Chapter 1

It was a normal night in Steel City as skyscrapers and streets lite the night, blimps flying around the sky and trains moved through the city. A police car drove through the city as rookie officer was driving it as she had arrived at an alleyway. She had blond hair tied into a small ponytail and green eyes. She parked, got out of the car and made her into the alley as there was sign that said Detective Noir. She entered as she saw a girl who was 13 years old with short red hair and was sleeping on the receptionists desk. The radio was on as well as the officer looked ahead and saw a man in the shadows as he was sleeping as well. He was leaning back on his chair, feet kicked up on his desk and with his hat on his face.

"Ahem!" Said officer

"(Snorts) Huh!? Wha…?" The girl woke up as she had a piece of paper and a pencil stuck on her face.

"I hope I didn't interrupt your nap." Said the officer.

"What time is?" The girl asked.

"It's 9. D, I have some good news." Said the officer.

The man woke up as the white of his eyes and his irises were only visible. He then sat up and turned on his desk lamp. He showed his face as he was a man in his late twenties, five o'clock shadow, black hair and brown eyes.

"About time. Business has been slow lately." Said D.

"We haven't had business at all since we opened this up." Said the girl.

"I think you'll both like it." Said the officer.

"What is it?" The girl asked.

"It's linked to Dr. Steiner." Said the officer.

The man and the girl looked at Dewitt with interests as he stood up, while reaching for his coat.

"C'mon, Mina. Get your shovel." Said D.

"Okay! You coming, Beverly?" Mina asked.

"Of course. I can't let you both do all of the work." Said Beverly.

"We usually do all of the work." Said D.

"That's because you always go in without telling me." Said Beverly.

"You coming or not?" D asked.

It was moments later at a privately owned train shipment area, a train just arrived. And waiting for the train were gangster grunts as there were others keeping guard with guns. There were some at high points of the area with rifles. There was also a car with the lights on as a man was waiting inside, smoking a cigar. The grunts pulled out a crate and brought it close to the car as they pried it open with crowbar. And inside were military guns and weapons as a grunt grabbed a gun and showed it to the man in the car.

"Looks like we hit the jackpot, boss." Said the grunt.

"Make sure these crates get shipped off across the city. The big man is going to be happy about this." Said the man.

As that happened, one of the guards who was at a high point was knocked out by D. He grabbed his rifle, took off the scope and used it to see who was in charge. He turned on a small radio that was in his shirt pocket by twisting on of the nobs.

"I got a view." Said D.

"Can you see who it is?" Beverly asked.

"Some goons and the one in charge…is hiding in the car. I can't get a good eye on him." Said D.

"From the info I got. It must be Malone." Said Beverly.

"The Brick Malone?" Mina asked.

"Take out the rest of the guards, Mina. Bev, I'm going in." Said D as he turned off his radio.

"No, wait! Ugh, I swear to god he's so reckless!" Said Beverly as she made her way in.

D then jumped from where he was and landed in front of the car and the grunts, startling them.

"Holy crap! It's him!" Said a grunt.

"The Vigilante." Said a grunt.

"Noir." Said the man as the car door opened.

Out came out a bulky, muscular man with a cigar in his mouth as he was dressed as a mob boss. He had rings in each fingers, no facial hair and tall. He approached D as he towered over him as D looked up at him.

"You shouldn't be here. This is private property, Detective." Said Malone.

"I had a tip from a source about something suspicious going on. C'mon, Malone. Let's try talking this out like civilized people." Said D.

"I would, but you're breaking the law. Leave. I won't say it again." Said Malone.

"Where did that shipment come from, Malone?" D asked.

Malone then hurled his fist at D as he dodged by side stepping. But Malone swung his left fist as it knocked D back as he flew and landed against a train.

"Ugh, I let him hit me." Said D.

He fell onto the ground as Malone signed his men as he raised his hand. But nothing happened as a body of a grunt fell nearby as Mina landed next to it. She was wearing conductor clothes, while having goggles and a shovel strapped to her back.

"Sorry, but we knew you'd do that." Said Mina.

"The jig is up, Malone!" Beverly shouted as she pointed her gun.

"Take care of them!" Said Malone as he walked back to his car.

His grunts opened fired as Beverly and D took cover, while Mina charged towards them. The bullets did nothing to her as her body was steaming like a train. The bullets bounced off as she tackled into one grunt and then attacked another, while Malone fixed his clothes as he stood by his car.

"Hey, get to work. Make sure the shipment is destroyed. We have more on the way." Said Malone.

"Yes, sir." Said a woman.

Malone stepped into his car as it drove off, leaving dust. And as the dust cleared up, there was a Chinese woman in traditional clothes with a dragon symbol on her back. She had a braided ponytail and looked to be in her thirties. Beverly and D saw that Malone drove off as they watched.

"Well, he's gone." Said Beverly.

"Forget him. We just need the shipment." Said D.

The woman the approached the train with the ship as she moved her hands, while they suddenly ignited with fire. She then short fire blast at the shipment as Beverly and D were shocked.

"She can shoot fire." Said D.

"And she destroyed the shipment!" Said Beverly.

Mina beat up the rest of the grunts with her shovel as the woman walked towards her. Mina smirked as she ran to her and swung her fist at her. But the woman used Mina's strength against her as she parried her fist away. She then punched Mina multiple times with straight punches, within a few seconds as she then tripped her and fired a fire blast, knocking her hard to the ground.

"Ow." Said Mina with dizzy eyes.

"Forgive me, child. But you did strike first." Said the woman.

"Did they teach you hitting kids is bad?" D asked.

"Come at me if you must. But since you are an adult. I will not hold back against you." Said the woman.

"You're just like use. An Enhanced." Said D.

"You're also an experiment of Dr. Steiner?" The woman asked.

"Yeah. You can make fire, huh? I bet that's handy." Said D.

"And what can you do?" The woman asked.

"That's a secret. But I'm willing to show you. I'm the type of guy who prefers to avoid a fight. It's the reason why they call me Noir." Said D with his hands out to his side.

Suddenly, the lights around them flickered as everything went dark for a second. The lights were back as the woman saw that D was gone as she was shocked, until D was right behind her.

"It's not worth working with them. Trust me. Leave while you can." Said D.

The woman swung a blazing kick backward at D, hitting him on the head. But it was only a shadow clone as it dispersed into nothing. She looked around as they were gone, while D and Mina were on a roof top. She was knocked out, until he flicked Mina on the forehead as she woke up in pain.

"OW!" Said Mina.

"Get up, lazy. Why didn't you get back up?" D asked.

"She was actually strong. Bullets don't hurt me, but her punches did." Said Mina.

"Good thing I avoided her, huh?" Said D.

"Yeah." Mina replied with an annoyed look.

They then heard a car beep as they looked down the ledge of the roof. It was Beverly in the car in the large alleyway.

"Let's get going!" Beverly shouted.

It was moments later as they arrived at a bar called the Lazy Cat. The sign had a black lazy cat on it as Beverly parked next to the bar. They all went in as the bar had a couple of people inside as there was a jazz band playing, while a young lady who looked just like Beverly was singing. She was a more feminine and girly and was in a gorgeous dress. At the bar was the bartender was a robot with yellow eyes and was made of iron as he was dressed in bartender clothes. The three walked in as D sighed, while rubbing his chest.

"I could sure use a drink." Said D.

"I bet you would." Said Beverly.

"Hey, Irons! Got any soda pops?" Mina asked as she jumped on a seat next to the bar.

"Yeah, just a got a shipment." Said Irons.

"Alright!" Said Mina.

"Give us two of the usual, Irons." Said D as he and Beverly sat down.

"Sure thing. But any luck on finding Steiner?" Irons asked.

"No. Be I feel like things are about to get a bit more interesting." Said D.

Meanwhile, we see Malone arrive at company tower that had the name Russo Co. Malone went in, passing the guards as they let him. He went in an elevator and soon arrived at large board office room as there were many men and woman in suits or dresses. And at the middle end was a man in a white suit with a black shirt and white tie. He had white hair and was a young handsome man. And next to him was an old man scientist with round glasses and gray hair.

"Malone, nice of you to join in." Said the boss.

"Sorry for the delay, Mr. Russo." Said Malone.

"Just sit down. We have much to talk about." Said Mr. Russo.