(Azazel POV)

"well looks like your fuck, but don't worry I know the girl well she won't go out of her way to destroy the church.... Maybe" I said as I cackled a bit

"that's what you may say but anybody train by that.... girl is a threat and one that has so much hate for the church....." he stopped mid way as he looked down

"I say leave her be, it better that way, who knows she may even remove the corruption from the church hehehe anyways I'm going to go and get a few things to help the gear uses training" I said as I teleported away

(xenovia POV)

As I walked away from the school sent Fenrir with Asia as I decided to take a walk around the town then I stop as I looked around, I could feel eyes on me or someone watching as I took out Shatter and got on guard as I began to look around

"wow you actually felt me impressive" a voice said as I charged and energy ball in my hand as I fired it at the source as a figure jumped out as I dashed at it with Shatter ready

"wait wait wait" he said as he blocked my strike with a finger this caused me to jump away as I my eyes turned black as I began to absorb more negative nature energy but was slapped in the back of the head

"calm down, idiot" I looked behind me to see Master, I jumped at her to gave her a hug but I passed through her and ended up hitting the ground face first but I soon got up

"master it's so good to see you again" I said with a bow before she gave me a smile

"you to Xenovia but I came with bad news and good news"

"what" I said as I looked her in the eyes as she sighef

"well let's start with the good news, first of this here is Shiva the strongest God in this universe and he has agreed to give you his blessing" Master said as I looked at the boy

"ohhh then I will have to refuse there's nothing free in this world especially when it comes to gods" I said as Master just looked at me with a smile

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHABABAHAHHAHAHAHA you where not lying when you said she would refuse, you certain trained her well even if it was merciless" Shiva said as he continued to laugh

"good that's why we are going to give you a mission" master said as we ignored the God

"ohh what kind of mission" I said a little exited

"the kind that will take years to complete" a voice said as it teleported in as Azazel appeared

"and I'm guessing this aliens with me going to that dimension"

"wow you got that quickly but yes" Azazel said as Master nodded

"you see that dimension is where God and myself sealed away most of the monsters that where on earth and your job is simply, find the seal break it" Shiva said as I looked at him

"oh yeah there's also the thing, that you need to be at least Satan class and stronger to break the seal, I would go for stronger if I were you tho" he continued

"understood" I said knowing that it wouldn't be that hard since I've got Shatter with me and the dimension I would be going to is unforgiving, just my kind of environment

"glad that you feel that way kid" Shiva said as he smiled

"did you just read my mind" I asked as I reached for Shatter

"yes and it a very scary place almost like this one's" he said as he looked at master shivered a little

"okay so what the bad news then"

"I will be leaving in a few weeks" master said as her words broke me a little

"then I'm coming with you" I said as she pulled me into a hug as tears began to flow from my eyes as I full on cried

"if only it was that simple xenovia, but it can be so" she said in the kindest voice I've ever heard from her as I wrapped my arms around her

"it's not fair.... It's not fair" I sobbed into master shoulder

"I know but this is part of life Xenovia, it may not be the reality you wanted but it's here and you need to accept it, that's why I'm going to give you a final test" she said as she pulled away from me and lifted my head up

"when you come back, I want you to be a challenge to me" she said with a smile as she turned into roses and disappeared, I wiped away my tears as I looked around to see I was the only one in the park as I head to Issei house, went straight to my room and got my combat outfit and went to the bathroom as I got undressed and then looked at myself in the mirror for some reason

As I ran my hands all over my body

"damn when did I get so ripped" I said as I looked at my stomach

"one two three four five six" I counted as I looked at myself and the scars and wounds that where all over my body almost in a pattern

'damn' Shatter said as she appeared in the mirror

"shut up pervert and get out of the mirror" I said as I went to get the shower ready

'no but what did you think would happen, mother is the one that's been training you to be the perfect killing machine some improvements where going to appear' he said as her eyes roaming, I sighed as I heard a knock on the bathroom door

"xenovia can can I come in" Asia said from behind the door

'we are both girls sooo'

"sure you can come in" I said as the door opened as Asia walked in with nothing but a towel on as she stared at me for a full minute as her face turned red as I walked closer to her to close the door behind her then looked at her

"hy Asia you okay" I said with a smile as I broke out of he world as she turned a deep color of red

"hmm oh yes I'm fine Xenovia" she said as she took a step back as I nodded with a straight face but inside, I was a mess

"okay then I'm going to take a shower you can have the tub" I said as I went into the shower as I took a deep breath in then out as the water went down my body as I closed my eyes and tried to relax but after a minute the shower doors opened as a pair of arms wrapped around me


"yes Asia"

"what do you think of me"

"well I think you a super nice person to be around and-" I was cut off mid sentence

"that not what I meant and you know it" she said as I looked behind me to see her pouting as I sighed and chuckled a bit

"fine, every time I'm near you, I want nothing more then to hold you in my arms and never let go, to protect you, destroy all those that would hurt you, when I with you I feel warm and strange , when I asked Master she said that I should figure it out by myself and you know what I think I figured it out" I said as I turned around and lifted her to my level since she was shorter than me as I looked her in the eyes

(lemon or lime but it's Yuri action or trying)

"eep" she said, I giggled and moved in to place a kiss on her lips and broke away

"I think I'm in love with you Asia Argento" I said with a smile as she had tears in her eyes then quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waste as she pulled me into a deep kiss as I became shocked that Asia did this but I soon stopped caring as I kissed back and then began to dominate her as I moved her to the wall and I slipped my tongue into her mouth, she moaned from the pleasure as I broke the kiss and began to travel down her neck, nibbling her neck as I got to her breast

As I smiled a little, she turned away with a face as red as Rias's hair as I opened my mouth and began to suck

"ahhhh haah haah!!" she moaned as I took my other hand and began to fondle with her boobs as she moaned even louder

"xenovia..... Haah something... Somethings come AHHHHHH! " she said as she screamed out in pleasure as she fall onto my body as she took some deep breath after her first orgasm as I let her rest for a minute before lifting her up and placing her on my shoulder as her honeypot was in front of my face as I looked at her

"don't look" she said as she covered

"trust me you will enjoy" I said as she nodded and moved her hands

"you ready" I asked her as she simply nodded

'come porn don't fail me now' I thought as I went in as I start licking her folds as she moaned and began to move her hips as she became extremely wet, I then went for her clit and began to move my tongue around it as she began to breath heavily as her moans became louder as I slipped my fingers inside her honeypot as she scream out again, I lightly bite down on her clit as this drove her over the edge as she wrapped her legs and arms around my face as she cum all over my face

"well that was something" I said I looked up to see that she passed out

'look at what you did to the poor girl, you should be ashamed of yourself '

"eat my ass Shatter" I said as I clean Asia up along with myself as I carried her off to bed as I layed her down, got drassed tied my hair up and placed Shatter on my back

"it will only be a day, I promise I'll be back" I said to her as I kissed her on the forehead as she arms wrapped around my neck pulling me closer into a deep kiss

"you better, or else I will try and force miss rose to go get you" she said with a pout as I just smiled at her threat

"promise" I said as I gave her one last kiss as I left the room closing the door behind me as Fenrir was waiting outside the door

'master I will be coming with you'

"normally I would refuse and say that this is my mission and my mission alone" I said as I kneeled down and grabbed his face and began rubbing him as he growled but his tail was waving from side to side extremely fast

"but today is a new start, so come on we've 24 years ahead of us" I said as he head his head up high as we teleported to the school and went to the student council office

"ahhh Xenovia, so good of you to join us" Azazel said as I nodded and began to explain there training and other nonsense

"now the Xenovia since your going to hell the most I can do is give you this" he said as he gave me two crystals

"this is a heal crystal, it's not Asia twilight healing but it should be enough and this is a storage crystal there's book on magic and writing material" he said

"thank you" I said as I took the two crystal as he snapped his fingers as a portal opened as the other leaders where shock by this for some reason

"anything I should expect" I asked

"the monsters and demons range from high class to ultimate class they also have a habit of moving in packs, so good luck" he said as I nodded and then walked forward

"XENOVIA wait!" an irritating voice from behind me said as I rolled my eyes as I turned around


"I-I just want to give you this" she said as she pulled out a necklace

"it's cursed" I pointed out to her

"I'm sure you didn't know it was most probably the person who gave it to you so I don't mind" I said as I sighed

'you know she does feel bad about what happened right, and she's really been'

'I know but forgiveness is something I don't have'

'fine, if they think you still hold hate and have no ties-'

'yeah yeah'

"hy Irina" I said as I looked at her


"your forgiven" I said as her mood change as she went for a hug but I placed my hand in front of her stopping her

"no and see you in 24 years" I said as I jumped into the portal with Fenrir

"well now then" Azazel said

"hy lord Azazel" Kouki Samejima

"what's up"

"that girl just now you sent her to that dimension without a fight, some of us already asked you but you refused"

"yeah would it be better to have more years to train like xenovia" saji asked

"well that's actually simple really..... Xenovia has a very very very high chance of surviving a full 24 years and come out with her mind still intact"


"where I sent her is not just a dangerous dimension filled with monsters but the dimensions itself has property's that slowly turns you mad and then makes you a monster, if you are weak of mind"

"and xenovia can handle this.... Please Azazel this sounds like favoritism to me" Serafall said a little angry

"that because it is and I've seen enough to say that she can survive and they can not, now shut up and get ready, because as of this moment you will be training to fight a monster can kill you in one hit so expect your training to be pure hell and you will die if you do not improve or listen to me" he said as they where all teleported away

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Huuuuh... Time to explain. Now before I say anything Xenovia x Ruby can not work because if I send Xenovia to Remnant it will Clos and future stories for her

Then the lemon..... I tried so don't judge, like I didn't know it would be that hard, next is that the power system is fucked from this point, it's because I've wrote about 20 something thousands words, of shit that just came to me and I'm at the war but I don't know how to do it huh oh well I will focus something out of me

Sorry for the wait and there's a chance I will be taking a break but I will be posting what I have sorry

Thank you all