It was the next day as Beverly woke up in the bed Kimberly was on. The light of the morning sun hit her face as she sat up. She looked to her side and saw that Kimberly wasn't there as she jumped out of bed and quickly opened the door. Once the door flew open, she saw everyone eating together as Kimberly and Irons were both cooking together.
"Good morning, sunshine." Said Stacy as she drunk out of a coffee mug.
"Bev! Good morning!" Said Kimberly.
"Wh-What are you doing?" Beverly asked.
"They made breakfast." Said D.
"But not after burning a couple of eggs. Irons had to watch over your sister." Said Allen with his mouth full.
"She was quiet awful at cooking. I'm surprised your alive." Said Irons.
"You don't have to be so harsh, Irons!" Said Kimberly replied, offended.
"Watch over the food." Said Irons.
"Oh!" Kimberly replied as she turned back to the stove.
"And don't worry. Irons filled your sister in on everything. And I mean everything." Said Stacy.
"Really?" Beverly asked.
"Yeah. At first, I woke up feel great. Like I had so much energy in me. I walked out of the room and met Irons and that's when my day got a little dark. Bev, I can't believe you did all that for me." Kimberly broke into tears as she ran and hugged Beverly.
"I'll take over here." Said Irons by the stove.
"Of course. You know I'd never leave you." Said Beverly.
"Aw, that's so sweet." Said Stacy.
"Buzz off." Said Beverly.
"Would you like some breakfast, Beverly?" Irons asked.
"Uh, yeah. Thank you." Said Beverly.
"Irons, let me keep cooking." Said Kimberly.
"I wish to save the rations we have." Said Irons.
"Don't take his words to heart, Kimberly. Irons is trying to efficiently. It's in his program." Said Stacy.
"Okay. Then I'll serve you, Bev." Said Kimberly as she grabbed a plate.
"So what's the plan?" Beverly asked.
"What? About the Russo's? For now, we keep low. Steiner's camera must have caught your faces. But luckily, my little fight messed up their computers. So you should be fine, Beverly. But for Kimberly, she needs to stay out of the sight of Russo's men." Said Stacy.
"Why?" Kimberly asked.
"Steiner keeps information on all his subjects. He has your name, information and even pictures of you. Russo's men are trained to find people who they want to find. So if you walk out of here, you need permission from me. Or have Irons escort you everywhere. I'm saying this because we have to be careful." Said Stacy.
"Yeah, they're even looking for me. But because of my ability, I can just outrun them. So I don't need escort." Said Allen.
"Don't you have newspapers to deliver?" Irons asked.
"Ah, crap! I'll be back later! See you guys!" Allen shouted as he zipped out of the building.
"He works? Shouldn't he be in school?" Beverly asked.
"All enhanced are always constantly being hunted. So it's not a safe place. And he works because this place isn't cheap. And don't you have work, Beverly?" Said Stacy.
"No, luckily it's my day off." Said Beverly.
"Does that mean I have to work? Because I'd be happy to help!" Kimberly asked.
"Yeah. You're very cute. Irons, we need a waitress for the bar right?" Stacy asked.
"Yes, the extra help would be nice." Said Irons.
"Congrats, Kim. You're our new waitress." Said Stacy.
"Yay! I have a job, Bev!" Said Kimberly joyfully.
"I'm happy for you. I guess I'll head back to the apartment get your things, Kim." Said Beverly.
"Take D with you." Said Stacy.
"Me?" D replied.
"Why?" Beverly asked.
"Since you're going out. I have a job that's on the way. Right now, I've been trying to recruit new members into our team. And I found another enhance that's in the train district. Since you both don't really have nothing to do. This is a great chance to get to know each other." Said Stacy.
"And what are you going to do?" D asked.
"She needs to rest. She hasn't fully recovered." Said Irons.
"Yeah, that's true. Doctors' orders." Said Stacy.
"Alright. Shall we?" Said D to Beverly.
"Sure." Said Beverly.
"The awkwardness is already happening." Said Stacy.
It would be moments later as D and Beverly were walk down the street to the train district together. They both weren't talking as they both were looking forward as it was awkward.
"Can I ask why you join the police?" D asked.
"Why do you want to know?" Beverly asked.
"I was just curious. I find it odd that your joined the police force. But now, you're willing to break the law." Said D.
"My father was the chief of this city, but he was killed. I thought being a cop would help me make a change. But I was wrong, since it's a lot more complicated than that. But how can I make change through this stupid system that stops me from doing do. And these bastards have done wrong to my family. I ain't letting that slide." Said Beverly.
"That's understandable. But I have to admit. You got guys, Beverly." Said D as he touched his hat as if he was tilting his hat to her.
"Thanks. Also, what kind of name is D?" Beverly asked.
"It's more like a title than a name. I am subject D. He called me that. I don't think I even have a name. I don't even know who I really am." Said D.
"Oh, I guess we can figure that as we go one." Said Beverly.
"You're being a bit nicer. Why is that?" D asked.
"Look, I'm trying to be a bit chummier since we're going to be work. And from talking to you, you don't seem to be bad. Even though, you can control shadows or whatever. But I think we should start this off right. Beverly Dewitt." Said Beverly with her hand out.
"D. My name is really short." Said D.
"You don't say." Said Beverly as they both chuckled.
They both soon arrived at the train station, until D placed his hand in front of Beverly as they both stopped and she hand her gun where her holster was.
"What is it?" Beverly asked.
"Russo's men." Said D.
They both hid at the corner of a wall as Beverly crouched low with her gun ready, while D stood as they both peeked. They saw Russo's men with Tommy guns or rifles as if they were looking for someone as they were everywhere.
"Why are they here? Were we tailed?" Beverly asked.
"No, they're after the enhance. They must have found about it before we did." Said D.
"Hey, can you use your ability?" Beverly asked.
"As long as there are shadows, I can use it. But I'm stronger at night." Said D.
"Alright, I'll distract them and you do what you can—" Said Beverly as they heard gunfire.
"Jeez!" D responded as he was startled.
They both looked as they saw Mina attacking Russo's men as they opened fired on her. But the bullets did nothing to her as she was steaming like a train, while having her goggles on. She charged at them and swung her shovel at their faces, knocking them out or away. She swung her shovel down on one of the men as he blocked it with his gun. But Mina kicked him in his privates as Beverly and D felt the man's pain as he fell as he squealed from the pain. But she was then surrounded by Russo's men as her steam went away as she was panting.
"You jerks better leave my home! I'm not letting any of you take it away! Not after what your gang did to them. After what they did to my parents!" Mina yelled.
"Oh, stop being so dramatic." Said a woman.
A woman in dressed up as mobster boss approached Mina as she had her hands in pocket and smoking a cigarette that attached to a black cigarette holder. She had her hair in a ponytail and had a fedora hat as she looked toughed and intimidating.
"Claudia Bellini, she's one of Russo's captains. We have to be careful." Said Beverly.
"She sounds serious." Said D.
"What's her name? Minerva Barrett. Can I call you, Mina?" Claudia asked.
"No." Mina replied.
"Okay. I'm just going to say this once. And only once. Come with us. And nothing will happen to this place. Because I don't have the patience to deal with a little brat, right now! But think about, Minerva." Said Claudia she moved her fingers.
Suddenly, the concrete in the ground was moving around Mina as multiple rubbles of concrete was floating around her. Claudia covered herself in concrete armor as she approached Mina as she stood ready.
"But I am willing to let out some stress as well as give you discipline. Which will it be?" Claudia asked as she glared down at Mina.
"Hey! But all of your weapons down!" Beverly shouted as she pointed her gun at Claudia.
"Who are you? And why the hell didn't any of you notice her?" Claudia asked.
"Leave the girl alone and I won't shoot." Said Beverly.
"Do you not see what I'm doing? Are you stupid?" Claudia asked.
"Nah, just distracting you all." Said Beverly.
D made all of their shadows restrain them as they couldn't move at all. Beverly ran in and grabbed Mina as she was squirming for her to free her as she yelled.
"Let me go! I won't let them take my home away!" Mina yelled.
"I'm sorry. But I'm sure your parents would want you to live than waste on these assholes." Said Beverly as she kept on running.
D then let them go as he ran off to catch up with Beverly as he's able to shadow dash. D was having trouble using them as he looked like he wasn't used to them.
"Find them, you idiots!" Claudia yelled.
They all ran off as Beverly ran through alleyways as Mina wrapped her arms around her neck. Beverly was able to run better as she bumped into D as they both startled each other. They both kept on running, until they were quickly surrounded by Russo's men. They looked back and they were also surrounded. Beverly drew her gun as the men pointed their guns at her as they all were on guard. Claudia arrived as she approached the three of them, while trapping their feet with concrete from the ground.
"What should we do about the other two, boss?" One of the men asked.
"I'm tempted to kill them all. But orders are orders. Bring them all in." Said Claudia.
The men were about to make the move as the three of them were ready to fight back. But suddenly, they all froze as they quickly became confused. They then heard a young gypsy girl walked through the men as she looked she was trying to concentrate with one eye open and close and her hand on her head.
"Quickly, come with me. I can't keep them this way for too long." Said the girl.
"Yay, more people." Said Beverly.
"Let's go." Said D.
They all ran off as Mina punched Claudia in the face. They all left as they all started moving again as Claudia instantly felt the punch as her nosed bled.
"What the hell was that!? Wh-Where are they!? Argh! What is today so annoy!" Claudia yelled.