(azazel POV)

'huh these idiots sent 26% of our army to attack ruby and to make matters worse the sent the WEAK, RUBY'S ENTIRE ARMY IS HIGH Class AND HIGH ' I thought as l calmly walked to to the meeting room

"those creatures that where with her what where they" serafall asked Odin

"the blue one is a snow elf there race are magical gift and masters of ice" Odin said

"the other is a beastkin they are like youkai but physically stronger than use as all there magical powers and senjustue is sent to there physical strength" amaterasu said

"the last is a shifter they can change forms into what the wished but size is limited" Odin add but as I looked closer I could see different emotions in there eyes

"what the fuck did you do to them"

"it was the old times Azazel we had no choice"

"let me guess they where on the side of humans and would not bow to you idiots, so you sealed them away, now they are back" I said as I grabbed my face

"I will not have you speak to us in such a way" Zeus said as he raised his power level as I simply sighed before releasing my own which was way higher than all the beings in the room

'good thing I spent most of my time training'

"shut up Zeus, anyways I'm guessing these races are not the only ones, but that doesn't matter, I just got word that we've lost 26% of our forces, ruby has been sending monster at different locations, it seems they have a way to instant mass teleportation"

"which is why our forces have been so heavily pushed back" Michael add as I nodded

"and adding to the fact that we've been lucky" sirzechs said

"more like shown mercy" serafall add as I shook my head

"or being played with, who know whats going through that childs mind" one of the goddess said

"yes, but other than that we've been losing ground, everytime time we get the upper hand they immediately receive reinforcement"

"must have been an elf"

"more like the one that was with ruby, while he doesn't fight his shear power is enough to make our strongs lose hope" serafall add as she was still pissed at the elf

"but that still doesn't explain the high deaths, 24 million gone, how"

"well it really doesn't help if the enemy can one shot you, the monsters, the ones mindless one, have a killer bite and a stupidly high Regan ability" I said as I took out my phone

[come save your idiots before the beginning to annoy me] ruby said in the text as a picture of a large scale one sided battle was taking place, without our knowledge

'you stupid, idiotic fuck assholes' I thought as I didn't need to find out how's fault this was

"YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKERS, SERAFALL go out there and buy time, sirzechs take your man attack from the east, Micheal wast, amaterasu south I'll take the north, the rest of you idiots will be using there powers over your domins to to give us an advantage in anyway possible" I said as serafall nodded and teleported away along with Sirzechs and Michael

"it seems we have a problem" Odin said as I looked at him as golden energy flowed from my body

"it seems some gods are-"

"don't finish I've got the jest don't need more, but since you all were the one who wanted this war it's fair you fight along side us" I said to mainly the Greek Gods as I teleported away to my army

(Frost POV)

Million of years we were trapped in that seal with that monster, for millions of years we watched as our world was taken as our existence was erased unable to do anything about it, frozen in a dreamless dream, the first creature had placed human on our world as we lived in piece with them, then the so call supernatural begins came they tried to inslave us force, us to follow them but we stood up and fought back as a war began we won and decided to show mercy, but it was threw into our face as we were all sealed away and they took our world

Over time we began to lose hope, but then at our lowest point a blue haired girl came as she went up to the seal touched it as I sent my magic to her trying to call for help and creating a tiny link as she punched it as cracks formed as we all tried to get out but it soon closed

"so i'm still to weak" she said as she sighed

'so she plans on freeing us, maybe hope is not lost after all' I thought as I waited a few more years as she appeared again she seemed to be practicing her magic

'no no no child you are doing it wrong' I thought as I pointed out her mistakes

'ohh be silent she can do this' a voice said

'who are you and how are you able to speak to me' I asked the voice

'ohh I'm shatter and I'm a sword and the blue hair is my partner so be nice'

'I apologize for that'

'no worries but how are you and what's your story, I'm interested' the girl?? in front of me said as I questioned who she got into the seal but I ignored that thought

'I am frost the leader of the snow elfs and-' I began to tell her my stroy

'I see, well you don't have to worry in a few years Xenovia will break the seal and after that you will meet a girl with black red hair, don't not fuck with her she can and will destroy your souls' she said

'okay then' and true to her word, Xenovia destroyed the seal freeing us all along with the mindless creature that only knew who to kill, they where nothing but mindless beasts

As we all where set free some of us began to fight the mindless, but then she appeared and with only a few word she made us all bow as fear rushed over us, as the ones in the air rushed to the ground as we all shook in fear of the being that command us to bow and when we felt her going into the portal

None of us dared to move and after a while she came out with a boy with horn, but that was no boy, we could all feel it

'she tamed the beast of the apocalypse, she must be a greater beast.... I... We should not cross her' I said and for the first time in my long life I felt true fear

"dismissed" she said and there was no need for a second as we all dismissed

Once we all got our bearings, we began to organize our selves in order to fight the mindless better and escape this hell, then portals opened up as some of us moved out while others stayed, think it was a trap and they where correct because immediately when we where existed the portal, we were forced to our knees by the same girl at first she treated us like slaves, forcing us all on our knees, but at a point I refused as I stood up

"NO I WILL NOT BE-" I immediately stopped as she appeared in front on me as her eyes glowed, terrier passed through my body

I couldn't move, speak, think or breath

"so your not mindless and you where able to stand or try..... Good, very good, am I to think there are more of you that are not mindless" she asked as I nodded

"get me the strongest amongst you and meet me a top my machine I wish to speak" she as I did as she comended, we all head up fearing the worst only to be greeted by a warm feeling of safety, she explained to us what was going on and that she started a war for fun which caught us of guard

'but with her speed it would be a challenge to her'

then asked us what happed to us, we explained we told her

"ohhh this war was my play thing something to keep me busy but now it has a purpose.... I'm going to give it to you, take your revenge that you so seek, reclaim your world, live without fear, I give you my war and my help" she said as he silver eye glowed silver as we kneeled out of our free will

"we will survive you with our lives" I said as I looked at her as she sighed but nodded and after that she spent her days organizing us telling stories of the world what we've missed, her plan for humans and the earth and teaching us new things, those how were to weak to fight were sent back, the mindless where were sent to kill anything that gets to close to us

'so young but she feels nothing for all those she's killed' I thought as I stood next to her throne as she played a game as she calls them

"Frost you seem to be bothered what's wrong" she asked

"nothing my lady"

"huh annoying, you say that but you emotions lie what's wrong" she said without even turning to face me

"it's just..... You've killed so many being are you not-"

"effected? No, I could kill a whole planet and I wouldn't feel a thing, well not really, I would feel something but it wouldn't latest"


"huh I was made into the prefect killing machine by my Gods, everything I do won't effect my being, i can even become a God get corrupted but my mentality will not change from what I am now Frost, but I do feel from time to time it doesn't last tho, anyway the main battle is probably going to begin soon Frost, this is your army" she said to me as I nodded