(five years later)

And true to my word, I did not die was in constant pain as I fought to survive for the first year, I fought monster way stronger than the ones in the forest, like at a point I gave up on classing them and I was also handicapt since the cold refused to allow me to move as I wish

My speed and strength had been heavily decreased and thanks to the fact that this place was mostly mountains the air was thin, so yeah I was operating at minimum power, like it knocked me down to high high class in power

But it took me a year to get used to it, effect still there so I hard to train every day of every hour to get back to my original power with Fenrir taking care of my food and some of the fights since he was not effected by the cold, this went on for two years before I adapted to the climate and could fight the monster, but this was only because I got back to my old level before the icy trap, so I'm twice if not more stronger than I was three years ago

And for the rest of the years I trained, always increased the intensity and fighting the monsters of an hourly basis and this is because I stand out like the sun in the darkness of space, Shatter said that it's because my physical strength is equivalent to my magical power and since I've neglected it for so long and even with her help we've only have 20% of it under control the rest is leave my body at a stupidly high rate

But other then that nothing much has changed, my physical appearance is still the same.... Well I did get taller and a little muscler but not hulking

'Xenovia your lying again, you hair is touching the ground, you boobs got big and a little muscle please you look like you kill dragons with your bare hand and while I do agree that your not super muscler, your still strong Xenovia'

"shit up, I do kill dragons and there not that big" I said as I looked at my chest

'I mean there on the same size as the black cat'

"shut up, and you know I've been planning on cutting them off, these things get in the way some times"

'what is wrong with you, if there such a problem why don't you just tie them up'

"because" I said as I moved her closer

'fine I'll tell Asia then' she said as I stop and looked at her

"tch snitch, anyway" I said as I threw her as she went through an ice wall as it passed through the other side, there was a loud screeching sound as I slowly walked to where I threw my sword

"huh it's a wrath, probably a more of them somewhere" I said as I pulled my sword out of the humanoid ice covered monster

As I kneeled down, since you one of the intelligent monsters

"I'll give you an out this time, the wound on your stomach should heal in time" I said as I got up and walked away as Fenrir moved out of my shadow, it's one of his newest powers

'master was that wise, letting it go'

"yes, those things behave like humans from what you've told me and have the same gang mentality as all the monsters here" I said as I continued walking through the snow

"and besides, I don't feel like mass genocide today, maybe tomorrow" I said as he nodded and went back inside my shadow as I went back to my aimless walking, because I had no idea where the seal was so there was no point in walking in a set direction

"you know you have been spending a lot of time in my shadow these days, Fenrir" I said as I walked through the snow

'it nice in here master'

'and his been eating the power you've been releasing' shatter said as I giggled

"huh its no bother the energy was wasted anyway" I said as I came across a cave with a strange mixture of energy

"ohhh this seems promising" I said as I walked into the cave

'strange there are no monsters here' shatter said as I nodded in agreement

'you're right, I'm sure it's the energy around us, must be harmful to the monsters here' I said as I went in but as I got closer it became increasingly hard to stay conscious as I was hit with a incredibly amount of power as this forced me on my knees

As I got up I began to move back until I was out of range

'well looks like we found the seal' shatter said

"true, it makes sense why they told me, I needed to be strong then a Satan class devil"

'damn I thought we where Satan class already' shatter said angry

"no we are high ultimate class near Satan class" I said as I sighed

'but we where able to fight tiamat to a draw'

"that may be true but Tiamat severely underestimated, she was in here dragon form so dodging her attack was child's play and adding a sword that can slice through her scales like butter"

'yea but-'

"your also forgetting that master is a monster hunter and when she wasn't beating me into the ground she taught me ways on killing monster ten times stronger then me, but even so tiamat is a dragon on the same level in power as Serafall and Grayfia"

' okay then what was you level before coming here'

"high low ultimate class and with our transformation mid ultimate class"

'then if that the case then shouldn't we be on Satan class if you transform'

"no the gap is just that wide with each level"

'huh' she said as I nodded

"yeah don't you know this, Azazel explained it to us years ago"

'you forget I sleep 99% of the time and I'm like ten'

"okay I'll put it this way, a true high ultimate class like myself can fight 50 or more mid ultimate class without a problem"


"yea I'm sure you noticed it"


"huh high ultimate class beings are only ultimate class in power or one espect of themselves, thats why Issei was able to overpower Loki, even tho the gap between there power was that wide" I said as I crossed my arms

'so your saying that Issei won because he was physically stronger and faster'

"yep, but that's because of his gear"

'okay why did you say true'

"well I'm an ultimate class in power and physical strength, well my speed and strength maybe on Satan class if we weren't limited by the cold and the dimension" I said as I got up and left the cave

"since we found the seal, we can start with the second part of the mission"


"yep, I'll spend four more years here, fighting the strongest monster, I'll also be train using those methods master and Azazel told me about"

'ohhh you mean the ones that have a 75% chance of you dieing'

"training with Master was higher" I said with a smile on my face as I left the cave

(4 years later)

It doesn't seem as if there's a limit in my growth, four the past four years my power has been increasing in leaps and bounds and it doesn't seem to be slowing down as I've now reached the level of a satan class

Thanks to that I have been able to move through the cave to find the source of the power

As I moved through I came across a giant opening and in the middle was a black slab with strange writing on it, but as I went to touch it I was blasted a few steps back as I looked at my chest to see burn marks

"I see, definitely holy energy" I said as a green energy began to flow of my body burning the holy energy out

"huh annoying" I said as I disappeared and appeared in front of the seal and punched it full force as cracks appeared all over it as I jumped away as a spark of holy energy flashed through the seal as it began to fix itself

"still not strong enough huh oh well" I said as I began to walk away

'ohh well?' shatter said as she woke up

"yes oh well, this thing can fix itself, so I'll need to destroy it in one shot"

'or just use me and cut it'

"nuh that would be to easy, and I'm here for a challenge remember" I said

'I blame mother, it's like you don't like things to be easy'

"shut up, anyways my time here is up and Shatter seal my magic"

'you do know that it won't stop your body from making more right'

"yes I know and if we do this right my energy should become denser this should decrease the size of my pools make a little manageable, but it's only going to be sealed for about three years then I'll spend the next working on control" I said

'hy where is Fenrir, I haven't heard from him in a while'

"he's been asleep for a while now" I said as I began to move to the other level

(5 years later)

First things fast... I'm naked, now this is not by choice no no no this is because this fucking place melted my fuck clothes with in the first hour, and those clothes were able to tank Tiamats flames

Anyways this place like the ice lands sucks, like do you have any idea how many times I've suffered from three degree burns all over my body, Shatter had to work overtime to insure that I don't die, but after a while I got use to it and was able stay without getting burnt within a year

Thanks to the fact that I sealed 90% of my magic and the 10% went to Fenrir since I found out that his gone into some sort of hibernation so he feeds from me

Anyways thanks to the sealed magic, my body has been getting stronger and better, my hair also has grown out to the point that it's touching the ground and acted as a sort of cover

I also don't need to eat, drink or sleep for long periods of time, three months was my limit before I need to go back to the ice lands and hunt for food and water

I've also have a better handle of my power like 65% of it is under my control so progress

(Azazel POV)

We've just teleported into one of the time dimensions and I instantly regret it for some reason

"okay kiddos, this house" I said as I snapped my fingers as a giant house appeared

"is a safe place, meaning the elements of this dimension I'll not effect you, well for the first mountain anyways"

"wait what do you mean, I don't feel anything"

"because of the protection barrier I had to set up, because if I didn't you all would be on the ground, crying... Wait why the fuck am I make you stay here comfortably your going to fight a demon" I said as I blasted the house into nothingness as I teleported them and myself above ground with a strange forest below, as we stood on a platform I made with my magic

"the monsters here are highly poisonous and range from high class to ultimate class, the air it's thin, the gravity is constantly changing the limit is 5 times greater than earth's, the temperature is extremely hot and extremely cold at the same time and it can somehow effect you separately somehow"

"lord Azazel I don't think this is necessary" Sona said as I looked at her as if she was an idiot

"if you know the monster you will be fighting, but anyways your opinions don't matter just survive, I'll be back in a month to begin your training, any questions"

"lord Azazel"

"yes Sitri" I said as I placed a few seals on them to protect them only in the forest

"what are we going to do about food and water"

"and since you blow up the house we're are we to live" rias said as I raised my eyebrow,

"well that's your job to figure if out, since I'm not going to help and the Satans and Micheal can't save you so survive, but I will give you some information, work as a team" I said as I remember the barrier as the all dropped and teleported back to the other leaders

"what have you done with my Sona-Chan!" serafall said as she flared up her aura

"sent them to where I sent Xenovia a great distance feather then where I sent Xenovia but same place" I said as I blocked her punch with my hand as I grabbed he fist

"would you calm down" I said with a bored look in my eyes

"serafall calm down, Azazel explain before I erase you" Sirzech said as I tried extremely hard to hold in a laugh

"scary but I'll answer your question with a question, why are we training them"

"to fight Ruby and hopefully stop her" Michael said as I nodded

"that's right, an incredible smart, strong and resourceful little demon, that takes down dragons for fun"

"that still?"

"I mean if it was anyone else I wouldn't bother, but this is Ruby, I would like to have all my opinions covered" I said as I stepped back and looked at the red and purple clouds as lightning flashed

"is she really that dangerous?" Michael said as I sighed

'you have no idea'

"no she more, but I'll explain later let me go get the kids" I said as I teleported to the children to see that they where actually able to survive and able to adapt to the climate of this forest thanks to my seal

"huh I'm guessing Sona was the brains of the whole operation, they where able to make shelter and from the way the have that snake I'm guessing they where able to drain the poison...." I said as I looked around to see that some of them where at different locations

"strange, Gasper actually been training himself must have been Ruby and Xenovia influence" I said as I float above ground and watched since only a three weeks had passed since I left them
