(Ruby POV)

"so what you're telling me is that the leaders, want to teleported me to the underworld for an ambush correct" I said as I sat on a table with devils bounded, some of them where bleeding heavily

"c-c-correct... M-M-Master rose" one of the devils in noble clothing

"I see and how many am I to fight"

"more than a million as more factions are involved, the dragons race is one of the races that will not be joining in fear that you may force them to side with you" one of the fallen said with both his eyes bleeding since I removed them

"I'm guessing it's because I look like a humanoid dragon, huh I almost forgot about that" I said as my tail and horns disappeared

"but if it's the case that I have to fight so many, I'll soon become irratited and nuke them all in one shot and that's no way to fight a war" I said as I raised my hand as a phantom hand appeared as it grabbed one of the man as I crushed him

"huh I forgot I even had this power, but I wonder, on what it's limtes are.... Question for later, anyways noble tell your comrades that I'll be giving them a free hour to teleport me to the underworld or leave the choice is there's, but know that after that hour I will be kill everyone I find" I said as I snapped my fingers as I turned into a twister of roses as I shredded all in my path turning them into mist

As I appeared on my machine I looked at the floating land as I felt a little disappointed

"I can't push her to full power, it would alert the humans, but that doesn't matter it's job was to give me a battle ground fitting for a battle I will never forget and hopefully test my limits" I said as I looked around as a flash of silver appeared removing the bodies

"it's such a shame, they really gave this place the much need fear I wanted, but all good things I guess, now to see what I can do with this power of mine and from what I can tell it takes its powered by my dragon energy, which I've never used yet know a lot about, huh must have been the dragons soul, but from what I can tell is that it serve as a boost in power that we know, fire abilities, I should really start using and energy manipulation to make energy constructs... I basically have the speed force may as well use it, an hour can be stretched out" I said as time stopped and I got to work using my powers

(Azazel POV)

"the underworld has changed in the short time we were gone" Xenovia said as I walked with her to the others

"it's war times Xenovia-" as I was about to explain but was cut off by a shock wave of energy

"what in the hell, it to early for that" I said as I teleported to sirzechs where he was with the other leaders

"ahhh Azazel I see you felt it to" he said calmly but I could see the fear in his eyes

"yes mind explaining, is it a little to early" I said as I crossed my arms as more leader popped in

"yes but this was not our doing" he said as a body appeared in the middle of the room bearly breathing, beaten and missing a few limbs

"lord Phenex! " sirzechs said as he rushed toward the downed devil

"wait why aren't you healing" he one of the devils asked scared

"it doesn't matter my death is sealed, but before that I was able to buy you time at the life of my man and myself, three days as you originally planned that's all you getting" he said as he died

'she's really getting into the roll of one of the most hated, feared and ruthless evil lords huh' I thought an angel teleported in

"lords you must see this" he said in a panic as a magic circle appeared as it showed Ruby's machin but it was covered in a deep blue energy but that was not what caught my attention the many black hole like portals where the problem an monsters began to come out of the portals by the hundreds of thousands

"SHE SEEKS TO BRING THE APOCALYPSE" one of the old gods shouted

"YES WE SHOULD JUST GO KILL HER" but what happened next shocked them to there core as the monsters bowed

"so she has full control over them as you said Azazel it was a good idea to not get the dragons involved"

"how did you know about this Azazel"

"from her time with the dragons, she was treated as a queen an most if not all wanted her approval" I said as I've seen the reaction of most of the dragons that meet ruby and some fights that where almost started because one dragon refused to bow to her....lets just say Tiamat is no longer a dragon king

"I see so know she can commend the demons of hell" sirzechs said as I nodded

"I thought they where sealed away" one of the gods said

"well it looks like she found and broke the seals, as Shiva said"

"I vote we move with the plan, ruby is smart but straight forward, her plan of action will be simply, kill all that stand in her way and monsters are way to unpredictable to plan for but that's my intake on this" I said as I wanted to get this over and done with but from the looks of it, it's going to take a while and we can't use orphis because she has tamed the second strongs monster and it was second because it was a mad beast, now it knows how to make booms

"huh it would have been easier to have the dragons fight those titanic monsters I mean some of them look like dragon" one of the Greeks said

"to risk" one of the Japanese gods said as they began to come up with different strategies to deal with the monster as the gods provide some information about them, at the end of the meeting I left went back to the gremory mansion, at a camp that was set up to house the army I comended

But as I got the I immediately ducked as someone flew over my head as I looked at where he come from, I could see a group of angels, devil and some weaker gods in, yes in the ground knock out and a second as I went to get a better look I saw Xenovia in the middle as she dodged and waved threw attack as if they where nothing, even not moving from her spot

"lord that human girl randomly began to attack us" one of my fallen said as I looked at him than Xenovia who was still dodging as I sighed raised my power as they stopped

"Xenovia came here" I said as she appeared in front of me


"once you left we made our way to the gremory mansion as we got here the Slash dog team asked me to show them around Irina following, as we where doing that we got to the main camp where we met these idiots who for the life of them couldn't leave us alone, from insults to humiliation well they tried, but after about ten minutes of there bullshit I decided to shut them up since the Slash dogs ignored them and Irina went to get help" she explained without missing a beat

"I see since I know something like this will happen again you and the DXD group have can desapline them as you see fit" I said without a care in the world

"LORD" he stopped as I turned to them shutting them up

"the DXD group has enough power to kill every single one of you and Xenovia here was kind enough to not kill any of you with her Ki alone, now then gather the man I have news, Xenovia go back to the house inform that I would like to see them in a few minutes from now" I said as she nodded

"on it" she disappeared as I explained the situation and gave them there new orders and went into the house and to the meeting room where DXD, lord and lady gremory and Xenovia were waiting as I went in front of them

"okay it seems that the first plan is a bust since one of the nobles gave up the information to Ruby who decided to speed things up and kill every single person that was in the vucity"

"lord Phenex"

"sold himself and his man to buy us time, he died a painful death" I said as lord gremory looked saddened

"I see"

"what how was she able to kill a Phenex, did she use her darkness" Sona asked as I shook my head

"no, but it seems like he was burnt" I said as this caused some of them to gasp

"how could"

"it makes sense, master has a dragon tail and horn, I was wondering if they where real or not"

"so what"

"master maybe a dragon and a very powerful one hut her energy and aura are human so" she stopped as I sighed

"hm anyways that explosion was the result of the teleportation, so now she's in the underworld but that is not the bad new"

"it's not"

"no" I said snapping my fingers as a screen appeared as it showed a picture of the so to be battle field

"she was somehow able to dominate the monsters of hell to fight for her, so far she has a large amount of monster each monster is at least high high class with the giants at Satan level or higher"

"so they are still monster and there size will make things easier" Xenovia said bored

"says you, anyway you all will be fighting at the front lines, Xenovia how confident are you in take the giants on" I asked her as she maybe the only one with enough knowledge and power to take these thing

"confident master has showed me many methods on taking down giant overpowered monster" she said as she took out a phone and played a game

"Issei, Vali while I don't like it cause it could backfire how long are you able to separate the dragon from the gears" I asked them as they looked at each other

"16 hours but after that I'm out for at least two hours before I can fully recharge"

"good that would work, but remember do not attack Ruby " I said as they nodded as explained there mission and jobs

"now then head to you rooms" I said as they nodded and left leaving myself and lady gremory

"explain Azazel"

"explain what"

"explain why my daughter in under a few days lost not one but two pieces" she demanded as I almost laughed

"you say this as if I'm the one to blame"

"are you not"

"no I had nothing to do with it, but if you want answers ask Xenovia, not me"

"hm I don't believe that, I know how much you love your humans, because it was a human that you-" she stopped as I increased my power as she took a step back

"huh sorry it's just that I've been stressed with this war that little girl started and now add in the fact that Rias will never be able to complete her peerage" she said as if i cared

"is not something I care about Venelana and to be honest I'm actually pretty glad that those pieces have been made useless"


"you do realize that you little piece made slaves right" I said as she got pissed at this

"that not what it is, the evil piece were made to replanish our race"

"oh please don't tell me you actually believe that I mean you treat all your servant as well servant"

"no we treat them like family" she said as I raised an eyebrow

"you really don't see it huh but how could you, the bar is that low, I mean you race is still at the same spot as it was a hundred years ago the only difference is that some of you have children and servant are rising but most if not all kill there master or run away, but I really can't say you're in the same place you all created stray devils, now a little girl read and saw our history and decided that the best option for human survival is to kill us all but it's not your fault, she read all the books detailing the history of the world so 10% your fault" I said with a smile

"so what are you going to do when she is captured"

"if they can, sealing her is our best option and if we where to be an opening even the smallest one for a second she would escape since we have no way to stop her from using her power" I said as I walk away

"hy Azazel, do you real think she's that dangerous"

"I don't know, every time I think I have a feel for her she jumps in power, first it was when she fought Vali and took him down with out even trying, then it was her darkness and light powers that could one shot multiple ultimate class beings, then came her speed that seem to be considered increasing so at this point I wouldn't be shocked if she has a form or something that multiples her power but if she does... Hehehe" I giggled but in the inside I was terrified


"ACHOO" Ruby sneezed as same of the monsters came to her in a hurry

"it's fine, someone must be taking about me"

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Huh hy everyone long time sorry took so long and it was a bit shorter but..... Yeah I've got nothing schools hard that it