It was later as we see the gang resting up as Irons was being worked on by a boy the same age as Mina. He had a mechanic's clothes, oil stains on his face and clothes, rag covering his face, blue eyes and wavy dirty blonde hair. He was up fixing Irons as his armor was stripped off as his body was metal skeleton, metal woven as his muscles, wires like his veins and a few parts of his body were human. Everyone looked at Irons, while Mina was standing in front of him with her eyes wide open like a cartoon. She slowly moved her index finger towards him, wanting to touch him as Irons looked at her annoyingly.
"Stop." Said Irons.
"Okay. Mina replied.
"Is it safe to assume that you were once human?" Beverly asked.
"You could. But I wouldn't have any recollection of it. My first memory was seeing Stacy in front of me. She was the one who activated me." Said Irons.
"But that was back then." Said Stacy.
"That was after you came here, right?" Florence asked.
"Uh-huh." Stacy replied.
"You've been through a lot, huh?" Beverly asked.
"I have stories for days. Anyway, I'm going to find Mr. Welch. You all sit tight for now. Flo, can you get some food to them for me, please~? Thanks." Said Stacy as she left.
"Do you guys like restaurant food?" Florence asked.
"Heck yeah!" Mina replied.
Stacy walked out of their tent as D had arrive and walked over to her.
"Stacy, are you okay? Where are the others?" D asked as he grabbed her hands.
"Easy, D. I'm fine. And the others are in the tent. We took a hit by E. But it's nothing we can't handle. Though, it was a close call. The crappy thing about this is that I won't be able to go back to our home. What happened to you? You look scuffed up." Said Stacy.
"I was attacked by F. She was difficult to fight. But she wasn't able to hurt me that much." Said D as he took off his hat.
"Two Letters. These guys aren't playing anymore. You know what this means, right?" Stacy asked.
"We need to go on the offensive." D replied.
"Yep. Did you get to find the enhance?" Stacy asked.
"No. F attacked me after I left." Said D.
"If you want, you can go." Said Stacy.
"No, I'll lay low. I'll go at night." Said D.
"Okay. I'll be back. You should wait with the others." Said Stacy as she took his hat.
She left, while putting it on as she winked at D. D chuckled as he went into the tent as Stacy went to the Mr. Welch's office. It was a circus cart as she walked up the stairs and knocked on the open door.
"Mr. Welch…?" Said Stacy as she entered.
"Come on in, Stacy." Said Mr. Welch as he was putting up a book.
"Thank you for your help." Said Stacy.
"What are friends for? I see you've made a new family." Said Mr. Welch.
"Don't be like that. You guys are my family too." Said Stacy.
"I'm glad to hear it. But what is it that you wish to talk about? If it's about recruiting others for your cause. Sorry to say, but we will not help you with that." Said Mr. Welch.
"Aren't you tired of living in hiding constantly? Don't you want to walk around free, Mr. Welch?" Stacy asked.
"I do. But I have people to look after. And I will not risk their lives to fight a war that is near impossible to win." Said Mr. Welch.
"Okay, but are there others who are willing to fight with us?" Stacy asked.
"No. You may ask, but don't you dare change their mind. I know how much of a temptress you are. Especially now, that you're all grown up." Said Mr. Welch.
"What? Is it wrong to use my feminine charm? It's not my fault my mother gave me these looks." Said Stacy.
"Do not force your ideals on them is all I'm saying, Stacy. If that is all, get some rest. I'm sure your pushing yourself as we speak." Said Mr. Welch.
"I'm a big girl, Mr. Welch. I've gotten stronger since the last time we saw each other. And we won't stay for too long. Again, thanks. I can always count you." Said Stacy as she left.
"That girl hasn't change at all. I'm surprise she isn't dating." Said Mr. Welch as he glanced at a picture nearby.
It was a picture a couple of years ago as Stacy was 14 years old. He then looked out of his window and saw D was waiting for her. She looked happy seeing him as she brushed her hair to her side, while Mr. Welch smiled contently.
"But I could be wrong." Said Mr. Welch.
We then see Stacy and D walk into the tent as everyone was eating, while Beverly was cleaning her gun. Allen and Mina were chowing down their food that Florence brought as she was eating with them. The boy finished working on Irons as he grabbed a piece of his armor.
"You should be fine for now. You need some arts replaced. Especially your armor. What happened?" The boy asked.
"He showed someone what's watt." Said Mina as the boy chuckled.
"Don't start making puns." Said D as he and Stacy approached them.
"Are you going to eat, Bev?" Stacy asked.
"In a few. Just cleaning my gun." Said Beverly.
"Where did you get those tools?" D asked.
"The kid let me borrow them." Said Beverly.
"My name Albert Pascal. But you can call me, Al." Said Al.
"Thanks for fixing up my friend, Al. How much do I owe you for help me?" Said Stacy with a smile, while Al blushed
"Mr. Welch said to help you out in any way I could. So no charge." Said Al.
"That's so sweet of you~! Thank you, Al." Said Stacy as she kissed him on the cheek.
"N-No problem." Al replied, flushed red.
"Looking a bit happy there, Al." Said Allen teasingly.
"I'm going to take a look at this. And shut up." Said Al as he walked over to his station with Iron's armor.
"(Giggles) How are you holding up, Irons?" Stacy asked.
"The boy did a good job. Even with these cheap parts. I'm functioning optimally. So I'm doing well." Said Irons.
"Hey, Bev? How's Kimberly doing?" D asked as he approached her.
"Still knocked out. Apparently, this is normal when Enhance powers awaken. Is that true?" Beverly asked.
"Um, well, I couldn't tell you, honestly. I've always had these powers. I never experience what she's going through." Said D.
"She'll be fine, Beverly. Trust me. She'll wake up soon. And I'd eat before those two take your food." Said Stacy as she handed tray of food to the both of them.
"Thanks." Said Beverly as she grabbed it.
"Alright. Now that Irons is up. Us grown-ups are going to talk. Flo, can you show these two around?" Stacy asked.
"Sure, you can count on me. Come you guys! I'll show you around." Said Florence.
"Well, good timing. Just finished. C'mon, Mina." Said Allen as he got up.
"Oh, can we see the animals? (Gasps) Do you have monkeys?" Mina asked as they left.
"Before we start. Can I ask how you know these people?" Beverly asked.
"I was homeless for a while. But I soon found from Mr. Welch. He was kind enough to bring me in and give me a place to call home. I spent most of my life here." Said Stacy.
"What act did you do? Ticket seller?" D asked.
"For your information. I was a clown." Stacy replied.
"Even better." Said D.
"Laugh all you want. I loved it. I had some good memories here. Probably because Mr. Welch made this place for people with nowhere to go. Not to mention that most of the people who work for him are enhance." Said Stacy.
"Really?" Beverly asked.
"How do you think they have amazing acts? Florence can read minds. And manipulate them to a certain extent. It causes her nose bleeds." Said Stacy.
"That explains how she saved us that day." Said Beverly.
"This is a safe haven for enhance. I got to meet a lot of good people who never asked for such a life. Another reason why I fight." Said Stacy.
"But we should focus on our next course of action." Said Irons.
"Right, sorry. Being here brings back so much memories. But we took a hard hit. It's time we fight back hard. We need to bring them down. Bev, I'm going to ask a risky favor." Said Stacy.
"What is it?" Beverly replied.
"I need you to go to the police station and find what you can on all capos and people associated with the Russo family." Said Stacy.
"Yeah, that does sound risky. I think I know someone who can help me." Said Beverly.
"Why did you say it like that? We all know it's Carlos." Said D as Beverly glared at him.
"I don't think she wanted to bring it up. Because it was emotionally difficult for her to think about." Said Irons.
"Alright, you don't have to spell it out! You need information. I can get it." Said Beverly.
"I'd send Irons with you. But he's too noticable. Take someone with you for back up. Not D. Since he'll stick out like a sore thumb." Said Stacy.
"No, I'll go alone." Said Beverly.
"You sure?" D asked.
"I'm sure. I'll be fine. So don't worry about me. But what are you going to do?" Beverly asked.
"I'm going to visit some friends who owe me. And I'm taking D with me." Said Stacy.
"Ah. Well, I hope you two have fun." Said Beverly as she holstered her gun.
"But be careful out there, Bev." Said Stacy.
"Yeah. We'll see you soon." Said D.
Beverly walked over to Kimberly and brushed her hair off her face. Kimberly moaned as Beverly walked away, waved at D and Stacy and left.
"Who are we visiting?" D asked.
"Some old friends who can help us. Remember the other kids who were experimented on when we were living in the lab?" Stacy asked.
"A little reunion." Said D as he put on his hat.
Stacy suddenly tripped, but D grabbed her as she had her hand on her head. She was lightheaded as she noticed D was holding her around her waist.
"Can't keep your hands off me, huh?" Stacy asked, sultrily.
"Stacy, you need to rest." Said D, concerned.
"You know I can't. But thanks for worrying about little ole me. Let's go." Said Stacy as she kept on walking.
D watched her, while we see Beverly had made a phone call. She sighed from relief as she then her way to the police station she works at. She looked nervous as there were many police officers around. But she kept calm as she made her way up the stairs and went inside. She walked in like it was any other day and made her way to the records room. She quickly schemed through the papers and looked up the names associated with the Russo family. She found the names of Russo's capos as there were 6 in total. Claudia "Concrete" Bellini, Anthony "The Brick" Malone, Victor "Frosty" Cappelli, Ursula "Cyclone" Bruno, Valentina "Steel Fist" Bianco and Sylvester "Soldier" Fiore. She quickly laid out the files and quickly wrote down what she could, until she heard the door open. She quickly turned around and saw an officer walk in.
"Officer Dewitt, what are you doing here?" The officer asked.
"Oh, um, I was told to gather some documents for a case." Said Beverly.
But the officer quickly drew out his gun as Beverly held her hands up.
"The Russo have it out for you. You must be a dumb broad to think you could waltz in her and—" Said the officer as he was hit on the head.
He fell to the ground as Beverly sees it was Carlos who had hit him on the head
"Good thing I came just in time, huh?" Said Carlos with a smile.