Chapter 10

It was present day as Stacy was sitting by her room window and looking at a picture of her mother. She was in the picture as well as she was a 5-year-old.

"I know this isn't the life you wanted for me, mom. But I'm going to make that son of a bitch pays. For what he did to you and me." Said Stacy.

We then see E, who was outside of the Lazy Cat, open an electrical box on the side of the building and place his hand on it. He then absorbed the electricity as the power went off, while the other noticed. Irons turned on a built-in flashlight in his head as he was downstairs. The others were upstairs and were startled from the lights going out.

"Did they forget to pay the bill?" Kim asked.

"No, we paid on time this month. Irons! Do you know what's going on?" Stacy asked as she walked over to the stairs.

"I can't tell you what it is. Probably a black out. The streetlights are out as well." Said Irons.

"Aw, man, and I wanted some pie." Said Allen.

Suddenly, E walked into the bar as Irons turned towards him and saw lightning surging around him as approached him.

"Apologizes, but the bar is closed." Said Irons.

"Not here for a drink. I'm here for you and your little gang." Said E.

He then fired shot a bolt of lightning at Irons as he took the hit and was shocked. Irons' system was being fried and his vision wasn't working as he fell on one knee. E approached him with his right-hand surging with electricity.

"It's lights out for you!" Said E.

He was about to touch Irons, but Allen bolted in and punched E across the face. He knocked him across the room and crashed into a wall and fell on top of a table. He broke it and some chairs as Allen had rubber gloves and looked worried about the furniture.

"Uh, sorry about the table and chairs. I'll try paying for that." Said Allen.

"Forgive it, just get him out of my home!" Stacy shouted.

"Irons, can you get up?" Allen asked.

"I don't need to get up for this." Said Irons as he aimed his arms.

They turned into machine guns as he opened fired on E. He dashed out of the way and to Irons as he lightning punched Irons to the ground, while Allen swung at him. E dodged his fist as he punched Allen in the face and launched him out of the bar and onto the street. He was shaking from the lightning as Allen slowly tried getting back.

"Okay, avoid his lightning fists." Said Allen.

E then shocked Irons as he shook and couldn't move, while E walked over to the stairs. But Mina jumped down from the top and dropped kicked E in the face. He was knocked into a wall as Mina grabbed her shovel and swung it at E. He ducked down as her shovel cut through the wall as E fired a lightning bolt at Mina. Mina flew into the bar as she was shaking. E then walked up the stairs, until Allen bolted up with him and swung at the back of his head. But E dodged his fist as Allen swung his other fist as E stopped it with his barehand. He then poked Allen as he shocked him with massive amounts of volt. Allen passed out and fell on the stairs as E went upstairs and saw Bev standing in front of Kim with her gun in her hands.

"And the other one?" E asked.

"Don't know. But take another step and you'll see all 6 bullets in my gun." Said Beverly.

"Hmm, what's faster? My lightning or one of your bullets. You want to test it out?" E asked.

"Bev, I don't think your bullets can shoot faster!" Kim added.

"You don't think I know that?" Bev replied quietly.

E quickly held his hand out to them both, until Stacy threw a tied-up blanket over E's eyes. He was blinded as Stacy pulled the blanket and made him stumble. Beverly fired as the bullets hit his suit as it damaged, but the holes caused lightning surge out. Stacy was shocked by a stray bolt as she felt to the ground. E looked at his holes and then at his arm as it had a electrometer and it had a red glowing light and malfunctioning.

"You bitch!" E yelled.

He aimed his hand at them again, but Irons tackled into E and pinned him into a nearby wall.

"Run!" Irons shouted, while being shocked.

"L-Let's go!" Said Beverly as she ran with Kimberly.

Beverly helped Stacy as she got back up as the three of them went downstairs. They saw Mina as she was groaning on the ground, behind the bar.

"Mina, are you okay?" Beverly asked.

"Y-Yeah. Why does electricity hurt so much?" Mina asked.

"Where's Allen?" Stacy asked.

"Here. That guy knows how to use his lightning. I think he screwed with my nervous or something. I can't run as fast as I usually do." Said Allen.

Suddenly, the ceiling broke and fell onto the first floor's floor. E was on top of Irons and shocking him with large amounts of volts. Mina and Allen tried running in, but E had a electric field around him as no one could get near.

"Irons!" Stacy shouted.

Irons was being shocked to death as they couldn't do anything. But Kimberly teared up, but got angry as she approached E.

"Let him go! You're killing him! Go off of Irons, now!" Kimberly screamed.

Suddenly, her scream then turned into a siren scream as it hurt E's ears as he stopped. Everyone was surprised, until Kimberly screamed again with a strong siren blast. She knocked E off of Irons as he flew into a wall and got stuck, while her scream kept on going.

"What is going on!?" Allen shouted as everyone covered her ears.

Kimberly then stopped as she fell on her knees and was lightheaded as Beverly slid to her side.

"Kim, are you okay?" Beverly asked.

"Irons…help Irons." Said Kimberly.

Stacy, Mina and Allen ran over to Irons as he was twitching from the electricity. But he opened his eyes as he did a systems analysis.

"System damage: critical. Power at 379%. Armor intact, but damaged. That was a shock to my system." Said Irons.

"Can you stand?" Stacy asked.

"We got him. Help me, Mina." Said Allen.

"Uh, sure. We got you, big guy." Said Mina.

They helped him up as Mina was doing most of the work, while Allen was struggling to hold him up on his feet.

"Where do you think you're going?" E asked.

They all turned as E took off his helmet showing his face as he was a Native American with lightning marks on his face. His eyes were surging with lightning as it was unstable, because of his suits damage.

"Run!" Mina shouted as and Allen tried moving fast.

"Beverly, get you sister and run." Said Stacy.

"What!? No! What are you going to do?" Beverly asked.

E aimed his hand at them, until Stacy's eyes glowed and she bolted to E and punched him across the face. He flew into the wall again, dropped on his feet and fired a bolt of lightning at Stacy. She dodged it on time, surprising E and Beverly.

"I'll be fine. Make sure they're safe. I can handle this." Said Stacy.

Beverly didn't want to go, but she heard Kimberly moan as she was concerned.

"You better be behind us. Kick his ass." Said Beverly.

"That's the plan, Beverly." Said Stacy with a cocky smirk.

Beverly and the others went to the side of the Lazy cat and got Irons on the truck. Mina dropped Irons in the back as the truck lowered as Allen got in the driver's seat.

"Yeah, I can't drive!" Said Allen.

"I'll drive. Just help look after Kimberly and Irons with Mina." Said Kimberly as she sat Kimberly down in the back of the truck.

Allen got off as Beverly searched for the keys, while Stacy was hiding behind the wooden pillars of the bar for cover. E was firing lightning bolts as E was making his way to the entrance. But Stacy used her ability and ran to E. He noticed her as he aimed his hand at her, but she kicked his arm up as he fired a lightning bolt up into the ceiling. Stacy put all everything into her hand and fired a light blast at E at point blank. E was knocked out of the building as the truck stopped at the front of the Lazy Cat.

"Stacy!" Beverly shouted.

"Didn't I tell you to run?" Stacy replied, tired.

"Yeah, well. I couldn't leave you behind." Said Beverly as she helped her walk.

"Don't tell me that you're falling for my charm?" Stacy asked.

"Keep dreaming." Said Beverly.

E burst with lightning as his suit was heavily damaged as more lightning was surging out of his suit. E then saw the truck burn tire and drive off in a hurry as he flew off after them. Meanwhile, we see D and F fighting as D was throwing punches at F. But his punches phased through her as her body turned into fog. She then punched D across the face as he stumbled back and touched his face.

"For a little lady, you can punch." Said D.

F walked backwards as steam started clouding up everything around them. D couldn't see two feet in front of him as he felt like he was in a different place. Suddenly, F attacked from behind as D quickly turned around and swung at her. But once he punched her, she turned into fog as the real F swung a wooden bat into his face. D fell to the ground as F started to whale on him with the bat, until she was stopped. She looked back as D used her shadow to retrain her bat and saw her feet were also restrained.

"Didn't they tell you what I can do? Anything that the shadows or darkness is…I can control it." Said D.

He then used his shadow and made a shadow blade to his arm. He swung it at F, but she turned into fog as she freed herself from his restraint. She floated off and made her fog dissipate as she stood on top of another building.

"He's gained his ability to control his power again. This is going to be way harder than I thought." F thought to herself.