(hour later)

We've been walking for an hour so far we been attacked a total of 6 times and I resent found out what the cause was.... Jaunes fucking skill

"huh annoying" I said as I unfolded my scythe and charged it with darkness as I spun it above me as it turned into a saw of darkness before I threw it into the sky as my chain was connected, they all looked up to see a massive nevermore like bird coming at us, but it wasn't a Grimm so my darkness worked on it as my scythe sawed through it body before I pulled my scythe back

"Jaune switch your semblance off, I've got the information we need" I said as he looked at me as confused

"huh your semblance or magic, it's attracting monsters" I said

"how do you know" Weiss said as I sighed

"haven't you guys used the skill Shop yet" I asked as I raised my eyebrow

"we don't have enough points"

"I see, anyways I have a skill call Appraisal skill, it allows me to see the abilities of anyone who is a lower level or ten levels higher than me" I said

"wait what level are you Ruby"


"well that's unfair" Jaune said as I shook my head

"I don't think any of you have the right to say that, your all level ones, stats are on the thousands and your forgetting that you all aren't really human because from what I can see your all high human, anyways let's get moving, we're almost there" I said as they left it at that

"sooo Ruby what are you" Nora asked as I turned to her

"dragon" I said as they all stopped

"what you where going to know soon or later" I said as I continued walking

"WAIT WAIT WAIT you can't just drop something like that and walk off" Onyx said

"yes I can, high humans now shut up were almost there" I said without looking back to them as we carried on, with our journey, I was bombarded with questions, which I ignored

"we're here" Onyx said as we stopped at a large door on a mountain side

"looks like we need a key" Jaune said as he sighed

"or or we could just destroy it"

"how" Jaune asked as Yang ran to the door as she punched the door full power as cracks appeared all over it but it soon healed

"damn, I know it wouldn't be that easy"

"see what I mean" he said as he turned around as I went up to the door pushed and pulled it

'huh it would take to long to find a key' I thought as I looked around the door as I spotted a crack in the middle

"bingo, Yang"


"punch here" I said as I pointed at the cross I made with my sword as I moved to the side

"I don't-"

"just do it" I said as I moved away from the door as she sighed and ran to the door and punched it as the door exploded

"there we go, now lets go before it fixes itself" I said as I stepped in as the door began to fix itself as the ran in as the dungeon door fixed itself completely as we where shut in a dark cave but I was able to see clearly

"now what" Ren asked as the floor began to light up

[You've found and entered a secret dungeon all exist will be closed till dungeon has been cleared]

"this is good" I said as some Jaune, Weiss began to panic

"what do you mean"

"usually these dungeons often have crazy rewards" Onyx said as I nodded

"he's right, we could get an upper hand"

"don't let greed fool you, there is always something or someone stronger then you" I said as I looked around as energy began to flow wildly in the walls

"somethings coming get ready" I said as we got on guard as the ground began to shake as cracks appeared

'shit we can't fight in such a small space like this'

"let's move, there's not enough room" I said as I began to send my energy out as I found a path to a larger room, as I began to run as they followed

Then I felt a lot I mean a lot of creatures spawn behind us




HP 566

MP 566

SP 566

'weaklings but there's way to many of them we'll probably suffer some injuries'

"don't look behind us!" I shouted as I ran

"WHAT THE FUCK" I rolled my eyes as the began to hall ass as I lead them to an opening as I switched my blade to earth dust and stabbed my sword into the ground before swinging up, creating an earth wall wasting the blade

'dust works here but its a waste' I said as Jaune began to panic

"I KNEW IT WAS A MISTAKE COMING HERE, NOW WE'RE GOING TO DIE-" he stopped a I walked up to him and gave him a back hand as he fall and held his cheek

"shut up" I said I walked up to him and grabbed him by his neck

"the only thing this things have on us are numbers, nothing more nothing less, in other words they are nothing but ants, so grow some balls and get ready" I said as I dropped him as the wall began to crack

"she's right, Jaune active you Skill" pyrrha said to him in a sweet voice as he nodded and stood up

[ghoul wave, survive]

[Amp has been actived] it said as I took out my scythe and hooked it up to my chain as the ghouls broke through as I was the first to attack, as I got close I jumped and turned my scythe into a spear as I spun mid air, threw it as it stabbed into a few ghouls

Before I pulled myself to my weapon and turned into my rose form as I slammed into the ground causing a shockwave launching some into the air

"huh what a bor" I said as I jumped up turned my scythe back as I spun it around in the air turning into a saw as slicing through everything in my path before pulling my scythe back

As I ran my aura into it as this actived the dust as I slammed my scythe into the ground launching the ones around me into the air, as I disappeared for a second as heads dropped

As I took a deep breath in as I ducked and moved around one ghoul before I hooked my sword around its neck and pulled as I sliced its head off as I sighed cracked my neck as I began to run through them as I sliced there heads off

'huh the others seem to be doing well, no ones been hit, good' I thought as I felt monster coming out of the walls

'there not stopping' I thought as I looked at there SP consumsion

'they've got about six hours of constant fighting' I thought as I turned my scythe into a sword and took out my dust sword as my eye turned purple and I dashed forward turning into my rose form and turned into a twister that shraded through ghouls as we continued to kill ghouls as they grew in strength and numbers, but I felt that we would get overwhelmed so I increased my speed and began destroying most of the ghouls

[waves completely boss incoming] it said as I looked at the others

"Boss so early we barely done anything but fight these monster"

"I'm so tired"

"huh huh huh I know but we need to fight"

"so you don't, your SP is to low for anyone of you except Penny to fight, I'll hold it off, while you all recover" I said as we head a loud roar as something smashed threw the wall

Great Oni





"what is that thing" one of them said as it roared and ran at us as I dashed for it as it stopped and pulled out a giant sword as it slammed it down on me

"RUBY" yang shouted as a sworm of roses appeared in the air, I reformed as it looked up, grabbed its sword and began slashing at me but I dodged his attacks mid air as this pissed him off as I turned into my rose form and shot to him as I broke the sound barrier and slammed into him pushing him into a wall before I jumped away

'should I kill it.... I can, but..... Huh the others could use the EXP and by others I mean, Nora, Penny and Yang, because while she can be a bitch, she's still my sister' I thought as the Oni got up as I took out my scythe as I walked towards the oni as my smile grow

"I'm not going to kill you, but this will hurt" I said as it got up as it ran as it roared and charged at me as it got closer it began to wildly swing its sword as I dodged without effort as it slammed it sword on the ground with great force as I simply stepped to the side and then jump on its arm as I ran on it arm as my scythe glowed as I sent my aura into it, I jumped off it aiming at its neck to kill it quickly but I quickly stopped

'shit don't kill it' I thought as I disappeared and ten me's appeared confusing it

"don't die" I said as I took out both my weapon and flew at it as it roared and swang it sword at me as I sliced it in half

"COME ON" I shouted as it roared and tried to punch me I quickly turned my body dodging its arm, and got on it arm

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHABABAHAHHAHAHAHA" I laughed as my hair stood up as I ran up its arm as I sliced its arm apart, as I disappeared as it dropped to the ground and it arm exploded into blood

"have you all recover you strength?" I asked calmly crossing my arm, as the monster behind me roared in anger and pain as it struggled to get up, as more cuts appeared all over it body but most of the cuts seem to be healing

Great Oni





"how did you?" Blake as I shook my head as my hair went down

"my world is speed and in that world I am God" I said as I folded my weapons back

'in this world and a few others' I said as it began to get up

"oh and quick tip dodge every chance you get, if I'm right you should get a skill.... Maybe" I said as the Oni got up as its wound healed but its SP and MP went down to the two thousand

"I would advise you attack before it fully recovers" I said as I switched my scythe to sword as my hair rose and my eyes turned black as I feed aura to my sword and held it above my head to block an incoming attack

"NOW" I said as the all scattered and began to attack the Oni as they seemed to be struggling for a few minutes before they got its movement down as I looked at the amount of damage they did to see that they almost had it

'they actually doing well, but why is Penny support, she's a tank along with Yang, Nora and ugh Onyx'

"Penny why are you in the back, you are a front line fighter" I said as only her and Blake could her me

"I'm still new and adapting to fighting with others" she said as I sighed

"fine, your smart enough to know what's best for you" I said as the room began to shake

[great Oni has used hidden skill, summon] the voice said as I sighed as creature began to come out of the walls

"DON'T STOP, I'LL TAKE CARE OF THESE THINGS" I shouted as I placed my scythe on my shoulders as I took a deep breath in

"I miss it here, as showing off was part of life" I said as the ground shattered beneath my feet as I blasted, as I ran around the floor killing monsters as I watched them work as one team as Yang too a full on hit as she was sent into the ceiling which was spiked, I ran up the wall and onto the roof as I smacked her down to earth as Ren ran at it as he dodged all its attacks before sliding between his legs and sliced both it tends as it drop, Weiss stabbed her sword into the ground sending a lot of ice to the Oni, trapping it in ice as Jaune and Pyrrha ran at it jump and stabbed its eyes

As it screamed out in pain Blake was spinning Yang as her she active her semblance as she shot at the Oni fully charged as she punched it square in the face as the impact created a sonic boom launching the Oni into the wall as Onyx went to it as he grabbed it by the leg

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH" he shouted as he lifted the Oni and span it around before throwing it into the air and as it flew Nora appeared above it as pink lightning flowed off her increasing he power, she grabbed her hammer and began to spin around before slamming her hammer into the Oni causeing the whole cave to shook as she stood atop it before she jumped away as it was covered in a beam of green light as the was a massive explosion

"RUBY" Penny shouted as I sighed and ran at the explosion as I jumped up as my scythe glowed red from my aura as I slashed down, diving the explosion, monster and smoke in half

[CONGRATULATIONS! You are the first to defeat a BOSS]

[as a reward you will receive a free spin]

[you will also have the chance to continue or leave the dungeon]

[if you leave you will not be allowed in the dungeon for 30 days]

[if you stay, every player will be banned for 15 days and you will receive a 10% increase in EXP]

"maybe we should discuss this into more-" Jaune said

[Ruby Rose has decided to stay] it said as they turned to me

"our mission is to clear this dungeon and get an edge over everyone else and while I do enjoy fighting long battles I'm sure that this one has told you what we will be facing in the future" I said as I pointed at Onyx as everyone kept quiet

"your silence tells me everything and I don't care enough to ask about it, so make you chooses I can't move on if you haven't decided" I said as I folded my scythe and placed it on my back

"so you knew"

"I know a lot of thing that you don't, but that a story I will never share, now pick" I said

[Penny has decided to stay]

[Nora has decided to stay]

"Nora!" Ren shouted

"oh come on, we've gotten this far and if what Onyx said about, we'll need all the power we can get" Nora said seriously, which shocked me since I've never seen a serious Nora

"and I'm sticking by Ruby side, she is my first friend and if she feels that this is needed then it is" Penny said as she got behind me and wrapped her arms around me as I simply allowed it as I crossed my arm as I sighed as she span me around

'who's jealous' I thought as I looked around and landed on Nora

'I'll handle that later' I thought as Penny released me as the others decided with themselves

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
