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their condition but soon as their numbers increased, they were able to make their own community. A few of the beasts took pity on them and helped them but the rest of the beasts just loathed them. 

And as the number of humans decreased, their presence also declined. So, the hatred of rogues only increased. But they are not weak like before. They had developed their own weapons and developed their habitats. Now they are living a life as a strong community.

But their hatred for humans and beasts did not decrease either. They want to take the revenge of being abandoned.

  But there is one thing that unites us all above this hatred and separation. That is the home of all of us, if it gets destroyed then none of us would be alive to take revenge from the other.

"Then, why don't we talk and ask them for help in fighting against the shadows?"

"Then, why don't we talk and ask them for help in fighting against the shadows?" I asked but she shook her head.