Plan to escape

Evans pov

I did not feel the bright and warm rays of sun on me anymore which made me frown as I could still feel them over my body. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes only to see Jasmine standing there with an amused smile over her face.

"You seem like a battered person!" Though she was looking concerned, I could feel the humor in her voice.

"I have never held the sword before." I replied in my defense and she nodded.

"Of course, except knights, no one is allowed to hold swords. This is only her way to torment you. I think she enjoys fighting with those who did not know how to fight so that she could show her superiority." though she did leave me bruised and battered, but it did not feel like she was trying to torment me. If that would have been the case then why would she give me pointers while practicing and why would she even spar with the head of the knights to show me how they spar.

And she had won from that strong knight too, yet it did not feel like she felt superior after defeating him! I shook my head.

"That is not the case. I think she likes to spar a lot and often spar with her aide. So, she wanted to spar with me too." her face turned cold as she heard me.

"Do not tell me that you have started believing her too. If that would have been the case, she would not have killed so many people. She just plays nice and when others started believing it.." she stopped abruptly.

"If that is the case, then I don't want to waste my time and energy on you." for a moment it felt like she was not the Jasmine i knew. Her words, her eyes did not belong to the caring and cheerful girl she usually was!

"Hey, wait! I didn't mean to offend you. I apologize for my words." I stood up and held her hands before she could turn and leave me.

She sighed and then gave me that bright smile .Like always.

"I know that she is a charming lady. Men feel care and a sense of protection towards that kind of woman. So, if you want to stay and change your decision of running away then I can understand." she whispered in my ears as she looked around when she said the last line.

It felt strange when she came this close every time. Even if it is for my welfare. If anyone would hear that I was planning an escape, I would be punished or even killed. Yet, my insides clenched whenever she did that.

I tried to hide my uneasiness and smiled at my savior and my only friend in this whole world.

"It will not happen. My freedom is everything to me.`` I replied to assure her and she looked at my face for a second but then nodded.

"I am glad that you still know well what you want in your life." with that she distanced herself and i finally took a comfortable breath.

"I was here to check up on you and ask, did you do what i have asked you to?" her eyes were looking at me with uneasiness which made me confused about what she was talking about. Looking at my confused face, she shook her head and sighed.

She came closer again and whispered. "Do you behave politely and nicely to the duchess?" ah! So that was what she was talking about!

I nodded my head. I did my best i could have. I did everything enthusiastically and helped her in everything possible.

"Thank goodness, we do not want her to be suspicious of you. So I want you to continue to work diligently and win her trust. So that when her guards are down, we will find a chance to run away." she continued to whisper in my ears and I nodded.

"Thanks jasmine. I did not know what i would have done if you would not have been here.'' She was like my guide in this strange place. Her expression softened as she looked at me with those bright eyes and goofy smile.

"It is fine. Now you should go and continue your work. Missing from work for a long time can irk her or even make her suspicious of you." I nodded as I realized it had actually been more than an hour since I was here.

"Alright then, see you during meal time." she nodded and i ran towards the palace.

When I entered the palace, it looked like there was a war fought here.

The maids were cleaning the broken dishes and everyone's face was white as a sheet.

I wanted to ask them but these all were close staff of the duchess who did not even find it necessary to look at me, much less talk to me.

Though confused, I let the matter go and decided to find the duchess for now and serve her.

I walked towards her office where she was supposed to be when I saw the man with funny clothes who had met us in the training ground. He was talking to himself while the lady was reading a parchment silently.

What a piece of art he was!

"I apologise for being late, my lady. Would you like to have tea?" I asked with a cheerful attitude as Jasmine had asked me to.

The woman shook her head without even raising her gaze from the parchment. But them standing there fumed as he folded his hands.

"That would not do, my lady. You should take a break and have tea. Your hand is badly injured yet you have been working since then. It may create swelling in your hands." my eyes snapped to her hands and my eyes widened looking at the bandage that was covering her whole palm yet she was sitting there so calmly that no one would believe she was so hurt.