"Your doubts are valid as we are very few in numbers. But it does not mean that we are weak. I may not have a lot of knights but I do have a fire mage, a mage that cast spells and a healer."
"........" her words earned a lot of gasps and murmurs and everyone started looking at each other with doubts and confusion. They were sure that none of them were the mage and healer! They did not even dare to think any of them could be the healer.
Just when I was thinking if I was ready if my secret would come out, I felt her eyes on me. She was looking at me with a question and I took a deep breath and nodded. But then her gaze fell on Elivn who stood up with a smirk on her face and chuckled,
"And here I thought that you all had seen me using powers." just the words left his mouth. He waved his hands and small flames produced that were dancing on her fingers.
He looked at them with an arrogant smirk on his face.