Chapter 9

It was couple of years ago as we see a 5-year-old Stacy was walking down a pathway in the city's park on a sunny day. Next to her was her mother, who was holding her hand and was wearing a pretty dress and hat. Her mother was gorgeous as she caught the attention of every man around. They arrived at a playground as her mother was pushing her on one of the swings, while Stacy laughed as she was having fun. Nearby was Mr. Russo arriving with some of his bodyguards as Dr. Steiner was there. Mr. Russo was in late forties and Dr. Steiner was in his thirties as Stacy's mother noticed them.

"Hey, Stacy. Look who it is?" Said her mother as she pointed at Mr. Russo.

"Papa!" Stacy shouted in joy.

Mr. Russo smiled with his hands out as Stacy ran over to him. Mr. Russo couched down as Stacy jumped into his arm as he hugged her.

"My little angel! My you have grown. You're looking more like your mother each day." Said Mr. Russo.

"Giovanni, how have you been?" Stacy's mother asked.

"Well, Jane. I forgot how pretty you look. How have you been?" Mr. Russo asked.

"I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. Dr. Steiner, it's been a long time." Said Jane as she gave him a warm smile.

"Uh, y-yes. It has been. It's excellent to see you again, Jane." Dr. Steiner replied, shy and blushing as he adjusted his glasses.

"What's wrong, Steiner? Nervous around the pretty lady? Makes since for all the time you spend in your lab." Mr. Russo asked, jokingly.

"Don't be mean, Giovanni. It's not Wilhelm's fault he's so smart." Said Jane.

"True. But let's take a walk, Jane. Wilhelm, do what you need to do. And treat my daughter well. I've been told she hates checkups." Said Mr. Russo.

Mr. Russo and Jane left as some of his guards went with them, while Dr. Steiner sat down on the bench with Stacy. She was kicking her feet as Steiner was rummaging through his bag. He pulled out medical tools as he checked her health.

"You seem to be in good health. Now, I need to take a blood sample from you." Said Dr. Steiner as he pulled out a needle.

Stacy started to tear up at the sight of the needle as Steiner quickly became frantic.

"Oh, n-no! Please don't cry." Dr. Steiner responded.

"I…I want my mommy!" Stacy cried.

"No, it's okay, Stacy. It will take only a quick second. Please trust me. Here, look! You like candy?" Dr. Steiner asked as he pulled out a piece of candy.

Stacy stopped and calmed down as Steiner placed it on her hand. She quickly placed it in her mouth and loved it's sweet tase as she smiled.

"Good. How about this. I will give you another piece of candy after I take a sample. Hmm? Deal?" Said Dr. Steiner.

Stacy gave a suspicious pouty look as Dr. Steiner sighed and chuckled.

"I too do not like needles. They hurt a lot and they can be scary. But that's why I am a doctor. I made these specifically not to hurt. And sooner we do this, the quicker you can get another piece of candy." Said Dr. Steiner.

Stacy didn't want to continue, but she held her arm out to Steiner, but looked away. Steiner put the needle into her vein as she didn't feel anything. He then took out a small amount of blood from her as quickly disinfect her arm and placed a band aid where he took the shot.

"There you go. All finished." Said Dr. Steiner.

"It's over?" Stacy asked.

"Yes. Not so bad was it? And just as I promised." Said Dr. Steiner as he held out another piece of candy to her.

"Thank you!" Stacy replied happily as she grabbed it.

Dr. Steiner petted her head as it would be years as Stacy was 10 years old and she was in Steiner's lab. There also other children in the lab as they all had their own separate rooms and a place to play together. Steiner was running tests on them as Jane and Mr. Russo were in a separate room but were there watching him run the test. There were guards with them as they were talking.

"You want to what!?" Jane asked.

"She's shown great progress with the doctors research. Our daughter is the key to seeing my dream, all that I've worked, to come true. We need her here." Said Mr. Russo.

"Giovanni, are you saying you want to keep my daughter?" Jane asked.

"I'm not asking. Since she is my daughter." Said Mr. Russo.

"Giovan—" Said Jane, until his guards grabbed her

"Jane, I'm just going to flat out say it. I want to keep her here for research purposes. And if you do not cooperate. I will get rid of you if I have to. Understood?" Mr. Russo asked as he gently touched her chin.

Jane wanted to respond, refusing him. But she only looked down as he snapped his fingers, signaling them to let go of her.

"You will be allowed to see her. I will be fair. You may live here if you want. I don't think the doctor would mind the company." Said Mr. Russo.

"Is this the reason why you had a child with me? To use her for your work!?" Jane asked.

"No. You getting pregnant was all on accident. Until Steiner asked me if I'd like to at least try to enhance our child. He told me the chanced were low of being power special and there was no risk for the baby. But lo and behold, she was born special." Said Mr. Russo as he looked at Stacy with a smirk.

Time would go by as Stacy was experiment on as to push her power to manifest. And during that time, Jane would visit her as she was happy to see. Dr. Steiner would accompany them as they ate together and talked. One day, Jane put Stacy to sleep as she kissed her on the cheek goodnight and left her room. She gently closed the door behind her as Jane had a sad look on her face. She looked and up and saw Steiner working and writing down on a piece of paper with a pen in his hand. Jane approached Steiner with her arms crossed as she looked at what he was writing, while he got nervous as she was close to him.

"You are quite the worker, huh?" Jane asked.

"Yes. This work take a lot of effort." Said Dr. Steiner.

"Doesn't your hand get sore?" Jane asked.

"Sometimes. But at this point, I'm used to writing a lot." Said Dr. Steiner.

"Wilhelm, thank you for treating Stacy so kindly. You have been really good to her." Said Jane.

"Well, of course. She is a child. I would hate to hurt her. Since she is your daughter. And as well as Mr. Russo." Said Dr. Steiner.

"Wilhelm, is this work really worth what Giovanni wants? What is the point?" Stacy asked.

"To better mankind, Jane. Man is susceptible to many diseases, very fragile. This work is meant to improve man to our highest peak of evolution. It could history!" Said Dr. Steiner.

"When you say, you sound passionate. But when Giovanni speaks about, he sounds like he's doing this for selfish reasons." Said Jane.

"Jane, is there something you wish speak of? If so, speak. You can trust me." Said Dr. Steiner.

"I don't want her here. I want my Stacy out of this lab." Said Jane.

"Stacy…" Said Dr. Steiner.

"I want my daughter to live a normal life, Wilhelm! I hate seeing her being experiment for your research! Please…help me get her out here." Jane cried.

It would be later as we see Steiner push a cart that had laundry in it. And inside was Stacy who was under a pile of sheets. Jane was waiting outside of the building in a car, while Steiner was slowly making his way to staff elevator. He got in and pressed one of the buttons and waited patiently and nervously.

"Dr. Steiner, are we there yet?" Stacy asked.

"Almost, but you must stay quiet. Do you understand, Stacy?" Dr. Steiner asked.

"Uh-huh." Stacy replied.

"Good." Said Dr. Steiner.

The elevator stopped as Steiner found himself in front of a couple of guards, while he immediately got nervous and sweated.

"Doctor, aren't you supposed to be downstairs working?" A guard asked.

"Y-Yes. B-But…uh, I f-found out the children were getting rashes. It is bothering them and it has caused some trouble with my work. So I plan seeing what they are using to clean these sheets. But I cannot waste. Now, excuse me." Said Steiner as he walked through.

"Uh, right. Sorry for holding you up." Said the guard.

Steiner kept on walk and sighed and quickly made his way to a small laundry room. He helped Stacy out of the cart as they quickly made their way out of the building without being seen. Jane saw them walk out of the building as she opened the door and ran to Stacy. They both hugged as Dr. Steiner was happy as Jane stood up, holding Stacy's hand.

"Thank you, Wilhelm." Said Jane.

She kissed Wilhelm on the cheek as he blushed and was bashful.

"You must go now. Before—" Said Dr. Steiner.

"Before I find out?" Mr. Russo asked.

They both turn as Mr. Russo was standing by Jane's car as he turned it off. They then see more guards approach them as they surrounded them.

"Steiner, go back inside." Said Mr. Russo.

"Mr. Russo, I can explain." Said Dr. Steiner as he tried approaching him.

But one of the men hit the back of his legs as he fell on his knees. They then pinned him into the ground as Jane hold onto Stacy as they both were afraid.

"I trusted you, old friend. And you go behind my back to help her. Why? Don't tell me you still have a crush on her. Even after I had my fun with her. You still like her. Wilhelm, I really did see us as friends. As my partner. But you should know to never cross a man like. And just because you are my friend. Doesn't mean I can let this slide easily. Get the girl." Mr. Russo ordered.

"No!" Jane yelled.

They grabbed Stacy as Jane did her best to hold onto, but Mr. Russo pulled out a gun and aimed it at Jane. He then fired the gun as the bullet hit her on the chest. Jane fell to the ground as Stacy and Steiner froze from shock, while Mr. Russo holstered his gun and approached Steiner.

"Jane!" Steiner shouted.

"Mama! MAMA!" Stacy cried.

"Let this be a lesson, Doctor. You out of everyone should know that there's nothing that will stop me from reaching my dream." Said Mr. Russo as Steiner cried.

"Mama!" Stacy cried, until she was knocked out.

"Take her and him back to the lab. Nothing gets in or out without my permission. I hate it when people listen to my warns. It just complicates things." Said Mr. Russo as he smoked a cigarette.