xenovia POV)

It's been a days since this war started and I've have been acting like some sort of a free agent, I'm not part of the army since they are to weak, and Azazel feels that there numbers will decrease if I was left alone with them, then there was DXD they all have different options on me, since I was trained by master and refuses to allow any of then to bad mouth her in anyway, and I almost killed Saji so yeah

Gasper on the other hand, cute little guy, has been a treat, anyways I've been working under Azazel, I follow no ones orders but his since his also paying me a large amount of money, don't know why since I don't mind doing this for free

But I'm what you call a secret weapon, I'm only sent on the wide scale battles, I even got a nickname that spread like wild fire , The Sword Goddess Of destruction, which I don't mind, but it's it seems that other then me the others DXD have gotten names for themselves too, but I really didn't care enough to ask much, I got Gasper tho, the lord of shadows and blood, which he got by whipping out a whole army of monsters

Then there's masters army, which strangely has had the upper hand and more wins then us, mainly because of the idiotic nobles, God's and leaders, believing there people, power and themselves, like they are some gift to the world and it was actually funny watching some of God's die

(flash back)

As I stood in front of the leader of the supernatural world, with my arms crossed irritated that they called me while I was talking to my love

"Azazel why have you called me here" I asked him as he was about to speak

"is it not proper manners to bow to your gods child" one of the gods said as he raised his power

"I have no God" I simply said as I turned to Azazel

"right it seems that Areas the Greek God of war is..... Losing his battle with the fallen"

"you named them the fallen huh" I asked as Azazel sighef

"yes anyways the boy is getting his ass kicked, the fallen army seems to have him backed into a corner" he said

"what, didn't he take the biggest army" I asked since I heard that a few days ago the God of war had gathered a massive army, somehow, and was charging for master

"yes and a lose like this would greatly damage the south force" Serafall said as I nodded

"huh I see so what should I do"

"you are to insure the army survive" azazel said as I nodded

"and unsure my son comes back, this is an order human" Zeus said to me as a boom of lightning flashed

"I will see if he is worth of being saved by me" I said as I was teleported away, I appeared in a very luxury tent

As I looked around a nud woman walked out from behind the curtain

"Aries is busy, right now so if you could-" I cut her off before she could finish

"I do not care, have the man set up a tent for me within the hour" I said as she got angry at that as her eyes glowed pink

"get on your knees and bag me for forgiveness human-" she said as I felt a weak energy enter my body

'ohh she's trying to brainwash you'

'is that so' I thought as I walked up to her

"kneel insec-" she couldn't finish as I back handed her across the face

"kneel" I said

"how dare-" she got a second one this was enough to draw blood or golden blood

"kneel" I said again and this time she was beyond pissed as she screamed and ran at me as energy flowed off her in waves but as she got closer I grabbed her by the hair as she screamed in pain and clawed and punched me but my skin was way to hard for her to do any damage

"didn't I tell you to kneel" I said as I smashed her head into the ground

"here what's going to happen when you receive an order from me" I said as I raised my foot

"you...will...follow... It... Without... Question.. Am.. I.. Understood" I said as I pressed my foot into her before removing it

"now kneel and go get the man to set up my tent" I said as she got on her knees as I stepped around her and left the tent

I walked out to see that the camp was on the mountain side and we where in the upper area over looking the rest of camp as looked around I could see many injured, hunger, tired but at the same time some of the man seemed fine and healthy, I walked down,

When I got to the main camp, I pulled one of the man to me

"what is going on here, explain is as few words as needed" I said as he shook in fear

"the high class soldiers have been treating us low class like garbage, some of us have not eaten in days" he said as I dropped him

"I see Fenrir" I said as Fenrir come out of my shadow

"you take Fenrir and retrieve all the general, if they refuse, Fenrir take an arm, then a leg, then the head" I said as he nodded as they left as I went to the nude woman as she saw me she shook

"where is my tent" I asked as

"yes it this way" she said as she lead me to a house sized tent

"good I see you know who I am" I said since her behavior had taken a 360 degree turn and God's dont do that

"yes I would like to apologize for my behavior earlier, goddess of destruction, if I had known"

"huh, I don't care tomorrow there will be an attack insure that everyone is prepared to retreat the forces we'll be facing is nothing short of overkill"

"what do you mean"

"I can feel a extreme large army marching at our location and from the feel of there emotions, they plan to destroy you"

"damn it I knew-" se stopped as she began to sweat

"carry on" I said as sword appeared around her all pointed to her neck

"L-L-lord Aries took in slaves, female ones and.... Forced himself"

"I see where are these slaves, are they still alive" I asked as I swolled my rage

"yes they are all still alive and are in his chambers"

"bring them all to me" I said as I turned my back to her as she bowed and left, I went into my tent and seat down on a chair behind a desk that was made for me, I waited a full minute as the women teleported in with 8 beautiful blues skinned elfs

"I have brought them, my goddess" the women I forget her name bowed as I nodded and looked at the elves

"good evening ladies, my name is"

"Xenovia, the goddess of destruction" one said as she stood up straight as I looked at her, she had a strong body, blue eye and white hair

"oh you know me, but I don't know anything about you miss" I said as I looked at her

"Ice, the queen of ice" she said proudly with an iron spirit that I had to respect

"ice queen, a fitting name but how are warriors as powerful as you doing here you could have at any point escape" I asked as I could feel her energy and it was massive

"...." she kept quiet as I sighed

"sex goddess"

"we where able to capture a child"

"you where black mailed, huh okay then since my mission is to make sure this army returns, I will return this child, since your people are out for revenge, along with you 9" I said as this shocked everyone in the room

"goddess" the sex goddess closed her mouth as I turned to her

"speak when spoken to"


"I have no time to fight a losing battle, 90% of this army are close to death, it was miss managed as you've seen" I said as they nodded

"good then tomorrow we will go to you people to return you, for now you will be staying with me, sex Goddess go retrieve the child" I said as she nodded and disappeared

"I've heard stories about you, your the student of the Everlasting Nightmare"

"that's what you call Master, she must love it"

"yes while only the high ups have been able to speak and see her, we all felt her power" one with short hair said as I nodded

"yes, I was and I know what you mean, but trust me you haven't felt anything yet" I said as the goddess teleported in, with a child in her arms

"I've been taking care of her while she was out" she said as she gave the girl back as the women sighed in relief as they took the girl

"now then, I would like for you all to stay a day, I personally will return you to your people" I said knowing full well that the could up and leave at any point but out of fear of a fight with me

"thank you, Goddess of destruction" Ice said as I nodded as someone entered my tent along with Fenrir

"master they have been gathered" Fenrir said as he sat down ignoring everyone and thing except me

"oh good" I said as I got up from my seat as I left my tent as we went to the main camp where a group of man 50 had gathered as I got to the front one of them decided to speak

"what is the meaning of this chil-" he couldn't finish as he lost his head

"I gathered you all here to tell you about your shitty management of this army, we've lost so much because you, that killing all of you would be more advantages to us then leaving you alive" I said with a smile as I made a barrier around use

"YOU CAN NOT DO THIS TO-" one of the yelled but he couldn't finish as he split into two

"yes I can and am, now you may all die like warriors or die bagging, like shit and maybe I will feel pity" I said as I looked around as some of them bow some of them grabbed there arms

'there are some good' I thought as I scanned them

'I've already evaluated them all I'll kill the worthless ones' I said as I disappeared and reappeared within the same spot as most of them exploded in bloody mist, both those who where bagging and those who where ready to fight

"to those still alive, this is you chance, to make this army great again, as of today you will be the generals so I expect results with in 66 hours or you will be replaced" I said as I dropped the barrier as a man in red armor and flaming hair appeared

"I take it you are the God of war, if you are you are relived of duty I will be take over" I said simply as this pissed him off

"HOW DARE YOU" he shouted as a sword appeared in his hand but his hands fell to the ground as I cut his hands and knees off and ripped his tauge out

"you should have left huh" I said knocking him out

"one of you take his to the hold cell" I said as I returned back to my tent

The next day I took the general along with the women to the enemy army as they marched, they where told to stop by there leader who came forward

"it's bold of you to meet us without an army, do you take us so lightly that you think you can defeat all of us" he said pissed as I simply looked at her

"the answer to that question is unknown, but my reason for being here is quite simple, to return to you your people" I said as I pointed behind me as she looked to see them as his eyes widened

"what do you want" he said as I nodded as the women came down and went to him

"as much as I would like to ask for a lot, I only want for your army to leave our board for at least a month" I said as he looked at me before he turned to Ice as they spoke in a language I could not understand and after a second he became pissed as his power flared up

"this is my wife, the man who touched her, I want him" he said calmly but so full of rage as I smiled and teleported away and appeared the with the God as I threw him on the floor

"do we have a deal"

"yes, my army will no attack you for the next month" he said as he grabbed the God

"your world will be filled with nothing but pain" he said as I watched as he began to beat him then heal him, only to beat him as I nodded and left

'huh I need to report back'

(ruby pov)

Everything has been going well since this little war of mine started, my army win most of their battles, the praise me like I'm there goddess which irritates me, but I really want to leave and go back to my old world

"huh there's nothing that can be done about it, I'm simply bored of this world and I miss home" I said as everything turned gray as time stopped

"hello little soul" light said as I stood up from my chair as I smiled

"hello light, darkness, I wasn't expecting you to come to this world" I said as light laughed

"ohhh little soul, you know you are my favorite soul an unequal one"

"and unpredictable, but enough about that brother, the reason why we are here Ruby is to take you back to Remnant we've finished with the world everything is now balanced"

"ohhh you should see our newest creations, little soul, the monster we've made"

"don't forget about my beautiful Grimm" darkness said as I began to get excited but stopped as I sighed

"huh while that does sound exciting, I'm still not done here"

"oh we know that's why we made a replacement for you, a second you with all the same everything" light saidas I looked at darkness

"we are going to make a copy of you and leave it in this world, to carry out your plans"

"I see but what the caught, it's never that simple"

"we'll have to take most of you power, and give it to the clone"

"by most you mean"

"pre-dragon Ruby, but strong since you are still a dragon" light said as I thought

"huh I see, well I don't mind I was already planning on leaving this world, never felt at home"

"that's because this world was constantly rejecting you, it became worse when you fuck up the timeline, like did you real have to start a war and give humans super powers" darkness said as light laughed as I smiled

"no but the world is more entertaining this way" I said as darkness sighed before nodding

"anyways what we're about to do is extremely painful, when you wake up you will be in the state you left your world" darkness said as I yawned

"huh well it was fun, going to other world I guess it's time to go" I said as I closed my eyes as a rush off pain went through my body soul and mind, as I felt my power leave me, in waves as I felt myself get weaker and weaker as I was hit with a blinding white flashed

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I'll try and drop one more to say sorry for missing a week