"ahhh little soul, it's sooo good to see you after so long" light said as he gave me a hug as I looked around to see darkness sitting in front of a screen, with... Me in it

"it's good to see you to light, darkness" I said as he waved

"but I was actually planning on going to Remnant" I said as he placed me on his shoulder

"hmmm about that, there's actually an issue that required you to be here" light said as I blinked


"we're not going to reset you, were simply going to place you back to a point"

"a point"

"yes while we were happy that you freed magic, it ends up causing issues, annoying issues" darkness said as I tilted my hand and pointed at myself

"ohhh not you little soul"

"the annoying rat who's call Onyx" darkness said as I thought

"let me guess at some point he starts world jumping, with the help of the goddess, then after about a few thousand years they start challenging you"

"right on the money, the problem is that we have no say over his soul so we can erase him and killing a being who's job is to guide souls, is a no go"

"so because of that he keeps coming back"

"you want me to kill them"

"... Nuh we actually like seeing you show them up, but even so the main problem was the system we created and magic"

"you got ride of it"

"ohhh your on fire" light said as he gave me a head pet some how

"yes, thought the biggest change was you, duo to the fact that you are a live contradiction your future changes every micro second, some were find a bit hard to keep with" darkness said as I got off lights should

"so we're sending you back, to were everything began"

"by sending me back... Am I to understand that I would be losing my powers" I said as I took a few steps into the void as I reached out, to nothingness, but in this nothingness lays an infinite amount of multi-verse

"I guess I'm okay with that, honestly speaking I had no plans in going back to that world, I was, am to powerful" I said as I turned to them as I opened my arms

"ruby rose, destroyer of hundred of multi-verse, has finally gotten her nerf" I sad as light smiled

"well I guess that would be all little rose"

"and the rose force"

"what about it"

"you going to delete that"

"NO, it's actually done more good in helping us manage this reality"

"we'd be idiots to remove it, but will be cutting your access while your in Remnant"

"HUUUUH I can live with that, anything else" I said as I cracked my back


"bye Ruby" light said as instantly I appeared in front of the massive doors, back to the second I opened it

As I tried to move, but I dropped to my knees as blood began to pour out of my mouth as I was hit with an intense pain as I fall back

"hehe HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I began to laugh madly, I was in bliss, being in my body, a body I sacrificed for power

It felt amazing to feel, the pain, movement everything, but I soon had to stop and focus on staying alive, because I was bleeding out

Problem was that I had a limited amount of aura and it was a zero from the fight with snake bitch

'right by the rate I'm going I have about.... 6 minutes before I bleed out' I thought as I began to slow my heart rate down to a crowl, next would be to recharge my aura to I can heal right?

Yeah, no I had soon discovered that I had completely forgotten how to regen aura

So I had to quickly re-teach myself and force my soul to release more, it worked but I was only able to get enough to close my wounds, after that I went to meditation, I spent about three hours completely still, slowly relearning and re-charging as, I moved my aura through my nerves system, muscles, bones, allowing it to flow

This help by speeding up the healing process and this also helped bring back old forgotten memories

Though this process forced my body to find other sources of energy, fat and muscle, so that went how that went

"I think that's enough" I said as I tried to stand up as my hand shot up as I smiled

"seems that's also something I need to fix..... Ahhhhhh!" I may have lost my cool if only for a second, but this problem also had a salutation to it

'I spend billions of years operating and as a singularity and this is the price I have to pay.... This is such bullshit' I thought as I place my hand on the ground as I lifted myself up as I moved to holding myself up with my fingers then finger, before I pushed of the ground as I flipped before I shattered and reformed on the ground as I stretched a bit

Before I walked over to a massive pile before I quickly punched it as there was a small shock, as blood trailed brown my hand before the massive pile exploded as I took a deep breath, as I looked up as pieces from the pile fall as I jumped onto one and then another, as I used my legs to re-directe them, as they began to stack

Before I shot straight down with my leg high and a trial of roses flowing off my as I spliced the stack in two

"tch that could have gone better" I said as I stood up and shook my leg before I walked off

"wait isn't this were" I said as I stopped before I turned around and went to a still standing tree as I began digging

"given, I did think I was going to die" I smiled as I took my broken weapons as I wrapped them up in my clock, before I began to slow make may way out of the dungeon, there wasn't really much left of it after my first play, but I did notice a few monsters I spared, though they did not make there presents known

After that it was I climb to the first floor, but as to why I was taking my time, well it was mainly to get settled into my own skin, even though I'm almost back, I'm still not at 100%

"damn I forgot how much it suck to move slow" I sad as I rolled my shoulders as I got to the top as I sensed the hundreds of monsters all around me, I came to an annoying realization

"I'm... Moving at super speed" I said annoyed as I didn't even notice but the monsters around me were moving so slow, note I wasn't hiding my aura so they knew that I was there

"I'll need to fix this at some point" I said as I cracked my neck before I disappeared as a massive shockwave was created as I made my way out of the dungeon as I came out my body shatter into roses as I took off shooting up straight into the clouds before I reformed as I looked out at the shattered moon

"huh never realized how much I had missed this" I said as my body slowly began to separate

(a day later)

"breath" I said as I sat on the ground, completely motionless, I've spent the day slowing down in a way

This was something I was able to do before becoming the rose force, mainly due to the fact that the passage of time for humans is easily moldable

"that should be it, now" I said as I took out a shattered scroll as i sighed, before I released my senses

"people here, doubtful, more so bandits" I said as I smiled as I appeared on a tree before I jumped down as I began to walk towards the camp

(3 POV)

"hy guy look over there" a male with a bold head said as he pointed out to the injured little girl holding something in a red cloth

"please can anyone, please help me" she said between crys, her face showed sadness, innocent, fear

"looks like it's our lucky day boys we got a new toy we can pawn off" the bold guy said to his group as more began to show up, faunus human as one walked towards the girl

"don't worry little girl, will help you, all you have to do is listen to me" a handsome guy, with blonde hair and a saber said

"looks like the boss has decided to break her first" a female with spiky hair said, but for as the man got closer he placed his hand on the little girl's head as his smile widened before he activated his semblance, which allowed him to put those he touched into a stat as he forceful made them relive every nightmare they've ever had in the span of a second, and once there will breaks he gains full control over them

"your quite the-" he stopped as a hand tour though his chest as he looked down to see that it was the little girl's her face had twisted into a demonic smile as she began to giggle before she began to laugh and before he could think his head was removed as all the bandits watched in horror as the girl ara began to flare, then she disappeared

The forest went silent, no animal, insect or grimm dared to make a sound as red rose petals began to fall as the was a scream, the all turned to the source to see a body that had been torn apart, as this began to happen, one by one, before they began to run away, but none were able to leave the camp


Hy everyone, long time hy

Okay before you ask a few things chapped, first, I wrote like five word in this, logged out and the shit was gone, so that made me depressed for a while

But I'm back and we're going back to the root

And lastly....