
(xenovia POV)

As we got back to the mansion we where greeted by the head maid as she looked at us then my sword as she took a step back

"greetings lady Rose and miss Xenovia" she said as Master just nodded

"grayfia I want you to teach Xenovia a few magical techniques somewhere in the week it's your choice, Xenovia this is a free week do as you please" master said as she walked away leaving myself and Grayfia as she looked at my sword then at me then her face changed

"what have you done child" she asked as I looked at her

"I have no idea on what you are talking about miss grayfia" I said as she walked up to me and pull my hand showing the black vains

"what have you done"

"it's a side effect master said that it will pass with time, how long I don't know but I like it" I said as I did find the black vains a little cool

'oh I think I can change them to make them look like tattoos, but of what' the sword said as shd glowed a little

'roses' I said

'ohhh good one, give me a second' he said as the vains on my hands began to change into different patterns of roses

"huh that neat, anyways grayfia when can we start" I asked as I wanted to get this over with as soon as possible

"huh not today" she said as she walked away as I stood there

"now what do I do.... Master said to do as I please and that I have a week to myself... I should go see what the others are doing" I said

'I would you to stay away from the cat for now anyways' she said

"koneko why? " I asked out loud

'she's a neko unlike the others she would be able to sense the negative energy and would most definitely freak out, remember when mother brought home sister'


'yes, Carnage but Carnage is a very unstable and powerful core while I'm controlled and very much alive' he said as I stopped walking

"but you called her-"

'I know I know but that doesn't matter, just stay away from her or knock her out before she goes crazy'

"huh whatever..... I've been spending a lot of time with Master, but I think it's a good thing" I said as I walked to where I thought Kiba was, which was the back yard where he was training alone

"hy kiba" I said as I waved at him

"ohhh xenovia I didn't see you there" he said as I looked at him 'of course you didn't'

"I haven't seen anyone, for a while sooo I was thinking of a spur I wish to test my blade against your Balance Breaker" I said as I reached for my back and pulled out my sword holding it with one hand

"wait is that not your sword xenovia" he said as he pointed at the peace of scrap metal on the ground

"no its not, I'm planning on returning it to the angels at the gathering, now are you willing to battle or are you busy" I said to him as he nodded as he created a big sword that matched mine in size as he got ready as I just placing the sword on my shoulders

"are you not going to get ready" he said as I shifted my feet

"I'm ready" I said as we waited for a few seconds then dashed at each other as we clashed, my sword completely destroyed his as he jumped away I stabbed my sword into the ground and kicked him away as he flew into a tree as the impact caused him to spit out blood

'did I kick him to hard' I asked myself

'maybe I should hold back' I said as I nodded to myself as I ran toward him as he got up and made to swords then ran at me as he jumped into the air swrd in hand

As he came down I side stepped him as I span around and went for a slash but he used his swords to block but the force of my swing launched him into the air

'was he always this weak' I thought as I ran after him as he rightend himself as his feet touched the ground I was there

As I made a fist and punched him in his stomach knocking him out

'is that all, a few months ago he was way stronger than me' I thought as I picked him up and went to the house with sword in hand

'well you haven't fought him in a while, not since you started fighting mother and you've been through hell with her training, so it makes sense' sword said as I walked into the house and handed kiba to some maids and walked as I spoke with sword

'you know you still don't have a name' I said to her

'is that important are something' she said

'well that depends but I think master should be the one that names you' I said

'I don't think she would, but I wouldn't mind if you gave me one' he said softly

'huh how about Shatter'

'Shatter... I love it!' he shouted as I nodded as I dodged a hand drew my sword ready to kill the one that was behind me

As I turned I stopped with the blade a few inches away from Asia's neck as she froze in placed


"ohhh Asia sorry about that" I said as she shook a little but nodded then smiled

"it's okay Xenovia" she said as she looked at the ground

"so what's up" I said as I thought about what I just said

"ummmmm nothing I just saw you walking around and thought I see how you are doing" she said as there was a bit of pink on her cheeks

"huh actually I'm fine master has given me the week off, before I leave" I said as she looked confused

"what?" she said skocked

"I will be leave for a month long trip, so I was given a week to do as I please so" I said as she smiled and grabbed my hand

"then would you mind coming with me to pray Issei want through a lot to get us this gift" she said as I looked at her as my mask cracked a little 'I want nothing to do with that'

"I'm sorry Asia but I think master would see it as a sign of weakness, to see her student asking for help and shatter also doesn't like that idea" I said as her smile drop as I lied with a straight face

'ohhh have you always been this good'

'don't use your emotions for a few years and you'll be able to tell the dumbest lies without even blinking'

"oh I see well thank you them" she said a little sad

"but maybe we can hang out once you are done, okay" I said as her smile came back

"okay" she said as I saw Rias and Akeno coming towards us

"president, Akeno it's good to see YOU-SLAP" I was cut off as rias slapped me across the face as I turned to the side as I felt an large amount of anger boiling up in me

'KILL HER NOW' Shatter raged on in my head

'calm down'

"care to explain why Kiba has three broken ribs" she said in a calm voice that hid her anger as I took a deep breath in then out as I turned to her

"we where spurring, things got heated and I ended up knocking him out so I took him to the maids and asked them to help him since I can't heal" I said simply as I looked her in the eyes

"I don't care you are part of my peerage and I do not allow any of my servants to hurt one another" she said a little angry

"thats understandable president but I did not know that we where not allowed to spur with each other, since I'm still new but Kiba was more than willing, so I thought it was okay president" I said as she realized she was in the wrong

"I-i-I'm sor-"

"it doesn't matter president" I said as I turned from from her and walked away but as I turned the corner everything came to me


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Hy haven't updated in a while but as I told someone December in a crazy month by my side so here you got two chapters today

And apologizes people