Chapter 16

Allen had beads of sweat go down his face as there was a girl the same age as he was behind him. She was in dark clothes, black leather vest, clothe over her mouth, green eyes and short brown hair.

"Let's talk this out." Said Allen.

"I would. But I can't let intruders free." Said the girl.

Allen took a deep breath and tried unarming her, but the girl suddenly disappeared. Allen was confused, until he was hit on the head with the butt of her pistol. Allen fell to the ground but rolled back onto his feet. He was about to move, but the girl disappeared again. Behind Allen, the girl teleported behind him to hit him again. But Allen zipped behind her and restrained her and twisted her wrist to drop the gun. Allen kicked it away, but the girl grabbed onto Allen and flipped him over her shoulder and slammed him into the ground. She teleported to where the gun was, but Allen zipped over in a flash and tackled into her. They both fell to the ground as Allen tried restraining her again as they wrestled on the ground. Allen soon got on top of the girl and pinned her wrist into the ground.

"Looks like I w—" Said Allen as he stopped.

He saw that the clothe was off her face and saw that she was pretty. Allen blushed and froze, until she teleported them both a couple of feet high above where they were. She kicked Allen off her as he landed hard on the ground. She teleported to the gun as she kicked it up and caught it, turned and aimed at Allen.

"You're good. But I'm better." Said the girl ready to pull the trigger.

But suddenly, the world and everything slowed down as Allen got back up.

"Sorry to do this." Said Allen as he got in a runners position.

He then bolted to the girl and rammed his fist into her face. Everything sped back up to normal as the girl flew off the ledge. Allen panicked and zipped down the building side and caught the girl before hitting the ground. Allen landed wrong and tripped as they both tumbled across the ground and hit a bunch of garbage cans. Allen moaned as he saw that the girl was on top of him, while turning red. He felt her chest again his as he quickly pushed her off him.

"Uh, sorry. I didn't mean to for the to happen. I accidently felt them. And looked. I need to stop talking." Said Allen.

"Over here! I heard something." Said one of Bianco's men.

Allen was about to bolt off but looked at the girl. He grabbed her and bolted up the building and hid at the top as the men arrived and looked around.

"The hell was that noise?" A man asked.

"Maybe some racoons." Said a man.

"Do we even have those here?" The man asked.

"We got big ass rats; I know that." Said the other man.

"Well, whatever it is. It's gone. Let's head back." Said the man.

They both left as Allen watched them leave as he looked back at the girl.

"Man, I can't believe I froze to this girl. This has never happened to me. Usually girls are after me. Pff, yeah, even I can't say that with a straight face." Said Allen.

"There's a reason why." Said the girl.

Allen heard her gun cock as Allen froze and held his hands up.

"Ugh, really? You're recovery time is insane." Said Allen.

"Why did you save me? You could've let me die by falling. So why did you do it? To make me owe you one?" The girl asked.

"Wait, were you awake the who time?" Allen asked as he blushed from embarrassment.

"I was fading in an out. I saw you saving me. After we landed, I blanked out." Said the girl.

"Oh, g-good." Said Allen.

"Answer me or I will shoot!" The girl yelled.

"I didn't do it for you to owe me! I wasn't going to let you die." Said Allen with serious tone.

The girl kept her gun pointed at Allen, but she slowly lowered it as Allen was surprised.

"Go, before I regret doing this." Said the girl.

"R-Really? You're not going to shoot me in the back of the head, huh?" Said Allen as the girl holstered her gun.

"Better?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, a lot actually. But why?" Allen asked.

"Unlike some of these newer gangsters. I was taught about honor and respect. If I'd shot you now, I would disrespect everything my parents taught me." Said the girl.

"Oh. That's admirable of you, um…I never got your name." Said Allen.

"My name is Mary. And that's all you need to know." Said Mary.

"Ah, pretty name for a pretty girl. Uh…" Said Allen as he realized what he said.

"Go before I shot you." Said Mary.

"Yeah. Um, heads up. This place might be attacked soon. So I'd watch out. But I'm Allen by the way. See you." Said Allen as he ran off.

"I'll keep that in mind. And I know who you are. That guys is a bit strange. But…he seems nice." Mary thought to herself, while putting her clothe on her face.

Allen ran back to the circus as the others were waiting for him patiently. He zip in as D and Mina approached him as the other stood up.

"Did you find where they're keeping her?" D asked.

"Spill the beans, Allen!" Said Mina.

"I think I know the place. But it's really well guard. Going is not a good idea." Said Allen.

"Why are you red? Are you feeling okay?" Stacy asked.

"It's nothing. I was running. I get like this." Allen replied as he continued to blush.

"Are we going to raid that place or what?" Mina asked with her shovel ready.

"I like this little kid." Said James.

"Who's that?" Mina asked as she pointed.

"We can't attack." Said Stacy.

"Huh!?" Mina responded.

"Why not?" D asked.

"Just think about. Attacking a capos main base. I want to go in and save Beverly. But we can't risk it. We need everyone at this ball. If we don't have everyone, we'll lose this chance to take down Russo." Said Stacy.

"Screw that! I'm going to save her!" Mina yelled.

"Listen! Before you interrupt me, Mina. They're not going to keep Beverly in that base forever." Said Stacy.

"How do you know that?" Mina asked.

"The picture came with a letter. She's going to be there as a special guest. They want me to come to the ball and I will. I have this plan out. And we will save Beverly." Said Stacy.

"It better work! Because if anything bad happens to her…" Said Mina tearing up.

"Don't worry, Mina. I care about her too. Well, not as much as you. Since you have the biggest heart out of all of us. But she's a part of our team. We leave no one behind." Said Stacy.

"Alright, let's do this." Said Emilia.

"But what's the plan?" Allen asked.

"And who are the new people?" Mina asked.

"Right. Let's do this quick. Then the plan." Said Stacy.

It was moments later as they all got acquainted, while Irons pulled out a copy of the blueprint of Russo Corp building.

"It's going to go like this. I plan on walking in to get all of their attention by walking in from the front." Said Stacy.

"I like your style. But that's risky as all hell." Said Emilia.

"Don't worry. Irons will be with me. We just need to change his armor design." Said Stacy.

"What if things get hot?" D asked.

"Hey, Al? Do you think you can change Iron's armor within a minute?" Stacy asked.

"I-I think so." Albert replied.

"Good. As I go in, D and Mina. You two will be in charge of getting Beverly." Said Stacy.

"You got it!" Said Mina.

"Ghigau, I need you to turn into something small and get into their security room. It should be in this floor. It's heavily guard. But it shouldn't be a problem for you." Said Stacy.

"You got that right." Said Ghigau.

"What about us?" James asked.

"Yeah, I don't see us being useful." Said Allen.

"Allen, Jean-Pierre and James. You guys will be freeing the people in Steiner's lab. As well as destroy that damn place." Said Stacy.

"Uh, what about the Letters?" D asked.

"That's why you have Allen. They're all kept in pods, because of their unstable abilities. D is the only Letter that's able to survive without the pods." Said Stacy.

"Do explain." Emilia asked.

"I noticed that E had a physical body. But without his suit, he's unstable. Plus, I stole information when I was working there. I knew their weakness. Though, little. They're still dangers. That's why one of you need to get to the labs security, before Steiner or his bots figure you're there. The Letters are kept in a slumber. So keep them lock in their pods, and you should be fine. Steiner is smart, so be careful with him." Said Stacy.

"Okay, got it." Said Allen.

"Emilia, you're our means of escape and back up." Said Stacy.

"Me?" Emilia replied.

"We can use your wind ability. For us to jump to other buildings." Said Stacy.

"Oh, sweet!" Mina shouted.

"Huh!? That's dangerous." Said Emilia.

"Either that or facing Russo's entire army from the front door." Said Stacy.

"Okay. But you guys better be careful." Said Emilia.

"We will." Said Stacy.

"What can we do?" Kimberly asked.

They all turned as Kimberly was up and Ray was helping her stand.

"Kim!" Mina shouted as she ran to her.

"You want to help?" Stacy asked.

"They have my sister. Beverly…she's saved me and protected me so many times. I won't stay here and wait. I want to help!" Said Kimberly.

"I'll go too. Just to protect, Kim. I'll make sure she'll be out of trouble." Said Ray.

"Do you know how to fight?" D asked.

"I was raised in the streets. I've been in a fight. I also know when to run." Said Ray.

"Smart guy." Said James.

"Alright. In that case, Kim, Ray and Mina. You find Beverly. D, you'll be with Allen and Jean-Pierre. James, you'll be my personal bodyguard with Irons. If things go bad, you'll be there to fight some of his capos." Said Stacy.

"Alright!" James replied with excitement.

"Um, question. How is this going to screw Russo?" Allen asked.

"Take away his research and all that he's work hard all this time for. Expose him and he'll lose his manpower from his lab. This will weaken his grip on this city. Trust me, I've been planning this for a long time. I want to see his face when he realizes he messed with the wrong woman. He should know that better than anyone. We're going to show this son of bitch that he can't keep doing this. We will take him down, no matter what! Are you with me!?" Stacy asked

Everyone responded as Stacy smiled and sighed.

"Alright then. Let's get ready for a ball." Said Stacy.

Meanwhile, we see the Chinese woman who worked for Malone approaching Mizuko's home. She looked up at the building and paused for a second. She closed her eyes and sighed, while igniting her hands with flames.