(one week later)

It's finally time, since I came back and I am impressed by the kids since they actually got stronger from being dumped into the mouth of a dragon and since I was here I went to check on Xenovia and she's in a coma after eating a highly poisonous lizard, I mean she ate the whole thing, then she fell into a coma, but it seems that Fenrir is actually reliable

"its time" I said as I went to there camp and landed in the middle of it as I looked around to get everyone's location, I snapped my fingers as they where all teleported in front of me

"good your all still alive, now we can get to business" I said as I teleported them back to the other dimension on one of the mountain as they all sighed in relief as I saw anger in some of there eyes as Sona was planning on saying something

"I don't give a damn able anything you have to say, so shut up and listen" I said as the other three teleported in as Serafall ran to Sona and gave her a hug as Sirzechs did the same to Rias

"okay now since you're all happy, it's time i told you about what you will be fight" I said as I got there attention as a white border appeared behind me as a drawing of Ruby appeared

"now the first thing you all need to understand is that Ruby is not physical strong, well not as strong as you think, maybe she's on high class in strength and she has not magic" I said as I could see some spirits lifting

"but this doesn't mean shes not dangerous, while this may be true it doesn't mean she's weak, no her speed is where her true strength is"

"I don't understand why would be speed matters, if she doesn't have magic or strength then she shouldn't be a problem" Saji said as some agreed as the little vampire got pissed

"ohhh you're an idiot then, but you would be right if her speed was normal"


"Ruby tops out at light speed may be faster" I said as only Sona as able to understand what I mean

"I see you need an example" I said as I snapped my fingers and as pure steel cube appeared as little bit behind me as I took a coin

"now I want you to watch carefully" I said as I shoot the coin out as it broke through the sound barrier as it impacted the steel cube, it created a very deep crate in it

"now that was a coin going the speed of sound and light is one million times the speed of sound"

"but it's impossible, nothing with mass can travel at the speed of light even if it could it would get ripped apart"

"your right, nothing with mass can travel at the speed of light, but Ruby semblance works in such away that mass doesn't matter, and she can think fast enough to react at those speeds no issues" I said as Sona went back

"there's also her aura" I said

"like the-" Bikou asked as I cut him off

"soul kind, it acts as a shield and can heal her but it's limited and recharges slowly now to give you a scale, imagine it as a bosses from a game first life"

"huh is there more" Tobio asked as I laughed

"she has what she call a semblance, which is a super power and Ruby's is intangible, super speed and lastly rose burst, you haven't seen it but it's extremely dangerous trust me"

"I didn't mean it" he said as I nodded

"ohh I know but I'm not done, she also has two more abilities, her darkness and light, her darkness is more linked to fear and soul, meaning it can induce a terrifying amount of fear to that will fuck you up and it also has the ability to attack your soul and will erase your soul if it touches, but it is slow and she only use it for fear "

"so she has an interest kill and can move at light speed plus can become a ghost at any moment she chooses and let's not forget her shield"

"yep but she would use her light then darkness, but it's still dangerous as it affects everything not human, it has the same effect as holy energy has on devil but in this case everyone's a devil"

"so we are basically screwed huh" Issei said as I nodded

"at you current level yes, I mean you wouldn't even last a second, but you are going to be train by us and we have a year to get you to a level where you can survive and actually fight back and to give you a little push I will send you back to the forest for a year" I said with a smile as we begin there training

(four years later, Xenovia)

I'm finally on my final year in this dimension, not a lot has changed, I've been able to get my power under control to the point that I can create small spell without them turning into giant fire balls and I've also found a way to increase my physical power ten fold with my magic and create shields that make me night-invincible and I've also found out that my elements are fire, lightning and wind and let's just say that thanks to Master teachings, I can do some crazy stuff, like super charger my cells which increases my speed and creating blue flame tornados

Shatter for her part has been busy as of three years ago, I am no longer a devil it was an irritating posses that took a month of sitting, I lost my devil wings and the boost the piece gave which was nothing and my body was still able to produce demonic energy which mixes with my negative energy and I have also reached super Satan class in all aspects and have learned to limit myself to high class which was extremely hard

Fenrir woke up a few days ago and he was more powerful, it seems that since he went into his coma and feeding on my energy which had no where to go so it made him stronger, by how much I have no idea since his hiding it to the point that it disappears

Anyways right now I'm making my way to the seal

'master let me give you a ride' Fenrir said as he jumped out of my shadow as I just shook my head and jumped on top of him as he beg

began to run

(Ruby POV)

'They really don't want humans to gain an upper hand huh' I thought as I looked at the thousands of supernatural beings where all around my machine, which was just a rip off of the one in Superman it was even the same size and if you wondering how I built, well superspeed and random bullshit, anyway atop of the machine I sat on a throne around my machine where bodies of the ones I killed

As I looked at the supernatural beings, but they didn't move at all, like they where waiting or planning for something

"huh there others should be returning in a day but they would still need time to plan for me" I said as the earth began to shake, my machine actived and began pumping energy into the earth as this coursed a massive gravitional wave as I simply went intangible before it hit, but some, most of the supernatural weren't as they got pushed into the ground some of the were turned to pest, some just had broken bones as I heard so many screams of agony as I began to laugh out loud, I made sure they heard me, the negative emotions of so many, it made my skin crawling with excitement

"I'll finally get the chance to cut loose hahaha" I said as I pulled out Ruthless as shot the invisible person that teleported in as I blow a giant hole in there cheat

I got off my throne and went to the body to see that it was a cat youkai and he was still alive

"ha you are a very resilient worm aren't you" I said as I walked up to him as he spat out blood

"but in your head, how did you think this was going to go, I mean I'm sure you've seen the body's right, and you look young too such a shame" I said as I stepped on his head killing him as I went to my throne as I sat down as a teleportation circle opened as five people stepped out

"greetings Rub-" the black haired man with a spear stopped as they where hit with my darkness as they all frozen in place

"kneel" I said as they dropped to the ground except the buff one

"I'll take an arm and a leg" I said as he dropped to the ground screaming in pain as his right arm and leg was turned into red mist

"what do you want, speaking quickly" I said as I leaned on my arm

"we are here to offer our support in you mission to free mankind"

"ohhh interesting, and what sort of power do you possess that can actually be of use to me, you have seen the body's correct" I said as they where still kneeling

"we have a weapon a powerful one"

"and what can you possibly have that could help" I said

"we have the infinite dragon Ophis" a brown haired boy with glass said

"you mean the child" I said as I looked at them

"no she's millions of years old" the blonde in armor

"and with her power we would be able to fight supernatural creatures and take the world for ourselves" the one with the spear said

"ohh you wish to rule the world as some sort of king no you seem like the type with a God complex"

"THE WORLD Is" he couldn't finish as a slash appeared on his chest

"watch your tone, anyway the world doesn't need your help, humans are smart enough as it is, but you are pro-humanity so here's what's going to happen within a few days from now a battle will take place here between a blue haired girl and myself, but this may change"

"will you be requiring assistance" the female knight said as I took a moment then began to laugh

"no no no she is my challenge and if you interfere I will erase yours souls, anyway after the fight you will go and find her and ask her to bring you to me" I said as the looked confused but nodded

"oh and word of advice stay on earth you won't regret it, dismissed" I said as they disappeared

"huh now we wait... Ha no" I said as I jumped into the air as I turned into roses as I blasted off into the direction of the main camp of the supernatural forces

'let's put the fear of a goddess into there hearts HAHAHAHAHAHAHABABAHAHHAHAHAHA' I laughed as I dropped down into the middle creating a large explosion that killed some and injured most, as I waited for the dust to settle before I reformed

"GREETINGS TO ALL THAT CAME HERE TO DIE, SINCE YOU ALL FEEL THE NEED TO ANNOY ME WITH YOUR STALKING, I HAVE COME TO KILL ALL OF YOU ISN'T THAT GREAT" I shouted for all to hear as I pulled Carnage out as it glowed as they all charged at me with anger in there eyes as time seemed to slow

"I did kill there friends so it understandable" I said as I span my scythe above me as it began to move at high speeds as I waited as they got closer, I extended the chain increasing the reach as I sliced apart all those that where in the path of my scythe, as I began to change the trajectory of the scythe getting the beings all around me at the same time dodging magical attacks

As I threw my scythe into the sky I took out my guns as I turned into a twister of roses as I rained blasted around me shooting everything that moved within a certain distance as I stacked headshot on top of heads hot, I reformed as the ones in the sky began to fall as it seemed as if it was raining bodies

As pools of blood formed on the ground as three beings dressed in Greek old clothes rushed me

'ohhh so these must be God's..... I should kill them' I said as a blade of darkness appeared in my hand as in on single slash I sliced all there heads off before dicing them up


"YOU ARE ALL SO WEAK, HONESTLY HOW DID YOU HAVE THE WORLD IN SUCH A HOLD HAHAHAHAHAHAHABABAHAHHAHAHAHA TO BAD YOU RAIN WILL END, ONCE I'M DONE NON OF YOU WILL BE SAFE" I shouted out to all of them as I noticed the blood moving below me as a complex magic circle appeared below me, as I analyzed it

'so they are trying to seal me up huh, let's give them a little bit of hope that they can stop me' I thought as it active as I 'tried' to escape but it was to late as the seal actived, I was sealed into a cube as I turned into roses and began to rapidly bounce around in the cube hitting every angel with increased speed give the illusion that it worked but as they where too focused on the rose form which was an after image, the real me was at one of the walls as I actived my intangible and passed through as I looked around to looking for the one how created the seal, I followed the magical energy to a group of angels and valkyries

As I looked to the sky to see that Carnages was still coming down as I turned to my rose form and flew to her and grabbed her, turned her into a spear and rigged her to blow on impact and threw her at the sealers, as I went back to the cube as time resumed, and after a second there was an explosion as the seal began to break down

"quickly stabilize the seal before she escapes" one of them said as i turned into roses and flow out

"quickly do not allow her to escape" one shouted but it was to late as I got to the machine I reformed and went to my thrones

"well you seem to be having fun" Shiva appeared

"yeah I thought I would lossen up a little bit"

"I saw but did they really have you in the seal, because I don't believe that they where able to capture you" he said as I laughed

"hahaha it's good to give your enemies hope in a hopeless situation, it keeps them fighting and it also gives me a way out, to be able to work in the shadows and set the ground work for the kingdom that will rise in a few months from now" I said as I yawned

"your really going all out huh should make things interesting"

"yep and since monsters will be returning to earth in a few years if you are correct"

"yep it one thing to seal them its another for them to get out of the dimension so I'll let them out when I feel that the world can handle them"

"I see huh to bad I won't be able to see it huh... Oh well nothing I can do about it" I said as I got up from my chair

"aren't you worried that the other gods will know you here, talking to me"

"nuh, I'm the third strongest for a reason you know"


"oh and what is this machine doing"

"nothing, well something, it's job is to break apart some of the land and create a gravitional around this area creating flouting land, I've got a few smaller ones, on an island I won off Azazel and a few other on random ones" I said as he just nodded and left

"well I think it's time, to prepare for my fight" I said as I pressed a button on my scroll as a pulse of energy was sent out as large chunk of land being to rise off the ground with my machine being the highest with small island around it