(xenovia POV)

After we where dismissed we went to our rooms and on the way I got some hateful glares from the maid and servants of the house as I grabbed one by the neck and lift her

"is there a reason why you all have those disgusting looks in your face, it's starting to piss me off" I said as my eyes glowed green as the other maids watched unable to move

"you.... Are.....a.....traitor to the gremory household" she said as I almost laughed

"ohhh is this because I'm no longer a part of Rias's peerage... Doesn't matter, next time I see anyone of you looking at me in such a way I will rip out your eyes, okay" I said with a smile as I dropped her and walked off as I went to the room I was given as I went inside I an armor set was there as I went up to it

It was a black slightly modified version of Rosewiess armor

"I'm not feeling it" I said out loud

'same' shatter add

'I hate everything asguardian' Fenrir growled

"you two are awake, for a minute the thought one of you had died and the other fell into another coma" I said as I placed my hand on Fenrir big head as e looked away

'no Im still alive anyways I don't like that armor, let me out for a second' shatter said as appeared in her sword form then there was a bright light as he appeared in her human form but she has horns similar to masters as I tackled him to the ground

"I'm sorry but I have to know" I said as I moved my hand as she simply looked at me

"ohhh your a girl"



"go deeper" she said as I moved my hand trying to find something but

"I'm genderless idiot, now get off me" she said as she kicked me off her as I flew into the wall, smashing threw it as I stood up cracked my neck as I went out of the hole and used a little magic to fix the wall behind me then made a barrier since I had a feeling that what she was planning may destroy the mansion

"so what are you planning to do"

"change it into something better"

"how and when did you learn how to do this"

"no clue, it just popped into my head on day, along with changing myself"

"okay so what now"

"it's going to take a while three to four hours max"

"anything else"

"the armor will be a part of me like the sword but I'll have to recharge after this sooooo"

"throw you into a volcano"

"throw me into a volcano"

"okay then begin" I said as she moved to the armor as I reinforced the barrier added seventh more, as she began I watched on while making sure there where no leaks in my barrier, I don't want every single devil flocking to my room because of the dark Satan class energy that was being released anyways for the first hour there was nothing just her feeding energy to the armor the something happened, the armor began to decintagreat till it was a twister on metal then it began to form but I could see it, but was told not to look so I followed her orders there was no point in fighting her on this

"okay... you.... can look" she said sounding extremely tired as I turned around to see that she was about to fall over as I appeared next to her an caught her

"you should rest up"

"I should, but first" she tapped on my chest as I was covered in a dark green smoke as it disappeared, shatter was gone and in her place was her sword form as I looked at my body to see that it was covered in a full body armor as I moved around, as I could tell it was a perfect fit

"I fell like I can fight God in this"

'you already could the armor doesn't give you any extra buffs it does increase the rate of negative energy I can absorb, it's self cleaning and repairing and it can take hits from Satan class's' she said as I heard a yawn and desummoned the armor as I walked out the room but Grayfia was outside my door

"Grayfia is there something you need"

"yes lady gremory has requested that I come retrieve you"

"sorry but shatter ran out of power and has go to sleep so I need to wake her" I said as pushed passed her and walked to the window and then I jumped out

"Wait" she shouted before following me


"lady gremory asked me to bring you to her immediately" she said calm but it sounded like a threat

"ohh so you think you can do that" I said as I looked at her with a smile

"no" she said as I dropped m smile

'she's smarter than she looks, makes sense why she was able to survive while master was here' I thought

"good anyways I just need to get to a volcano and that's it" I said as I began walking away

"then I'll teleport you to one" she said as I nodded and she teleported us away and appeared on top of a giant volcano as I threw Shatter in

"why are you throwing your sword into a volcano"

"shatter is what I'd like to call a living imbodyment of chaos and volcano is the best place for her, anyways why does Lady gremory need me" I said as she teleported us back as I followed Grayfia

"it is not my place to say"

"whatever" I said as I rolled my eyes

"here we are" she said as she opened the door to a very large living room as I went to take a seat and waited with my eyes closed as I focused on everything around me

'it seem like the others are relaxing or trying to, Issei is with Rias, Akano, Koneko, Kuroka, Irina and the blonde witch, Slash dog team are at the camp it seems like there making friends with the soldiers, I should warn them not to do that because there's a very strong chance that they will die... Nevermide rage is a good motive to get stronger'

'mistress rose would be proud' Fenrir said as he came out of my shadow in a puppy form and payed on my lap

'she is anyway Sona with Azazel it seem like they are researching something, none of my business and her peerage are doing some team building exercises, sairaorg is training with his peerage, they seem decent, vali and his team seem to be talking, rosewiess is in the library, I think she's studying seals and Gasper is in his room' I thought but soon I opened my eyes to see the door opening as lady gremory, grayfia and the green haired Satan walked into the room as I stayed seated

"I hope we didn't keep you waiting Xenovia" lady gremory said with a smile as Fenrir went back to my shadow

"you did but I don't mind, but is there a reason why I was called" I asked a little iratited that I was called and was the first person there

"I'm truly sorry for that but I had to call Ajuka for this"


"yes as you know Xenovia devils have not been able to reincarnate humans as devils and some have been able to kill devils" Ajuka said as they sat down

"yes I know, it's masters doing" I said

"yes but that's not what I want to talk to you about"

"let me guess you wish to know how I was able to remove the evil piece and how Asia was able to do the same correct"


"sorry I didn't have that information only shatter does as she was the one that removed the piece in the first place, and for Asia..... It's complicated I do not wish to speak about it" I said to them as they looked at me strange

"and why is that"

"huh it's really none of your business" I said

"well thats a little bit rube" lady gremory said a little irritated

"you did not accept the answer when I told you I don't wish to speak about it" I said in a bored tone

"okay and your situation this shatter why did she remove the piece"

"it's links my fate to another and I asked her to do so as I no longer wished to be an devil anymore" I said as this shocked them

"why would you-"

"I have my reasons and would appreciate it if you don't ask"

"I see" he said

"yes if that is all I'll be off" I said as I stood up

"thank you xenovia" lady gremory said as I nodded and left as a magic circle appeared next to my ear

[xenovia get to the camp] Azazel said as I sighed and disappeared and appeared in front of him as a group of soldier where waiting


"it seems that my soldiers are not agreeing with you being ranks above the as they believe that humans should-"

"there's no reason to continue Azazel" I said as I stepped forward

"I do not care what you think or feel of me, in my eyes you are all nothing but cannon fodder you one mission is to take hits that would irritate me and die happy knowing you where useful" I said as I could see there face twist in anger as they began to release there power as I clapped as Fenrir appeared behind me in full size as his and my power comply eclipsed there's cause them to move back in fear as I stopped as a smile came on my face

"know you please beneath me" I said as Fenrir went back to my shadow

"dismissed" I said as they all ran

"you know some of those where nobles correct"

"it's not my fault there weak, but why have you called me here Azazel" I asked knowing that he wouldn't call me for such

"true come along" he said as he took me to the meeting room, some of DXD where there

"it seems that some of the team feels that you should not fight in this war, it seems that they feel you are not need and would betray them at the drop of a hat and that you would soon hold them back" Azazel said dumping everything in one go

"so they went to complain, I forgot they where still children, anyways if we where fighting someone else I would without fail, but I've got my own pieces in this and that is to defeat Master so your opinions don't really matter but that last one pisses me off you all do realize I can beat you a in a straight up one v one" I said as I smiled as I raised my hand up with a green flames

"is that so, why don't you fight me then, I still need to pay you back" Kuroka said as I looked at her

"ohhh so the little black cat didn't learn her lesson the first time, fine I've got nothing to do at the moment so where"

"we can use one of the dimension the devils use for there games" Azazel said

"perfect, let's go then"

"I'm going to make you regret those words" she said as Azazel teleported us away as Kuroka and I appeared on a field as I took out a hair tie, tied my hair up behind me as her armor appeared on her, it was the same as mine but hers flowed with her kimono

"nice but mines better" I said as I snapped my fingers as my armor appeared on me but without the helmet


"yeah its sort of my balance Breaker, now" I said as a helmet covered my face

"shall we begin" I said as black fire ball appeared behind her as she fired them

"huh same old trick" I said as I dodged them all as I yawned

"see what I mean" I said as she smiled as I rolled my eyes as I back flipped and used my wind to change direction in the air as I got a good distance back I took a deep breath in as I exhaled a giant wall of green flame as she flowed up by sending a giant black fire ball as they clashed the heat from the two began to melt the rocks around us

'hm not bad, not bad at all, to bad I have wind on my side' I thought as I clapped my hands together as the fire coming out of my mouth increased in size and intensity as it ate her flame and made a bee line to her as it seemed to swollen her as I cut the flames off I looked at the the destruction as I felt Issei power increase as I looked up at where they were watching

"she may have been a better magic user, too bad master had me study reaction elements have on each other"

"ohh is that so" a voice said as the world turned black

"yes, and I see you can cast powerful illusions without me knowing interesting, to bad" I said as I closed my eyes and dodged to the side and grabbed her hand

"I can still see you" I said as pull her closer as I kneed her in the stomach but she blocked it with her free arm but I still pushed her into the air as time slowed, I released her arm as a ball of wind formed in my hand, I looked at her smiled disappeared and appeared above her and pushed the ball of wind into her back forcing her body back to earth with a large amount of force as i took a deep breath in and released a large amount of oxygen as I disappeared and appeared a little bit away then snapped my fingers as the was a spark then

BOOOOOOOOOOM as a iraption of flame explosion were kuroka was as I raised my hand and began to close it as the flame decreased in size but it went from orange to blue and began to spin at incredible speeds as I was forcing air into the flames

"explode" I said as I quickly moved my hand to the side as it explode blowing up the surrounding area after a minute I looked around at the former mountain was now a giant crater of malted rock

"damn it I forgot she was a weakling, oh well its not like she's dead, right Issei" I said as I looked at the spot where Kuroka was to see Issei in his Balance Breaker it looked different with the glowing wings that where covering Kuroka

"can't even fight your own fights, thank God I left before that became me" I said

"are you okay Kuroka" he ignored me

"yeah I just underestimated her" she said as she tried to get up

"that what a weakling would say after they realized that they couldn't lay a finger on me" I said as my helmet moved back reviling my face

"SHUT UP" Issei shouted as his anger began to show as I crossed my arms and closed my eyes

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Two in one day