Chapter 2

Back at the Lazy Cat, the gang were sitting down drinking as Mina was drinking through a straw. Irons was wiping down the tables as they were closing up. Dewitt was helping the drunk men and women out, while the young lady who was singing was talking to the band as they were leaving as well. One of them was a handsome young man, an African American as he was playing the piano.

"Great job, you guys! I hope you enjoy your weekend." Said the young lady.

"Thank you, Ms. Dewitt. You enjoy yours too." Said one of the older members.

"Good night." Said the other members.

"Good night, Kimberly." Said the young man as he kissed her on the cheek.

"(Giggles) Good night, Ray. You coming tomorrow, right?" Kimberly asked.

"You know it. Bye." Said Ray as he winked at her.

"Bye." Said Kimberly

She watched him leave happily as she adorably walked over to the others, while Mina was looking at her with a smile.

"What?" Said Beverly as she blushed.

"You two are in love~!" Said Mina, making a heart with her hands.

"Stop Mina~! You're making flush red." Said Kimberly, bashful.

"When did this start?" Beverly asked.

"Bev, I told you last night. Remember?" Said Kimberly.

"Oh, no wonder you were talking so much." Said Beverly.

"You're a terrible sister." Said D.

"I agree!" Said Kimberly.

"Look, I just got off work and I was tired. I tend to tune out everything." Said Beverly.

"Still a bad sister." Said D.

"Don't make me arrest you." Said Beverly.

"Like you can." Said D.

"Mina, help Kim clean up the place. I have to talk to these two. Kim, could you finish sweeping for me?" Irons asked as he handed her the broom.

"Sure. But I'm telling you everything again, Bev." Said Kimberly.

"I can't wait." Said Beverly.

They both cleaned the bar, while Irons placed a map of Steel City down in front of D and Beverly as he had certain places marked with circles.

"I got info on more enhances escapees. There's been an increase in sights around the city. I don't have exact spots. But I did pictures of areas where they're seen." Said Irons.

"Good work, Irons." Said Beverly.

"Do you want me to look into this?" D asked Beverly.

"Yeah, since I'm going to be working on street traffic. Jeez, I hate where I am as an officer." Said Beverly.

"It's probably because you're a woman." Said D.

"Like that should mean anything! I'm more capable like those other lazy assholes! Who just sit down and don't do work, while this city goes to hell!" Beverly yelled as she stood up.

"Drink?" Irons asked as he slid a cup to her.

"Thank you. (Drinks) Ah! Sorry, work always gets me worked up." Said Beverly.

"No, I probably shouldn't have said anything. But I'll take a look at the areas tonight. You guys go home and get some rest. Mina, you're going with them." Said D.

"Okay." Said Mina.

"C'mon, Mina. I'll make some of my delicious pie you love." Said Kimberly.

"Alright. We're not saving you any." Said Mina as she looked at D.

"Jokes on you. I don't want any." Said D.

They both chuckle as we see D was running across the rooftops, jumping across alleys. While Beverly and the others went upstairs in the kitchen with the radio and singing with it.

"You may be wondering how did I, a rookie cop, ended up working alongside a vigilante and an android. Well, it all started when I wanted to be a cop. As a little girl, it was my dream to be like my dad. I wasn't like other girls who wanted to look pretty and dress up in pretty dresses. I wanted to be like my father. Until he was murdered." Beverly thought to herself.

It was about 4 years ago at a funeral in a cemetery. Beverly and Kimberly were standing together next to a coffin as Kimberly was crying. There was a portrait of their father who was the police chief as other officers were there to their respect. They fire their rifles in the air, while Beverly was furious.

"My father was the police chief of the Steel City. The streets were safe because of him. Crime was low, until he was killed in his own office. And I wanted to know why…why did they kill my father!" Kimberly thought to herself.

It was later as Kimberly approached a man who was to be the next Police Chief. He was a large middle-aged man and balding head.

"Chief Reynolds, do you know who did this?" Beverly asked.

"Beverly, right now isn't the time." Said Chief Reynolds.

"I don't care. I want to know who did this!" Said Beverly.

He was silent, until they both went into a separate room as Chief Reynolds poured himself something to drink, while Beverly waited as she was impatiently tapped her foot.

"We have no idea who did it. The assassination on your father was done almost flawlessly. No footprints and nothing was moved. It's as if this person was a ghost." Said Chief Reynolds.

"Almost…what do you mean by that?" Beverly asked.

"The assassin left a knife impelled onto the desk with a letter. It was from the Russo Family." Said Chief Reynolds.

"So it was them. They called a hit on my father!" Said Beverly.

"Beverly, please calm down." Said Chief Reynolds.

"How can I!? My father died just because wanted to change this city for the good of everyone! I am not going to calm down. I want justice for my father!" Beverly yelled.

"I'm sorry. I truly am. But this a police matter. And you're not an officer." Said Chief Reynolds.

He then left the room as Beverly had a silent, but furious look on her face.

"Soon after, they took away our home. Since neither Kimberly nor I worked. We lived with relatives for the meantime. But I…I wasn't going to let this slide. And after pulling some strings with some friends of my father. I was soon enrolled into the Steel City Police Academy." Said Beverly.

Beverly arrived at the school as she was the only girl in her entire close. They trained on the courses as Beverly struggled to keep up. Many of the men laughed and made fun of her. They would then have study classes as Beverly would ace the test as they made the men angry. It would be lunch as no one wanted to sit with Beverly as she ate alone. Until some placed their tray in front of her as she looked up. She saw a young man the same age as she was as he was a Hispanic. He had combed back black hair and brown eyes.

"Can I sit here?" The young man asked.

"Knock yourself out." Said Beverly.

"Hello. I'm Carlos Gutierrez." Said Carlos with his hand out to her.

"Beverly Dewitt." Said Beverly as she shook his hand.

"Dewitt? Isn't that the same name as the Chief that just died?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah. He was my father." Said Beverly as she kept on eating.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to—" Said Carlos.

"Hey, it's fine. Don't worry about it." Said Beverly.

"Oh, okay. But it's a pleasure meeting you. It's nice seeing a pretty face since we have to look at these guys all day." Said Carlos.

Beverly let out small chuckle as time would pass as they stuck together. Carlos helped Beverly with the physical training, while Beverly helped Carlos with studies as he wasn't good at tests or reading. Until one day, Beverly and Carlos were walking to Beverly's room as they were talking.

"You're getting better with your reading. I'm proud of you." Said Beverly.

"Aw, thanks. And you've been getting better too. You can actually keep up with me in running.." Said Carlos.

"Just you wait. I'll start running in front of you." Said Beverly.

"I wouldn't mind that view." Said Carlos.

"You freaking perv." Beverly chuckled as she punched him on his arm.

"Hey, easy. I need that arm for the test." Said Carlos.

They reached her room as Beverly opened and they both walked in. She turned on the lights and saw that they had trashed her room. She sighed as Carlos didn't look surprised, while Beverly sat down on her bed. She looks angry, but sad at the same time.

"Again. Just be glad they don't beat you up. My bruises haven't healed yet." Said Carlos.

"The only reason they haven't done that bad to me is because of the respect they have for my father. But you'd think they'd be kinder to his own flesh and blood. I'm just getting so fed up with this crap!" Said Beverly as she started to tear up.

"Bev, I understand. But you can't let this get to you. At least, you didn't have to deal with it like I did. Said Carlos.

"How can you deal with this? You've done nothing wrong." Said Beverly.

"That's just the way for people like me. But that's why I want to be a police officer. I want to try to stop this. I grew up in Steel City. I'm a first-born generation of my family. And I grew up seeing a lot of bad that no one tried changing. But I planned on changing that. And this won't stop me from reaching that. Like this won't stop you." Said Carlos.

Beverly wiped her tears and sighed, while she touched his hand.

"Thank you, Carlos. But can you help me?" Beverly asked.

"Of course." Said Carlos.

It would be later on as it was graduation day as Beverly and Carlos were in their uniforms. They both were happy as their families were there and hugging them.

"I'm so happy for you, Bev!" Kim cried as she clung onto her.

"Y-Yeah, thanks, Kim." Said Beverly.

"Hey, Bev! We did it!" Said Carlos as he hugged her, while spinning her around.

"I know. Oh, this is Kim. She's my twin sister." Said Beverly.

"Hello." Said Kimberly.

"Whoa, you both look the same. Well, besides the hair. And she looks more feminine." Said Carlos as he and Kimberly laughed.

"Whatever." Said Beverly.

"Hello." Said Carlos as he shook Kimberly's hand.

"Hi." Said Kimberly.

"Things were actually looking up for us. But this would be the beginning of everything." Said present day Beverly.

Meanwhile, we see Dr. Steiner walking past five experimental pods that had small, squared windows as they had letters on them. They were alphabetical order, A, B, C, D & E as he looked at all five them with pride.

"A, B, C, D and E. My five perfect creations."