(Xenovia POV)

It's been a month since I've been back and to be honest, I'm still not use to it, for example I'm always on guard even when I'm sleeping since I used to get attacked every hour in that shitty forest, but anyways that is not important right now as I was getting ready in my room that I shared with Asia since she moved into awhile I was gone

"huh I still don't know why we have to go to this thing" I said out loud as I got dressed in my new combat clothes which was a black long sleeve and skirt with white on it I also had long black socks and combat boots

"it is required that, you as a servant of the gremory household to attend these events with your king" Grayfia said as I looked at her as she sat on my bed for some reason

"ohh it's not that bad Novia" Asia said with a giggle which was something new she had started a few days ago

"we are going to be stuck in a building full of idiots, that think they are God's and gifts to the world, huh the up side is that I can return that waste of matel outside" I said as I looked at Grayfia

"why are you here anyways" I asked her

"lady gremory said she had a feeling that you may run away from this and has asked me to insure that you do not" she said as I nodded

"huh fair, but I heard that Master was going to be there and there's also the matter of that sword but anyways we can leave" I said as Asia got off the bed, she was dressed in her school uniform like the others as we left the room I went to the back yard to see the sword still there where I left it

"I'll will be taking you back to the mongarels" I said as I grabbed the hilt it glowed a bit

'this shitty thing is trying to kick me out hahaha it's really funny' Shatter said in my head as I took out a piece of cloth and wrapped it around the sword sealing it up

'hm stupid sword' shatter said as she went back to sleep as I placed the sword on my back as I made my way to the otheres, I greeted and we got on the carriages

I was riding with Kida, koneko and Asia, while Rias, Akano and issei were in the other one

"you know you don't have to be so close I'm not going anywhere" I said to Asia as she grabbed my arm and moved closer

"it doesn't matter, I'm comfortable where I am" she said as I sighed and left it, as the two looked at us but I ignored them

On the ride I noticed a strange energy that started following a few minutes ago as I looked around to see Koneko shaking in what seemed like fear

'huh it feels like konekos energy but..... It doesn't matter, it's not my business' I thought as I closed my eyes

(one hour later)

"huh finally we here" I said as I wake Asia up as we went into the ballroom with the others, we were forced to stay by Rias's side for some reason, I really didn't care much as the night went on, meeting and greeting some of the devil nobles after that we had to go to the waiting room with the other young nobles

As we walked Rias meet up with Sona and her peerage, as they spoke, they where interrupted by a large explosion as I to Asia and placed her behind me as I shielded her from the explosion

When the smoke cleared an elf eared boy was sitting in the rabble and as green haired woman was standing in a hole but they where not important in my eyes, so I ignored them and turned to Asia and check on her to see that she was okay and after that I ignored everyone as I went behind the group and waited for them to finish what they where doing with my eyes closed as I opened them again to see a buff man came up to me

"hy there my name is Sairaorg Bael" he said as he extended his hand as I looked at him for a second with lazy eyes

"Xenovia" I said as I shook his hand as he squeezed as I followed by doing the same, but after a minute as he smiled and let go

"huh you have impressive strength for a knight"

"your not bad yourself" I said as I nodded and went to Asia as she pouted

"what?" I asked her as she turned her head to the side

"nothing" she said as I laughed a little and brought her closer to me it a side hug as she blushed as I felt eyes on me and some killer intent from two different locations, one was Issei the other was coming our way as I looked in front of me to see a blue haired teen in noble clothes as he went in front of Asia and introduced himself, but I didn't care to listen as I felt his aura it was evil not dark but evil as he went to grab Asias hand, I grabbed it as I felt magic on his hand

"please refan yourself from touching Asia" I said in a blank tone as his face changed

"unhand me you disgusting mongrale" he said as he tried to rip his hand away but I didn't even move as my aura changed into a dark one as a began to squeeze as he got on his knees and began to scream out in pain

"Xenovia please stop" Asia said as I sighed as let him go as he got up with a very pissed off as he was about to open his mouth

"say something and there will be nothing stopping me from removing you head from your body insect" I said as I released some of Shatters negative energy at him as my eyes went black for a second before they went back to normal as he ran away

"huh annoying" I said as I turned around to see the shocked face of Rias and the others and the terrified face of koneko

'idiot did you forget'

'nope now I can do this'

"rias would be okay if I left you and went to the ball room" I asked her as she nodded and I left with Asia following me

"where are we going" she asked as she grabbed my arm

"I felt masters power" I said as we walked through the corridor but stopped as I felt three angels as I stopped and Shatter appeared in my hand but I desummoned him as I saw who it was

"Xenovia Asia it good to see you both" Irina said as Asia smiled at her and greeted back as I crossed my arms as I want nothing to do with any of them

'forgive them already'

'you must have gone made from the monster souls don't worry I'll take you to get fix by master'

'no no no waaaaahhhh' she began to fake cry as he continued say how mean I am

"Asia we are wasting time here let's go" I said in a blank tone ignoring the three angel

"okay" she said as she moved back to me as we began to walk away

"wait Xenovia, aren't you going to at least greet"

"I have no time to waste on disgusting creatures that would throw there family to the wolves, just to be a servant to someone whos already dead" I said as I did even give the time of day as I walked away but someone ran up to me and tried to grab me

"what wrong with you Xenovia" Irina said worried

"why do you care was it not you who said you where ashamed to be my friend and that I was nothing more then trash" I said as I slapped her hand away from me as I looked her dead in the eyes as she kept quiet

"tch waste of my time" I said as I turned around and began walking as the blonde big boobed angel appeared in front of us

'she's fast maybe a seraph' I thought as I looked at her

"you are in my way move before I make you" I said

"Xenovia! Show some respect!"

"shut up" I said to Quarta as I turned back to the seraph

"you seem important so I can give you this useless thing back" I said as I took out the useless blade and threw it to the floor

"conceder this my office separation from your religion" I said as I walked away

"XENOVIA THAT NOT HOW I TAUGHT YOU TO BEHAVE" Quarta as as she walked up to me and grabbed me but I slapped her hand away

"the only reason you are alive right now is out of the fading feelings I have for you so take this as a gift, it's the only mercy you will ever see from me, mongrale" I said to her as I looked her in the eyes as her face showed a lot of emotions before it's stop as she held her head down

"tch worthless scum" I said as I was about to turn and leave I had to dodge a light spear as I grabbed it charged it with a lot of negative energy and smacked Quarta into the wall as I punched her through a few more walls as she landed in the ball room

'damn it' I thought as I looked around to see everyone's eyes on me as I looked around and spotted master as I deleted my presents walked backwards disappearing and ran to master but once I got there she grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me closer

"you will be staying in my line of sight for the whole night understood" she said not even looking at me as I nodded

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * hello my readers..... I've got nothing enjoy and comment

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