I have injured my hands.

Evans pov

No matter how much I tried to understand this complex lady, it was far from my simple brain. She was rich enough to buy slaves and kill them yet she did not have timely meals. And even when she had them, she had to get it tested.

There was always a gloomy aura around here, yet I was developing enough trust in her that she would never hurt me. Was it because she had not hurt me yet? But then as Jasmine said, maybe she would do it when I start trusting her. No! I would never do so.

"Go and check if that girl has settled well and keep a close eye on her needs." she eyes Liam meaningfully who sighed and nodded.

"But you must take care of yourself." he added as he gave a strong look to me and then left. Confused, I continued to stand there awkwardly.

"My lady, do you need any help?" I asked her permission to leave the area.

"What can you do?" came her curt reply making me blink.

"Pardon!" I did not know what she even meant by the question.

She finally looked above the parchments she was holding. Her stare was unnerving as if she was peeking into my soul. She could see my secrets that I have kept hidden deep in my heart.

Her gaze moved from my face to my chest and I covered it even when I was wearing clothes. Pervert! Why did I always feel that her eyes stare at my gaze for a long time.

"I am asking what work do you know? Your carriage riding skills are too lousy. If I want to live more, I can not let you continue that.`` I was at a loss for words at her question. I have never ridden a carriage in my life, so I was not surprised if she did not find them good enough. Yet I did not know what I was good at!

In my whole life, I had done nothing but treated the injured. But I have given my words to my father that I would never tell others about my powers.

"I..i can do cleaning, my lady." her eyes narrowed and her face turned colder listening to my reply.

"Is that so? You have not learnt any skill as a slave?" she pressed again, as if she already knew what i was hiding. The thought was enough to drain all the color of my face.

"I mean you do not know reading and writing or any other work that could help me." I breathed a sigh of relief when she asked me. I was not sure how I would have been treated if they knew about my secret.

"I know reading, and a bit of writing, my lady!" she shook her head and once again i was standing on the thin rope. Would she kill me, if she would not find me useful enough.

I bit my lip at that thought. I still have to survive until I find a good opportunity to run away.

"I.. I have some knowledge of herbs. And I am good at working in med bay."

"Hmmm" she nodded and then turned silent as if pondering if I was telling the truth or not.

"Then you can work there. I will ask Amber to assign you there." to say that i was ecstatic would be an understatement. Now I do not need to act all the time.

"Thank you, my lady." she nodded silently and then picked up the bell from her table and shook it. Soon a bunch of maids followed in.

"Maria, take him to Amber and tell him that he will work in med bay from today." they all took a breath of relief as they looked at me. I frowned while the duchess chuckled, making me confused further.

'Thank you, my lady." They bowed and then looked at me.

"Come with me." I gave a last bow to the lady and then walked out with the maid.

After walking for twenty minutes, and changing various corridors, we finally reached a mahogany door.

She knocked it and then entered when she got permission. I did not understand when the duchess lived alone, why did she need such a large palace! I was sure I could get lost here for days.

"Hey, do not daydream by standing there. Come in." I felt embarrassed and walked in hurriedly only to find a grumbling old man.

"Why would I babysit a slave? Do you think I have such leisure time when my lady gets injured all the time and so do the knights working under her?" he was not pleased as he looked at me with disdain.

"Are you saying that I should go and deny my lady?" asked Maria raising a brow, only to make the man flustered. So, I was not the only one who was scared of the duchess.

"I will look into it. There is no need to worry the duchess over this small matter." Maria smiled smugly and nodded.

"Then I shall take my leave and you." she looked at me with narrowed eyes, "do not return to the chamber of my lady ever." to think that such a petite girl who did not even reach my shoulder was threatening me, made me amused but i nodded. I did not want to be there in the first place.

Giving both of us one last look, she left the room. Then the man glared at me.

"What can you do in here?" he asked as he folded his hands over his chest.

"I can treat small injuries and bandages. And clean the wounds too.'' I replied but the man was looking skeptical at me.

"Excuse me" we heard a knock on the door and the man finally adjusted his glare,

"Yes, come in." The lady I met at the place of his majesty entered in with pitiful tear stained eyes.

"I have injured my hands."