Chapter 18

Many cars rolled up to the entrance as there was a valet. All of the capos came as the security was done by their men, while many city officials were there as well. The police chief, the mayor of the city and more as many had come for the ball. We then see a fancy car pull up and driving it was Irons as his armor plating was different as he looked like a servant robot. James was there as he was adjusting his tie as he didn't like it. Irons got out of the car and stopped the valet from opening the door as he opened it instead. Stacy placed one foot out as she was wearing white high heels and stepped all the way out to show she was wearing a white dress that complemented her looks and figure. She also had her hair done as all of the men's eyes were on her. James stared back at the men as he intimidated them as the quickly looked away.

"Haven't they seen a woman before?" James asked.

"Not to brag. But they haven't seen a woman like me." Said Stacy.

James and Irons escorted her as the entrance was decorated nicely. A guard stopped them as James growled at him, but Stacy handed the guard an invite.

"They're with me." Said Stacy.

"Ms. Watson…Mr. Russo special guest. Go on through, ma'am." Said the guard.

"Thank you." Said Stacy as she winked.

The guard blushed as James scoffed, while Stacy giggled.

"Do you always have to mess with guys like that?" James asked.

"I like to tease. Something about seeing a man blush and get flustered is funny to me." Stacy chuckled, while checking her makeup.

"Get used to it. She does it a lot." Said Irons as they reached the elevator.

"You don't have to tell me. She teased D a lot back when we were little." Said James.

"That's because I liked him." Said Stacy.

They went up the elevator, while we see Ghigau walking around as a rat. She ran through holes that were connected to the ventilation system. She made her way to the security room and saw two men watching the cameras. Meanwhile, D, Allen and Jean-Pierre were waiting at the shipping warehouse of the building. Mina, Albert, Ray and Kimberly had tied up a couple of the staff as they put them in a closest as Mina held the door.

"Sorry, but no hard feelings." Said Mina as she closed the door.

"W-What now?" Albert asked as Kim and Ray quickly changed clothes.

"Me and Ray are going to head in and look around. Mina, stay with Albert. Once we find Bev, I'll signal Stacy and the others. Once they make their move, find me and Ray. Got it?" Kimberly asked as she put on a dress vest.

"Here, let's tie your hair. You and Bev look similar and I think this hat will most definitely help." Said Ray as he tied and place a hat on her head.

"Ray, thank you for doing this. Not many boyfriends would do these kinds of things." Said Kimberly, bashful.

"Anything for you, Kim." Said Ray as he kissed her on the cheek.

"C'mon, guys! There's no time to get all lovey dovey!" Mina yelled.

"R-Right! Let's go." Said Kimberly.

They both went into the ball room as tilted their hats to hid their faces a bit. The ball room was beautifully decorated as it had a crystal chandelier, dance floor and waiters serving delicious food. Kim and Ray both separated and looked around, while serving food or champagne. Stacy, James and Irons arrived as everyone's eyes were on Stacy as one of the guards whispered to another guard. That guard ran over to Mr. Russo as he was speaking to someone with Beverly at his side. He excused himself and turned around to see Stacy making her way to the middle of the room. James and Irons noticed they were being watched by the guards, while Ghigau jumped out of the vents and into the security room. She quickly knocks out the guards and turns off the alarms and unlocks a door near the boys. The lock light turned green as D, Allen and Jean-Pierre ran in and made their way to the lab.

"Do you guys know the way?" Allen asked.

"Yeah but run up ahead and knock out as many guards as you can, Allen." Said D.

"Will do!" Allen replied as he zipped ahead.

He ran ahead and quickly run on the walls and punched the guards out as they were too slow to react to him. D lead the way as a guard ran after them, while Jean-Pierre held his hand like a gun and pretend to shot. The guard was then hit by something powerful as he crashed into the wall next to him. They soon reach the elevator as Allen and D attacked the guards that were there as Jean-Pierre held the button that Stacy pushed to go to the lab. It soon arrived as Allen zipped around punching guards and D knocking them out with his fist and shadow clones. The elevator arrived as he got in and climbed up through the top door.

"I'm about to cut them!" Jean-Pierre shouted.

"Do it!" D replied.

Jean-Pierre then made imaginative sheer cutters as he cut the wires of the elevator. He cut them on by one as the elevator then dropped and fall all the way down. Allen jumped into the elevator shaft and ran down the walls as D jumped down and placed his hand on the wall. He used the shadows of the shaft to slid down, while they reached Jean-Pierre as he was floating down with an imaginary umbrella that. The three of them landed on top of the elevator and dropped down to force open the elevator doors. They all ran together as Ghigau was watching them as she turned off all of the cameras and even androids. As they made their way, we see Steiner typing on his computer and working on something called Fallen Angel Protocol. Suddenly, D burst through the doors with Allen and Jean-Pierre. Allen zipped over and pinned Steiner into the computer screen as he groaned from being pinned.

"Gotcha, doc." Said Allen.

"Jean-Pierre, tie him up. Steiner, tell me how to keep them asleep." D demanded.

"D, I'm not surprised you all came. Stacy maybe different from her father. But they both are prideful people, don't you agree?" Steiner asked as Jean-Pierre tied him with imaginary rope.

"Tell me what I want to know!" D yelled.

"I cannot tell you, D." Said Steiner.

"Alright but tell me. What's stopping me from beating it out of you?" D asked.

"Who else? Them…" Said Steiner.

Suddenly, four of the six pods opened as they were all empty. D was shocked, until E bolted over and electrocuted them all. The then see C approach them as she was a 17-year-old girl with straight black hair, glowing ember eyes as they could feel the heat emitting out of her body. She held her hand Steiner, grabbed the invisible rope and incinerated it with on touch. They all fell to their knees as Ghigau was about to help them out, but fog seeped into the room as F hit her in the head. She stumbled, until F pinned her into the wall. Kim and Ray were searching around as there was someone sitting on the chandelier. He noticed Kimberly and Ray walking around, but he looked at his hand as he had a red shirt button. He looked at the both of them and saw that they didn't have the button on them. He then manipulates a red liquid substance from a small container on his back, as it leaves a cut on Kimberly and Ray. They didn't feel the cut as the red substance flowed back to B. He plays with the red substances as it was made clear that it was artificially made blood. D, Allen and Jean-Pierre were on their knees together as Steiner looked at them disappointed.

"You out of all people should've known that this was a trap. Stacy is a sharp girl, but who do you think she got that from?" Steiner asked.

We then see Stacy and Mr. Russo come face to face as they both stood a few feet apart. Mr. Russo had a smile on his face, while Stacy had a straight serious look. But smirked as Mr. Russo couldn't help but to chuckle.

"You have some big cojones for coming here. But we both know where you got that from." Said Mr. Russo.

"Yeah, from my mother." Stacy replied.

"Damn, she does have big cojones." James whispered to Irons.

"Beverly, are you okay?" Stacy asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Beverly replied.

Beverly looked defeated and tired as that made Stacy angry as she glared at Russo.

"What did you do to her?" Stacy asked.

"Some good old fashion interrogation from Bianco. You know how she is." Said Mr. Russo.

"So tell me, Russo. Why did you invite me here?" Stacy asked.

"I wanted to see if you would come. Since I have something big to show to everyone here. Even you." Said Mr. Russo.

Kim then noticed Beverly near Mr. Russo as she was able to walk over her. But she suddenly, started to feel faint, weak and tired as she used a nearby table to hold herself up. Beverly felt her heart beating very slowly and looked up as she saw Ray going through the same. He fell on one knee, but made it looked like he was tying his shoe to not stand out.

"Wha…What is going on…?" Kimberly asked herself.

She looked down for a second and noticed the cut that B left on her. She touched her cut as the blood wasn't coming out.

"Well, before you do that, Russo. Can I tell what I've got plan for you?" Stacy asked.

"I know." Said Mr. Russe as he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, his men brought in D, Allen, Jean-Pierre and Ghigau to them. Some of the guards grabbed Kimberly and Ray as they were pushed with them. Stacy was shocked as James and Irons stood on guard. Emilia noticed them as she flew over, stealthily as Beverly wanted to move to run to Kimberly. But Pamela held a knife to her as she stayed still.

"Kim…" Said Beverly.

"Bev…" Said Kimberly.

"You think I didn't know what you were planning? I knew you were going to use this event to attack my lab, mess with my security, and try to get Beverly out of here safely. But did ever think I wouldn't go after your friend? What's her name, it was very foreign? Ah, Mizuko." Said Mr. Russo.

"You did what!?" James yelled as Irons stopped him.

"I sent over one of Malones Enhance. I think you know her as Lie Yan. The poor woman's business wasn't doing so well. So she came to me for help and I helped her with her bills and my men go over to eat. They make excellent eggrolls." Said Mr. Russo.

"Tell me where she is!?" James yelled.

"Calm down, he's trying to get you mad." Said Irons, doing his best to hold him back.

"Stacy, I'm very disappointed in you. I expected you to make a better plan than this. I'm sure you planned it well. But I think you focused more on the plan going well, rather than it being executed." Said Mr. Russo as Stacy clenched her fist.

"Stacy, we need to get out of here." Said Irons.

"Working on it." Stacy replied, trying to think.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Officials of the city of Steel City! Today marks a new beginning for this city! Because I plan on taking over as its new leader!" Said Mr. Russo.

All of the capos then drew out their guns as they aimed at city official heads and opened fired. People screamed and panicked as everyone was shocked. Mr. Russo chuckled with a smile as Steiner arrived with all of his letters as they stood together, while B dropped down from the chandelier. Steiner approached D with a brand-new device and black helmet visor. B quickly cut D as he made him kneel forcibly to Steiner. He placed the device on the back of his head as his eyes turned pure black and was under his control.

"D!" Stacy shouted.

D stood up as Steiner handed him the black helmet as he glanced at Stacy for a second. He then placed the helmet on as it clicked.

"This is no longer Steel City. Welcome to the Russo Empire!" Mr. Russo shouted.