(Ruby POV)

'huh annoying little girl' I thought as I let Xenovia go as she became visible again....'where did she learn that' as we made our way back to the leaders

"sorry my student has a problem controlling her anger, but do not worry the problem has been handled" I said as they all nodded as I went back to the side with Xenovia going back to fetch Asia as the both cam back and stood next to me as the night went on with Rias saying that she promises to not lose and sona promising to make a rating game school for everyone, which I found a little limiting since reincarnation will be a thing of the past in a few weeks

"Master are you going to inform her"

"no its going to be a surprise Xenovia and you know I expect you to keep your mouth shut"

"that was the plan Master but you said that you where on limited time here" she said as I looked at her with dead eyes as she quickly looked to the side

'she has a point, I can be teleported at any moment.... I don't care, I'll get xenovia, maybe make her human again..... Nuh she's got it, she's already becoming more human everyday, I'm sure this is probably the swords doing' I thought as I shook my head

"it doesn't matter I've already completed my main mission of training you the rest is unimportant since you will be continuing with my plan if I were to leave Xenovia" I said to her as she nodded as I turned my head and went to Azazel

"yes" he said as I leaned in

"there are a few energy that have entered the property, two outside and two inside" I told him as he nodded and turned to the others

"it seems we may have a slight problem in a few minutes" he said as the others got on guard but Azazel did even bother to get up as he stayed seated

"not to worry we already have one of the best huntresses in the world, so if we could continue" he said in a very relaxed tone

"Azazel boy this is no time for such behavior, if this threat has the the guts to attack us all this means that they are powerful" Odin said as Azazel yawned

"and on any other day I would agree with you but not today" he said as blue magic circle appeared in the middle of the room as a giant wolf with horns on its sides and a silver hair man appeared and a magic barrier wrapped around the mansion

"huh Ruby, Xenovia will you two take care of these two" azazel said as he took out a phone and began playing a game

"understood" Xenovia said as I simply nodded

"loki what is the meaning of this" Odin said as loki just looked at him

"oh its quite simple Odin, this is the beginning of ragnarok, now Fenrir attacks" he shouted as it wolf rushed forward but Xenovia appeared in front of it with sword in hand as she as she swung upward releasing a large amount of negative energy

"what" Loki said in shock at what just happened as I appeared in front of him

"I would focus on myself if I where you" I said as I kicked him square in the face knocking him into a wall as I landed next to Xenovia

"take the wolf, but don't kill it" I took her as she nodded and ran to the wolf as sword passed through my body

"well aren't you rude" I said as I as I took out Carnage as she growled and I began to release silver energy as some devils, angels and fallen fall to the ground in pain

"how dare you touch me worm" loki shouted as a magic circles appeared in front of him as he shot out thousands of divine light attacks as I began to walk forward without a care in the world, slice the energy attacks in half its seemed as if my arms weren't moving as I stopped in front of him

"wha" he tried to say as I grabbed him by the head

"are God's really this..... Weak" I said as I began to move at super sonic speeds smashing his face all over the the ball room a few hundred times then threw him into the middle of the room as he smashed into the floor spitting out blood but I wasn't done as I turned into roses using my super speed to smash onto his back with a larger amount of force as bones broke and a crate from around us, I refored as I jumped off him and turned my attention to xenovia who was sitting on top of the bleeding wolf as I walked towards her

"you..... dare" Loki said trying to get up as his body slowly healed but I ignored him

"you dare do this to me scum I will end you and everyone else in thi-" he could finish as he was teleported away

"huh annoying swan" I said as everyone made way as I walk to Xenovia as she jumped down from the wolf, I looked at her to see that she was injured from the fight with a large claw mark on her back then at the wolf that was breath heavily as the asgardian moved closer

"thank you for your help child but we will be-"

"give him to me" I said as I turned to the valkyrie as Odin and the other leaders appeared

"miss rose Fenrir is the property of the asgardians you can simply take him" the angel said as I looked at him as I heard the wolf growl in anger as I looked at it again to see magic surrounding him, they seemed to be holding something in

"huh you must think I'm asking no no no" I said as my darkness was released as they all except Xenovia and Azazel took a step back

"I'm telling you, as of this moment his mine" I said

"huh very well since you stopped Loki and your student stopped Fenrir, I can offer it to you as a reward" Odin said as the others where shocked as I nodded then looked at Xenovia

"you where able to defeat a God killer by yourself, so I believe he will be best in your hands Xenovia" I said as this shock everyone

"no you can not do this" one of the nobles said as he stepped forward

"we can not allow this low class scum to keep the dog"

"yes I do agree this simply will not stand"

"it would be better if it was give to one of the nobles or our children instead of the low class trash"

"scum like her should not be allowed to have such power it belongs to the nobles" the devils began to add there useless opinions as I simply look at them then Xenovia as she simply yawned, I smiled for a second the turned to the devils as I held up my hand then snapped my fingers releasing a shock wave of darkness shutting them all up

"show of hands who among you feels that my decision to give my student a gift is wrong" I said as two brave souls lifted there hands and end then exploded into a bloody mist

"ohhhhh it seems that they died oh well whos next" I said with an evil smile as non stepped forward

"good now I believe that would be the end of that, I deeply apologize for the inconvenience, you may all continue on with your night" I said as I walked to the wolf and looked it straight in the eyes

"go outside and wait" I told him as I released some darkness as it stood up and ran outside

"insure nothing happens to him Xenovia" I told Xenovia as she nodded and followed the wolf

'huh I would keep him if my time here was not limited' I thought as we went back as the leaders finished there meeting and agreed to an alliance

"now we will have to deal with loki" azazel said as he sighed

"true while my seals are powerful, they won't be able to hold him for long" the green haired devils said

"huh and it would take to long for us to get to him" sirzechs add as I looked at them as If they where dumb but left it

"brother, send us, we will stall him till back up arrives" Rias said with Sona and her peerage ready

"while that does sound like a good ideai don't think we will-" azazel said but he was cut off

"I refuse to help, your on your own" I said as Azazel sighed

"we there goes that plan.... Look at that kiddies, looks like we'll be using you for this" he said with a smile

"now go and prepare, you gave five minutes, oh and I've also have someone that will be helping you" he said as a blue magic circle appeared with vail, kuroka, the monkey and two blonde

"vail what are you doing here" Issei said

"well it seems like we will be working together red dragon emperor" Vail said as he looked around till his eyes stopped on me as his body shook as he took a step back as his group had shocked expression

"huh Xenovia Fenrir" I called out as xenovia appeared along with a black wolf with green eyes

"you called master" Xenovia said as Fenrir bowed his head as I looked at him and felt Xenovia negative energy all over Fenrir and the old one was gone

"what the hell" azazel said looking at the wolf as Odin swollod as the wolf ignored them

"we talked for a while, then he agreed to be my familiar, but Shatter did something now his like this" she answered as we nodded

"okay then, anyways I'm sure you already know what's happening right" Azazel said as she nodded again

"yes I was able to hear you all" she said as Azazel raised an eyebrow

"good go to your group" he said as she nodded and made her way to the gremory group with Fenrir as she ignored the twin tailed angel who was trying to get her attention

"since you all are going to be risking your live, Rosewiese will be helping you and if back up doesn't arrive I will be sending a copy of thors hammer, Mjölnir" Odin said as the silver haired woman stepped forward as Fenrir growled as I looked at him

"I hope you will be fighting with you partner, Fenrir" I said as he nodded

"good now, I want you all to remember that you will be fighting a God, theres a high chance that he will have something under his sleeve and since Ruby took Fenrir, there's a strong chancethst he will be throwing everything he has at you so do not let you guard down" Odin said as they nodded as I looked at Xenovia and began to do some hand signs

'don't not fight the God, give the others a chance to do something' I signed as she nodded as a circle appeared below them as they where teleported away as Asia came up to me along with Gasper

'I've been giving lessons on a lot of things....maybe I should give her some of my book.... I'll ask Azazel to help her once I'm gone'

"miss rose do you think Xenovia and the others will be alright" Asia said as I looked at

"huh it should be no problem for Xenovia

since she was trained by me" I said as we went to a separate room as a display of the battle field could be seen as the leaders sat down along with a few devils

"miss rose" the blonde angel called out as I looked at him


"are you sure it was wise allowing Xenovia to fight" he said as I raised my eyebrow

"yes the knight of the gremory-" one of the devils said but stopped

"my student is not an object she has a name" I said as I looked at the black hair purple eyes devil

"yes of course, as I was saying Xenovia seemed to have been injured by Fenrir in there fight and it did not seem like she got heal" he said as the others nodded as I signed in irritation

"huh she will be fine she been able to fight me with 99% of her bones broken this is nothing, but I do hope that they actually make this... interesting" I said

'xenovia can force her energy to move her body for her, it's a skill she discovered when fighting me'

" the girl was train by you and she was able to fight and beat Fenrir alone" Odin said

"don't forget about Tiamat" the green haired devil said as everyone looked at him


"yes from what I was told by Tiamat, Xenovia and her fought to a stand still before Tiamat

agreed to be her familiar" he said as this caught the devil attention

"how is that even possible, is she not just a reincarnation"

"well she was able to survive ruby's train, which was getting beat to near death everyday" Azazel said as they looked at me

"well to be honest I was aiming to kill her but that girl has a crazy amount of will power, I'm sure that you could stab her in the heart with a light spear she would still continue to fight, like she the physical imbodment of what doesn't kill makes you stronger "

"well if that true it would be best if we promote her to middle class" the black haired purple eyed devil said as a wave of darkness smacked on to him

"are you trying to insult me devil" I said as my eyes glowed

"if you are to promote my student you will do so correctly and give her a title she deserves understood"

"yes miss rose"

"good know I think it's starting" I said as they all turned to the screen

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I need to answer a question I got

Shatter gender is not known so I will say she and he

Oh and I'll be answering questions today