F stared at D as he ran to her and used the shadows to launch himself high as he jumped to the building she was on. He landed nearby as D held his hand out as silhouette clones of D appeared from the shadows and attack her. F ran off, while getting a radio message from E.
"The others are escaping on a truck. I'm on their tail." Said E.
He was running on the roof or side of the buildings at lighting speed and firing lightning bolts at the truck. Beverly was taking sharp turns through alley ways or into other adjacent streets.
"Can someone do something!? It'd really appreciate it!" Beverly yelled.
"What can we do?" Allen asked.
"Here, used my arm. Just put it on and fire it like a gun." Said Irons as he handed him his arm.
"Oh…awesome." Allen replied.
He put his arm on his arm as it adjusted to his arm as Allen opened the back door forcedly.
"Easy…this truck wasn't cheap." Said Stacy, tired.
"Sorry. Hey, you! Like lead!?" Allen shouted.
He opened fired on E as he dashed to another building on the opposite side of the street. Allen followed him as E shot another lightning bolt close to the back right wheel of the truck.
"Allen, lose him!" Beverly shouted.
"I've never shot a gun before! No less an arm gun! Give me a break!" Allen yelled.
"Irons, give me your other arm!" Said Mina.
Irons gave her his other arm as she put it on and fired next to Allen as she giggled. Her aim was better as E got hit by one of the bullets. E then jumped down to the street and shot a constant bolt of lightning that stopped the truck in place. Beverly stepped on the accelerator pedal but saw that they were floating above the ground.
"You're not going anywhere." Said E.
But Beverly pulled out her gun, aimed at E and fired multiple times on his suit. One of the bullets made a large hole in his suit as his lightning surged out of control. The truck landed on the ground as the truck drove off as E was losing control of his lightning.
"Damn it!" E yelled.
He then took his suit off and touched a nearby utility pole and turned into pure electricity and conducted his way back to Russo Corp. Beverly and Allen watched as they sighed from relief that he gave up chasing them.
"Wait, if you're here. Who's driving?" Allen asked.
They both look as they see Mina driving the truck as she smiled and giggled.
"This is fun!" Said Mina.
They both panic, while F was still being chased by D as his silhouette clones attacked her, until swung at them. They all faded away after one hit as F saw that she was at an dead end. The nearest building was too far away to jump as F turned to D as he landed in front of her.
"End of the line, F." Said D.
"Do you really think that?" F replied.
"Not really. You and your group always has something planned. But I'm sure you sent another Letter after my home, right?" D asked.
"Right on the dot, D. But this time, Mr. Russo wants everyone in your team dead. But not you since you are a Letter. One of Dr. Steiner's best creation. All he needs to do is place another McGuffin on you and your back to being a mindless slave." Said F.
"I'd like to see him try to put that on me again." Said D.
"But I'll see you again, D. My mission was to keep you distracted. And to see how much you've regained control of your power. See ya." Said F as she jumped off the ledge.
D ran over and looked down as F fall all the way down to the ground. But she turned into a cloud of fog as she floated down safely. She then reformed into a person and ran off into the city.
"I wonder if I can do that. Nah, I'd be dead if I try that. But the others…" Said D as he looked out to his side.
He ran off, while we see the others in the truck as Beverly found a spot to hide. They saw police cars driving through the street as Beverly kept an eye out.
"Is everyone alright?" Beverly asked.
"That was so much fun!" Said Mina.
"Yeah, fun. If your crazy! Jeez, that guys was really difficult to deal with. I've never met anyone who can move faster than me." Said Allen.
"Besides me." Said Stacy, tired.
"Stacy, you need your medicine." Said Irons, trying to get up.
"Whoa, whoa! Stand down, big guy. You're in no shape to do anything. We need to fix him up." Said Mina.
"We need to find a safe place to stay. I don't think the Lazy Cat is safe." Said Beverly.
"She's right. Bev, do you remember where the circus is?" Stacy asked.
"I know the place. Are you sure that place is safe?" Beverly asked.
"They're allies. Just trust me. The owner is practically indebted to me." Said Stacy.
"Okay. Allen, try giving Stacy her medicine. Mina, check on Kim for me. Is she going to be okay?" Beverly asked as she turned on the truck.
"She awakened her ability. It was bound to happen. Though, I didn't expect her to have that kind of power. She just needs rest." Said Stacy.
"Alright. To the circus." Said Beverly.
She then drove off, while at Russo Corps. E arrived through an electric outlet and into a giant light bulb container. He conducted around in it as Dr. Steiner pushed some buttons and had another suit ready as he went inside of it. E changed back to his physical form as he moved his body, adjusting to the suit. F arrived through the opens of the door as she stood in front of Dr. Steiner and E.
"I would ask how it went. But from the looks of it, it didn't go well." Said Dr. Steiner.
"They weren't prepared. But they were able to escape me." Said E.
"W-What!?" Dr. Steiner replied.
"And D has gotten better with his ability. He just might be as deadly as before. Probably even more." Said F.
"No, this is not good news. Mr. Russo is going to be furiously disappointed. How were they able to escape you E?" Dr. Steiner asked.
"They were lucky. I had everything handled. But they were able to figure out that my suit is my weakness. Well, that police girl knew. The other didn't seem to pick up what was going on with me." Said E.
"Yes, Ms. Dewitt. Return back to your pods. I will summon you both when we need you. I will speak to Mr. Russo." Said Dr. Steiner.
"Yes, sir." E and F replied.
Dr. Steiner went on the elevator and went upstairs to the top floor. He arrived as he saw that only his two bodyguards were there.
"Hold on, doc. Mr. Russo is busy. If you know what I mean." Said one of the guards.
"Let me guess, his assistant?" Dr. Steiner asked.
"Yeah, he's one lucky bastard. This broad is sexy and well built, doc." Said the other guard.
"I understand. No need for specifics." Said Dr. Steiner, annoyed.
"Sorry, doc. She's one of those girls made for sinning. Am I right, Caputo?" Said the other guard.
"Shut up, Ricci." Caputo replied.
Suddenly, the door opened as the assistant walked out with her clothes messing, while she was fixing her shirt. Mr. Russo walked out as well as he was drinking alcohol from a glass cup.
"Let's schedule for later today." Said Mr. Russo.
"Of course, sir." His assistant giggled.
"I wish I was the boss." Said Ricci.
"Mr. Russo. A word, please?" Said Dr. Steiner.
"Yeah, come on in. You too, boys." Said Mr. Russo.
They all went in as one of the office windows was open as Mr. Russo sat on his chairs. Caputo and Ricci sat down nearby as Dr. Steiner stood across from Mr. Russo's desk.
"Enjoy your new body, I see." Said Dr. Steiner.
"You've out done yourself, Steiner. I'm able to do things that I haven't done in years. Now, what did you want to talk about?" Mr. Russo asked.
"E and F failed their mission." Dr. Steiner answered.
"And why is that?" Mr. Russo asked.
"It seems that one of them, Ms. Beverly Dewitt, a police officer. She was there and from what I've learn from her record. She is very intelligent. And it seems she saw the design flaw in E's suit. Allowing them escape. But I am making modifications to it. D also regained good control of his abilities. This group is far capable that I realized. It makes since why such a small group has been trouble for us." Said Dr. Steiner.
"Tell me, why is that not even one Letter can take care of this small insignificant group, Steiner?" Mr. Russo asked.
"Power isn't everything, sir. I'm sure Stacy was a factor of them escaping." Said Dr. Steiner.
"All the more reason, I want them dead. I'm in a good mood, Steiner. So I'm giving you one last chance to get rid of them. But since I want this done right…Caputo?" Said Mr. Russo.
"Yes, sir." Caputo replied.
"Send word to my Capos. I want them dead. If they are seen, kill them on the spot." Said Mr. Russo.
"Yes, sir." Said Caputo as he got up and left to send the word.
"You may leave, Steiner." Said Mr. Russo.
"Of course, sir." Dr. Steiner replied.
"Um, not to be nosy, sir. But why do you want this Stacy girl dead?" Ricci asked.
"To simply put it. She knows too much." Mr. Russo replied.
Meanwhile, the truck arrive at the circus as it started to smoke up from the engine. Beverly parked the car and turned it off immediately as the circus folk were staring as Stacy got off and started cough.
"And now my truck is ruined." Said Stacy.
"Blame Mina." Said Beverly.
"It's not that bad. Aren't they supposed to blow out smoke?" Said Mina.
"Not from engine." Said Beverly.
"Stacy, is that you?" Florence asked, the gypsy psychic.
"Hey, Flo! You've grown so much!" Said Stacy.
"I see you need help." Said Florence.
"Yeah. I need to talk to the big guy." Said Stacy.
"No need, Stacy. I'm right here." Said a man.
They all looked and saw a short round man who had clown like hair. He had a kind smile, looked friendly and was dressed like an owner as he approached Stacy and Beverly.
"Mr. Welch, I need your help." Said Stacy with desperation.
"Come then. Mrs. Rosinsky, can you push the truck under that tent?" Mr. Welch asked.
"Yes, sir." Mrs. Rosinsky replied, who was a muscle woman.
"Thank you, Mr. Welch." Said Stacy.
"You can thank me later. You know they're searching for you. I'm risking a lot for you. You know that?" Mr. Welch asked.
"I do. But we're friends, right?" Stacy asked.
"Until the end, my angel. Let's go people!" Mr. Welch shouted.