32 :getting a new sword

(xenovia POV)

It's been a weak since I began this torture, but thanks to Asia how heals me every time I collapse, right now I am able to move with no issue but I can't move the way I use to, so it a start but that didn't matter right now, as I stood in front of master

"you actually done it huh you really are worth my time even though these test are completely impossible you where able to get this far" master said as I looked at her in shock


"Xenovia you where supposed to fail this test, but you where able to over come an impossible challenges.... Just like me" she said as I looked at her as she gave me a smile as bowed

"thank you Master" I said softly

"speak up, I will not have a student that can't speak"

"thank you master!" I shouted as I stood up straight

"good now its time we got to work" she said as I looked at her

"master these exercises seem a little basic"

"well they are but you will be working in extreme condition, like your bracelet that will increase and decrease the gravity around at random, I will also be taking you to the top of that giant mountain and this" she said as she pulled out a necklace

"this here is one of the dark cores I made with azazel, I think you remember it from my scythe" she said as I nodded

"yes well since the sword I will be giving you has the same element as this, you are going to wearing this around you neck and slowly adapt to darkness so you don't go crazy when you get the sword" she said as she placed the necklace around my neck as the silver that was on it disappeared

I began to her voice in my head as I felt as if I was suffering in an endless pit of darkness but compared to master it was nothing

"good, now these things may be evil as fuck, buuuuut they are extremely powerful and controlling them is actually one of the easiest things you can do just don't lose control, that's all" master said as if it was nothing but a walk in the park but I could feel this thing creeping into my very soul but this is a task give to me by master so I shall not fail

"I see then I will meet and go beyond your expectations master"

"good girl now lets begin-" she said as I got to work

Pure hell those are the words I would use to describe the training, there where so many points in it where I almost die either from exsotion, monsters or Master who beats me into the ground and leaves me there to die, saying that I need to learn to survive without a Healer and that it was going to help boost my healing factor, but she has admitted that she left me there to die a few time, but I don't mind

No matter how many times I'm beaten to the ground I will always raise and besides I've gotten so much stronger compared to the time I was with the church, I don't know by how much since master is always two levels above me when we fight and her moves that where invisible at first I'm able to see slightly and my instincts as master calls them are far greater since now I'm able to dodge some of her shots which may not seem like much but

"this gun while it maybe in its sealed state still fires shots that are close to light speed maybe on the speed of lightning if not slower but you are able to dodge them meaning your reflexes have improved but it's still not enough I want you to be able to dodge all of them"

So I can dodge lightning with my weights on but master said that I'm not lightning fast with the weights it's just that I have great instincts or spider sense as masters sometimes calls it but I've made great improvements to myself oh and did you know that the high you go the less oxygen there is... I've been fighting master on the very top of the mountain

Now it's been a month since we started with my training, so right now we are waiting for azazel to return so he can take us to go get my weapon but I was so excited that I couldn't help but giggle and bounced

"calm down Xenovia" master said as she grabbed my shoulder

"sorry master I'm just so excited" I said to her with a smile on my face


"because this is masters way of saying that I have completed her challenge and have earned the right to wield a weapon that she has created and that she is proud of me" I said as I looked down but spoke so my voice was heard

"your not wrong" master said as I screamed in existent but got smacked into the ground as I picked myself up still had a smile on as a magic circle appeared and azazel stepped out as he looked at me a nodded

"I see you strength has improved in leaps and bounds, you should be at a low or middle high class in power I don't know about you body tho" he said as this shocked me as I looked at Master for an explanation

"it's simple actually the stronger your body is the more power it can produce and hold, it's like stamina but this one doesn't decrease when you stop training" she said as I nodded

"that maybe true but magical growth is slow like it takes years to grow from and too the level you are on" he said as I grabbed his head and said something about supernatural freaks

"really, I didn't notice" I said as he sighed and pointed at master

"because this monster is you master and that bracelet is holding you back by a lot, but what you did in a month takes others years but your magic has also changed, that good" he said as a magic circle appeared under us as we were teleported aways and the next second we appeared in a forge as I looked around at all the weapons that where hanging of the walls as they where all producting power that was on the level of the fused Excalibur

"come on" master said as I ran to her as we walked down a lot of stairs as we got to a big matel door with runes all over it as Azazel opened it as a gust of negative energy blow but I wasn't effected as we walked into the room as there was nothing but a giant hole that glowed purple as it looked like a pit of purple lava as there was a chain connected from the roof that lead to the deep pit, but what caught my attention was the feeling of power in this room

"I see you noticed huh the level of power huh"

"yes, I can't feel the end of it"

"huh to be honest, it was on ultimate class a few weeks ago"

"this is more" I said as I looked at the pit

"it did take us days to complete, it's nice to see my creations go beyond my expectations" master said as azazel sighed

"when someone asks who made this I'm pointing at you" Azazel said as he went over to a chain and being pulling as I looked at the pit, something began to raise out, it was a giant sword and it was beautiful as the room was blasted with a thick mist of pure negative energy but master blasted it all with her silver power as they pleased it on the floor, as I looked at it and reached for it but stopped and looked at master

"well go ahead" she said as I walked up to the great sword as I felt the air got thicker with every step

As I got to the sword I grabbed it everything around me turned black


"Xenovia, for spreading lie about our lord and serve we sentence you to death" the pop said as I looked around to see that I was back at the church headquarters but this time my hand and feet where bound by chains

"YOU WILL NOT TOUCH MY BABY GIRL" a voice said as I turned the the source to Griselda Quarta the woman I conceded a mother

As I watch her stomp down the stairs with blood all over her and a sword in her hand

"this has nothing to do with you Griselda, you have no say in our decision!" the pop said as he looked pissed

"do you think I care, for far to long I've allowed you to do as you please but not this time, no I refuse" she said as she got in front of me as guards appeared as she got ready

"huh did you forget that you are a candidate to be one of the seraphs brave saints" the pop said as I looked down 'that right she abandoned me to be an angel' I thought as I had my head down

"this isn't real is it" I said as the chains cracked

"non of it is and as much as I wanted this to be real it will never be" I said as the chains broke

"guards!" he shouted as I grabbed the sword from Griselda and stabbed her in the chest as I looked her die in the eyes

"as much as I wish this was real it is not, I've already made peace with that" I said again as I pulled the sword out of her as she choked on her own blood as I ran to the pop slicing through anyone that got in my way

As I got closer I span around as I sliced his head off along with the three that were trying to attack me from behind

As I looked around the illusion was still on

"so the illusion has not been broken huh that means I need something to shock me awake" I said as I looked at the sword

"huh that will work" I said as I stabbed myself in the chest as the world around me shattered into a blank space

"huh you just killed yourself without a bit hesitation" a voice said as I looked behind me to see a girl? Standing on top of the sword

"I am impressed, but that doesn't matter cause I'm going to take over your body" it said as I sighed

"huh I'm guessing that you are the sword correct" I said as I sighed again 'master was right'

"that's right"

"I see but I'm sorry to tell you but you" I said as chain came out of the ground and wrapped around him as I walked closer to him as I made him bow

"are mine and no one else, is that understood" I said as I grabbed her hair and made her look at me

"FUCK YOU" he said as I just nodded

"fine then stay there I have no use for a disobedient sword, you are as easily replaceable as my last one" I said as I turned around and walked away as a hole opened up for me

"wait maybe we can work something out" he said as I looked at her, she probably knows that master would destroy her without a second thought

"what kind of deal" I said as I looked at her

"for a small price of the souls of the ones you kill I'll give you my power"

"how do I know your not lying"

"huh I'm sure you felt it didn't you" he said as a chain appeared that link our hearts

"huh I see so this is some sort of soul link then"

"yes, but it seems that it's more like the gears the human, but I'm not sure you are the first wielder and I'm the first weapon made" he said as I nodded

"huh that maybe true but I trust master and she made you right"

"ohhh you mean mother, yeah she's scary" she said as I nodded

"yep anyways what can you do"

"no idea, but from what mother said I can take in a stupid amount of the bad nature energy and shoot it out, other then that I don't know you should ask mother" she said as I sighed and stepped into the portal


"huh looks like she's waking up" I heard Azazel say as I opened my eyes

"good and it seems like she came back okay" master said as she placed her gun back

"yeah other than the fact that her body is taking in a stupid amount of negative nature energy, but it doesn't seem to effect her" azazel said as I got up as I looked at my hands to see purple vains that moved along my arms

"huh side effect, you just need to stop absorbing the energy" she said as I nodded and tried but

"I don't know how"

"for now there's nothing we can do about it and it seems like you are not effected so there's no danger, but try to get your sword to make a barrier around you using the darkness as a shield to keep you from taking in more" master said

'did you hear'

'yes give me a second, I need to figure this out' he said as I nodded as the as a black energy flared around me as it turned into a tornado as I felt the energy move around and closed my eyes as I began to move the energy around me until it formed a thin layer of energy around me

"huh I am impressed, you are able to control it so easily"