Beverly sat quietly, while her hands clenched with rage as Valentina grabbed a chair. She slid it over and placed it in front of Beverly as she sat down. She was leaning forward and then showed Beverly the photo. To Beverly's shock, she saw a photo of her father with Mr. Russo as they were eating together.
"Do you know why your father was able to make this city great? Because of Mr. Russo. The boss made your father the chief of police. He helped clean up crime in the streets by using the cops and his men. Your father, who was praised by the police for taking down fake bases that we let take down. He also took out other family heads that were opposing us. Thanks to your, dad. Russo became top dog of Steel City." Said Valentina.
Beverly then headbutted Valentina in the face as she looked up.
"Screw you! All of that are lies to break me!" Beverly yelled.
Valentina had her hand on her face and checked her hand as there was blood. She then glanced at Beverly as she was impressed, than mad.
"You hit really hard. I'm not really mad. I haven't met anyone who's made me bleed. But I need to put you in your place." Said Valentina.
She then punched Beverly on the left side of her face, knocked her to her side as she fell with the chair onto the floor. Beverly groaned from the pain as Valentina looked at her hand as her knuckles was covered with coins. She turned her hand as the coins fell into her hand as she put her change int her pocket.
"Believe it. Don't believe it. Hell, send your boyfriend to search it up. It's the truth if you like it or not. But wait, there's more I want to share." Said Valentina, grabbing the chair.
She stood Beverly's chair back up as she grabbed Beverly's face, checking on her.
"You're a tough girl. You'll be fine." Said Valentina, gently slapping Beverly's face.
"There's nothing you can say that'll change my mind." Said Beverly.
"Really? Well, you're going to love this. I know who killed your father." Said Valentina.
Beverly froze and looked at Valentina as she smirked and let out a chuckle.
"That got your attention, huh? You wanna know? Because I'm too shy to share. Hell, the boss doesn't care if you find out." Said Valentina.
"…Then who did it? Who killed my father…?" Beverly asked, with glaring eyes.
"Brr, that gave me a bit of cold chills. But obvious, Russo made the hit. Because your father started to act all high and might. He didn't want to be a part of Russo's big plan. And started attacking out bases and arresting former capos. So, he got one of the good doctor's freaks to find and kill Chief. Can you guess who? Because you've been working with him for a long time. Just think about. He was Steiner's assassin, until F took over for him. The crime was perfect too! No footprints, no fingerprints, no blood and not signs of struggle. That was D's specialty." Said Valentina.
Beverly couldn't believe what she's hearing as she started to think of D. How they spent time together and they became friends. But things started to make sense, since how he had amnesia and how his powers are perfect for stealth and assassinations.
"N…No…that…that can't…" Said Beverly, conflicted and her mind not being able to handle all she was told.
"Be? It all makes since. All of this happened because your father. He chose to work with Mr. Russo. If you want to blame anyone, blame his moronic ass for double crossing the Russo family. All that you went through is because of him. And his kill is your friend. Now that should be in a book." Said Valentina.
Beverly's mind wasn't to handle all of the information as she could only sit in silence.
"Well, don't get too cozy here. Mr. Russo is inviting you to a ball tonight at his building. We'll get you a dress. And don't worry about the size, we'll bring in a tailor for you." Said Valentina as she left.
The door closed as Beverly hands clenched tightly, while lower her head low. Meanwhile, Mina was waiting by the entrance of the circus as she was waiting like a puppy for her own. Allen bolted in as he looked worried as well.
"They haven't come back?" Allen asked.
"No. Should we…?" Mina asked as she looked at Allen.
"As much as I want to go out and look for them. We have to keep low and not bring attention." Said Allen.
"Can't you outrun them, Mr. I'm faster than any man?" Mina asked.
"I would. But after that fight with E. He must have screwed my body up. I'm not able to run as well as before." Said Allen.
"Oh. That's…shocking." Mina giggled.
"Please don't start with that." Said Allen.
"Any sign of them?" Irons asked as he approached them, all fixed.
"Irons!" Said Mina.
"Looking, good pal. How are you feeling?" Allen asked.
"Optimal. You two shouldn't be too close to the entrance. Russo's men could see you." Said Irons.
"Sorry. But the other haven't return. And I'm worried." Said Mina.
"They will be fine. But if anything happens. We will be ready to roll out." Said Irons.
Back at the apartment, the others had caught up as James was still outside of the shed home.
"The good thing is that you're both well and alive." Said Mizuko.
"Aw, I missed you so much, Mizuko. You always were so cute. Doesn't she remind you of Kimberly?" Stacy asked D.
"Kimberly?" Mizuko asked.
"A friend of ours. You both are kind of alike." Said D.
"Oh, I'd like to meet her." Said Mizuko.
"How's the food, Jean-Pierre?" James asked from outside.
"Almost finished!" Said Jean-Pierre.
D then noticed the cat staring at him as he felt a bit awkward.
"Does that cat like staring a lot?" D asked.
"Oh, Ghigau. Don't be rude. Say hello to D." Said Mizuko.
Suddenly, the cat got off of Mizuko and turned into a young lady who was Native American. She had long black hair, yellow eyes and in a tradition Navajo dress. D was caught off guard as the other laughed as Ghigau chuckled.
"I was waiting to do that." Said Ghigau.
"Me too." Stacy giggled.
"So everyone here is an Enhanced. Can I ask what you all can do?" D asked.
"James, is able to mimic different types of animals. As well as having the strength of a beast. He was able to push and wrestle a rhinoceros." Said Stacy.
"I'm able to shape shift into any animal I've seen." Said Ghigau as she changed back into a cat.
"I'm able to manipulate water." Said Mizuko as she made her water float out of her tea.
"I'm able to make invisible objects with my imagination. But they're intangible as long as I'm touching them." Said Jean-Pierre.
"He's kind of like a mime. Only that the act is real and still invisible." Said Stacy.
"Oh, that makes since. You have really amazing abilities." Said D.
"And you two are just perfect together." Said Emilia.
"Why is that?" D asked.
"Did you forget her ability, too?" Mizuko asked.
"No. My power…changed." Said Stacy.
"How?" James asked from outside.
Mizuko got up and approached James as he stood up.
"Come inside. We all should be together. We'll have a discussion later." Said Mizuko.
"Alright." Said James.
They both walked back and sat down next to each other, while D looked at Stacy.
"My ability originally was to conjure light energy. With it, I was able to move at fast speed and to make a defensive aura. I was called the Angel by the other kids. But after Steiner experimented on me, my ability downgraded itself. I'm only able to conjure little amounts of light energy. I only use it to enhance my speed and reactions speed." Said Stacy.
"I'm sorry, Stacy." Said D.
"That's why Mizuko said that. Since you have darkness. And she was light." Said Ghigau.
"Yeah, it's a good pairing. Don't you think so, Stacy?" D asked.
"Uh-huh." Stacy replied with a smile.
"Stop getting all lovely-dovey. Ask everyone why you're here." Said James.
"Right." Said D.
"Well, we started a team to bring down Russo. And I want…no, I need you guys to be a part of the team. Especially after what they did to us. We can stop that from happening to other people and kids. We can prevent more suffering and bring down that bastard. I have a plan to bring him down. But I can't do it without you all. Will you help me?" Stacy asked.
The five of them looked at each other as they remember the days they played together in the rooms they were put in. And the times they all suffered through the experiments.
"I'm in. I want to bring down that bastard for all he's done." Said James.
"He's needs someone to watch over him. I'm in too." Said Emilia.
"If it helps to stop Russo. I will join you." Said Jean-Pierre.
"I'm sure I'm going to be useful. You count me in." Said Ghigau.
"I'm…not sure. We have a good life here. The landlord was kind enough to let us live roof. And Mrs. Lie Yan offered me a job at her family restaurant. I don't want to lose what we've worked hard to gain." Said Mizuko.
"It's alright. I understand, Mizuko. You don't have to if you don't want to. But to make sure that she's safe. Ghigau, can I trust you?" Stacy asked.
"Of course. Since she loves me being a cat all the time." Said Ghigau.
"What? You're cute as a cat." Said Mizuko as Ghigau blushed.
"Really?" Ghigau replied.
"Alright then. James, Jean-Pierre and Emilia. Come with us. Ghigau, find us at the circus whenever Mizuko is at a safe place or at work. Let's get this plan started." Said Stacy.
It would be later as they all returned back to the circus, while D was surprised that Mina wasn't waiting for them. But they soon reached the others as Irons was restraining Mina as she was struggled to break free.
"Let me go, Irons!" Mina yelled, moving like a worm.
"Irons, what you doing?" D asked.
"They got Beverly." Said Irons.
"W-What!? How?" D asked.
"Bianco's men got her. Take a look at the picture on the table." Said Irons.
D and Stacy looked at the picture as it was picture of Beverly was sitting in the chair she was strapped onto. Stacy and D were shocked.
"I sent Allen to scout around for Bianco's base." Said Irons.
Allen was bolting up buildings and jumping across as he looked around for Valentina's base. He soon found a spot that looked suspicious, but perfect. Allen looked over the ledge of a building and saw Valentina's men. He was about to move, but he then felt a gun pressed against his head.
"Don't move or I'll blow your brains out." Said a girl.