(Ruby POV)

Is this what qrow felt like everytime I did something impossible because god damn I love it, the amount of pride I have right now in xenovia is unimaginable,

She is able to complete impossible task and then asks me for more she doesn't complain when I tell her to do something that would kill a normal person and when we fights she is constantly improving and at a stupidly quick rate

"truly an impressive student you have here ruby" azazel said as he watched xenovia control a high unstable power with little difficulty

"I know, anyways let give her time to figure things out" I said as he nodded as we went away leaving Xenovia with her sword

"so how powerful do you think xenovia is, I can't tell since I don't know this world's ranking system"

"let's see, from the fight you and her have had I would say she can take on and win a fight with a high class being but her speed, strength are on middle class and her magical power is on high class, I'm surprised she is able to control it so well"

"what do you mean"

"you've seen rias right" he said as I nodded as we went into a lab

"well that girl is high class in power but she has poor control over it that it's constantly leaking, but for Xenovias its tamed, her control over it is crazy as it is constantly in her body moving, like a well oiled mechin and the crazy part is that she has no idea she doing it hahaha" he said shaking his head

"and that is a bad thing"

"not really but magic has so many uses and one of them is enhancing and reinforcement, in other words bring a middle class to the realm of high class and with her control she should be able to do it" he said as we walked

"huh I see, but what do you think her level is without her bracelet on" I said as he looked at me

"didn't I say" he stopped as he looked at me

"yes but she always has her bracelet on even when fighting me"



"HOW IS SHE NOT DIED" he shouted as I covered my ears

"I don't know, now answer the question"

"huh you are a total monster, no wonder she's that strong, anyways I have no idea as I don't know the force of gravity around her, so only she knows" he said as he rubbed his chin

"and then there's the sword that added a boost to her..... Huh it doesn't matter right know I still have two more months with her but right now I think it time for you to help me"

"what I thought you had this"

"I do, but as you said she has untapped power and I gave no idea on how to get to it"

"huh you have a point but why don't you ask the devils" he said as I thought fir a second

"huh that could work are there any techniques you know that can improve her strength"

"yes a few I'll send you a book on it" he said as I nodded as I got to work on the the enhancment drug that I'm planning to launch into earth as we fix the bugs

"so how's your upgrade coming along"

"annoying, while it's true that I'm now the strongest of the three factions, I've had to work my ass off for control so that I don't kill some because I touched them or was near them, find a way to contain the stupid amount of magical energy I've been producing so I don't kill the kids cause of my leaking light"

"oh so that why you took so long I thought you where doing something with someone" I said with a smile as he sighed

"huh how has Gasper been"

"the kid is absolutely terrified of people but I've be able to get him out of his shell a bit, in other words he can move around the mansion with little issues and without the need for a bag but talking to people and getting spoken to is an issue" I said as I sometimes take Gasper out of his room and walk around the mansion and force him and the maids to have a conversation even tho it's forced it work, and I've also told him to go out of his room at least once a week and move around the mansion

"well it's an improvement"

"yes and going out is impossible without his bag so I got grayfia to buy him a mask and said that it would make him stronger, he knew I was lying but it still gave him a confidence boost and I force him to fight or run away from Xenovia it helps him in a way"

"huh I guess you are making progress"

"huh what do you mean"

"the blacked girl won't listen to her father so her progress is slow, rias is lazy and while her mother is there she makes no moves to improve but she has the potential to be an ultimate class without training"

"ahhhh what the fuck, that's cheating" I said as Azazel nodded

"the red dragon, while his growth is almost at Xenovias level he sucks and won't be able to achieve Balance Breaker and then there's the cat that won't listen as I told her she needs to work with her neko side she refused and since I don't have time to bag children to improve themselves so I left it and gave her one of your training schedule which she decided was not enough and pushed herself to hard" Azazel said as I looked at him and nodded

"but at least the blonde one is able to use her gear faster since she's been healing Xenovia who is always second away from dieing thanks to you"

"it works does it"

"yes, anyways the knight went back to his master after being able to hold his Balance Breaker for an hour, I still don't know why a Samurai is teaching him how to us his sword but whatever"

"huh you did all you can do but I need weights and an increase to the gravity bracelet I think it's at its limit since she's been looking a little too relaxed" I said as I crossed my arm

"you really want to kill her don't you" azazel said with a smile

"no I want to find her limits and if that means she gets stronger from it then so be it oh and we know your there xenovia come out" I said as she jumped out from behind a locker


"you need to work on how to hid your presence better, your foot steps are to loud" I said not even looking at her

"your breathing to" azazel add

"I-I-I'll do my best next time Master" she bowed

"good now since I'm done here I think it's time to go, you deserve a week off, I advise that you use it cause you will be fighting for your life" I told her as she looked at me

"what do you mean master"

"there is a forest somewhere in the underworld filled with powerful monsters and for the next month you will be living there" I said as she nodded and azazel just looked at me as he shook his head and teleported us back

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Yeah sorry I've just been hooked on a game and have been missing sleep so we back to one to two times a week so yeah