Beverly and Carlos saw what had happened as they kept hidden.
"Oh, crap. What are we going to do?" Carlos asked.
"I…I don't know." Said Beverly.
Stacy kept her hands up as the android had their guns pointed at her, until she backflipped over the android behind her as they all opened fired. She shielded herself from the gun fire, while grabbed the androids gun and fired back. She shot down three of them as she rolled into cover, behind a desk and shot down another android. She then grabbed a nearby chair and tossed it at them as they were distracted. She then shot down then rest of the android as she sighed. She then got on the surveillance controls and shut down the cameras and turrets as alarms started sounding off. Dr. Steiner looked then ordered his android to attack, while he made all of the experimental pods lower into the ground. He then walked over to his A to E pods as he was activating Pod D.
"It's time for you to do some work, D." Said Steiner.
Inside of the pod was pitch black, until D opened his eyes as they were the only thing you could see. Meanwhile, Stacy was in the hallway and signaled Beverly and Carlos to run to her.
"What happened? Carlos asked as they ran to her.
"Change of plans. Head down that hallway. You'll see some stairs. Take them, head straight and you'll see pods with people in them. Find your sister and get the hell out of here." Said Stacy.
"But what about you?" Carlos asked.
"Don't worry about me, sweetie. I can handle myself. Now, go." Said Stacy.
"Stacy, thank you." Said Beverly.
"No need. Get going." Said Stacy.
They all went their ways as Stacy walked over with the gun in her hands. Android started to move towards her as she smirked, while her blue irises turned white. Meanwhile, Beverly and Carlos did as Stacy said as they ran as fast as they could. We see Stacy dodging the androids bullets as she was able to react at a fast speed, while shooting them in the heads. She finished off the last android as she jumped, stepped on its head and pointed backwards, shooting a bullet in its head. She then walked over casually, until then lights in the hallway flicked and everything turned black. The lights then came back on as D had Stacy in a submission hold as he was on her back.
"You don't have to be so rough. I am a lady after all." Said Stacy.
"But a lady that should be dead." Said Dr. Steiner as he stood before her.
"Hello, doctor. How's the research going with Mr. Russo's ancient ass." Said Stacy.
But Dr. Steiner pointed a gun at her head as she kept quiet, while D kept her well restrained.
"Stacy, why did come here? After the chance I gave you to live." Said Dr. Steiner.
"Doc, I did try to live my life. I did. But I couldn't escape my hate and my rage towards that son of bitch after what he did to me and my family!" Stacy yelled.
"Did you come to kill me as well?" Dr. Steiner asked.
"If it came to it, yes." Said Stacy.
"It hurts me to hear that, Stacy. You were my favorite." Said Steiner.
But Steiner's gun was shot out of his hand as it was Carlos who fired the gun.
"Carlos…what are you doing?" Said Stacy.
"D, kill him!" Dr. Steiner yelled.
D dash to Carlos as he shocked at what D was doing with the shadows. He was caught off guard as he was wide open as Stacy quickly turned around and pushed herself. She dashed right behind D and tackled him from behind. Dr. Steiner aimed his left hand as it turned into a gatling gun, while Carlos quickly reacted and fired at his arm. The bullet got caught in the arm as the gatling gun couldn't fire at all. It malfunctioned and sparked as Dr. Steiner detached his arm and ran off to his lab. But he was then punched in the face by Beverly as he was knocked out cold. D and Stacy were still fighting, until Stacy was able to pin D to the ground.
"D, it's me! It's Stacy!" Stacy shouted.
But D kept on struggling as he made shadow tendrils grab onto her and force her off of him. Carlos and Beverly aimed their guns at him, but he made their own shadows trap themselves as they could move. D looked at Stacy as he made the tendrils tighten their grip on her.
"D…s…stop…please…" Said Stacy as she looked at him tears running down her face.
D passed for a second as the face of a 10-year-old Stacy, who crying with the same face, flash before his eyes. D's head started to hurt as he placed both hands on them, while stumbling away to a nearby wall. Stacy, Beverly and Carlos were freed as Stacy was coughing and gasping for air. Beverly and Carlos pointed their guns at D, but Stacy got in front of him.
"No, please. It's not his fault." Said Stacy.
"What the hell was he doing?" Beverly asked.
"Yeah, he was like using the shadows. What is going on!?" Carlos asked, panicked.
"Easy, I will tell you everything. Just trust me when I tell you, it's not his fault." Said Stacy.
Carlos looked at Beverly as she stared into Stacy's eyes. She then lowered her gun as Carlos followed her as well.
"Do what you have to do. Carlos, let's get Kim and get the hell out of here." Said Beverly.
"Right." Said Carlos.
"Beverly, Carlos! Thanks for the help." Said Stacy.
"I owe you. Let's call this even?" Said Beverly.
"Sure thing." Said Stacy.
They both ran off to get Kimberly as Stacy looked at D as he was in pain. She then saw a device on the back of his head. We then see Beverly and Carlos at the second basement floor and saw the tubes full of people as it gave Carlos the creeps.
"Why is this happening? Why haven't the police done something about these missing people?" Carlos asked.
"Because the Russo Family own this city. They own everything, even the police." Said Beverly.
"Holy shit. This…This isn't right. Someone has to do something about this!" Said Carlos.
"I know. But let's get Kimberly out of here." Said Beverly as they reached her tube.
"Ah, whoa! She's naked.!" Said Carlos as he looked away, flushed red.
"I know, but let's get her out." Said Beverly.
It was moments later as they pulled Kimberly out and Carlos put his coat on her as it was big on her, but it covered her. Carlos carried her on her back as Beverly lead them, while Stacy had the device that was on D's neck in her hand. She crushed it, until a droplet of blood fell on the same hand. She touched her nostrils as blood was coming out of it. D was able to think straight and saw she was bleeding as he ripped a piece of his sleeve off and placed it on her nose.
"Hey, are you okay?" D asked.
"(Chuckles) I forgot how sweet you were. I really missed tha…" Said Stacy as she passed out.
"Stacy! Stacy!" Said D as he caught her in his arms.
Beverly and Carlos arrive and found D holding Stacy as Beverly pointed her gun at him.
"Wait! She passed out. She's weak right now. She needs help." Said D.
"Are we going to trust him too?" Carlos asked.
"Might as well. I feel like freaking Santa Claus of trust." Said Beverly, annoyed and lowering her gun.
We then see them in the elevator together as it was awkward for them all, until the elevator doors opened. Waiting for them was a group of security guards who had their guns pointed at them.
"Uh, wrong floor?" Said Carlos.
"Is that them?" One of the guards asked.
"I think so. The boss said if it's not the doctor. Ice them." Said one of the guards.
"Hey, can you use do more of that magic you did?" Beverly asked.
"Magic? Do you mean my ability?" D asked.
"Whatever! Can you do something?" Beverly asked.
But suddenly, they all heard glass shatter and volley of bullets hit the guards as they were all shot down in a few seconds. The others ducked down and were startled, while the fire stopped. The person who saved them had glowing red eyes, clad in iron and robotic. His footsteps were heavy and had a right machine gun arm that were steaming was approaching them. The guns in his arms turned into robotic arms as it was Irons, while he approached them. He saw that Stacy was with them both as his red eyes turned yellow.
"Come with me if you to survive?" Said Irons.
"Okay." Said Carlos.
More guards showed up as they fired at Irons as he turned towards them. A grenade launcher popped out of his left arm as he fired two blast at the guards.
"Run to the delivery truck that is still turn on! I will give you all cover!" Said Irons.
They all did as he said as the guards fire back at Irons, while the others ran out of the Russo building. They saw the delivery truck he was speaking of as they got in from the back. Beverly opened the back as Carlos and D put Kimberly and Stacy in the back. They got on as well as Beverly turned and saw Irons running to them.
"Drive!" Irons shouted.
Beverly nodded as she got in the driver's seat and planted her foot on the gas. The truck drove off at a fast speed as Carlos lost balance, but D grabbed his hand before he could fall.
"Oh, thank you." Said Carlos.
"No problem. But we're not out of trouble yet." Said D as he looked back.
Irons then bolted off as he ran and caught up with the truck. He then jumped on as the truck jumped up from his weight as Beverly lost for a bit of control. But she regained control as she was driving past red lights as cars stopped and honk at her. Irons checked on Stacy and Kimberly as they both were still unconscious.
"Where am I going?" Beverly asked.
"Turn on that alley up ahead. Park there and we'll all go into the car that's there." Said Irons.
"What if they catch up?" Carlos asked.
"You think we didn't have a plan?" Irons asked.
We then see the guards try turning their cars on, but they wouldn't turn on. All of their cars weren't working as we see a young man in a runners outfit by an alley and next to a garbage can. He had gray comb back hair, blue eyes, teenaged. Inside the cans were multiple car parts that were taken out of the guards cars.
"That should slow them down for sure." Said the young man.
He then dashed away in a split second, while the others arrived at the alley and got into the car. It was a large car that fit them all as Irons got in the driver's seat as they all sat down. Irons then spot the young man run by, signaling him that he did the job. Irons then puts on a bowler hat, tilts it and drives off as the police drive by them with their sirens going on off. Beverly watched them got by, but her attention turn to Kimberly as she hold her hand and hopes for her to be well.