Maybe i was at fault

(Ruby POV)

"hmm" I said as I sat on a table with one of the dead bandits scrolls as I began to type on it before I called uncle qrow


"hyyy uncle qrow, it's me Ruby" I said as I stopped for a second, my voice sound... Younger

"Ruby?" he asked just as confused as I was as my eye twitched

"wait what happened to your scroll, did something happen" he asked

"well that depends to be honest" I said as I reappeared on the dungeon mountain

"on what"

"a lot that I can't discuss on the scroll, but I mainly called for a pick up"

"huh we haven't left the area yet, hoped that you'd have felt us, which is also why asked if your okay and if everything went well" he said as I sighed

"right right, see you in a second of five" I said as I sighed before I looked around before I found uncle qrows aura as I disappeared and appeared behind

"good to see your still in one piece" he said not even turning around

"if you call this one piece" I said as I crossed my arms before he turned around and walked towards me

"two arm, two leg, two eyes a few scars but you'll live with it" he said as he kneeled down and pulled me in for a hug

"I'm glad your alive" he said as I blinked before I hugged back

"are you crying" I asked as he laughed

"the day that happens is the day, you actually die" he said as he picked me up and placed me on his shoulders before we went into the ship, as we took off, the ride was mainly silent, but it couldn't be help I passed out a few minutes after taking off

(a few hours later)

"Ruby wake up, were here" I heard uncle qrows voice as I opened my eyes as I was being carried by uncle qrow

"sleep well"

"yawn didn't realize how tired I was" I said as I yawned as I saw uncle qrow raise his eyebrow

"maybe we should get you some rest, before go see Oz" uncle Qrow said as I agree, before I was taken to my room

"okay Ruby, get some rest, and then get something to eat"

"hai uncle Qrow" I said as I went to my bed and threw myself on it

(qrow POV)

"qrow, I'd take it that miss rose is safe" ozpin asked as I came into his office

"she's well, but what ever happened to her took everything out of her" I said as I sighed

"the least time I saw Ruby, tired or in that stat was when she was still a child, when she was still inexperienced" I said as he got up

"then it seems like there are some mysterious that"

"cut the bullshit Oz, I know you know what was in that dungeon"

"very well"

"the cave... Dungeon I sent Ruby too was one of 12 well it was the last one, each dungeon was made as you would think 12 floors each floor with a monster or boss, that had to be defeated

In the past, I was able to concur seven then, Summer was able to do so to the rest except for one, this one, she thanks to her semblance, was able to escape" he said as I looked at him


"it was her decision not to involve any of you, this mission I gave miss Rose was the least, I wanted to remove any and all access of extreme power that Salem could grasp"

"apart from yourself and your sister, miss Rose was the only huntress that I could relay on to get in and get out if need be"

"huh you really underestimated my daughter, and her blood lust, I'm sure she forgot that escape was an option" I sighed as I got up

"I see" he said as I opened a window

"she'll most likely be back in a few days or a few hours" I jumped out the window before I transformed and flew off

(the next day)

Knock knock

My sleep was annoyingly interacted by and annoying banging, not knock banging, as I opened my eyes as they glowed red for a second before I got up and walked to the door, before I gently opened it as I moved back as a fist went, as I looked up to see Nora

"hy Nora-" I could finish as she tackled me into a hug

"RUBY I'VE MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH" she shouted as she hugged me

"I missed you to Nora, but can you let me go" I said as she seemed to refuse to do so as I sighed

"you know, I need to take a shower and get dressed, you can join me if you want"

"yes, no" she said quickly before moving away from me as she looked away with her cheeks glowing pink as I placed my hand on her head

Before I went to the bathroom as I got myself cleaned up

"odd it felt like I was only gone a few hours, but it seems like it was longer, I mean we're already in the second season, but I think that my fight with snake bitch was longer than what I originally thought it was" I said as I stepped out of the shower and looked at my body

"I forgot how many scars I had" I said as I brushed my teeth before I blow dried my hair which seemed longer as I quickly began to cut it, before I walked out

"Nora your still here" I asked as she was still on my bed

"yeah I wanted-" she stopped as her eyes landed on me aside followed them

'right I forgot' I thought as I walked up to her and got really close to her face as she snapped out of it, before he face went completely red

"wow Nora your red are you sick or something" I said as I placed my forehead on hers

"umm I well...."

"did she faint" I asked myself before I giggled and got dressed as she soon woke up, after that she dragged me to the cafeteria as I got a large pile of food before I sat down as the two teams joined me

"sooo" Jaune said

"so what" I asked as I looked up to see them all looking at me

"are you going to tell us were you've been the last month" Onyx asked

"a hunting mission with uncle qrow, we got separated for a while but nothing you should be worried about"

[would Ruby Rose please report to the cloak tower] we heard as I sighed before my food disappeared as I wiped my mouth

"see you guys in a few" I said as I walked away and went to Ozpin office

"miss rose, I take it you trip was eventful" he asked with his never ending coffee,

"more so of a pain in the ass, given I did die but"

"mind telling me as to what happened" he asked as I nodded and sat down, before I began to tell him everything that I could remember, well not everything

"I see, but Ruby, are you in yourself well"


"your aura flow, it's off you voice sound like a little girl and your movements are delayed as if you have to think to act" he said in a flat concern tone, as I blinked a

"maybe it's because of the dragon, but I haven't eaten or slept in a mouth, so maybe it's that" I said as he nodded

"classes will not begin until tomorrow, so I'd advise that you get yourself back to 100% and do take your time" he said as I nodded before I left

'right first repair, Cresent rose, sever and dominate, then sleep then..... I feel like I'm forgetting something..... Nuh that got wiped, or did it' I thought as I took out my scroll

".... I need to replace this.... Whatever I got a week" I thought as went back to my room, but before I could even attempt to open my door, I got kidnapped by Nora

Who wanted me to spend the day with her friend and Yang

Who kept on giving me strange looks but they held no anger, jealous or the general emotions she I used to feel off her

Everytime she looked at me, I could feel sadness and longing, like she wanted to do or say something, but couldn't, not like I was going to do anything about it... Now

What, I deeply care for Yang even if I don't show it and her general personality annoys me, I do understand where all this came from, and when I watched 3.0 Yang caring for Ruby and the relationship they had, it kinda made me sad? Or was it angry, jealous?

I mean that Yang actually got to be an older sister, she protected Ruby, cared for her and all that

Our relationship was far more difficult, I was self-sufficient since day one, I didn't need to be cared for, I was far stronger than her, and even when she changed, I didn't do much to get my sister back or build our relationship, so I had a part to play