Chapter 17

We see fire fighters arriving at the scene of a burning apartment home. The fire fighters started turning off the fire as lead fire fighter approached the landlord, who was a middle-aged woman who had a cat in her arms.

"Is there anyone inside?" The fire fighter asked.

"No. Everyone is out. Thank goodness too." Said the landlord.

"I'll send some boys for a quick sweep just in case. Let's go boys!" Said the fire fighter.

They went in as we see Mizuko in a back alley with the Chinese woman who was working for Malone. She was in the same clothes with the dragon symbol on her back as Mizuko was on guard.

"Mrs. Lie Yan…" Said Mizuko.

"Mizuko, leave this city while you can." Said Lie Yan.

"You're working for them, aren't you? Why!?" Mizuko asked.

"Do as I say child! I do not wish to hurt you. They are after you and your friends. So please, leave while you have the chance. Because another chance like this won't come again." Said Lie Yan as she stood ready to fight.

"I am grateful for how much care for me. I truly am, Lie Yan. But you know I cannot. I am tired of running away!" Mizuko replied.

Mizuko quickly swiped her hand as a quick stream of water flew at Lie Yan. But she aimed her left hand at the stream and fired a blast of fire that turned it into vapor. Until she noticed a second stream on her right as Mizuko approached her to karate punch her. Lie Yan ducked under the stream, while spun around and side kicked Mizuko's knuckle. Her kick was stronger than her punch as it pushed Mizuko back as she regained her balance. Lie Yan noticed puddles of water nearby as she was impressed by Mizuko.

"Mizuko, I've been training most of my life. Ever since I was a little girl. Do you think you can defeat me?" Lie Yan asked.

"I've been training since I was a little as well. You may have more years of experience, but I will not stand down." Mizuko replied.

Lie Yan approached her slowly as Mizuko threw powerful karate punches and kicks as Lie Yan dodged by barely leaning away, blocked or parried her attacks as if they were nothing. Lie Yan then quickly palm struck Mizuko back as she slid backwards. Mizuko stopped herself as her right hand was on the ground, while she was crouching. Mizuko than ran up to Lie Yan and karate jump kicked at her as Lie Yan stepped to the side. Mizuko landed next to her as she quickly swung her fist at her as Lie Yan parried her attacks easy as Mizuko threw in kicks, but Lie Yan blocked and counter her as Mizuko kept on getting hit as she started to bruise and draw blood. Lie Yan then placed her foot ahead of Mizuko and hooked her leg on Mizuko's right. She pulled back as Mizuko fell to the ground as Lie Yan's fist ignited with flames as she struck Mizuko down to the ground. Mizuko was in pain as Lie Yan kept her fist against her with a conflicted look on her face.

"Mizuko, please stop this." Lie Yan begged.

But Mizuko, pushed her arm off her and kicked Lie Yan back. She stumbled a few steps back as Mizuko stood back up as she took a stronger stance, while she made the water around come to her. It all flowed around her as she glared at Lie Yan with determination. Lie Yan closed her eyes but opened them as she ignited her left fist and took an offensive stance. They both stared at each other as they flash back to a day not too long ago. Mizuko arrived at a Chinese restaurant as Lie Yan was standing at the register and noticed Mizuko.

"May I help you?" Lie Yan asked.

"Um, yes. I was wondering if you were hiring?" Mizuko asked.

"I am, yes. But I am looking for a cook and dishwasher." Said Lie Yan.

"I can cook well! I have who has taught me. Please, let me make a dish for you to try. Please, you will not regret it!" Mizuko begged.

It was moments later as Lie Yan watched Mizuko cook a small plate of sesame chick with rice that had peas and corn. She served Lie Yan as she tried the chicken and the rice. Mizuko waited nervously as Lie Yan didn't show any emotions at all.

"W-Well?" Mizuko asked.

"You are a good cook. But I can tell you haven't cook in a kitchen before. You've left a mess." Said Lie Yan as she cleaned her face with a napkin.

"O-Oh, forgive me!" Mizuko replied.

"But you're hired. When can you start?" Lie Yan asked.

"Uh, today if you wish! I am ready to work!" Mizuko replied.

"Good. Come in tomorrow and I will personally train you myself. You'll be cooking alongside with my other cooks. They are my sons, so they'll behave. Right?" Lie Yan replied.

"Yes, ma'am!" The cooks responded.

"Thank you, Mrs.…I'm sorry never got your name." Said Mizuko.

"Lie Yan." Lie Yan bowed.

"Just call me, Mizuko." Mizuko replied.

Mizuko would start working there as she got along with the cook and the staff, since they were all relatives of Lie Yan. One day Lie Yan was sitting in the same table after a long day of work. Lie Yan was looking at the bills as it was going up and business was slowing down.

"Lie Yan, I'm leaving, now." Said Mizuko.

"Why don't you sit down for a second? You must be tired of standing all day." Said Lie Yan.

"True. It wouldn't hurt, right?" Mizuko replied.

"Tea?" Lie Yan asked as she offered.

"Oh, please!" Mizuko replied.

"I am glad that I hired you that day. You have been a great worker. I wish I had a daughter like you. But I was blessed with all males." Said Lie Yan.

"Yeah, I just noticed that. But I noticed that you don't have a husband, but you have a ring. I don't mean to be nosy, I'm just curious where your husband is at?" Mizuko asked.

"He died from an illness in our homeland." Said Lie Yan.

"Oh, I am so sorry." Mizuko replied.

"Don't be. It was a long time ago. I've had time to cope with the loss and it was when all my sons were little boys. They don't remember him that well. But when he died, we came to this country to start a new life." Said Lie Yan.

"I too came to this country, but I was just a baby at the time. My parents came here to start a new and better life as well." Said Mizuko.

"And where are they?" Lie Yan asked.

"Uh, th-they're in another city. I kind of…ran away." Mizuko lied.

But she saw that she was crying as Lie got up and tried comforting her.

"Sorry. I just get very emotional." Said Mizuko as she wiped her tears.

"It's alright. Let it out. Come." Said Lie Yan as she stood up.

Lie Yan then hugged Mizuko as she hugged back and cried. But time would go by and they would spend time together. They both invited each other to their homes as Lie Yan met James, Emilia, Jean-Pierre and Ghigau. They both became close as they acted like mother and daughter. Mizuko learned that Lie Yan was master of her family kung fu style. Mizuko showed her that she knew karate that she learned from her mother. Lie Yan even handmade a tradition Chinese dress for Mizuko for her birthday. They had the party at the restaurant as Mizuko immediately teared up and cried from joy. They both hugged as they both flashed to the present as they both looked at each other.

"Mizuko, please…stop…I want you to live." Lie Yan thought in her mind.

"Lie Yan…I'm sorry. But I refuse to let them hurt me or my friends anymore. But I know one advantage I have over you. You maybe skilled with your martial art. But I'm skilled with my ability!" Mizuko thought to herself.

Mizuko then swung a whip of water at Lie Yan as she struck the water, turning it into vapor. Lie Yan then made her way to Mizuko as she shot multiple blasts of water at her. Lie Yan punched and kicked the water into vapor, until Mizuko then shot a torrent of water at Lie Yan as she was blasted into a nearby wall. Mizuko stopped as Lie Yan regained balanced and used the heat of her flames to quickly dry her clothes. She stood ready again as her fist ignited with more intense flames as she quickly ran to her. Mizuko fired another torrent of water, but Lie Yan rolled out of the way and punched a fire blast at Mizuko. It hit her in the face, stunning her as Lie Yan ran up to her and started to hit Mizuko with fast, but powerful jabs. She hit her multiple times with seconds as Mizuko tried swinging her fist, but Lie Yan parried her arm and punched her hard on the face to stun her. She then continued to furiously jab at Mizuko as she slowly fell to her knees. But Mizuko wasn't going to give up as she made water tendrils grab Lie Yan's arms, legs and body as Mizuko quickly readied her fist to the side as water covered it. Lie Yan covered herself in intensified flames that evaporated the tendrils. Mizuko then threw a powerful karate punch at Lie Yan, but she blocked it as Mizuko's knuckles were about 2 inches away from landing onto Lie Yan's stomach.

"Clever, but not quick enough." Said Lie Yan.

But suddenly, water that was on Mizuko's shoulder quickly spiraled around her arm at a fast speed and shot out Mizuko's fist and into Lie Yan's stomach. Lie Yan was knocked far back and trashed into a wall as she hit her head. She was unconscious as Mizuko was breathing heavily and badly damaged as she lowered her arm.

"Yes, but I'm sure you didn't see that coming." Mizuko replied.

But Mizuko then passed out as she fell to the ground. It would be later that evening as the sun was setting. Mr. Russo was getting readying for the ball as he was tying his tie around his neck. His door was knocked on as his bodyguards Ricci and Caputo with Beverly as she was dressed up in a stunning dress as her hair was done.

"Well, well, well. You look really pretty if you tried." Said Russo.

"Screw you." Said Beverly.

"Watch your mouth!" Said Caputo as he placed his hand on her shoulder, while she was ready to fight.

"No need for that, Caputo. Relax. She's allowed to do whatever she wants. Since she doesn't have any abilities. What can she do? Especially after the shocking news she got." Said Russo.

"It doesn't change the fact that you ordered the hit on my father." Said Beverly.

"True. But at least I wasn't lying to everyone. I stayed true to who I was, while your father was a two face. A coward and betrayer. He wouldn't be the man he was if it weren't for me." Said Russo, close to Beverly's face.

Beverly hurled her fist at Russo's face, but he easily stopped her fist with his hand. Beverly couldn't move her hand as Russo moved her hand away.

"I don't want you to ruin your hand. We are going to attend a ball after all." Said Russo.

Suddenly, he door was knocked on as his assistant walked in with a very revealing dress as Ricci couldn't stop staring.

"It's time, sir. Who's she?" His assistant asked with an attitude.

"The daughter of an old friend of mine. Don't worry. You're my gal, Pamela." Said Mr. Russo.

"I'm glad to hear that. You were making me jealous~." Said Pamela.

"Sorry about that. Beverly, come. Let's enjoy this ball. And don't feel too lonely. I invited Stacy so you won't be alone." Said Russo as they stood by the door.

Beverly was surprised, while we see Irons and James dressed up for the ball in sitting in front of a car, while Stacy sat in the back car in a gorgeous dress and her legs crossed with a confident smile on her face.

"Alright, let's crash this ball." Said Stacy.