As I landed I reformed as I began to make my way to the safe house or as I got closer I felt a few creatures

"I see it's time for me to test out my new weapons" I said as I moved the sword to my side as I grabbed the sword as the dust blades span and stopped on yellow dust which was lightning, as I waited as wolves with black spikes and electricity flowing around them

'monster of the gods, show me what you can do' I thought as I side stepped dodging an attack from behind

"ohh to loud" I said as in one motion I drew my sword and sliced as it landed and stopped moving before

*click* as its head fell off

"huh it was a little bit off" I said as they all charged at me as I dashed forward, disappeared as I reappeared in front off one wolf as I stabbed it in the head, the swung down slicing it in two before I threw my sword into the air as I unfolded my scythe

"lets get this party started" I said as I disappeared and reappeared with the wolves behind me and my scythe to the side as a drop of blood fell on the ground as the wolves heads fell as I jumped back before three wolf lounged at me as I began to spin my scythe around my before swinging as I stabbed one on the side of it face as I quickly dragged my scythe splicing the others I raised my hand caught my sword and immediately threw it behind me pinning a wolf on a tree

"what ever are you"

Lightning wolf


Skill Points: 324


HP 6,701

MP 6,435

SP 6,435

Offense : 2,638

Defense :1,365

Magic : 1581

Resistance :5,132

Speed : 7,239

"these things..... Where nothing but insects huh they where low level monster" I said as I got my sword and went to the base, which was the same one I used in the other universe and getting to work

Which was actually pretty simple, I first grinded the dust into fine dust, then compress it as much as you can not mix the elements since I don't want to blow up my supply, anyways after that there's a certain process you have to do to get it stable, it also behaviors like steel, then it's time to melt it down and now you can mix elements as much as you like so I had about ten different kinds, then it's ready to be forged or weaved

"okay time to finish this" I said as I began to mold the dust into dust blades for my sword, I ingraved it into my scythe and weaved the rest into my cape

"huh more then 6 tons of dust, gives me 6 blades and the scrapes was what I used for the scythe and cape, a waste of resources, truly but these things are bad ass" I said as I loaded them into my sword

"the gravity dust helps to decrease the weight or increase the weight" I said as I loaded one on as I looked at it and focused my darkness into the blade as it turned completely black, I slashed upward released an slashed that traveled to the end of the room and made a clean line in the middle as there wasn't even a shift or anything, but the wall was cut in two

"I see so, its more of a pressure washer then a bomb" I said as I sheath it and took out my scythe as the gears turned and it unfolded as my darkness flowed into it as the energy began to release as it flowed like black flames

As I slashed down a violent slash of darkness flowed out of my blade but unlike the sword, this was short range but it need less time to charge damage wise, I can attack a large areas, so regen type monster can suck it

"huh it's about time I go, get Pen then met with the others" I said as turned into roses and disappeared, as I got to the city I located Pen, but she was surrounded by guards, so before anyone could even think I took her away and appeared on the other side of the city where the teams would meet up

"huh Ruby, hello" she said as she gave me a hug

"yes hello to you too, Pen"

"I thought you wouldn't come for me" she said a little sad as I raised my eye brow

"and why is that"

"I informed my father of our little trip" she said as I slapped my forehead


"he didn't say anything to anyone and even allowed me to come with you, but once he told general Ironwood, he was told that I was Atlas property and I was put under heavy security, he also limited my freedom, or tried" she said as I sighed before I took out my scroll and went on to hacking as I hacked into there system and Pen tracker

"I see so you where unaffected, good now connect to my system and add yourself to the safe house, we used in other world" I said as I handed her my scroll as she nodded


"good, I'll send you a blue print of your new body with a few more upgrades" I said as she nodded with a smile

"may my father, join"

"if you can somehow get him there undetracted I don't mind, ohh but before that, we will need equipment, I'll make it once we return" I said

"acknowledge friend Ruby" she said as her eyes glowed green

[acknowledge, manufacture will be completely in 24 hours] she said as she come back as I sat down and crossed my leg

'or you can take care of it'

"now we wait"

"who are we waiting for"

"team OBWY and JNPR" I said as she nodded

"I think I remember team OBWY, they where on the docks, is Onyx part of there team"

"yes, did he do something to you"

"no he was way to kind, almost seemed fake, but he is my second friend"

"I see, just don't be an idiot like his friends, other wise I may have to reprogram you since that a sign of system failure , oh and there almost here, do not tell them anything about other world or anything involving the other memories, okay" I said and like that the two teams appeared all of them had bags with them

'they listened good' I said as I went to beacon, got a bag and filled it with what I need before I came back and only a second passed

'damn I need to use my semblance to stop time' I thought as I waited as Nora saw me and ran full speed to me

"RUUUUUBBBBBYYYYY" she said as I moved out the way

"the reason why I allowed it the first time is because, it's was a while since I saw you" I said as she got back up and hugged me as she lifted me off the ground

"how did you know we where going to be here" she asked as I phased out of her hands

"I'd also like to know that" Weiss said demanding as I look at her

"hmm who are you to demand anything for me, girl" I said as I unfolded my scythe as I glowed red (aura)

"how dare you" she said as ice spikes shot out of her skin

"Ruby please" Yang said as I sighed

"hm anyways, when you entered my room my scroll hacked into your scroll"i said as some where shocked

"you hacked into our scrolls thats illegal" Blake said as I looked at her for a second

"white Fang, but so is this and if you want to do illegal shit, you do it right the reason why I hacked you scrolls is because I need to insure that we can not be tracked if we where found out" I said as they calmed down

"anyways let me introduce you all, this is Penny"

"and I am Ruby's best-friend, as of three days ago" Penny shouted as I sighed

"anyways she's one of the strongest people I know, she will make a fine addition"

"correct, I'm combat ready" Penny said as Onyx stepped up

"it's good to see you again Penny, and I can vouch for her" Onyx said as the others nodded

"okay then how are we getting to the dungeon" I asked as Onyx turned to me

"follow me" he said as we made our way to a hanger

'why is goodwitch here.... Oh right there in a relationship' I throught as the doors opened and Goodwitch walked out

"students is there a reason why you are here" she said as she crossed her arms as Penny and I where at the back

"hack the system around us insure, that we where not followed" I said as she nodded

"no we just going out for a while miss Goodwitch" Yang said as I waited for Pen

"is that so"

"yes we, want to get a little better of training" Yang said as Penny pointed at different locations as I nodded as I disappeared, and found about 12 Atlas soldiers as I knocked the all out before anyone noticed anything

"-fine you may go" she said as we nodded and walked passed her as she stopped Penny

"what are you doing here Penny, shouldn't you be-"

"father has allowed me to go, with friend Ruby" she said as Goodwitch sighed as Penny went into the ship

"was there a reason why you allowing us to leave"

"no I just feel you would all benefit from this outing of yours"

"and the Atlas agents, what was your plan miss Goodwitch" I asked as the others board the ship

"that is none of your concern miss rose"

"I see" I said as I simply walked away as I took out my scroll as I boarded the ship

"who's fly" I asked as they all looked at each other

"huh good thing Pennys here" I said as I looked at her as she gave a salute before she went to the cockpit with Onyx, as the ship began moving, as I scanned the ship

"there it is" I said as I took out my sword and loaded fire dust as I sliced the floor as I ripped it out

"YOU IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Weiss shouted as the others turned to me as I rolled my eyes

"shut up" I said as darkness flowed on my hand turning it into a claw as I shoved it into the hole, then pulled as I ripped out what a ball that beeped

"the ship was being tracked by someone" I said as I place my scroll on it and typed a bit

[access grated] it said as I began to bounce the signal to a different location as I placed the tracker back

"why are you putting it back"

"we don't want whoevers tracking us to know we know, so I made it so that this thing sends them false information" I said as I used the heat from my sword to seal the hole

"why would anyone want to track us"

"multiple reasons, but what I landed on is that they know our plan, did any of you tell anyone about what we are doing" I asked as they kept quiet

"nevermind anyways were safe" I said as I sheath the sword

"OHHH MY GOD RUBY ARE YOU SOME SORT OF SUPER SPY" Nora said as I shook my head

"no, I just don't like to be fucked with so i cover all my tracks, so I don't end up fighting unnecessary battles" I said as I went to sit down as we sat there and waited as I spread my sense out

'so that's where it is, hmmm there's not that may grimm mostly living creatures, but there energy is not human nor is it faunus.... Good I don't have to kill anyone that would want to take my reward' I thought

"Ren, activate your semblance" I said as I stood up and made my way to the cockpit

"we have company 40 degrees east, I would advise we land, we'll have a better chance of defending ourselves on the ground" I said as Penny nodded and brought us down for a landing

'they seem, to have mixed feelings among themselves' I thought as we walked out of the ship with our bags

"wait where's your bag Penny"

"OHHH um"

"Pennys semblance allows her to full operate on sleep alone" I said as Jaune nodded and left it

'the beauty of bullshit' I said as we began moving as I used appraisal on everything I saw

"these thins are none hostale"

"yeah you right they much better than grimm"

"that because they know we're stronger than them and could easily kill them" I said as they looked at me for a second

"how do you know that" I said as I took out my scythe, as all the creatures ran away

"see, they shouldn't be a... Nevermind grimm" I said as I turned my scythe into a sword as everyone got ready as a few unknown grimm came out of the forest

[AMP activated: all stat, skills and rewards will be times by the number of allies]



Skill Points: 324


HP 3,701

MP 0

SP 3,435

Offense : 7,132

Defense :9,365

Magic : 0

Resistance :10,132

Speed : 7,678

Alpha beowolf


Skill Points: 324


HP 12, 701

MP 12,678

SP 12, 678

Offense : 12,000

Defense :12,568

Magic : 12,678

Resistance :10,000

Speed : 10,132


Leadership, earth spikes, iron skin, Energy Attack, Intimidation, rage

'so they can evolve... I wonder if I can to, since I'm a dragon' I thought as the alpha was about to roar as I threw my scythe at it full speed as it turned into a spear as it ripped through its open mouth and pushed it into a tree pinning it on the tree but it was still alive

Alpha beowolf


Skill Points: 324


HP 12, 701/ 5,987

MP 12,678/ 10,456

SP 12, 678/ 10,239

'hm it didn't die' I thought as the other Grimm roared and charged at us as I changed the blade of my sword to my new dust

"disperse" Onyx said as everyone separated as the Grimm followed them but three came at me as I ran at them

one jumped at me as I raised my blade and quickly brought it down slicing the beowolf in half before side stepped as the body flew passed me as I ducked under a claw, spun around and brought my blade up into its chin and out its skull as I ripped my blade out as the wolf dropped to its knees before I sliced its head off and kicking I into another wolf as it smashed into it, I appeared behind them

*click* I sheath my blade as the two where sliced into hundreds of pieces


I headed a loud roar as I looked behind me to see the alpha glowing red

[alpha has actived (rage) all Stats have been doubled] as the alpha ripped my scythe out of its mouth and turned it around before threwing at me full force as it broke the sound barrier as I moved my head to the side and caught it

"ohh you must feel confident now that you got a little boost" I said as it roar and charged at me as my scythe went back to normal as it got closer its claws extended as it tried to rip me apart as I dodged all its attacks with little effort

'your playing with your food, stop that' the Qrow in my head said as I sighed, before I jumped back then ran forward it roared and charged at me, as I got closer began to spin my scythe around as we disappeared and appeared, as wolf growled before it spit into six different parts

"you really should have picked your battle properly, little pup" I said as I looked around to see that everyone was done with there battles

[EXP will be times by ten]

"huh that's useful" I said as I stepped to the side

"it's invisible, isn't that a cheat ability and it can attack long range " I said as I located the monster as I ran at it as I dodging attackes, before I stopped dodging and began slicing its limbs as it screamed out in pain before it revealed its self

"huh you are ugly truly you are" I said as i appeared in front of it as I kicked it into the air as I took out my sword

"I don't name my moves nor can you hear this but, duel wield" I said as I had my scythe and my sword as I disappeared as I appeared by it along with six more me as we began to rapidly slice it apart a before I landed as green blood rained on me

"if you all done watching can we go" I said as I turned to the other as spun my weapons a bit to get ride of the blood before sheathing them

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now then we have your


Mid human

High human

And elite

Each race has this and I'll explain it when the time comes but for now this is a teir system so you need a certain level of stats

Certain characters are on high human level yes the villains as will and some characters that I like