40 I declare war

(Ruby POV)

A few minutes ago

"oh it seems that it's starting as you said ruby" Azazel said as they all turned to the screen as loki broke out of his seal and summoned a snake, two wolves and a woman

"no his brought Hel with him" Odin said

"why is that a problem" I said as he looked at me

"Hel is our death God and the second strongest behind Thor in power" Odin said as I could see worried faces on the two Satan but that ended once they saw Xenovia disappear, followed by an explosion as it switched to Hel who blocked an attack

"huh looks like Xenovia has decided to fight Hel" Azazel said as I nodded

"how can this be"

"oh what now old man" I said irritated

"Hel has a special ability that effect her surrounding area and kills anything that touches her" he said in a panic

'ohh she should be good, with Shatter and the fact she can take a crazy amount of negative energy'

"huh the that shouldn't be a problem for her then" Azazel said as the others began to watch the fight as Hel and Xenovia clashed with each other

"huh it seems that she's losing"

"huh yeah but she still has her bracelet on, and she hasn't used her sword since the fight started" I said as Xenovia got kicked into a mountain but after a few minutes she came out and took her bracelet and transformed

"ohhhh she's get serious now huh" azazel said as xenovia disappeared and was able to land a clear hit on Hel who bearly moved

"hy Azazel how strong would you say she is with her weights off"

"mid ultimate class, but you said she was able to fight Tiamat so it in the air right now" he said as I could feel the anger coming from the devils as I smiled but the anger soon turned into fear once they saw Xenovia launch a giant ball of negative energy

"what the hell" one of them said

"I'm guessing she learnt that from Grayfia" sirzechs said as I shook my head

"is she a descendants of a hero"

"no its just her and this one daily beat" Azazel said pointing at me

"I still don't understand" one of the devils said confused

"because you have not seen them fight, this little demon here is the definition of mercyless and that one over there has a unyielding will to live and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" Azazel said

"I'll take your word for it then, but while we are here why don't we talk about her ranking, she has already showed that she is ultimate class in power" sirzechs said with the non devils going back to watch the fights

"but she is not a high class devil, she is still a low class and just promoting her to high class would cause havoc in our society"

"true but I believe that in order for one to be promoted they need to do something that is recognized by the Satan, and this right here is all we need" Azazel said and then sighed

"huh it's obvious that this will take a while and I don't have the energy for it" I said as I got up from my seat and began moving for the door and proceeded to leave

"I guess she has a point, may as well end this meeting, I've got a few things to do anyway" Azazel said as the others nodded as they got up with Azazel on my tail as he teleported us to the battle field as I went over to Xenovia spoke to her for a little bit as I looked around to see that the others had mostly fear in there eyes

'is this a problem?... Nah it's fine' I thought as I gave her a pat on the back as we had to leave and went back to the gremory mansion to drop off the kids and then I went back to earth and began to release the toxins into the air in different locations all over the world and create parts for a machine I have planned for the future

"huh it's going to take a while before it starts kicking in..... Huh maybe I should free most of the monsters in hell, but I'm sure the God's will try to subject them..... To bad humans are defiant and it's even worse now since they are no longer idiots isn't that right three eye stalker" I said as I look to the side as a three eyed black haired kid stepped out of the shadow

"huh you where able to find me out huh"

"yep so why are you stalking me weirdo"

"well first of all my name is Shiva and second I'm interested in your plan and maybe add a little to it"

"okay then, but you do know I've basically finished up right"

"yes yes that not what I'm talking about"

"okay then what"

"the monsters thing let me in on it"


"yeah you see a few thousand years ago I forced every god to separate themselves from the mortal world so humans can have there time to grow and become stronger since religion was hold humans way back and only when science arrive things started moving but it was also limiting in a way as human stopped going beyond there limits "

"and thanks to my little push"

"the world future has become unreadable and I love it, so as a thanks I am going to give to my blessing"

"no thank you, you can give my student Xenovia but make sure you give her a test I've taught her that nothing is ever free"

"okay than how about I help you with that monster problem"

"I'm listening"

"we a few thousand years ago the world was filled with monsters, demon and giant of different kinds that people know read in stories and those monsters where sealed away by Yhwach with my help of course"

"okay but I don't think I would have time for an adventure like that"

"yes that is true you do only have 4 week give or take" he said as I looked at him

"huh I shouldn't be surprised anyways give me the location and Xenovia will do it" I said as he as he explained to me that the seal was in a dimension where an hour on earth is equal to a year in there and he also told me of the final monster in there as I smiled with him teleporting away

"this is going to be fun" I said as I pull out my scroll and called Azazel

"hy Azazel inform them" I said as I smiled and turned into roses and disappeared

"I declare war"

(xenovia POV)

It's been a weeks since I last saw master and I've been so bored with everyone here, well other the Asia and Gasper who I've been helping since master left, but everyone else sucks so much, it also doesn't help that they are terrified of me but I kind of like it

Anyways right now we where at school in the student council office, with Sairaorg and his peerage, Irina, another angel I don't care enough to know and the Slash dog team

"xenovia what do you think they call for us, since they've asked Sairaorg and his peerage to come here as well" Asia asked as placed my hand on Fenrir and began to rubbing him

'master please' he said as if he hated it but his tail gave it away, speaking about Fenrir he's been acting more like a dog mixed with tsundere, so much so that I would forget that his a thousand years old killing machine that has the ability to kill Gods in one bite and grow to the size of a house and I've seen him spend a lot of time with Gasper and has taken a liking to Asia but the others yeah he cares not for them, hates Roseweiss tho

"ohh you like it so stop complaining" I said as he growled, I giggle as the doors opened and Azazel Sirzechs, Serafall and Michael walked in as Azazel went behind Sona's desk and sat down placing his feet on the desk as I saw Sona's eye twitch

"brother what's the emergency that you call all of us here" Rias said worried

"yes I was wondering the same thing" sona said and then looked at Azazel

"and lord Azazel can you take your feet off my desk" she said as he smiled

"no" he said simply

"anyway all will be explained in time right now I just want to say something, Xenovia" sirzechs said as I looked at him


"you are being prompted to high class" he said with a smile as I heard a few gasps

"okay" I said cause I really don't care

"Xenovia this is a big news shouldn't you be more excited" Rias said as I shook my head

"no not really, it's an incorrect ranking and its pissing me off" I said as they all went silent as Azazel broke out laughing

"anyways the reason why I call all of you here is because we have and emergency and we need all the help we can get"

"you mean the idiots behind the door and yes I know your there, come out" I said as the door opened and Vail and his group came inside as Fenrir began to growl as he grow till he reached the roof as agreen energy began to flow out of him

"huh I had a felling something like this would happen" Azazel said as he looked at me

"calm down Fenrir you'll get your chance when you get it" I said as he began to shrink to his smaller size

"huh now the to why we've called you all here" Azazel said as a screen appearing behind him as it should an image of a giant three leg machine, shooting some sort of energy into the ground, with a combined force of supernatural begins attacking it with magic as the hit it created a large explosion but as the bust cleared it was still standing as the deing began to dropped dead with there heads missing

"what is it, who's responsible for this" rias said angry as she watched devils die

"it's what I would like to call a terraform, in theory it has the power to change the planet into what the the creator wants which in this case is a planet that would be hostile towards us"

"who is the cause of this"

"well I'm sure some of you know her" he said as the camera zoomed in closer to see master sitting on a throne with bodies of angels, fallen angels, devils and others around her

"we tried send some of our forces but they didn't last long" Michael said a little sad

"huh you are all idiots" I said as they turned to me

"xenovia that was-"

"shut up Irina, the man and woman were sent to there deaths, but I have a feeling that I know her goal"

"yeah, she was with me for a while and over time I head her talk about how the humans of this world where weak and how they are treated as nothing bt trash" he said as he pulled out a vile of a red liquid

"this is what I found in my lab and some notes and after feather study, I found out that this is something that will increase a humans and animals power to stupid levels and increase there overall strength by a few hundred, it also has some other effects"

"I don't see a problem"

"yes well some don't feel the same, humans out number the supernatural world 100 to 1 and if they where to get this power we may have a war" Sirzechs said

"the balance would be distributed" Micheal followed

"really is this really that bad?" I asked

"yes from her notes this will comply separate humans, meaning no more hiding, no more tricks and no more reincarnation"

"and there belief would disappear which is bad for some of us, Christianity"

"and the fact that she's planning a war on the supernatural world" Azazel said

"huh this really bad huh" Issei said as I looked at him to see that he had no idea of what was going on

"yes and we need your help to stop her or at least that machine" serafall said

"yes and since you all have knowledge on how she fights it could be some help"

"and by all we mean Xenovia so if you have anything to add Xenovia" azazel asked as he looked at me followed by everyone else

"this mission is doomed to fail but I guess I could add something" I said as I thought for a second

"first thing you all need to understand is that Master is extremely fast to the point that if she wanted to, she could kill us all in the blink of an eye, she has Godlike senses, sneaking up on her is impossible, her aura shield are strong enough to take ultimate class hits, she can become untouchable for as long as she wants to but can't attack back so we have that, she's also smarter than all of you so tricks won't work for long, she can heal most wounds"

"okay is that all"

"no anyways, if we're lucky master will hold back seeing you as play things then enemies and this is where we want to be, to be seen as play thing and hold her of till we destroy that machine as this is our only hope with the power we have right know" I said as I could see there faces disapprove of this plan

"what I will not be-" vali said as I cut him off

"you will if you want to live but if her eyes start glowing we failed and all hope will be lost as most of you know" I said as some of them knew and vali clicked his tongue and step

stepped back

"huh what are our chances" Sona asked

"it all depends on master if she's in a good mood, but I think this will fail so I sacrifices must be made" I said as I got more gasps

"what are you talking about xenovia" Irina said as I looked at her

"send a lot of man and women to there deaths constantly for the next few days and we'll study and tire her as much as we can before sending stronger enemies, but she only needs a seconded maybe less of sleep every few weeks" I said as Master has told me that she has been doing some crazy things with her speed learning more and more

"we can't do that" sirzechs said as I looked at him

"well that's my plan since even when we fought, master always held back so I don't know her limits, if she even has any"

"I see then we'll have to go with the first option and pray to God that she's in a good mood" Micheal said

"isn't he dead" I said

"XENOVIA!" Irina shouted as I rolled my eye

"eat my ass, anyways you'll need to be at least ultimate class, that means we need help to boost our power as much as possible with in a few days before that thing does its job and we all become fucked" I said as I pointed at the screen

"huh I think I have a way to increase your power with in a day" Azazel said as my eyes want black

"calm down, anyways there are a few dimensions that operate at different time frames from earth like the underworld for example, but there's a problem"

"most of those dimensions are dangerous" Micheal said as a place that looked like the underworld appeared

"from the atmosphere to the land itself, this is not including the monsters in some" Azazel said as a image changed to what I can only call hell appeared it changed from forests with black trees and a green sky to ice land of pure that looked normal but I knew better

"this is the best one as the time here flows way slower, that an hour is equal to a year but there are others that are not as dangerous and you chances of surviving are 100%" he said as the others nodded

"then I believe that the first one is the best for all of us" Sona said as the others nodded

"yes we'll also be going with you, hopefully we can give you that pushed that you need to win and hopefully end her" sirzechs said as I raised an eyebrow

"I'll take the second one" I said out loud as everyone looked at me

"haha I knew you would say that, that's why I showed it in the first place" Azazel said

"xenovia you can't be serious"

"I am I feel like I would banfit more in that dimension than in the first one" I said simply as Rias step up to me

"Xenovia while I understand, you are my knight and a knight stays by her kings side" she said as I shook my head and looked at her with dead eyes

"that maybe true Rias, I don't think training with all of you would do me much good, since you all would hold me back, but it doesn't matter I'm a high class devil now so I can choose to not follow your orders" I said as I moved pasted her

"anyways think you all should focus more on getting stronger because planning for master would be useless, so when do we leave" I asked azazle

"later today so you should use this time to prepare" Azazel said as they all left

"Xenovia wait" Michael said as I turned around


"I just wanted to apologize for what happened to you, Gabriel has informed me of where you anger towards the church stems from and so I would like to apologize to you" he said as he bowed

"I don't need or want your useless apologies, heaven turned it back on me and the church got extremely close to killing me, so I will never forgive or forget" I said as I turned around and walked out with Fenrir

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thank you