It was days later as we see Beverly on traffic duty as she hated it. She did her job with an annoyed look as her break soon came as she made a phone call on a pay phonebooth.
"Hey, Officer, Gutierrez." Said Beverly.
"Officer Dewitt. How's it going?" Carlos asked.
"Crappy. I hate traffic duty. You?" Beverly asked.
"They put me at my neighborhood. So I'm pretty content right now. I get to see friends and family as patrol around. The girls love the suit too." Said Carlos.
"Do they?" Beverly asked.
"Eh, not really." Carlos chuckled.
"Okay, lady killer. I'll speak to you later. You take care, Carlos." Said Beverly.
"You too, Bev. See you later. Bye." Said Carlos.
"Bye." Said Beverly.
They hung up as Beverly made another call as we see Kimberly cooking in a kitchen in their new apartment as she was singing to a song on the radio. She heard the phone ring as she frantically cleaned her hands with a rag as she soon answered.
"Dewitt residence, this Kimberly speaking." Said Kimberly.
"Wow, you sound good. You should be receptionist." Said Beverly.
"Bev! Oh, and thank you. How's work?" Kimberly asked.
"Crappy. I'm directing cars. I'm tempted to let a car crash happen." Said Beverly.
"Bev, don't!" Said Kimberly.
"I'm joking. We'll see how this day ends." Said Beverly.
"Well, besides you being evil as heck. I hope you're hungry. I'm making something special for you." Said Kimberly as smoke started to come out of the oven.
"Are you sure? I can pass by and grab some food. It's no trouble." Said Beverly.
"Nope. I promise you that you'll love it." Said Kimberly.
She then sniffed the air, turned around and saw the smoke as she panicked.
"Uh, sorry! Gotta go! Come back home safe! BYE! OH, DEAR!" Kimberly shouted as she let the phone hang from the wire.
"Uh, bye. (Hangs up). Yeah, I'm definitely going to bed on an empty stomach." Said Beverly.
She put her hat back on and walked out of the phone booth. Suddenly, she accidently bumps into an old man as he was about to fall. But she grabs onto him as his cane and hat fell to the ground.
"Oh, I am so sorry, sir. Are you alright?" Beverly asked, while grabbing his hat and cane.
"Sir, is this cop bothering you?" Bodyguard asked.
Two bodyguards approached Beverly as they were tall and strong looking. But the old man held his hand out to them, while grabbing his things from Beverly.
"Easy, boys. But are my eyes and ears deceiving me? Or are you a lady?" The man asked.
"Uh, I'm a woman, sir." Said Beverly.
"A lady cop. How the hell did that happen?" One of the bodyguards asked.
"I enrolled and graduated." Said Beverly.
"Ho, ho. I like her. But it was just accidently, boys. No need to get too protective. Now, excuse me…?" Said the old man.
"You can call me Officer Dewitt, sir." Said Beverly.
"Dewitt. Very well. I would've preferred your name. But that is fine. Have a good day and keep up the good work, Officer Dewitt." Said the old man.
"Thank you, sir. You have a good day as well." Said Beverly.
He and his guards left as one of the guards looked at Beverly and watched her leave.
"A lady cop, heh? Won't lie. Those pants look good on her~." Said one of the guards.
"Stop being a damn pervert in front of the boss. Mr. Russo, are you sure you're alright?" The other guard asked.
"I'm fine. But is everything in order?" Mr. Russo asked.
"Yes, sir. Our men will start tonight." Said the guard.
"Good." Said Mr. Russo.
It would be later as Beverly arrived home, opening her apartment door with her key.
"Please don't let the food be bad. Kim! I'm back!" Said Beverly.
"We're in the kitchen!" Said Kim.
"We're?" Said Beverly.
She walked to the kitchen as Kim and Carlos were sitting down together, having a drink.
"Hey, Bev!" Said Carlos.
"Carlos, what are you doing here?" Beverly asked.
"Kim invited me. Even though, she need someone to get food." Said Carlos.
"Carlos! Ugh, okay. I kind of burnt the food. And I didn't want to bother you. So come on and eat! We were waiting for you!" Said Kimberly.
"Here, have a beer." Said Carlos as he handed her one.
"Okay. Ugh, thank god. I needed one of these." Said Beverly.
They ate and drunk together as they had fun talking and laughing. It was later that night as Carlos left a little tipsy as he walked out the door.
"Bye, you two. Thanks for inviting me to this lovely night." Said Carlos.
"Bye, Carlos." Said Kimberly as she waved.
"Bye, buddy. Get home safe." Said Beverly.
"I will. You lovely ladies take care. Bye." Said Carlos as he left.
Beverly closed the door and saw down on one of the living room couch and turned on the TV. Kimberly sat down next to her and snuggled close to her.
"Bev, I'm so proud of you." Said Kimberly as she hugged her.
"C'mon, don't start that." Said Beverly.
"No, I mean. Mom wouldn't have approved. But I'm sure dad would've been proud." Said Kimberly.
"Thanks, Kim." Said Beverly.
"But did you meet any cute officers there?" Kimberly asked.
"Ugh, go wash the dishes." Said Beverly.
"I'm kidding. And I already cleaned them." Said Kimberly.
It would be later that night as it was 11:30, while Kim and Beverly were asleep. They both had fallen asleep on the couch together as Kimberly was hugging Beverly's arm. Beverly suddenly woke up and moaned and got up, while trying not to wake Kimberly. She walked over to the bathroom and closed the door. And as she used it, one of the apartment windows lock were opened. Someone in black clothes and mask slide the window open quietly. There two men who entered as they quickly walked around quietly. One of them reached Kimberly and quickly injected her with something. He placed the syringe on a nearby nightstand, while he grabbed her. The other man shook his head, signaling that there's no one else. The bathroom door opened as they both ran to the room they entered and went out the window with Kimberly. Beverly walked back to the living room and saw that Kimberly was gone. She looked at their room, but she wasn't there.
"Kim? Kim!?" Beverly called as she started to panic.
She searched everyone as she saw that the window was wide open. Beverly grabbed her gun and climbed out of the window and went up the building's side stairs. She ran all the way up and readied her gun with a flashlight as she looked around. There was no one on the roof as she looked around in a panic.
"Kim! Kim! KIM!" Beverly cried out.
Tears started streaming down her face as she ran back to her home and called the police. And after making the call, she searched around and found the syringe. And it had a logo of the Russo Corp on it as Beverly knew where to go. It would be later as investigators arrived and were questioning her, while other officers were looking around.
"So she just vanished? And the only clue you have is this syringe from the Russo Corp?" Said one of the investigators.
"Yes." Said Beverly.
"Yeah, we've found nothing. No damage to the window locks. Which means they were opened by the inside. Or magically opened from the front." Said a second investigator.
"Then how do you explain this syringe?" Beverly asked.
"Russo?" The second investigator asked.
"Yeah." The first investigator replied.
"I hate to say this. But if that's here, then there's nothing we can do." Said investigator.
"What!? What the hell do mean!?" Beverly yelled.
"Look, girl." Said investigator.
"It's Officer Dewitt to you pal." Said Beverly as she showed her badge.
"You're an office?" Said the second investigator.
"Listen, rookie. We obvious have a duty to protect and serve. But all police officers know not to get involve with the Russo Family. It will cost you your life. Let's go." Said the investigator.
"Let's go boys." Said the second investigator.
They all left as Beverly stood in shock at what just happened. But she refused to accept what they said as she grabbed a coat and her gun. She then quickly made a call as it was later on and Beverly stood at the front the Russo Corp building. She was waiting as Carlos arrived and approached her, while he put his coat on.
"Bev…" Said Carlos.
"Let's go." Said Beverly.
"Wait, let's think about this." Said Carlos as he grabbed her from her left wrist.
"There's nothing to think about. They have my sister and I plan on taking her back! I don't give a fuck if they're part of Russo family!" Said Bev.
"Whoa, whoa! Easy! And keep it down. And get you." Said Carlos.
"Then why are we still here? If you don't want to do this, then go home." Said Bev.
"I want to make sure that all of us make it out alive. Bev, I will always have your back. But this is breaking the law." Said Carlos.
"So what do you want us to do? Nothing?" Beverly asked.
"Obvious, no. And stop acting impulsive. Lucky, I have connections. A friend of my dad works as a janitor here. And I got his key card." Said Carlos.
"He gave it to you?" Beverly asked.
"More like I barrowed with permission. But we have to do this quietly as possible, okay? Trust in me, Bev." Said Carlos.
"Okay. Thank you, Carlos." Said Beverly.
"Anything for you, Bev." Said Carlos as he winked at her.
They started walking as Beverly blushed a little, while they made their way in. Meanwhile, inside of the building, Dr. Steiner was walking around his lab. It was a circular room full of experimental pods that had people floating inside with tubes, wires and breathing mask on. They all were naked as Kimberly was in one of the tubes, while there were androids walking around assisting the doctor.
"Commence the test." Said Dr. Steiner.
An android pressed a button as the wires that were connected to the people had a glowing green liquid flowing within them and into the people. Everyone was then in pain as it entered their bloodstream as their veins were glowing green. They all were squirming as Kimberly was in pain as well.
"Witness the new evolution of man! The Enhance!" Dr. Steiner shouted.