Chapter 8

It was moments later and they were at a circus area as they walk through and old fences by pushing a board to the side. Mina was still around Beverly's neck as she looked at Mina, who was enjoying the piggyback ride.

"Can you walk?" Beverly asked.

"Uh, yeah." Said Mina as she got off her.

"You're pretty strong for a lady, Beverly." Said D.

"Carlos…helped me with that. He told me that someone day I might have to carry someone someday." Said Beverly.

"And here we are!" Said the girl.

"Great. And who are you?" D asked.

"Yeah, why did you help us?" Beverly asked, crossing her arms.

"Yeah?" Mina asked as Beverly and D looked at her.

"Oh, of course. Stacy sent a message out to us. Just in case you two needed help. My name is Florence Young. And welcome to Steel's Circus! This is a safe spot for people like us." Said Florence.

"Us…?" Said Beverly.

"Enhanced. Not all of us are enhance. But handful of us are. And I'm one of them. I have the abilities of a psychic. What I did back there was one of my feats. But it gives me a massive headache, oh!" Said Florence in pain.

"Are you okay?" Beverly asked.

"Yes, a little rest and a nap will get rid of it." Said Florence.

"But thanks for saving our skins back there." Said D.

"Yeah, we appreciate it greatly." Said Beverly.

"But in the meantime, you should wait here, until everything calms down. You three can stay in my tent. Make yourselves at home." Said Florence as she pulled back her tents curtains.

"Thanks." Said D.

"Do you guys have elephants by any chance?" Mina asked.

"Yes, our beast master even has lions." Said Florence.

"Wow!" Mina replied with joy.

"But later. C'mon, kid." Said Beverly as she pulled Mina into the tent.

"Hey! You're not my mom!" Mina shouted.

They all sat down as Mina stared at D and Beverly with her shovel in her hand. D looked at it as it had engravings on the wooden parts.

"Why do you have a shovel?" D asked.

"Nonya." Said Mina.

"Nonya…?" Said Beverly.

"None ya business." Said Mina.

"Did you're parents teach you to talk to grown up like that?" Beverly asked.

"N…No." Mina replied, sad.

"Where are your parents?" D asked.

"What does it look like? They're dead." Said Mina as she looked down at her shovel.

"I'm sorry, kid." Said D.

"Yeah, I…I know what you're going through. My father not too long ago." Said Beverly.

"I was there when it happened. My parents were being hunted by those men. They shot them in front of me. My father died protecting me and my mother. And my mother was shot in the back, trying to protect me. Even though, the bullet hit me. But it wasn't fatal." Said Mina as she touched a scar where the bullet hit her.

"Damn…" Said Beverly.

"I was protecting that part of the station because my dad's train was there. I wasn't going to let them take it away." Mina cried.

D took off his coat and placed it on Mina as her teams streamed down her face, while Beverly sat down with her and placed her arm around her.

"Don't worry, kid. We'll look after you." Said Beverly.

Mina then hugged Beverly and she cried on her shirt as time passed. The three of them were still together as D was showing them his shadow abilities.

"Like I said before to you, Beverly. I'm strong at night since there's darker." Said D.

"That's so awesome! And scary. Are you sure you're not the boogeyman?" Mina asked.

"I doubt. But what about you, Mina? What is your ability?" Beverly asked.

"I have train power!" Said Mina.

"That's doesn't really answer my question." Said Beverly.

"Well, I don't know it well. But I start steam and I get super strong. And when I put my goggles on, they light up. See." Said Mina as she blinded Beverly.

"Ah! Put that away!" Beverly shouted.

"Oops, sorry." Said Mina replied.

"I don't get these abilities. Some are easy to understand like D's. And they're odd like Mina's. This crap is confusing." Said Beverly.

"It seems a person's ability can be anything. Even…train power." Said D as he looked at Mina.

"But I'm glad it's this way. Since I love trains!" Said Mina.

"Why?" Beverly asked.

"My dad…he was a conductor. This was his old shovel. He used it to shovel coal into the train's furnace. I dress this way because I wanted to be just like him. My mom made me these clothes. I won't forget that day." Said Mina as she started crying again.

"She just stopped crying." Said D.

"Mina, the reason we were there was because we're trying to stop these things from happening. We want to stop the Russo family from continuing these things." Said Beverly.

"Would you like to stay with? We have a team of people like us." Said D.

"Like a family?" Mina asked.

"A weird family to be more accurate. But you could say that." Said Beverly.

"Okay!" Said Mina.

"Really?" D replied.

"I want to stop them too! And I want to find the man who killed my parents." Said Mina.

"I could help with that. Did you see his face?" Beverly asked as she pulled out her notepad.

"I didn't see his face. So everything happened so quick. All I know is that he was a large man and he was smoking a cigar." Said Mina.

"That's unfortunate. If you would've had a description, I could try to at least find a name. But I'm sure we'll figure that out when the day comes." Said Beverly.

"Thank you, Beverly. D. You two have been the nicest people I've ever met." Said Mina as she gave an adorable smile.

D turned around and blushed as she was adorably cute to him as Beverly petted her head.

"No problem kid. I like helping others." Said Beverly.

"Ahem. These have settled down. There aren't any of Russo's men." Said Florence.

"Thanks. Let's get going." Said D.

"Right." Said Beverly.

They left as they waved goodbye to Florence and headed back to the lazy cat. They all looked out of place D noticed, while Mina walked casually.

"Beverly, hold my hand." Said D.

"W-What!? Why!?" Beverly responded.

"We look out of place. Let's act like a couple." Said D.

"I think that'll draw more attention." Said Beverly.

"Does that mean I'm your daughter? But how since we all have different hair colors and eyes." Said Mina.

"Just do it. We'll at least blend." Said D.

Beverly noticed some shady men nearby as it was Russo's men. She let her hair and hugged D's arm as they walked close to each other.

"Mama, papa! Look at that!" Said Mina.

"Wow, she's pretty good at acting." Said D.

"Play along. My doesn't that look nice, dear?" Said Beverly.

"Uh, yes. I bet you'd look lovely with it." Said D.

"Papa, that's a chair. You're so silly~!" Said Mina.

"O-Oh! Well, you know how hard I work, ha-ha." D laughed, unconvincingly.

"Wow, you're terrible." Said Beverly.

The men stopped starting at them and ignored them as they kept on walking. It would be later as they arrived at the Lazy Cat and walked in. Time would pass as D and Stacy caught up with each other as they both deeply cared about each other. Everyone got along with each other as they became a like a family. Mina and Allen acted like siblings; Kimberly was their big sister. She worked at the bar but was too clumsy. Until one day she started talking to Ray the piano player and got to know each other. They both quickly had crushes on each other as Beverly soon found out that she can sing and soon became the bar's singer. Beverly would be continuing working, doing easy work as a cop, but would go out on night raids with D. D slowly learned to control and master his power, while training Mina in his spare time. Carlos continued patrolling in his neighborhood as he put on a happy face. But he was sad as he would look at his picture in his wallet and it was him and Beverly on their graduation day. Meanwhile, Mr. Russo on a operation table as he his body was covered up by a blanket. Mr. Steiner was there as he turned to his other side as there was another body. It was a younger version of Mr. Russo as he had the same white hair, handsome and was in underwear as he opened his eyes.

"The operation was a success, Mr. Russo. How does this body fell?" Dr. Steiner asked.

"Like 60 years younger. It's a bit strange to be in a younger body. But I feel amazing. I haven't felt like this in years." Said Mr. Russo as he stood up.

"I advise you to take it easy, Mr. Russo. Experiment A's body is strong and powerful. And you are not used to it yet. But thanks to Malone, Ms. Watson and Hudson's abilities. That body is my perfect creation." Said Dr. Steiner.

A robot handed Mr. Russo some clothes as he put it on as he was dressed up. He and Dr. Steiner walked out together and made their way to the elevator.

"Is F ready?" Mr. Russo asked.

"Yes, she is ready to finish off Stacy and her team of misfits." Said Dr. Steiner.

"Good, she's been a thorn in our sides for a long time. Send in F. As well as E." Said Mr. Russo.

"Two Letters?" Said Dr. Steiner.

"I just want them gone. Since you did promise me that they would be dead. But that didn't happen, did it? I want F to go after her older brother. While E can go straight to their little bar that call a hideout. But do it after we get the shipment of weapons arrive. We need all the fire power we can get for my plan." Said Mr. Russo.

"Yes, sir. Whatever you ask, Mr. Russo." Said Dr. Steiner.

It was the present and D was on the roof of the Lazy Cat. He put his hat on, until he heard someone clear their throat. D turned as it was Stacy approaching him as she was in casual clothes.

"Need some company?" Stacy asked.

"I should be fine. I don't want you exerting yourself." Said D.

"I only get weak whenever I use my ability too much. And I haven't been using it at all lately. How about it? You and me?" Stacy asked as she stood close to him, touching his tie.

"As much as I'd like that. I don't want you getting hurt." Said D.

"You sure do know how to charm a gal, don't you? Come back safe." Said Stacy as she playfully lowered his hat.

"I will." D replied as he fixed his hat.

She watched him leave as he ran roof to roof top, while there a woman in a long gray coat with a hood as she had goggles and a cloth mask covering his face. She had fog emitting out of the bottom of her cloak as it clouded her. And down on the street, there was man in combat clothes and gear that looked like that conducts electricity. He moved his fingers as they surged with lightning as they both were about to start their assault on the Lazy Cat.