Another ally

Scarlet pov contd.

"There are White lions nearby!! They are not normal wolves but have the ability to shapeshift too.

They have strong senses, if you were able to control them or somehow forced them to support you then your chances of winning would be too strong as they have the ability to blow fire too." 

I looked back at the raging animals that were sitting near the rock. Though they were looking lazy and did not open their eyes, i could feel the pressure emitted by them,

They were waiting for us to attack so that they could kill us in defence! If we left silently, they would not do a thing, but I was sure that they were wary of our presence.

"Let them be! We need to see how bad the condition is first!" I replied as I shook my head and the lion snorted as if he was showing his disdain towards us.

Even the beast turned to look at me but only shook his head and did not say a word.