Carlos and Beverly move the officer and sat him down on a nearby seat.
"Jeez, this guy weighs." Said Carlos.
"What did you expect? He's always eating donuts." Said Beverly.
"Well, it shows." Said Carlos.
They both chuckled, until it quickly became awkwardly silent between them as Carlos walked over to the desk that had the files Beverly grabbed.
"Russo's 6 capos. Why do you need information on them?" Carlos asked.
"Stacy wants to take down Russo now. Since he sent two of his crazy experiments on us." Said Beverly as she started writing.
"I-Is everyone okay?" Carlos asked.
"Yeah, they are." Beverly replied.
"Are you?" Carlos asked.
"I'm still walk. You don't have to worry about me." Said Beverly.
"Well, it's hard not to, Bev." Said Carlos.
Beverly stopped writing as she crossed her arms, while looking down.
"Carlos, about that day…you should you know that this means a lot for me." Said Beverly.
"I do. But this is putting you and your sister in danger. I get that you want to stop them because of what they did to your father and to your sister. I understand." Said Carlos.
"Do you!? Did you ever lose your father who was only trying to make change!? Did they ever kidnap your sister!? I'm so damn pissed, Carlos! And I'm tired of being someone who can't do crap against a criminal organization who has a grip on this corrupted city! I won't stand by and do nothing. Because if I don't…I'm afraid I'll lose more." Said Beverly.
Carlos approached her and wrapped his arms around her as she tried pushing him away. But he held onto her and hugged her tightly as Beverly started cry out of frustration.
"When I was a baby, my parents moved here to this city. They raised me and my sister. But work was hard for them since they paid them so little. They needed money for rent and food. They had no other choice, but to get a loan from a shark. My parents feed me and my sister so much food that day. We were stuffed. Things were looking great. But they soon came for their money and they couldn't pay them back. And so they made the choice to give up everything they owned and be homeless. Or give up me or my sister. And I'm sure you can guess who they took. I can vividly remember her crying." Said Carlos as he voice broke.
"Carlos…" Said Beverly.
"Don't think you're not the only one who wants to stop them. But I refuse to have anyone else suffer for my decisions. And I plan on finding my sister. My way." Said Carlos.
"Okay. But I am sorry for what happened. And for arguing." Said Beverly.
"You don't have to say anything. We're friends, right? An argument will never change my mind about you. Like I said back in the academy. I'll have your back." Said Carlos.
"Thank you." Said Beverly.
"Let's hurry up. I didn't expect to tell you my sob story." Said Carlos.
"Right." Beverly replied.
It was later as they both walked out of the station safely, while they made their way to a dinner that was close by. They both sat down and drank coffee as Carlos got apple pie.
"Want some?" Carlos asked.
"Is it good?" Beverly asked.
"Let's see. Mm, never mind. Get your own." Said Carlos, enjoying every bite.
"No." Beverly replied as she used her fork to get a piece.
"Rude. But besides getting that. Why did you need my help?" Carlos asked.
"I need you to find their locations. I can't, because they're after me." Said Beverly.
"Okay, I can do that. You guys don't plan on busting in from the front door, right?" Carlos asked.
"Don't worry. Stacy's the planner. She's smart. For a pretty face." Said Beverly.
"What's wrong? Envious?" Carlos asked.
"As if. I don't see how she can dress up the way she does. Always wearing tight skirts and not buttoning all of her buttons on her shirt. Does she have no shame?" Beverly asked.
"Y-Yeah. Personally, I like girls who cover up." Said Carlos.
"Uh-huh. That night when we met her, you couldn't keep your eyes off her. You know what, I'm taking your pie away." Said Beverly.
"Huh!? Well, it's not my fault. She's very attractive. I couldn't help it! It's not my fault your self-conscious of yourself. Maybe you should try getting tips from her." Said Carlos.
"I finished your pie. And you're paying." Said Beverly, dropping her fork.
"Empty my wallet, why don't you?" Said Carlos.
Meanwhile, we see Allen and Mina with Florence as they were walking around the circus. All of the performers were practicing their acts as Mina was amazed by everything, while Allen walked looked around casually.
"Everyone here are Enhance?" Mina asked.
"Not everyone. But most of us are. What can you guys do?" Florence asked.
"I can run really faster. You could say, I'm the fastest man in the world." Said Allen, proudly.
"Man or boy?" Said Mina.
"Hey, 15 is a good age to call myself a man." Said Allen.
"Oh, you're the same age as me. It's nice to see someone else my age who's an enhance." Said Florence.
"Yeah, likewise." Said Allen.
"And you, Mina?" Florence asked.
"I have train power!" Said Mina.
"What is that?" Florence asked.
"Oddly, enough. She can do what a train does. Yeah, it's a weird power. But she's tough. She takes punches like a champ and can dish it out too." Said Allen.
They arrived at a spot as they see a muscular woman lift heavy weights like they were nothing.
"Who's that?" Mina asked.
"And will she crush me if I offend her?" Allen asked.
"(Giggles) No, that's Mrs. Rosinsky. She's our strong woman. I've never met anyone stronger than her. But don't let her size intimidate you. She's a kind lady." Said Florence.
They moved over and saw a man with twirled mustache and a whip. Next to him was a little girl who was training with him as they both were animal tamers. The man said a word and the animals understood them. The girl then shouted for them to jump as they all jumped as she giggled with joy.
"That's Mr. Amburgh and his daughter, Missy. They both are animal tamers, but they're enhance who can communicate with animals." Said Florence.
"Wow!" Mina responded.
They kept on walking as they saw a woman in a magicians uniform doing tricks as she made a rabbit disappear as Mina was flabbergasted, while Allen was confused.
"What the…?" Said Allen.
"Where did the bunny go?" Mina asked.
"Don't worry. That's Giovanna Zeller. She has the ability to shrink or enlarge things she touches. So it looks like the rabbit is gone. But it's just tiny." Said Florence.
They looked closer as the rabbit was the size of a marble. They kept on moving as they entered the main circus tent as there was girl the same age as Mina, walking the tight rope. She looked calm as she tried doing a cartwheel on the rope. Allen and Mina got worried as the girl slipped. Allen was about to run to help her, but the girl grabbed the rope and pulled herself up onto the rope.
"That's Margret. She's also an enhance too. She's able to make her body light." Said Florence.
"That makes since." Said Allen.
Margret jumped down to the ground as Allen and Mina got nervous. But Margret landed on the ground softly as she posed.
"Her body doesn't build up that much velocity as she falls. So it doesn't hurt her body that much." Said Albert as he appeared.
"Ah, yes. But can you explain to Allen what velocity is?" Mina asked as Allen looked at her.
"You're lucky that I don't know either." Said Allen.
"Science stuff you shouldn't worry about." Said Albert.
"Al!" Said Margret as she hugged him.
"Someone's a hugger." Said Allen.
"What are you doing? Oh, hello." Said Margret.
"Hi." Said Mina.
"Hello." Said Allen.
"They're friends of Stacy. Allen and Mina. They're going to be staying here for a little while." Said Florence as they both waved.
"Well, friends of Stacy are welcomed here." Said Margret.
"Thanks. I like your outfit." Said Mina.
"Oh, thank you. I had it made myself." Said Margret.
"By the way, Flo. Have you seen James? He should've been here to help out." Said Margret.
"Who's James?" Allen asked.
"He's one of the reason why this place is a safe haven for enhance." Said Florence.
Meanwhile, we see Stacy and D walking together, trying to not attract attention. She then remembered a few moments ago as she and D were leaving. Mr. Welch approached her as he gave her an address.
"Could you find James for me? He didn't come in for work and it has me worried. Could you got to his place?" Mr. Welch asked.
"Hmm, I don't know. I need a good reason to see him." Said Stacy.
"He may want to join you. Since he hates the Russo family too. Maybe even more than you." Said Mr. Welch.
Stacy flashed back to the present as she looked a bit nervous as D noticed her with her arms cross, while biting her nails.
"You seem nervous." Said D.
"This is James probably one of the few people I want to talk to. Since he's not the best guy to talk to. Do you remember him?" Stacy asked.
"His name is familiar, but I vaguely remember him." Said D.
"I'm sure you'll recognize him once you see his face. You two used to be friends." Said Stacy.
"Really?" D responded, slightly surprised.
"Yeah. Best friends. He even got jealous of me sometimes since I caught you attention a lot. Be he grew to like me too since he didn't like opening up to others. But after that night, he changed completely." Said Stacy.
"What happened?" D asked.
"They so potential in his ability. They were going to use him as a weapon. More like a pet that guards and kills when his master wants him to kill. He went through a lot of terrible things. And there was nothing we could do." Said Stacy.
They soon arrived at a junkyard as they open the gate, while D closed it. They walked in and saw an office that was used an house. But they could see it was empty and no one was there as D walked up to her side.
"I don't see anyone." Said Stacy.
Suddenly, D and Stacy quickly moved out of the way as the hood of a car was hurled at them. They both dodged on time as they both stood ready. They both saw a man in a white tank top, blue jeans, wild dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, muscular, sharp claws and teeth. He had a beer bottle in his right hand and in the other was an iron I-beam in his left as he was carrying it as if it was nothing.
"Whoever the hell you, get the hell off my property!" Said James, intimidatingly.