(Ruby POV)

"Ruby are you sure about this, you just sent her to one of the most dangerous part of the underworld" Grayfia said as I walked with her and Venelana

"yes I've trained her enough to survive that place, she's already strong enough to fight me for hours on end, she can probably take that white armored guy no problem and without her sword, so we shouldn't worry" I said as this took Grayfia back since she has seen Vails power and the fact that I was able to bring Xenovia someone, who was at high low class to that level in such a short time

"w-what are you talking about Xenovia is not that strong" she said as I looked at her with a smile

"huh that what you think, if I had to compare her growth in power to someone I would compare it to Sirzechs but ten times faster as you've seen" I said as this caught Venelana attention 'yes I did read about the history of the devils and know that Sirzechs was born an ultimate class in power and genius able to learn spells that would take years to master in a few months, anyway Xenovia is a hard work type, that can go into a blender and come out stronger, that why I trained her the same why Qrow trained me and she's also a genius in her own way able to learn spell that some genius can't do within a day'

"I see.... What are you planning with my daughters piece" Venelana asked worried as I smiled

"nothing, she wanted to be trained by me and had already earned the right for me to train her, what she does with her power is her choice, but anyways the main reason why I sent her away is because I need a little breathing room to train the three dead weights, grayfia go tell Koneko, Rias and Akano to report to the backyard within ten minutes from now" I told grayfia as she nodded and left as Venelana still followed me as we went to the garden as the maids brought out some chairs and tea

"I have informed the miss rose, but if I may ask why have you ask me to go" Grayfia said as she appeared a few minutes

"Azazel realized that they weren't showing up for training and have been a problem for the last month, lso he asked me to do something about it and so here we are" I said as I sipped on the tea after ten minutes a maid came to us and went down on her knees

"I-I-I'm sorry my ladies but lady Rais, Akano and Koneko will not be coming" she said sweating a bit as my cup broke

"it probably something important let's leave them" Venelana said with a smile as I simply stood up and walked to the maid

"show me were they are" I said in a dark voice as she fall back but got up as she moved and I followed her

(akano POV)

I was sit in my room with the door locked, I was angry how dare they think I would allow that monster to train me, let alone have anything to do with my life, I want nothing to do with him or his cursed blood

"she's in here" a voice said as I saw someone trying to open my door as I placed a spell on it and went back to laying on my bed but I quickly got up as the door explode, I got out of the bed to see who it was only to see Ruby and a maid

"WHAT IS YOUR-SLAP" I was cut off by a slap that threw me to the side of my room as I hit the wall, I grabbed my cheek as I looked at ruby as fear over took everything

"I pretty sure I asked you to report to the front yard did I not" she said as she walked towards me as she got to me she picked me up by my hair as I screamed out in pain

"ANSWER ME WHEN I SPEAK" she said as she slammed my head into the wall, there was nothing I could do, fighting back was not an option I've seen what she could do when she fights with Xenovia

"I-I-I'm sorry" I said as she slammed into the wall three more times before bringing me to eye level as I looked at them, I shivered scared out of my mind

"I will see you in the back yard, insure you are there before me or else I will break all the bones in your body before getting you healed and then doing it again" she said as she dropped me and left my room as I quickly got dressed and ran to the backyard

(Koneko POV)

'What's the point in all this, I'm weak and Im pretty sure the pervert is stronger then me, I'm useless and I refuse to use that power I never will, never will I become like her' I thought as I felt a dark energy on the outside of my door

"open this door" a voice of miss rose said as I shivered and slowly walked towards the door

"QUICKLY" she shout as I ran to the door and unlocked it and opened if as I felt pain in my stomach as I fell to the ground with a little blood coming out of my mouth

"when I asked for you, I expect to see you, now go to the backyard" she said turning her back on me as I slowly got up and made my way outside

(Rias pov)

I was sit behind a desk a few minutes ago I told a maid to inform Ruby that we would not be coming

"who does she think she is trying to order my peerage like it was her own and why do they think I need training, I'm stronger enough as it is" I said as someone opened my door as Ruby and a maid that looked terrified walked in

"I heard you told the maid to tell the other two to disregard my orders" she said and then looked at the maid

"leave us" she said

"w-what" the maid said as she looked at Ruby but soon nodded and left, closing the door behind her

"Azazel gave me a simple task train you three since you decided to ditlch your lessons" she said as she walked closer to me as a dark energy flowed off her as I took a step back as my heart raced

"at first I was planning that I would be kind to you all but that ship has sailed" she said as she grabbed me by my neck and picked me up as I struggle to breath

"as of today you will be train under me, you will eat what I tell you to eat, speak when I tell you to, your life is now controlled by me" she said as she threw me out the window

(Ruby POV)

'huh how annoying' I thought as I made my way to the backyard as I watch as Rias fall into the ground as her mother, Grayfia, Koneko and Akano went to go and help her

"DO NOT TOUCH HER" I shouted stopping them

"what are you talking about, my daughter is-"

"old enough to handle herself now go sit down" I said simply as they nodded as I turned toward the girl

"get up and stand in a line" I said as she struggled but got up as her peerage stood next to her

"as of today you will be train by me and I'm sure you all have seen me fight Xenovia and I will kill you if you hold back, you will fight me with everything you have, I do not care off you back story I will kill you, now get ready" I said said as I proceeded to beat the ever living shit out of all of them, the two half breeds tried to hold back for the first hour but they realized that I was serious when I said I was going to kill them and this went on for a week with me beating the shit out of them, breaking bones with zero fucks since they refused to listen

"to think it took me a fucking week to get you to understand, anyways since I know nothing about magic I've asked Venelana to train Ria in magic, Azazel has got your father to train you and for you, you have the knowledge to train yourself in sage arts but Azazel has asked a friend of his to train you in combat" I said as to them as they stood in a line in front of me as they nodded

"anyways every week you will be fighting me and I will increase my power so make sure you are improving both physically and mentally now dismiss you have one free day then training" I said as the walked away from me

"did you have to hurt them to that point" Venelana said in a sad voice

"no but it was the best option for them to keep the fear of death in them, now I will be leaving but I will be back in a week to beat them into the ground" I said as I disappear in a twister of roses and reappeared in front of Azazel

"they will be cooperating from now on, now to the lab" I said as that where I sent most of my time, I some times went to check on Xenovia, who's actually surviving without issues and have been going back to the mansion to fight the three and they have survived all our fights badly beaten but still alive since I don't use any of my weapons or even try

Anyways a month has passed and it was time for Xenovia to come back as I waited for her in the front of the mansion with Asia who looked way exited as she was bouncing around, I sat on the stairs as a black magic circle appeared on the ground as a jet of negative energy shot out for a second then a figure appeared

"huh did I do it right I know I copied Azazels magic to a T" Xenovia said as she looked around as I took a look at her, other then her clothes she seemed good

"XENOVIA" Asia shouted as she ran to her and tackled her into the ground

"it's good to see you to Asia" she said as she hugged back as they stayed on the floor for a hot second

"I see your still alive" I said as Xenovia immediately got up and bowed

"I apologize for not noticing you master" she said as I lefted her face as she had a scar on the right side of her cheek

"and this" I said pointing to the scar

"I was in a fight with a dragon call herself Tiamat"

"oh and did you win"

"no it was a draw, but she agreed to become my farmilier, but I can not call her" she said as she looked at me with a smile of pride

"good I believe I've heard stories about her from Tannin she is said to be one of the strongest dragon kings so I am impressed Xenovia anyways, I think I've held up enough of your time, your frien looks like she's about to blow up hehehe" I said as I walked away from them

And for the next month, nothing really happened other than Asia and Xenovia spending why to much together even with the pervert there but it was non of my business so I left it since Xenovias been smiling a lot

"Ruby I thought you would wear that dress I got you" Azazel said as i walked towards him and his group as I looked at him like he was an idiot

"I'm your body guard not your date, I will cut both your balls off if you make any more unnecessary comments like that Azazel" I said as one of his man Akano dad stepped up

"hold your tong-" he said as I got ready to slice his head off

"SHUT UP BARAQIEL" Azazel shouted as he looked at the fallen angel that was about to lose his life

"and your not my body guard you are a neutral party that will keep everyone in check when the meeting begins" he said as I placed my guns back

"huh so make sure no one does anything stupid?" I said as he nodded

"yes this includes the guest, Sirzechs has a feeling that there will be problems with some of the devils since heaven will also be bringing some of there newly made angels, and the Norse as well"

"I see, then I will be at your side till something happens but you do know I will kill any that annoys me to a point" I said as he nodded

"as long as there are not the leader of a faction I don't care do as you please since I can't stop you anyways"

"okay then"

"ohhh Odin is a pervert soooo"

"hn" I said as I actived my darkness as the others all began to move away from me

"huh at least I'm not trembling in fear anymore, let go" he said as we all teleported to the great hall

"ahhhh Azazel boy I see you could make it" an old man said as he got closer to us but stopped an swolled as he froze

"okay Ruby limit the rang a little" Azazel said as I nodded and pulled the darkness back but to a bubble around me as he went to greet the other leaders as they talked, I didn't care much as I zoned out but a loud crashing noise was heard as I looked to see a blonde woman on the wall bleeding as I looked around to see Xenovia

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Happy new year everyone