"SHUT UP" Issei shouted as his anger began to show as I crossed my arms and closed my eyes

"no she's weak, a year of training with the strongest beings and all you become was a Satan class being, I'm disappointed" I said a I tilted my head to the side as a wave of wind rushed passed me destroying everything behind me as I opened my eyes with a smile to see Issei in front of me and his arm next to my face

"your a little to slow Issei" I said as blood dripped onto the ground creating a pool

"trying to attack me while my guard is down tch tch" I said as he looked down to see my hand in his stomach

"it's never down, but I've got to admit punch through you was a bit tricky, your way stronger than I thought" I said as I ripped my hand out as he dropped to the ground while I moved back as he healed the next second and got up looked at me as his power flared

[boost boost boost boost boost] his gear shouted at least 50 times before it stopped then disappeared and appeared in front of me as he was going for an upper cut but I stopped him with the palm of my hand as the ground was completely destroyed

"is that all" I said as he began to go crazy threw punches and kick incredibly fast but I dodged his attacks with little to no effort as his gear never stopped boosting him

'I would how strong his punch would be' I thought as I looked at him as he went for a jab so I didn't dodge this one instead he got me square in the face launching me away as he appeared above me and kicked me into the ground, the impact created a large explosion as a massive dust cloud was created as his arms turned into cannons with power charging up while I heard boost boost boost over and over again

"IT'S OVER" he shouted as he blasted me as a mountain size explosion appeared as it died down the smoke slowly began to clear with me mid air with my arms crossed and my armor damaged but it soon began to fix itself

"huh are you done or do you wish to continue, I would say change you form into something..... batter since I'm way stronger than you, you know" I said as I yawned as crimson and green energy began to flow off him as his power sky rocketed with a blast of energy that shot into the sky as the ground began to shack the mountain began to crumble, this continued for a full second before it stopped revealing him in his newest armor he got when he received ophis power

"huh impressive" I said as a green energy flowed around me as my eyes turned black as we both disappeared as shockwave began to appear all over the battle ground as we where to fast for light to catch up, we clashed I could feel his power increasing rapidly

'his stronger, from what azazel told me his on the same level as the heavenly dragon in its prime... I should end this before it became a problem and I have to get serious and kill him.... Huh Asia would kill me if I kill her first friend' I thought as I punched him into one of the destroyed mountains as he smashed into about six as I appeared in front of him

"I want you to understand something Issei" I said as he got up went for a punch as I ducked and punched on the side of his body as he moved a little but came back with a cross as I dodged grabbed his arm wrapped my legs around it and twisted it as he screamed as I jumped off moved to his helmet grabbed it as I ripped it off and punch him as I sent some electricity into his brain as he passed out as his armor disappeared as I grabbed his head, kneeling about five times till I head a crack, then dropped him before grabbing his leg and teleported to Kuroka since she was still there and dropped him in front of her as his heram appeared and they ran to him as I went to Azazel

"so what do you think" he asked as I took a cloth out and wiped the blood from my hands

"not bad but I was hoping to fight a dragon" I said as I really did want to see what the heaven dragon could do

"I'm sure Ddraig told him not to as you would have had an advantage"

"true and I will kill you if you attack me" I said as I looked behind me to see Akano with tears in her eyes

"your not worth my time Akano, if you couldn't defeat or fight the cat, what hope do you have on fighting me, none so whatever is in the little head of yours needs to stop before you die a pointless death" I said to her

"what happened to you" she said as I chose to ignore her

"let's go, they need to get healed" I said as Azazel nodded

(ruby POV)

"it's finally time" I said as I looked at a distance to see the army's of the supernatural moving in it there leader in the front as they stopped

"ohh it seems they wish to have a audience before we begin very well" I said as I jumped into the air as I turned into rose's and flew to the army with three of my strongest following me one was a normal looking girl with blue hair wings and a tail she was a shifter a being able to change her for into whatever she wishes a truly dangerous creature, next was a humanoid white tiger who race is physically the strongest out of my army second to the giants and last was a blue skinned elf, he's race is magical the strongest, as they where able to change the landscape to suit there need, I've also been teaching a select few of each species some common things as I've also been getting some interesting things about them like how they where the first to inhabitants earth them humans, then the gods

"lady rose is it really wise to meet them in such a way" the elf, the smartest and most loyal said as I smiled

"yes its gives the enemy a chance to give up and it would allow us to remove key players if they wish to attack me" I said because thanks to his power we would be able to kill most if not all of them

"yes I apologize lady rose" he apologized as I nodded

"don't worry about it"

"why are we fighting a war with them" the girl asked in a tired tone

'huh she may be powerful but she's an idiot and lazy'

"you can see this in two ways, I'm forcing you all to fight my battle or you are fighting for freedom by decreasing the number of the supernatural and you know why from the story of there history" I said since if they did get released the chance of them being made slaves was high, since they really can't work with each other, think of it as oil and water, you need and egg to get them to mix, in this case me and there fear towards me

"yes they would soon try and inslave us, I'm apologize lady rose" she said with a bit of fear in her voice as I nodded

"hm we are getting closer" I said as they began to raise there power level, as a massive blizzard formed behind us as we landed, it got stronger as dark clouds covered the sky as it began to snow, with crazy strong winds

"is this really need Frost" the tiger said to the elf

"yes Fang, these things need to understand that in front of us they are nothing but insects" Frost said with a smile as we waited, the Satans, Azazel, Michael and a blonde big boobed as they came

"hm no God's with you I thought they would be the leaders of this little army you have-" I was cut off by Serafall


"BE SILENT SPAWN, YOU SHALL SHOW SOME RESPECT IN FRONT OF YOUR BETTER" Frost said as an ice sword appeared in his hand as massive lightning bolts dropped from the clouds destroying the mountains around us

"thank you Frost, anyways I don't give a shit about those I've killed, they're deaths are meaningless to me, ask yourself a question, when you kill an insect do you care for its life, do you listen to its pleads, because in this situation you all are insects, I could kill a thousands millions and I wouldn't feel a single thing, well other then annoyance that I got you filthy blood on me" I said with a smile on my face as my eyes glowed with darkness

"looks like we are not going to be able to reason with you, I had wished to never see another war again" Michael said sad

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS" the big boobed blonde said as I looked at her as I smiled with my eyes closed

"I hate you, I hate you disgusting creatures that it hurts, I want nothing more then to see you all dead, simple as that" I said as we where covered in a powerful twicter of ice and teleported away

"that didn't work" Azazel said as he went back as he tried to teleport away but couldn't as he looked around to see that a magical runes activated where the lightning hit

"drop it Frost" I told Frost as we watched as a massive solid ball of ice dropped from the shy

"YOU REALLY DIDN'T THINK THAT MASSIVE CLOSTER OF ENERGY WAS JUST TO SHOW OFF NOW DID YOU HAHAHAHAHAHAHABA" I shouted as I laughed as the ice ball dropped as they turned to blast it but only for there attacks to freeze, as it slammed into the ground it killed so many but it wasn't over as everything around it began to flash freeze, as Frost dropped to the ground and passed out

"Fang" I said as he nodded and picked Frost up

"my lady was that-"

"yes, yes it was" I said as we teleported back well they did i ran back but was still able to get there before them

After that I took a day then called Frost to me

"lady rose" frost said as be bowed

"ready the army" I said to him as he nodded and disappeared after a few minutes they all gathered as magic circles appeared around and different screens appeared in different locations, as I appeared in the

"MY ARMY TODAY YOU EARN YOU FREEDOM, AS OF THIS MOMENT YOU FIGHT TO LIVE IN PIECE, NEVER IN FEAR OR BEING SEALED AGAIN, TODAY WE WILL FIGHT FOR YOU Futura, FOR YOU FAMILYS FUTURE" I shouted as I mixed my light and darkness together as they all roared, ready for battle, ready to fight for me

"you three will be in charge of you races, in this war" I said as the nodded

"yes" they said as a black mist appeared and a female shape made of shadows appeared


"report shadow"

"it seems like they will be launching waves at us"

"I see so they will first start with the weak the move up, to bad we will be attacking first, Frost teleporte 5% of our army but also send the mindless,with them" I said to him as he nodded and went to gather about 5% of my army which was a good one million or more

"it has been done master" he said as he

gathered the forces

"but the mindless seem to be a problem so I froze the ones I need" he said as I nodded

"yes that why I shall be going with you to control them of course" I said as he nodded as we where teleported to a waste land and at a distance you could see an army of low class and high class army of at least 6 million no 12

"they seem to have greater numbers" Frost said with a smile

"true but the mindless have there advantages"

"yes there poison and healing powers will make it very difficult for them to win" I said as I saw the army get closer

"free them if you would Frost" I said as he snapped his fingers as the ice disappeared as the mindless began to roar as I released my darkness and pointed to the supernatural army

"attack" I said as they roared and rushed to the army

"that should take care of that lets go" I said to Frost

"as you wish my lady, I still don't understand how you control these things"

"fear as I did with all of you, even creatures such as the mindless understand that" I said as I sat on my throne

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This is where I got burnt out, well more like to many ideas, but you'll see what I did in the next chapter