Xenovia POV)

'huh it time to destroy that seal, I've been so bored, here all the monsters are to scared to come close to me, so no more fight and there's no more training I can do to increase my power, so the only thing I can do is swim in lava, but that got old, so the monsters are my only hope'

It took us a mouth to get back to the seal since Fenrir decided to take his time, but we did get there so I didn't mind

"a hour trip and you somehow made it a mouth"

'huh I don't know why your complaining master you got to see more of this place' he said as I sighed

"whatever Fenrir let's just break the seal and be done with it, oh and hy Azazel" I said as I looked to the side as Azazel appeared in his armor

"damn you where able to senses me even tho I was basically a ghost"

"yeah its just a seventh sense I have I just know when someone or thing is around"

"that's a bit overpowered but whatever, it's good to see that you have entered the realm of Satans even though you are hiding you power I can tell"

"thank you but what are you doing here"

"I came to tell you something but why are you naked" he said as cloths appeared in his hands as he gave them to me before turning away

"not by choice, the flame lands burn and melt every piece of clothing I have and the crystal also fell victim to the heat but I was able to read all the books before they melted" I said getting dressed

"and the hair it's dragging behind you" he said as I looked at it, he was not lying it almost looked like masters cap when it's long

"I completely forgot, it hasn't really been a problem since I'm stronger than all the monsters, but you said you came here to tell me something" I said changing the subject as he nodded

"ah yes, the group will be in the forest fot the next year so you are going to have to hold off on freeing the monsters for a while" he said and for some reason something in my heart cracked as I drop to my knees but I soon got up

"so any news from outside" I said as l sat down

"yes the dragons refuse to fight Ruby, it seems they took a liking to her from the stores she's told and the fear they have for her which I understand, oh and she just mascared, the combined army of angels, fallen, devils, norce, youkai, Greek and some gods"

"wait how did she kill God's I thought they where immortal"

"well gods are just physical souls so"

"oh I see, darkness it's like a cheat code to life" I said

"yeah but it seems that all hope is not lost as they where able to seal her...." Azazel said as I broke down laughing

"she's definitely fucking with them, but I guess it going to be her way out or something... So how are the others fairing" I asked him as I crossed my arms

"surprisingly they actually did better than what I originally thought they would do"

"oh I've got time"

"will lets start

First, Dulio Gesualdo he is one strongest between all of the kids reaching seraph class 9 months into his training along with his gear Zenith Tempest Balance Breaker he became stronger than Michael and almost on sirzechs level

Second you have the two dragon emperor Issei and Vail I had them fight each other every day and also trained them, there power increased rapidly and they where able to reach high ultimate class in 8 months, but the really boost came when we got a visit for Ophis how gave the two a piece of her power, Issei and Vail got new forms, Diabolos Dragon God for Issei and Diabolos Dragon Lucifer for Vali, these form are incredible powerful to the point that it places them on the level of heavenly dragon class

But it had draw backs, from incredible pain and it only lasted for about two minutes before they became sacks of potatoes "

"so did they solve the problem" I asked as he nodded

"yes I gave them a the miracle drug Amrita which helped them overcome their weaknesses and after a while they where able to maintain there forms for longer

Third is Sairaorg, he is physically an high Satan class able to fight with the first three and his gear Regulus Nemea balance Breaker match Sirzechs Satan form in combat so his super Satan class when in Balance Breaker, his peerage are in between high class and ultimate class

Four is strangely Gasper, who thanks to you and Ruby was able to get over his fear of people, well not completely, he still wears the mask Ruby got him, anyways the kid is a complete monster when his angry it took us all a complete day, of trying to hold him back when Sanji insulted Ruby"

"really what did he do"


(flash back)

'huh it's been six months since we began there training, I'm impressed at the rate there power is growing' I thought as it was night time as I watched the kis sit around a camp fire

"TAKE THAT BACK" I heard a girly shout as I looked around to see Gasper standing up angry

'huh since when-' I thought as I decided to stay back a little

"what that Ruby is nothing but a traitorous little bitch, that deserves nothing more then to be sent to hel-"

"SHUT UP, I SAID TAKE BACK WHAT YOU SAID NOW!" Gasper shouted sounding anger

"I refuse, what are you going to do about it" Saji said as I looked at Gasper and decided to get up and stop this as he started breathing heavily then there was a pause

"shit" I said as I started running as Gasper disappeared and a second later Saji was sent flying as Gasper was standing were he stood as his eyes changed activiting his gear, with the other still frozen at what just happened, I created a light chain and shot it at him, he looked at it my chain as it stopped moving completely and ran towards Saji

"damn it, OI IDIOT STOP THE KID BEFORE HE KILLS SAJI" I shouted at they all got up as Kiba got in front of him but Gasper just froze him in place as he used him as a step, stepping on his face before jumping off into the air as Sonas peerage tried to catch him he turned into bat before appearing above Saji as the boy tried to get away he was frozen in time as Gaspers hand turned into claws ready to rip into the boy

But before he could touch Sanji he was tackled by Sairaorg as he forced him onto the ground

"calm down, Kid" he said but Gasper just bit into his arm and began to suck out his blood

'what the fuck' I thought as Sairaorg got up and tried to shack Gasper off, but it seemed like the little guys grip was that strong as he dug his claws into Sairaorg skin

"enough of this!" he shouted as he raised he arm up an then smashed Gasper into the ground which created an dust cloud, as the dust settled, there was a crate but no Gasper

As I looked around trying to feel where he

"Kuroka where is he" Vali asked



" he's around us in the shadows in the air, his energy is everywhere" she said as the others got on guard as spikes appeared on the ground forcing everyone to dodge

'ohhh I blame Ruby, you can't leave you children with her or she'll turn them into monster'

"Gaspers was born as living darkness, it seems that he has awakened that power of his" I said as the fire was snuffed out as a creep atmosphere rose as shadow monster wolves appeared and tried to chop down on us

'what did she do to the kid forced him to watch horror movies..... Yeah knowing Ruby she probably did' I thought as we heard a few screams as we turned to see Sonas peerage except the for her queen on the ground pale and unconscious it seems they where impaled

'and he can drink the blood of multiple people at the same time fantasy'

"what going on Gasper doesn't behave like this" Rias said as she looked worried

"and when did he start drinking blood I thought he hated the stuff" Issei add in his armor

"you could have fool me he almost drained me dry" Sairaorg said a little angry

"and this way of fighting, picking us one by one" kida said as Sairaorg peerage dropped next as I turned to see bat turning into smoke

"huh the one day I babysit, shit like this happens" I said as my hands glowed before I placed them on the ground as I sent light energy around us

"over there" kuroka said as Vali dashed at Gasper but he was frozen as Gasper punched him in the face a few times as Vali flew away into a tree

"Gasper stop this" Rias said but this went to deef ears as he made a bee line for Saji

"he can't hear you his in a blood rage" I said as Issei and Sairaorg ran to stop him

"if that the case we are going to have to knock him out" Issei said as he blew passed Sairaorg and went in for a punch as Gasper tried to freeze him, Issei was able to break out and continued with his attack

As he fist got close it stopped in place

"what" Issei said a Gasper placed his hand on Issei armor

"blood explosion" he said as Issei dropped to the ground as blood flowed from his armor

'blood manipulation great' I thought as he raised his hand up and closed his fist as the down devils rose from the ground

"I think we're going to have have to sacrifice Saji" I said as I was ready to sacrifice him

"out of the question" So a said as if she had a choice

"fine then keep him safe, he should go back to normal once his out of energy" I said as I dodge an attack from one of the devils

(end flashback)

"after that we spent the whole night fighting Gasper, who had the ability to make darkness mist that drained our magic and his transformation were out of this world" he said as I nodded

"oh yeah that master she found out that he could turn into bat's and also had most vampire abilities, so she began training him saying that she wants to make her own DIO" I said as he sighed

"I knew it, anyways the kid is ultimate class maybe higher, able to freeze time around him even with his eyes closed and can even effect those that are stronger then him since he was able to freeze Issei in his Diabolos Dragon God for a full three seconds so that should give you an indication on how strong he is,

Sanji and Kida are both at ultimate class with Saji get a balance Breaker and kida being able to move a the speed of light or close to it"

"so his as fast as master now"

"yes but Ruby is fast in all aspects, while Kida thinks slower and his stamina sucks

Rias, Akano, Irina, Sona and her queen have officially become ultimate class, Rias is able to copy some of her brothers moves and has increased her control, Akanos lightning is now on his father's level and she is able to sneak around camp without being detected by senjustue users

Irina is a ten winged now

Sona can now use ice magic freely her queen you know her? "


"then you don't care, anyway koneko has a new form, increase he strength and power placing her on ultimate class and since she's been training with her sister who is by far the strongest female in the group"

"okay that enough I can see your getting bored, with your shitty explanation huh I guess I'm back to being the weakest" I said as listening to Azazel say that issei and the others reached heavenly dragon class and super Satan in a year kinda ruined my whole thing

"guess I won't be the one how's going to give Master her fight"

"what are you talking about" azazel said as I looked at him


"huh so you really haven't noticed" he said as I shook my head

"the is a reason why im in my armor and fading, this ice lands as you call them has a very powerful effect on the body to the point that it feels like your power us constantly being decreased, it also has the same effect on the physical body, right now even though in not I'm partly here it's effecting and I think I'm at high class now" Azazel said as I slapped myself

'who knows how much this place is holding me back.... Whatever'

" huh really I noticed something like that when I first came here but I brushed it off, that must also be the reason why this one had to go into his coma, but anyways Azazel I'll do as you ask but before that when we get back, I wish to fight Vali"

"why him"

"his divine divide, have the ability to take half of someone power, so if I'm able to beat him in his new form, it should prove I'm stronger to myself than I fight Issei, then I'll take on Master" I said with a smile as green energy left my body

"okay then I'll be going, don't want to freeze to death literally" he said as he fully disappeared

"huh I wonder how strong we are Fenrir, because is what Azazel says is true"

'it's best not to think about it, so what now master'

"no clue" I said as I began to look through the pockets of my new clothes to find another crystal as I opened it to fine a book

"Touki can be utilized by those who have trained in Senjutsu, through controlling their base of life, in other words creating an aura of life-force around their bodies. As such, it results in a tremendous increase in their offense, defense, and speed. However, there are those who have trained their bodies to the utmost and gained extreme vitality. This even allows the user to counter magic attacks by punching or otherwise striking them"

'master this could be useful if you can mix it with you negative and thunder god mode you should be able to match to surpass miss Ruby' Fenrir said as I looked at him

'he has a point Xenovia with this we would be going to uncharted waters of power maybe even get to Shivas power level' Shatter added

"point let's hope I can pull it off by the end" I said as I went into the cave and there I would awaken my Touki which didn't take long since I mainly trained my body it took a month, but the real challenge came when it was time to mix the three which was a problem since the didn't combine well at first and need a higher level of control so I spent two months meditating, I didn't move from the spot since I found that it was the best way to control and experiment with my power to get it right

After that it was trying to get them to work together which too a about 9 months, but I was able to mix them up and get a mode I call awakened mode but even after two months, it's impossible to control the strength and power out put, so I could end up destroying large mountain ranges with ease

'master you should stop stressing, you've tried everything and it only been two months'

"yeah anyways let's break this seal already" I said as I walked up to the seal raised my hand and gave it a 2 inch punch as the seal blow up completely destroyed as I teleported us outside the mountain as it began to eat itself until there was nothing but a giant black like portal as a minute went by the hordes of monsters flew or ran out the portal as the dimension began to get weak as the gravity lessened the climate began to go change as it wasn't as cold

"ohh I see so the energy that was being released by the seal was the reason for this dimension shit climate, and now it that of earth's" I said as Azazel appeared behind me this time not in his armor

"yea, but I think it's time to go, I'm sure you missed you girlfriend" Azazel said as he giggled

"whatever, but where are the others"

"ohhh they back on earth, I teleported them there once you opened the seal" he said as we watched the monsters fly around as I looked closely

'are they wearing clothes' I thought

"okay then let's go" I said a Fenrir went into my shadow

"yeah before that wear these" he said as he handed me five bracelets

"there to seal some of you power and bring you to a manageable level, so you don't touch someone and kill them or kill them with that negative energy of yours, damn, its like standing next to a nuclear reactor" he said as I looked at him

"really I thought I was holding way back.... Guess I was wrong Shatter"

'yeah that the most we can hold back, so take those bracelets they should help' he said as I nodded and got the bracelets on as I immediately felt my power drop and my body became extremely heavy

"okay then, let's go" he said as we where teleported to the student council office as I looked around at everyone to see that other then an increase in hight, muscle mass and hair, but none of them really changed

"XENOVIA" a voice said as I saw Gasper still in his girl clothes running at me as he jumped at me as I caught him mid air and gave him a hug

"ohhh I missed you so much little guy" I said as he giggled

'but you really didn't think or even talk about them'

'true but that doesn't mean I forgot, I was simply suppressing thoughts that would have made me lose focus since I know for a fact that if I spend days think about the one I cared about to much, I would have become depressed by the seventh year' I thought as I looked at the kid

"I heard you got stronger and you are speaking without your mask, in a crowd room, I'm so proud of you little guy" I said as I began to pet his head as I turned to the others

"greetings everyone, it's good to see you all again" I said with a small bow as I got greeted back

'huh from what I can feel they have all grown a little bit stronger than what Azazel told us' Shatter said as I nodded as Sairaorg walked up to me as I looked at him he still looked the same but his hair was at shoulder length

"I see you've made it back from that cursed dimension in one piece" he said as he held out his hand as I took it to shake but a second in he began to squeeze

"yes, it was irritating at first especially the fire and ice domain's, but I was able to conquer them no problem, but I hear from Azazel that you all spent two years in that dimension, tell me did you get the chance to move to the ice domain" I asked as he was having trouble squeeze since I was now flexing the muscle in my hand

"we tried at first but the climate and the gravity became a problem since we had to be at full power to stay there, I'm guessing you where able to survive"

"survive is a strong word to use, cause I died about six time in a single year, but after that I could" I said as I began to squeeze back as there was a cracking sound as I let go

"so you got stronger that good" he said as I nodded and moved away as I was stopped by Irina who looked a little more mature as she smiled at me

"hy Xenovia"

"hy what's up" I asked

"nothing I just wanted to check up on you, you seem different did you grow you hair out" she said as she giggled

"cutting it because annoying so I decided to leavd it..."

"..... It's good to see you again after so long, but I'm sure it was longer for you, Azazel told us that you got a lot stronger in the 24 years in that dimension, we tried to go and look for you in the ice domain, but we couldn't stay there for long periods of time" she said as I just nodded

'good, all of you following me would have been annoying'

"yeah don't worry about it anyways we'll catch up later, I need to talk to Rias first" I said as I walked passed her and went to Rias who was with Akano, Sona and her queen

"Rias" I said as she looked up at me

"yes Xenovia" she said with a smile

"I'm hear to return this to you" I said as I a magic circle appeared in my hand as a red knight piece was teleported to my hand as I handed it to her

"sorry but Shatter does not wish for me to be a servant" I said as I handed it to her

"how, I thought it was permanent" Sona said as she had a shocked look on her face

"Shatter pushed it out of my soul" I said in a bored tone

"so that means you're no longer my knight" Rias said as I nodded

"yes, I'm back to being full human" I said to them with a smile

"wait if you're no longer a devil, then what the point of you being here, aren't humans weaker then devils and you don't have a gear, don't think you should sit this out" Saji said as I sighed

'ohhhh we have to kick his ass' Shatter said

"Saji stand down"

"ohhhh no its fine Sona" I said to her as I turned to him

"how about a fight a simple one v one, first one to bleed loses" I said with a smile

"huh that should be a problem when and where" he said

"right now on the field we can set up a barrier" I said as Azazel walked back in as I told him what's going on as he sighed and took us to the field with the others following as we got there Azazel made a barrier

"who do you think is going to win"

"my money is on Saji"



"you never know you may get surprised, remember the explosion she made when she fought Hel"

"yeah but Saji is way stronger now" those where the comments I heard

"huh useless comments, have no value" I said as I sighed

"you know it's not to late to quit"

"you say something, sorry I wasn't listening " I said as I crossed my arms

"KICK HIS BUTT XENOVIA" Gasper said as I nodded and placed my hands in my pockets

"if you two are ready begin" Azazel said as Saji disappeared as I looked down to see him standing there as he went in for a punch as I made no effort to dodge as he got me square in the face, I didn't flinch or move as he and everyone else except a few took this as a victory as a dust cloud formed as the ground shook

"I told you" he said as the dust cleared

"yeah, you suck, that punch felt like an

ants" I said as I grabbed be arm and easily moved it away, then flicked him away as he skipped on the ground as he finally stopped himself

"yo I heard you had a balanced breaker, you should use it because you're blows are extremely weak, like I was punched by an imsect" I said as I crossed my arms as this pissed him off

"well to be honest I was holding back not to hurt you since your human" he said as he got up as I rolled my eyes as I raised my finger as I draw a line in the air as a trail of green appeared as it broke apart into small stars

"fine then, this is a move I made to fight masters rose form" I said as I snapped my fingers as the small stars blasted off full speed as they turned into thousands of needles all aimed at him as he made a barrier with his gear canceling my spell

"huh gears are annoying cheat codes" I said as line attached itself onto my arm

"please" I said as I grabbed the line and yanked him towards me as he got closer I flicked him away then brought him back and did it again

"you do realize, I'm a physical fighter right and you draining my energy is nothing right" I said as I continue to flick him but made sure that I was only pushing him away so not to draw blood

"hy aren't you getting bored of this, I mean you like under my mercy right now and I can end the fight at any moment, so can you like active your balance Breaker" I said as he opened his wings and stopped himself mid air as I ripped the line out as it went back to him

"fine you want to see my balance Breaker, so be it" he said in a low tone as I sat down and waited for him as black smoke appeared around him than there was an explosion of black flames

"you have no hope of winning this just give you" he said as the smoke cleared as a man in a black suit of armor with tentacles coming out of it

"huh that interest" I said as I did a back flip to dodge the tentacles that where launched at me as they stabbed into the ground

"I'm guessing these things have the same properties as that line of yours" I said while lazyly dodging his tentacles with my hands in my pockets

'his attack are getting faster, wait were did they go' I thought as the tentacles disappeared as I jumped back out of instincts as holes appeared where I was standing

"ha I see so you are able to erase the presence and make them invisible nice, but I've played long enough there's someone wanting for me so I'll have to end this" I said as sparks appeared all over my body as I disappeared and reappeared above

"look out Saji!" one of the girls said as he looked behind him as I disappeared again and appeared in front of him

"to slow" I said as I punched him through his armor square in the face sending him crashing down into the earth as I landed

"looks like I win huh" I sighed as a few of Sona's peerage went to check on him as Azazel dispelled the barrier

"you know you didn't have to hit him that hard" Sona said as she walked up to me

"hmmm I overestimated him, from the way he talk I thought he'd be able to back it up but oh well" I said as I walked away but was stopped by Rias

"my brother asked us to wait for him to get the other leads so we can discuss a plan on stopping Ruby" she said as I nodded and carried on

"I've got things that currently need my attention, you will sent someone for me if the need arises" I said as I disappeared and ran full speed to the house as I got to the door I casted an illusion on me as I went inside

"ahhh Xenovia I see your the first one back"

"yes sorry but have you seen Asia is she in"

"yes she's in your room" Issei mom said as she smiled

"thank you" I said as I ran up stairs open my door to see Asia as I ran to her picked her up as I spun her around as she giggled for a minute before I pulled her into a hug then ended it by giving her a deep kiss full of passion as she kissed me back as we made out for a few minutes before breaking it off

"you have no idea how much I missed you" I said as I dropped the illusion still holding her up

"hehehe it was only a day"

"for you hm" I said as i turned my head to the side while pouting but her hands landed on my cheeks as she slowly turned my head as I looked at her as she smiled

"maybe you could tell me all about it" she said as I smiled back and went for another as she wrapped her legs around me as I went to the bed

But as my hand moved under her skirt some idiot teleported into my room unannounced

"Xenovia the meeting has..... Ohhh I didn't know you two where-" before that person could finish I punched them out the window as they flew through the air

"stupid cat" I said as I sighed as I looked at Asia

"well looks like we'll have to continue this some other time" I said as I went over to her as I kissed her one more time before I disappeared

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This was supposed to be like three chapters but life

Anyways I hope you all enjoy took me a long time to write