We see Beverly and Carlos enter through a staff only door that had near the building's shipping warehouse area. They both had hats on to hid their heads and a part of their faces as they snuck in with the key card. They walked through the hallways, avoiding the security guards, who worked for the Russo Family. They both arrived at a janitors closet as Carlos sighed out of relief, while Beverly looked around and found a map of the entire building.
"This should be a big help." Said Beverly.
"But where would they keep their kidnapped?" Carlos asked.
"Obviously, in a secret place. But where?" Said Beverly.
Carlos looked around and found the janitors uniform as he started taking his clothes off.
"W-What are you doing!?" Beverly responded as she blushed.
"I'm putting this on. I'm going to scout ahead and see what I can find. Wait here and try to think where they would keep Kimberly." Said Carlos.
"Okay. But please hurry." Said Beverly.
"Alright." Said Carlos.
"And be careful." Said Beverly.
"I'll try." Said Carlos.
He walked out with a baseball cap on his head and pushed a janitors cart. He kept his head down and looked around as he saw that the guards had guns. Carlos became nervous as a bead of sweat went down his cheek. He pretended to grab the trash from nearby offices as he made it to the lobby floor as there was young lady working at the receptionist desk. She was gorgeous girl with wavy white hair that reached her shoulders, blue eyes and a dress that complimented her hair. She noticed Carlos walking by as he looked shady to her.
"Um, perdon?" Said the young lady.
Carlos froze as he turned his head and saw the young lady approaching him with her trash can.
"Uh, si?" Carlos replied.
"Puedes yebar mi basuda? Said the young lady.
"Oh! I also speak English." Said Carlos.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know if you knew how to speak English. But you did reply back in Spanish." Said the young lady.
"I guess it's my natural way of responding. But you're not bad at it. You sound like a natural. Where did you learn?" Carlos asked.
"My father was professor at Steel University. He studied languages from around the world. Spanish is one of the many languages I know." Said the young lady.
"Wow, that's impressive." Said Carlos.
"But I didn't know we had hired a night janitor." Said the young lady.
"They just hired me. This is my first day." Said Carlos.
"That may explain why you look a bit lost." Said the young lady.
"Yep! I'm trying to remember everything." Said Carlos.
"Oh, I see. But…" Said young lady as she paused.
She then drew out a gun and pointed it at Carlos's face as he froze.
"From what I've seen by the staff records. They didn't hire anyone for janitorial services. So before I call the guards and have them rough you up. Tell me who you are and why you're here? And try anything dumb. I've been told I'm a great shot." Said the young lady.
"This company or something within it has kidnapped the sister of a friend of mine. We're here to find her and get out. That's it. I'm also a police officer if that helps you not shot me." Said Carlos.
The young lady stared at Carlos for a long second, until she lowered her gun. He walks over and put her foot on her chair as she holsters her gun on her leg. Carlos looks at her leg but looks away as he blushes.
"I'm guessing you have a friend with you, right? I think I can help you." Said the young lady.
Meanwhile, Beverly was looking at the map and was growing impatient. She walked over to the door, while drawing her gun. She leaned against the door with her gun ready to be fire. She then opened the door to find Carlos and the young lady with him as she pointed her gun at them. The young lady drew her gun and aimed it at Beverly as Carlos got in the middle of them.
"N-N-N-N-N-N-NO! Easy!" Said Carlos.
"Who the hell is she?" Beverly asked.
"You're friend, right?" The young lady asked.
"Yes! Bev, it's okay. She can help us." Said Carlos.
It was moments later in the janitor's closet as the young lady was leaning against one of the walls. Carlos was putting a map on the wall as Beverly stared at the young lady.
"You like what you see?" The young lady asked.
"I don't trust you. And we're wasting time, Carlos." Said Beverly.
"Hear her out, Bev. Please, trust me on this." Said Carlos.
"(Sighs) Make it quick." Said Beverly.
"My name is Stacy Watson. And I'm here for the same reasons you're here. They have someone I care about too. And I know where they're keeping all of their experiments." Said Stacy.
"Experiments?" Said Carlos.
"Oh, right. You both don't know." Said Stacy.
"Know what?" Beverly asked
"Now's not the time. Like you said, we're wasting time. I'm guessing the good doctor has already started." Said Stacy.
"Then let's do this. Where are they keeping my sister?" Beverly asked.
"In the building's basement. There's no way in. So you have to push and hold a secret elevators buttons that's hidden. But they have two guards at the elevator. They'll let me by. But not you both." Said Stacy.
"So any plans?" Carlos asked.
"Just leave that to me. I'll distract them. Once you both get in and arrive at the basement. Wait for me. I know the layout of the place. Do as I say, no exceptions." Said Stacy.
"How do we know that you're not lying to us?" Beverly asked.
"In truth, you can't trust me. But I am your best chance at saving your sister." Said Stacy.
Beverly wasn't sure, but she held her hand out to Stacy to shake it.
"Alright. But if you double cross us. I'm going to kill you." Said Beverly.
"Not if I kill you first." Said Stacy.
They started the plan as they made their way to the elevator. Beverly and Carlos hid at the corner of a wall, while Stacy approached the guards with a clipboard in her arm. She quickly unbuttoning the top three buttons and she stood at their side to draw their attention away from the elevator.
"Hello, boys~." Said Stacy.
"Ms. Watson." Said one of the guards.
"Is it me or is it a bit too hot in here?" Stacy asked as she fanned herself.
"It's, uh, a bit toast." Said one of the guards.
"Really?" Said Beverly.
"Oops~! I'm so clumsy." Said Stacy as she dropped her clipboard on purpose.
She bend down as the guards looked at her and blushed, while Beverly was about to go as she looked at Carlos. But he too was looking and blushing as she punched him in the arm. They both went inside of the elevator and hide.
"Well, you both keep up the good work." Said Stacy as she went into the elevator.
She press and hold the secret button as it very well-hidden bolt. The elevator doors closed as they were moving downwards to the basement. Carlos was rubbing his arm as he and Beverly was getting ready.
"Did you enjoy the show?" Stacy asked Carlos.
"I bet Carlos did." Said Beverly.
"L-Let's focus." Said Carlos embarrassed.
"(Chuckles) He's right. There are no guards past this point." Said Stacy.
"Oh, good." Said Carlos.
"But there are androids patrolling, turrets in the ceiling, along with camera surveillance." Said Stacy.
"Uh…I don't know what to say." Said Carlos.
"Do you have a way through?" Beverly asked.
"Yes, I do. I have this." Said Stacy as she pulled out a card from her bra.
"What is that?" Beverly asked.
"It's a card that the good Dr. Steiner uses for guests. I'm guessing it emits out a small signal to his security. Basically, it's a security pass. But I have one. I'll go ahead to the surveillance room and turn off the security for you both." Said Stacy as Beverly stared at her.
"What's wrong?" Carlos asked.
"You're being too kind and helpful to us. Strangers. Why are you helping us?" Beverly asked.
"If it'll help you trust a bit more." Said Stacy.
She turned around, unbuttoning her shirt and showed them her backside. She had two large scars on her back, along with dotted marks all over her back.
"I have my reasons. You have yours let's keep it at that." Said Stacy as she buttoned back up.
"Alright." Said Beverly.
They soon arrived as the elevator doors opened and show a long hallway that had cameras and small dome turrets in the ceiling. Stacy walked down the hallway, while Beverly and Carlos hid behind a support column. The cameras were on her, but the turrets didn't shoot as she kept on walking. She made her way, while at the main lab. Dr. Steiner watched the tubes as the people being experimented on have stopped struggling. Dr. Steiner saw that some of the people were already dead as he pointed for his androids to get rid of them. He stood by Kimberly's tube as she was still alive, but her heartbeat was very low.
"Doctor, phone call from Mr. Russo." Said one of his androids.
"Thanks. Hello, Mr. Russo." Said Dr. Steiner.
"How many have survivors?" Mr. Russo asked.
"73% of them are alive. Exponentially higher than our last experiments. Those with evolutionary gene all survived. If we want this to succeed, we need to find more with this gene. That way I can experiment more and find the one you are looking for, Mr. Russo." Said Dr. Steiner.
"Do any of them show any promise?" Mr. Russo asked.
"They're still in the middle of the recovery, Mr. Russo. But once they wake up, I will see which is the most promising." Said Dr. Steiner.
"Doctor, we have a visitor." Said an android.
"I am not expecting anyone. Who is it?" Dr. Steiner asked.
Dr. Steiner walked over to his computer that had multiple screens on it as he soon found Stacy making her way to the surveillance room. Dr. Steiner adjusted his glasses as he was surprised to see who it was.
"Mr. Russo, it seems she has come to try put a stop to this all." Said Dr. Steiner.
"Stacy…when will that girl ever learn. It pains me to do this. But Doctor…you have my permission to kill her. And make sure of it." Said Mr. Russo.
"Of course, Mr. Russo.
He then pushed a button on his metal left arm as all androids moved to the surveillance room and quickly surrounded Stacy as she was calm and put her hands up.
"Oh my. I didn't mean to cause a ruckus." Said Stacy.