Power to create medicines

Evan pov contd

"I know you are an elemental bearer of light!!!" I frowned at her words. Surely I had the power to create medicine, but I was not an element bearer of light. I was a commoner. Only nobles and chosen ones had the power of bearing elements. Even then the power of light was the rarest.

And only the members of the church had the power of light. They could heal others just by touching them. They could never be manipulated and always follow the right path. They had the power to purify and nullify any magic. But it depends on their strength too. How could she think that I was one of them?

"My lady, there might be some confusion. I am not a higher noble or the member of the church to get the precious gift from the goddess of light.'' I tried to explain but she moved forward and held my hand. My whole skin crawled and I almost jumped from my seat when she came this close to me.