Rose force

I'm calling it the rose force

It takes ruby's abilities all off them and maximize them to their core elements

Speed=movement and velocity

Rose Burst= deconstruct and reconstruction, transformation and change

Phase=density shifting and non-existence/existences


Darkness and light


Like the speed force the gives off the same abilities, increased speed, a protective aura, increased brain function and then some, but no time space shit

[Rose burst]

This one is way to complicated, but because Ruby can shatter into aura and rebuild herself, she can also do the same for anything right down to the cellular level

But she has to know how it's created for her to make it and the building blocks


Non-existence/existence not like the cat thing where she is everywhere and nowhere

She just doesn't exist but at the same time she exists like the cat thing


The space is Ruby, she has absolute control over herself and the space

Now since as you know ruby's mind is complex and moves at still time, billions apron billions of thoughts go

And those that enter into the space will be hit with those thought in a second but to them it would feel like eternity

You will go crazy

Next as Light said she has the same problem as darkside her present can shatter that reality

[Darkness and light/silver]

Now I want you all to understand, these powers where give to her by being on the level of the Present and OAA, so yes it's going to do some stupid shit

And least,

Time in the space doesn't flow normally, as you all know still time

All these are only going to be used in the OP worlds, DC, Marvel, otherwise she's going to stay the same