
As Ruby's body completely disappeared, but the pocket dimensions had began to expand, as the energies left over from Ruby began to build combine change and increase, without stopping ever expanding, ever increasing, ever moving at speeds that surpassed logic

This went on for millions, billions of years

Until everything came to a sudden stopped as all the energy began to flow to the center and condense into a single spot, as it began to form into a single point the size of an atom as everything went black, the dimensions devoid of all except for a single atom of red, as it stayed silent for millions of years before it explode, an explosion larger then the big bang, releasing an immeasurable amount of energy as energy flowed out creating billions apron billion of giant stars that blow up the minute they where created and cosmic storm that had flashes of black and silver lightning

Complete Chaos

And in the middle of it all was a body made of the red energy that dominated this dimension

"huh that took long then I hoped" the being said

"it was a crazy idea, to build up energy from running while releasing my aura, to create what I can call a universe similar to the speed force, well not to the scale of the force since that infinite and this one only scales to earth galaxy no its bigger way... But it's still growing" she said as she waved her hand as the energy began to spin extremely fast at random distance

'the speed force is generated by Barry running, every step he takes increases its power but that thing spans through out time mine is just me, but it still grows from movement' I thought as I watched as this place of mine increased in size and power

"quite the master piece you've made here little soul" light appeared as I turned around to see the two

"ohh hello light, darkness"

"huh having two ruby's is a problem, you and other you created the very same dimension, it's become such a thing that we had to take her DXD universe and bring it to our realm, then we had to move these dimensions to the corners of our, since they growth treated to swollow some of our universe's , all of this has become more work than we've had since we where created" darkness said as I wonder who the fuck other me did it.... Wait

"what do you mean where created" I askec

"yes so we're you, but that's not important, you should learn how to reform fully and get back to your world" darkness said as I nodded as I tried billion of things in a nanosecond as my body reformed fully without issues

'it seems that I'm able to form ad change the energy in this place as I please, but I need to know how it made'

"I still don't understand why you made this" light asked as he watched my space as I shrugged

"to be honest I have a feeling that one day I will be sent to a crazy universe like DC"

"so you made a universe of pure energy.... Smart, I hope you enjoy being Darkside since you have to make avatar to interact with the world" light said as I looked at him

"how come I'm not on his level, or close to it"

"yeah no you're still pretty small, but give it a few billion years you should surpass him and I'd advise controlling this universe of yours, you reach the end point soon so try to keep all this contained"

'a few billion years in here is what a second outside, but he also has a point with this level of growth it would take.... That number doesn't exist but in the outside world 5 days'

"so your telling me that I can't leave the place and that if I wait for a few billion years I'll be able to fight true form darkside and beat his ass with zero effort.... doesn't that mean I can fight you two then" I asked as they looked at each other

"no, the two of us are the RWBY multi-verse in a way we created everything that is and well including the laws your universe follow" light said as he raised his hand and a ball appeared as I looked inside

'that a multi-verse.... Is that Thor' I thought as I look at on of the earth's, yes I can now see and sense that far

"comper us combined to the One Above all or the presents, we just like to keep out timeline in check" darkness said as he destroyed the multi-verse like it was nothing

"yeah you know what... I'm don't need to know more, ohh do you still want me to-" I asked but was cut off by Darkness

"yes kill them, or a version of them we honestly stopped caring but those two have lived for far to long, you get a year in your original universe" he said as I nodded

"and the God that been helping Onyx" I asked as this little light of information I was just given opened so doors in a way

"her, it seems that she's been sneaking into your world and a second for a while now, a spake of dust" Light said as if the being that can cross multi-verse was nothing

"yeah we trapped her in your world, but she similar to D in a way nothing you should worry about so if you find her do as you wish" darkness said as I nodded

"is she going to continue being a irritation"

"nuh she only has power over Onyx..... and that other one" light said as I stopped for a second


"yeah sorry, we also like the story so far, so we may have added a little drama" light said as I stared at them for a second

"I'm going now, it was ni..... And experience seeing you guys again" I said as I closed my eyes and opened them to find myself in in the same place I was before I left

"strange, it feels like my consciousness is split but connected, like I'm playing a video game, except this feels so real..." I said as I looked at my hand as I closed it

"it seems I'm still at the level of strength I was before I left, no changes... No, my darkness and light have gone up... To high and my dragon energy is gone, no its was eaten by my aura" I thought as I sighed got dressed and took my weapon as I looked at the time, to see that only 7 hour had passed

"time works differently, between the two dimensions, since time never exists in my previous pocket dimensions it was always as if time stopped, but then light and darkness moved it, it's operating on still world time, which is still the same but somehow different.. So strange my concept of time maybe fucked for a few seconds" I said as I closed my eyes for a second them opened them again

"better" I said as I went out of my ship as the twins ran up to me as Mercy jumped as me while Ruthless just gave me a huge

"take us with you we'll be super quiet and won't bother you" Mercy said as she hugged my face as I sighed and placed them on my shoulder

"was already planning on it" I said as one decided to bounce on my shoulders before she was slapped as they turned into their gun mode as they continued to chat as I listened to them, tell me stories and there dreams

"Ruby is it time to go" Pen asked as I nodded

"yes, I want to get to Nora as soon as possible" I said as Penny nodded

"where are the twins"

[we've gone back to our gun forms, body's are to much work]

[I like being carried]

"that answers that, let's go"

"I will inform my father" Penny said as she rockets out of the room as I turned into my rose form as I went to my ship checked it before readying the engines as I got to the cockpit

"okay ruby, I'm ready!" Penny shouted as she did a pose as I smiled

"okay let's go" I said as we took off

"Ruby are you okay"

"yes Pen why do yo ask"

"your aura is lower then it was and it seems like somethings missing" Penny said as I realized she was taking able my dragonaut energy

"yes, I had some complications, nothing to serious just sacrificed power for... Power"

'and destroyed my body, if it wasn't for the fact that the energy in the dimension is 98% aura, my aura and soul, but it's thanks that my soul is way stronger than normal souls and I could reformed after shattering into so many peace, if it wasn't for the I would have ceased'

"I see well I hope you got your wish"

"yes yes I did, if not more" I said as my eyes burned with aura for a second


After a few hours of flying I decided to park my ship atop one of the buildings in stealth mode since Atlas decided to bring a army to the city

'not a lot has changed, from the original story, I'm guessing that the timeline is set until the death of Pyrrha, from that point... I don't know, I guess I'll just flow as I always have' I thought as Penny actived her rocket boots as she picked me up by my arms as we flew to the hospital

"Penny you'll need to use you old body from this point" I said to her as we landed in an ally as she opened up a portal and pulled out her old repaired and upgraded body as her eyes went blank and the old body came to life

"Penny modified model 1 fully operational!" she said as she posed winking as I nodded

"friend Ruby" she said as she jumped at me and huged me

"oh right, image" I said as she sent her new body into the dimension as we went to the hospital which was guarded by a lot of Atlas soldiers

"hold it right there" one said

"my sister and friend are in there if you wish to continue living, you will get out of my way" I said as I felt Oz coming

"that won't be necessary miss Rose, let her through gentlemen, you may lose your lives if you do not" Oz said as the guards stepped aside as I went inside

'damn it I was originally going to get them from talk about the mission, I need them to keep their mouths shut' I thought as I used my speed to write a letter, got to the groups room, place (slap) the letter in front of Onyx face, before coming back to my spot

"miss Rose, is there anything you'd like to tell me" Oz asked as he sipped his coffee


"why two teams where so heavily injured and where you've all been the last few weeks" he asked

"hn it was a simple training mission gone wrong, we visited one of the spots uncle qrow used to take me, but after a while I left, to explore a bit, but you already knew that from the tracker that was on the ship" I said to him as he just sighed

"very well miss rose, but I will need you to report to my office when school starts tomorrow" he said obviously as I nodded as he turned and went a different direction

"that was some quick think Ruby" Penny said as I shook my head

"huh he didn't buy it and obviously knows what we did, he just doesn't have proof" I said as she nodded as we got to the room where the teams where, I could feel Ironwood and Winter presents inside as two guard robots outside the room guarding

"step aside" I said as they got there guns ready but stopped as the where sliced into pieces I walked passed the and opened the door

"I hope you all realize the amount of trouble you all are, entering an unknown dungeon"

"but we did not" I said as everyone turned to me

"excuse me" Winter said as I smiled

"I said we did not enter a dungeon since they where all closed" I said as my face went blank and my voice cold

"is that so, then would you like to explain the injuries and why Weiss told Winter that you all entered and conquered a dungeon" Ironwood said as I looked at Weiss

'dumb fuckin... probably wented some praise from the older ice queen'

"simply put, Weiss was exposed to the toxin of one of the new plants we found, I was able to treat her but she was out for a few days" I said

"and the injuries was the result of our training mission, and I'm sure you know of our location since we where being tracked, before the ship was attacked" I said as the two looked at me for any signs of lie but I'm a closed book

"huh Ozpin, has told me that you are a technical genius, you could have hacked into the tracker to send out the wrong location" Ironwood said as I crossed my arms and raised a brow

"so your saying a 16 year old girl hacked into a tracker made by Atlas, which is also connected to there system in a few seconds.... Are you an idiot or something, at most it would take 5 hours to even enter your system let alone fuck around.. So please unless you have actual avidence, the door is behind me use it" I said as I walked passed them since they had nothing to say they left, as I sighed and I went to one of the walls and wrote a sound barrier rune as I took out my scroll and scanned the room to find about sixteen spy devices before I destroyed them

"what the fuck is wrong with you, I thought we agreed that this doesn't not get out, that it stay between us and you decide to tell the whole fucking world" I said clearly irritated

"that enough Ruby she didn't mean-" Onyx said as I kicked him into a wall

"shut the fuck up before I rip off your arms, do you know the amount of shit we could have gotten in, expelltion was an option and I don't like failing at shit because of some idiot that couldn't keep there mouth shut" I said as I sighed

"huh it doesn't matter anymore, I've already set up a alibi and have hard proof that we where in the south training, the old ship has been brought to the location and destroyed, I've tied up all loss ends, it's just up to you now" I said as I took Nora's chart

"so where have you been the last few days" she asked as I pointed at Penny

"repairing Penny, and making this" I said as I took out the eye

"a cybernetic implant it should function like your old eye, just with a few more features" I said as I removed her bandage

"wait, don't you need a doctor to-" Nora said a bit scared as she stopped speaking once I had finished installing the eye

"done" I said as she blinded once then twice before she reached out and grabbed me into a huge as she continued to say thank you, while crying as I gave her some head pats, while saying there there

But the problem came when she refused to let me go, so I sat on her lap while I was being hugged from behind

"anyways I was able to check your chart and I can say you all will be released today so good news, bad new is that the White Fang are now working for Roman, a friend of mine has delayed for a few days but there will be a gathering" I said as I crossed my arms as I could feel some anger

"anyways I'll see you all at school"

"wait your leaving" Nora asked as she squeezed me a little bit harder

"yes I need to do a few things" I said as she sighed and released me as I got off her bed and left the room as I took out my scroll

"so where are we going now" Penny asked as we got to the roof top and went for my ship

"I need to insure that things move smoothly with one of my pawns"


"Penny, I know about the future and what happens, you think I wouldn't change it" I said as I raised my eye brow

"sorry I forgot who I was talking to"

"huh you should report to Ironwood before goes ape shit"

"huh very well Ruby I will see you at the festival" she said as she jumped off the building as I got into my ship and sent it back to base before I took out my scroll and called Raven

"your daughter is in the hospital, I'll send you her location" I said as I sent her the location

'Neo complete most of it, now I guess I can relax, kind of unfair that I could only turn into a dragon once.... Wait' I thought as I ran to the middle of the ocean

"I still remember the form down to the cellular level, if i can copy the formation of cells and boost it by pulling energy from the dimensions.. " I stopped speaking as my body shattered into roses as they shifted turned and expand while increasing in numbers, before I reformed into my dragon form

"huh zero side effects, I should really stop drawing from the rose force, but for now let's go fuck with the Witch" I said as I flew to the dark lands

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hy everyone, I'll be releasing a deep explanation of the Rose force, in a few hours

P.S I read a comic and went why not, let's put ruby in a comic