Chapter 6

They soon arrive at the Lazy Cat as Irons parks in front of it. It would be moments as they all were inside in the second floor. They had Stacy and Kimberly on beds as Irons was treating Stacy as he injected her with a serum.

"What is that?" Beverly asked.

"It's a serum used to let Stacy recover from using her Enhance ability." Said Irons.

"Enhance ability? Like him?" Beverly asked as she pointed at D.

"Yes. But Stacy is different compared to D." Said Irons.

"Okay, hold on for a minute please. Because I am lost. What is going on? How can you do that shadow thing? Who are you? Who is she? Who's he? I'm kind of losing it! It's been a long, hard and crazy day!" Said Carlos as he breathing heavily.

"Deep breath, Carlos. But yeah. Could you tell us what is going on?" Said Beverly.

"Of course. My name is Irons. As you can see, I am a military grade war machine robot. I was seen as defective, but Ms. Watson or Stacy, fixed me. I am her personal robot as well as her bodyguard and bartender for this establishment she owns." Said Irons.

"Well, it's nice meeting. And thank you for saving us." Said Beverly.

"No need. I am programmed to help anyone. But to answer the rest of your questions. Allow me to show you a slideshow on this wall." Said Irons as he looked at a nearby wall.

His eyes then projected out light as he was showing a projected slideshow to everyone.

"The Russo Family, Steel City's most powerful crime family. Through their crimes, they have been able to take control of this city. They are living through a golden age of wealth and power. Not even the police can interfere with their business. And all of this is because of their family head. Giovanni Russo, who they also call the Silver Fox." Said Irons.

"Why?" Carlos asked.

"He was born with silver white hair. But he was cunning man as he rose up to be the Russo Family head. He even overthrew his father and other members. Did you ever read the records on this city's well-known criminals?" Beverly asked.

"We had those?" Carlos asked as Beverly face palmed herself.

"Anyway. While this happened, a foreign scientist had made a great discover. Wilhelm Steiner, a young man who studied human genetics. He was amazed by what the human body could do. Until one day, he was told about a little girl who was able to communicate with animals. He studied her for a couple of months, trying to understand how was this possible. But he soon told about a young man who could leap high like a frog. Dr. Steiner studied him as well, until he took a sample of their DNA. And made one of the great discovers in history. The evolutionary gene." Said Irons.

"And what is that?" Beverly asked.

"A gene that was a genetic mutation, but it became hereditary. It was a gene that allowed a person to have a special ability that no one else can do. At first, they were small abilities. Small enhancements, like better hearing or better eyesight. But once Dr. Steiner found out about the gene. He wanted to push it even further. But he needed funding. No one wanted to help because his vision was absurd to them. Until he caught Mr. Russo's attention and funded his research. And as years went by, he pushed the gene's capabilities beyond his expectations. People could control elements, enhanced physical abilities and abilities that are different. I would tell you the whole story, but I was told not to tell Ms. Watson's story for personal reasons. But I can tell you this. We have a small team of Enhance individuals. And we plan on taking down the Russo family and everything they have built." Said Irons.

"Wow, that's some ambition." Said Carlos.

"I said the same thing." Said he young man.

"Ah!" Carlos responded as he was startled.

The young man was leaning by the doorway, while eating an apple. He then zipped over to a nearby chair in a flash and sat down as Carlos and Beverly were surprised by his speed.

"Uh, who's he?" Carlos asked.

"The names Allen West. I'm part of the team. Nice to meet ya." Said Allen as he was quickly shaking Carlos and Beverly's hands.

"Allen has the ability to move his body at a fast speed. His been able to outrun a train and even run on water." Said Irons.

"That was so much fun. Until I used up of my calories and almost drowned. Good ole Irons here saved me." Said Allen.

"Allen has to eat a lot to be able to use his ability." Said Irons.

"But who are these guys? And is Stacy alright?" Allen asked as he zipped over to Stacy's side.

"She just needs to recover. And they are people who I'm guessing Stacy helped. The one across from you is D." Said Irons.

"D…? Whoa, I can't believe it him." Said Allen.

"Speak of which, can we trust him?" Beverly asked as she glanced at him.

D noticed Beverly as her hand looked ready to grab her gun, until he held his hands up.

"I'm not a threat to you. I'm still trying to collect myself after what just happened." Said D.

"You can trust him. Since he and Stacy were old friend." Said Irons.

"I'd ask if you could tell me more. But this has been a long 3 hours of my life. Do you mind if we take a room for ourselves?" Beverly asked.

"Of course. You can take that room. Do you wish for me to move your sister to that room as well?" Irons asked.

"Yes, please. Thanks you." Said Beverly.

Irons walked over to Kimberly and grabbed her as Allen noticed she was only wearing Carlos's coat as he blushed. He stared at her, until Beverly glared at him as he quickly looked away. They went into a nearby room as Irons placed Kimberly down on the bed as Beverly and Carlos walked in. It was a small bedroom, big enough for two people, while Irons stood by the door with his hand on the doorknob.

"We'll be out here if you need us. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask. I am at your service." Said Irons as he closed the door behind him.

"I like him. I wish I had service robot at my home." Said Carlos.

"Yeah…" Said Beverly.

But she walked over and got on her knees, next to Kimberly as she grabbed her hand. Beverly started crying from relief as Carlos got on one knee and rubbed Beverly's back to comfort her.

"I really thought for a minute I lost her." Beverly cried.

"Thankfully that didn't turn out that way." Said Carlos.

"What the hell is up with this world?" Said Beverly.

"I know. People with abilities." Said Carlos.

"Not that. The Russo Family doing whatever the hell they want and the police not doing anything about it!" Said Beverly.

"Oh, so we're not going to acknowledge them. Nah, that's fine." Said Carlos.

"No, that's a whole other different story in itself. Carlos…I think I might join them in taking down the Russo Family." Said Beverly.

"Bev, think about what your say. Think about what just happened to Kim and everything it took to save her." Said Carlos.

"I know. But this has to stop." Said Beverly.

"I agree. But you are a police office, Bev. You can't go off and do unlawful things. This, what they're doing, is consider vigilantism. And you want to join them? You swore an oath to be an office and to uphold the law." Said Carlos.

"You saw what they did. Who's to say they won't come after your family too, Carlos!? What give them the damn right to let them do what they want! I'm tired of being a cop and not being able to do anything! What does this badge mean if I can't protect, and only serve them!? They killed my father. Kidnapped my sister. I am not going to stand by anymore, Carlos. And there's nothing you can do to stop me." Said Beverly.

"Bev, please—" Said Carlos.

"No! Don't try to change my mind. Why did you even come if technically we broke the law, Carlos? If you ask me, you're being a hypocrite." Said Beverly.

"I came because you need my help. You…mean a lot to me Bev. I don't want you or her to get hurt. That's all I want. But it looks like you're not going to change your mind. And since you are going through with this. I can't be involved. I'm sorry, Bev." Said Carlos as he turned.

"Carlos…" Said Beverly.

"I'll do my best to keep the other officer off you. Goodbye, Officer Dewitt." Said Carlos as he opened the door.

Beverly was about to run after him, but he slammed the door shut and she stopped. Beverly stood motionless and quiet, until she heard moaning.

"Bev…" Said Kimberly.

"Kim? Kim!" Said Beverly as she ran and hugged her.

"Wh…Where are we?" Kimberly asked.

"Don't. Just rest. We're at a friend's place. Don't worry. Just rest up, okay." Said Beverly.

"Okay. But Bev…why are you crying?" Kimberly asked.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Said Beverly with a somber smile.

We see Carlos walking out of the Lazy Cat as Allen zipped next to him.

"Hey, where are you going?" Allen asked.

"I'm leaving. You won't be seeing me. Well, maybe in the streets." Said Carlos.

"Oh, and what about your friend?" Allen asked.

"She plans on helping you guys. And I'll try to help out by keeping the cops off you." Said Carlos as he stepped out in the rain.

"Hey!" Said D.

Carlos turned around as a coat was thrown at him. Carlos caught it as he and D stood face to face as Allen watched.

"Don't walk in the rain without a coat. You'll catch a cold." Said D.

"Thanks." Said Carlos.

"We'll look after them. I can promise you that." Said D.

"That's kind of you to say. But why would promise me that?" Carlos asked.

"I owe you guys for helping Stacy and getting me out of there. It's the least I can do." Said D.

"Just make sure that they're happy. Please." Said Carlos as he turned around, putting on the coat.

"I'll do my best." Said D.

Carlos then walked into the ran as he walked off onto the street as it was pouring. Back inside, Beverly walked out as she closed the door behind her. Irons was checking on Stacy as she was still unconscious, while Allen zipped in and D was walking up the stairs.

"I want to help you take down the Russo Family. Tell me what I can do." Said Beverly.

"Are you sure about this?" Irons asked.

"I'm sure." Beverly replied.

"Then we'll have to wait on Ms. Watson." Said Irons.

"No need. We're going to need all the help we can get. Welcome to the team, Beverly." Said Stacy as she sat up, looking very tired.

Meanwhile, we see Mr. Russo arriving at his company. Police were there handling the situation as the press were taking pictures and people were nearby talking. They let Mr. Russo and his guards pass by as he made his way to the elevator. He made his way to Dr. Steiner's lab as he was sitting down, getting his left arm reattached by one of his androids.

"Dr. Steiner, you seem to be unscathed. What did they take?" Mr. Russo asked.

"Only one of my experiments. As well as one of the five." Said Dr. Steiner.

"D? Hmm, now that's a loss. One we can't afford, doctor." Said Mr. Russo with angry.

"Apologizes, Mr. Russo. But I was in the middle of making another letter. Subject F could fill in for D." Said Dr. Steiner.

"F? I don't remember giving you permission to make another letter." Said Mr. Russo.

"Yes. B-But I did it in case something like this happened. I even have plan for a subject G, but they are only plan—" Said Dr. Steiner as Mr. Russo held up his hand to silence him.

"I've always admired your initiative. But don't go wasting my money on things I haven't approved." Said Mr. Russo.

"Oh, course, Mr. Russo. Please forgive me." Said Dr. Steiner.

"Have this lab fixed up quickly. Right now, I'll send someone to take care of Stacy and her new friends she's made. And is Subject A ready for me?" Mr. Russo asked.

"Yes, Subject A is ready for you, sir." Said Dr. Steiner.

"Good." Mr. Russo replied with a smile.