is that girl" I said as I grabbed my heart as I took deep breath 'it was like she would rip my head off if I said anything, but her eyes didn't glow.... Maybe it was the insults.... Huh it's not important I need to take care of this, there's only an hour left' I thought as I walked into Rias's old room with Lady gremory still there

"so which one did she pick"

"non" I said as I told her what happened as she sighed stood up and walked to the door as she ordered me to follow her as I did as she asked and made her way to the room miss rose was in as she opened the door as we saw a fully dressed miss rose as she had a black slim fit long sleeve dress with a short skirt as red rose where on random spots on the dress with black stockings and black combat boots as her tail was hidden in her cap/cloak

"I thought you didn't have clothes" I asked

"I didn't but I had a feeling you would fail the second time so I went to the city and got the clothes I wanted" she said as her word hurt like daggers as I looked down in shame

"was there a reason why you didn't where the clothes I got you"

"they where not practical and I hated the way they looked, I would rather die and have my soul eaten than wear those disgusting things" she said in a tone that had an 'I don't care' feel as she tied her hair in a ponytail with a few strands hanging out

"I see but I thought that you would look good in them don't you think"

"no they are ugly, but you can give them to the nun" she said as she opened a window and jumped out

"I will be back in a few minutes" she said as I looked at lady gremory as she grind her teeth

"lady gremory" I asked worried

"what is wrong with that child it's like she was never taught respect"

"do not take it to personal madame"

"no grayfia this is my house and I will not be disrespected like this" she said as I could feel her anger but after a second she calmed down

"go check up on rias and her peerage insure that they are ready" she said as I nodded

(Mc POV)

'huh she's annoying, and I have to spend god knows how long with her sigh azazel better come back and take me away so I can work on the bomb' I thought as I sat on the roof looked at the sky 'wait they're only having dinner now... I'm sure that I was running for a day'

"miss rose its time" grayfia said as I looked at her with bull eyes

'what an annoying creature' I thought as she flinched a little

"huh then let's go" I said as I turned into roses an flew into the window of my room as I reformed I went out the door with grayfia following at first she wanted to say something but held herself back as I made my way to the dining room with no help

"how did you"

"I operate in a completely different reality from everyone and everything" I said as I stood by the door as she just nodded and opened it for me as I walked in

"ahhh miss rose it's so nice to meet you again" a red man said as I looked at him

"do I know you, you seem to be acting a little bit to familiar with me" I said as I narrowed my eyes

"oh my apologies, we only met for a few seconds but I'm the one you come to, as you 'asked' me to send you here remember" he said as I touched my chine

"ohhhhh I remember you know anyways the names Ruby Rose, burn that name into your head" I said as he nodded 'huh I think I used to much darkness on him'

"yes ma'am" he said as he nodded and went to go sit down with me following as I also took my seat as the brought out the food there where different folks and knives so I took the ones that looked normal and began eating knowing full well that it was wrong since everyone else had different ones as I blocked everything out

"you and Ruby will be taking etiquette classes, we wouldn't want you to embrace rias on the young devils gathering" the brown haired said as this brought me back to reality

"excuse me but I don't think I agreed" I said as I stopped eating and looked at her as a dark aura rose from her as she smiled

"you don't have to agree just be there"

"I see, then I refuse I've got everything else to do" I said simply as I looked her straight in the eyes as she had her smile on

"that unfortunately seeing as you are currently living under my roof and as such you will follow the rules of this house weather you like it or not" she said as she was standing at the moment but soon she sat down and relaxed for a second

"now I will be expecting you and Issei tomorrow morning"

"uuuuuuuhhhhhhfggggggg do you not understand English, I don't need or want to learn anything that doesn't involve killing and I'm most definitely not taking some stupid waste of my time class to impress some insects, that I don't know or care about, and the thing about this be your house your rules I really don't care, I can leave at any time" I said in a calm voice with no emotion

"oh there would be no need for that miss rose, you are more then welcome to stay here as long as you wish" sirzechs said as I see the mother back down 'they are planning something..... I'll ask azazel when he gets here'

"such a rude child, did your mother not teach you any manners on how to speak to adults"

"my mother was torn apart by monsters, while trying to save the lives of thousands" I said as they where taken back by this

"I'm sorry I didn't-"

"I don't care just keep my mother out of you mouth or the next time I will not be as nice" I said as I stood and walked away

(a few days later)

It's been days since I've been here in the gremory mansion and other then running which I had to stop since the mountain was looking a little off and my daily fight with xenovia, I've been bored

Like there is nothing in this mansion that looks fun, anyways other than my boredom Tannin has been coming over a few times where he shares his story's about his life and I tell him about my adventures in Remnant and to be honest his reaction have been very entertaining and who knew dragons like being praised not me

The head maid has been on my tail from the minute I wake up to the moment I sleep, when I forced her to tell me what was up with her she said that I was her responsibility as she will follow my every order, so she has been treating me as the lady of the house or same shit I really don't care, she makes me breakfast and is always trying to get my approval

Then there's the brown head woman, she's been constantly annoying me trying to make up for her comment but that doesn't mean she gave up, no she's been trying to get me in those classes of hers to the point that she kidnapped me tied me up with magical chain and got this rude as shit lady to teach me and this lady got angry at some point that I was ignoring her and straight up slapped me with a ruler....... And let's just say she will never be the same again..... I sliced her arm off and punched through her stomach and moved her spine a little taking one of her legs, with the pervert there

"master, I'm ready for our daily training" xenovia said walking towards me dressed in her exerciste uniform which was blue jumpsuit 'huh maybe this can be my cure, and maybe I can find out why she interests me so'

"huh since you haven't given up I guess I can actually train you instead of breaking you" I said as I jumped down a tree as I took of my weight

"then will you finally tell me what you meant back then"

"oh that you focused on the wrong espact of yourself" I said as she nodded

"huh that simply, your body type"


"yes, your body is more built for speed like mine more than strength it's why even tho you just reanimation your speed is on the level of the boy and you would have be better if you focused on it instead of strength, since I can see you are at your limit" I said as I crossed my arms 'she isn't a yang type of fighter she more of a Ruby, and from the training she does she's weak'

"but I've defeated many enemies with only my strength"

"that because most if not all of them where idiots, from fighting you I've see that you are included slow in your resolve, you are not comfortable with your style of fighting so your swing are way to prodictable, you are like an open book, I got to a point that I don't even need to see you to know what you are going to do" I said as she looked down

"if Master thinks so the n it must be true"

"huh then there's the problem with your weapon" I said as she took it out

"what is wrong-"

"you treat it to kindly, from what I've heard, these weapons have minds of there own and you have been spoiling it and have been allowing its disgusting behavior to grow to the point that you can't put 100% of you focus on the fight I think you understand what I mean right"

"I think I understand, if I where to fight an enemy with the same or greater power then myself I would die in seconds" she said as I nodded

"yes and it would be better to have a blank normal sword as you know it will do the job you gave it, then a weapon that has mood swings"

"so what should I do"

"leave it, there are plenty of swords in the gremory mansion and there's also that boy that can make weapoms go ask him to make you a sword of your liking and leave that sword here" I said as I could see the sword shake 'haha I wounder' I thought as xenovia looked at her sword and the stabbed it into tbe ground without a second thought

"good girl now, we will be starting your training it's going to be simple really"

"and what would it be master" she asked with to much excitement as I took out Marcy

[non lethal mode active]

"you will be running in any direction you choose at you max and dodging shot from my gun" I said as this shocked her as shock turned to fear 'yes I do shot in our fights so she knows the pain'


"I will be shooting at you as you try and dodge begin" I said as I pointed it at her as she ran into the forest full speed with me shooting at her as this went on for hours

"I see you are handling her train" azazel said as I looked at him and fired at xenovia nailing her at every point

"yes it was pointless of her to use a sword that doesn't listen so I told her to stop using it and find a new weapon"

"huh to be honest I also realized that but I thought she wouldn't leave it so I had to come up with something to help her but that was a waste I see" he said as if giving up

"yes but she's not that bad, but not good"

"huh is there anything you will need"

"yes there is, I need you to something that can increase the gravity around a person to there limits, oh and training clothes and battle clothes something that doesn't explode for no reason" I said as he tapped on his chin

"I think I have something like that give me a second" he said as he disappeared and reappeared with a bracelet

"here this should do what you want, it has a few bugs, and I'll have the clothes later" he said as I nodded

" XENOVIA!" I shouted as the blue haired girl stopped running and being running towards me as she came into view she got a few steps in and then dropped face first with her clothes ripped and bullet hole but they didn't go all the way I but there was some blood

"I am impressed girl, you where able to run full speed for hours and even if you where not able to dodge a single shot you where able to take one and carry on with little trouble" I said as she smiled 'yep she's basically a tank..... Must be because of me beating the shit out of her everyday'

"well you have been beating the crap out of her for the passed month" azazel said as I looked at him and nodded

"say what you want, it made her stronger" I said as I picked her up and placed her on my shoulder

"I see well come on the others are waiting for us" he said as I followed him as we got to the front of mansion

"oi blondie come heal this one" I said as I placed her on the floor as the blonde nun ran to her and began to heal her

"that's enough" I said as I stopped her halfway into the healing

"b-b-b-but m-m-miss ruby s-she's not full healed"

"I know her body will heal by itself" I said as she was going to say something but stopped as xenovia reached out and stopped her as she forced herself to get up even if she was super tired as I nodded

"know since I will be in charge of your training I'll begin, Akano, while you lightning is impressive, its extremely weak because of your constant need to hold your fallen side back so got you a teacher to help you with that" Azazel said not giving a fuck of what she was going to say

"kiba, it's true that you have achieved Balance Breaker but there's still the thing of you not being able to maintain it for to long so we will be working on that" he said as the blonde boy nodded

"Asia you need to find a way to increase your rang since you are how do I put this"

"you are the weaks and most useless out of your group, you also need to work of differentiating the differents between friend and fow" I said as I stood next to Azazel

"w-w-what d-d-do y-you m-m-mean" she said almost seeming to cry

"what she's trying to say is that your to kind that you will subconscious heal enemies but not to fear I came up with a good plan on helping you"

"t-thank you"

"next is the blood sucker.... Where is he"

"his hiding in the house" Issei said as Azazel looked at me

"I see Ruby" he said as I disappeared and reappeared with the trap blonde in my hand

"eeeepp" he said as the world turned gray but to a certain distance 'oh so he can only stop time at a certain limit' I thought as he began struggling

"stop that or I will punish you" I said as he stopped as he turned to me

"eep" he did it again as I placed him down

"now behave" I said as he nodded as a few seconds later time began flowing again

"huh that was annoying" I said as Azazel looked at me for a second

"oh right you as speedstar, anyways I was going to place him in the city to build up his confidence but I think it would be better if you stay with Ruby when she goes to the city if you don't mind ruby" he said as he looked at me as I nodded

"Rias while you are powerful for your age you have zero control and that's why you lost against Riasr Phenex and need the red dragon to help you" he said this with a blank face

"I don't need any training-"

"fine" he said as he took out an apple and threw it in the air as it stopped

"if you can hit the apple I will believe you and will leave you alone, if you can't you will be training" he said as she pointed her hand up as bolts of dark red and black energy flew out of her hand but the attack was unstable as the bolt flew in different direction as non of them hit the apple

"see what I mean you are what I call a useless overpowered character and there where a lot of them in the war, those born with a lot of power but had zero control and where easily killed by a much weaker opponent but not to fear I asked your mother to help since I have a feeling you would not listen to me" he said with a smile

"Issei you will be trained by tannin"

"who" he said as tannin land in front of them

"ah Tannin it's good to see you" I said as he saw me and kneeled as I sighed 'turns out dragon have a very high respect for those how defeat them and since I spared his life well let's just say he would follow my orders without question'

"is good to see you lady Rose" he said as he looked at me as I nodded as he got up

"as expected of master" xenovia said with stars in her eyes

"oh is see that you've taken her as you students lady Rose" he said ignoring everyone

"yes Master decided to train me as this morning" she said as she pumped her chest in pride

"ahhhh I see the you should not disappoint miss Rose, you must take every challenge she gives you and put your heart and soul into it, you must remember that miss rose has high expectations for you do not disappoint her" he said with he's arms crossed as I giggled

"well said Tannin" I said as he nodded and turned to the pervert

"so you are the new red dragon huh, I've never trained the holder of the boosted gear before it should be something" he said as he grabbed him by the neck

"wait you mean I'll be going away from president, no no no I don't want to no" he shout as Tannin bowed at me before flying away

"remember to came back in a weeks time I want to see you the dragon kingdom" I said as he nodded

"now then lastly Xenovia your training as you know will be handled by Ruby soooooo I hope you survive" he said as the others looked at her with pity as she just nodded

"now then I think your train will start tomorrow" he said as they and went back into the house but I stopped Xenovia from going as Azazel came over with the bracelet and gave it to me

"Xenovia that sword of yours is completely useless to you, even if you a natural holy sword user that sword doesn't want you in the slights" he said as she noddex

"I know but I don't have anything else"

"hmmmmm actually I've got something that will work for you but you will have to wait for it" Azazel said as I looked at him

"of so you are going to finish it I thought it was to dangerous" I said with a smile

"oh it is but, compared to your scythe it's nothing, but I could use some help making it"

"hmmmmm give me a month, to get her ready" I said as he nodded and left

"okay girl I've got a few months to turn you into something worth calling a student, so first put this on" I said as she nodded and placed the bracelet on and immediately dropped to the ground

"every day you will wake up run for two hours, then a lit jog for three, then 100 push ups, sit ups, squats, then you will come to me and we will be working on your reflexes , then we will be doing some spuring I will be limiting myself to your level and you will be doing this with this bracelet on at a point you will stop feeling it and then we will get weights" I said as she looked me with fear

"but I'm not a completely monster, you have a week to be able to move normal before we start, use whatever method you see fit to be able to overcome this challenge if you impress me I will give you a new weapon of my own making " I said as she nodded with determination in her eyes as she pushed herself of the ground and stood up but fall a second after 'impressive the fact that she was able to stand, but she is strong to be able to swing her weapons with ease and her determination she should get to high class in a mouth or higher and this was because she was already on middle class thanks to the beats I gave her'

"huh this should be fun"

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Two chapters in one