Chapter 19

We then see Mina and Albert sitting next to each other, waiting on the others. Albert had his hand out as he was making a few coins float around his hand.

"Wow~! That's a cool ability." Said Mina.

"Yeah, magnetism is very handy since almost everything is made of metal. But I don't like controlling it since it reminds me of…" Said Albert as he paused.

"Of who?" Mina asked.

Suddenly, they both heard the gun fire as they both stood up. Mina ran off as Albert was shaking but ran after her. Russo approached Stacy and grabbed her from the chin as he looked at her.

"You know, you do look just like you mother." Said Mr. Russo.

"Don't you dare mention her!" Stacy yelled.

"Why not? She was once my fiancé." Said Mr. Russo.

"Fiancé? Beverly asked.

"Oh, right? Not that many of you know. Don't you all wonder where her hate comes from? Why she wants to take me down so badly? And why we have the same hair color? Yes, she hates me for killing her mother, who was my fiancé." Said Mr. Russo as Stacy was furious.

"Russo is your father?" Beverly asked.

"What!?" James yelled.

"That makes a lot of sense. Especially the hair thing." Said Allen.

"Yeah, this bastard is my father. He killed my mother and took away my ability? Why? Because he was afraid of his own mortality and he grew a lust for power! He was going to gain it any way he could, even if it meant sacrificing his own family!" Stacy yelled.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." Mr. Russo replied as he and his men laughed.

Stacy used her ability and tried punching his face, but Russo blocked her punch with his arm as he looked at her with a smirk.

"Sorry, my little angel. But daddy has a city to rule." Said Mr. Russo.

He then struck her across the face, knocked her back as Irons grabbed her. But James bolted at Russo and hurled his fist at his face. James knocked Russo back as his feet slid across the ground a couple of feet.

"Damn, you got a hell of a right hook. Malone, show him how to punch." Said Mr. Russo.

Malone charged at James, tackled into him as he grabbed him from his torso.

"Not want so meant, but it does the job." Said Russo.

He then slammed James onto a table as Malone's skin harden. He then started to whale on James, until Mina charged in and slammed her shovel into Malone's face. She knocked him into a nearby wall as Mina held her hand out to James.

"Need help?" Mina asked.

"Good timing, kid." James as he grabbed her hand.

Mina pulled James up as she put her goggles over her eyes as they both stood together. Albert snuck around everyone as he held his hands out to Irons. Irons armor came off as he then aimed his other hand as armor flew from the stairs door. They all latched onto Irons as he back to being bulky, while he aimed his arms at the guards. He then opened fired as they all took cover, while Russo took the bullets as they only poked his skin. Malone charged at James, but Mina stopped him as they both clashed their hands together.

"Jeez, you are one strong little girl." Said Malone.

"That's train power for you." Said Mina.

"What?" Malone replied.

She then pushed him back as Valentina held her hand out to Irons. But his metal wasn't doing anything as Irons remembered talking to Albert before the mission. He was sitting down as Albert was putting on the service bot armor on him.

"Are you sure this armor will help against E or any of Russo's capos?" Irons asked.

"I'll use my ability on your armor. That way my magnetism can cancel E's electricity and if you face Valentina Bianco…she won't be able to control the metal on you. Trust me, I'll make sure they won't be able to do anything." Said Albert.

Irons was impressed as E shot electricity at him. He held his arms up as the electricity was distorted by Albert's ability. E was surprised as Irons shielded Stacy and the others as they were tied up.

"Get them!" Mr. Russo yelled.

We then see three capos; Victor Cappelli, Ursula Bruno and Sylvester Fiore approached them. Victor had spike black hair that was comb back with icy blue eyes. Ursula was in a dress as she had glasses, green eyes, long brown hair and had a fan in her hand. Sylvester had a black hair with a military cut, brown eyes, he was muscularly lean and his skin had scars and marks made by bullets wounds. James charged at them as he went straight for Sylvester. But he clenched his fist, held it back and swung at James. Both of their fists clashed into each other as it made the wind blow. Ursula swung her fan as it blew a strong gale of wind at the team as they flew back and crashed against the wall. Stacy held onto Irons as James slid back a bit. Steiner then pointed at James as D ran and jump kicked him. James flew back, but he recovered as B, C D, E and F stood in front of them with the Capos. Victor then shot ice at them as they were frozen in place. Emilia flew to them, until a large chuck of concrete was hurled at her. Emilia as she dodged it flew passed her and noticed Claudia was on the roof of the tower as she was using the concrete of the roof to use to fight. Claudia smiled as Emilia was suddenly hit in the back, but the chunk of concrete that she dodged. Emilia flew down as Claudia made the chuck on concrete turn into multiple pieces of rubble. Emilia recovered as she flew back up as Claudia fired the pieces like fun fire as Emilia did her best to fly and swerve around. Claudia gathered more concrete as Emilia saw that everyone was slowly being approached by Russo and his men. Russo grabbed Beverly and made her stand in front of the gang as Kimberly tried running to her.

"Bev!" Said Kimberly as Ray stopped her.

"Wait, hold on!" Ray responded as he grabbed onto her.

"You thought you could come here and try to ruin my plans? Yeah, you are my daughter. But…" Said Mr. Russo as he snapped his finger.

Sylvester handed him a gun as he pointed it at Beverly's head, putting everyone on edge.

"BEV!" Kim screamed.

"Let her be an example of what happens when you cross me." Said Mr. Russo.

Kimberly broke away from Ray as she ran to Beverly, while Emilia saw what was going on. She then felt something surge in her as Emilia bolted through the air like a jet. Claudia was shocked at her speed as Emilia broke through the window and swiped her hand, releasing a strong wind that blew some of them back or blinding them. But Mr. Russo fired the gun as the wind made him aim lower as she shot Beverly in the back of her shoulder. Beverly feel on her knees as Kimberly shield her. Russo aimed his gun at them, but Kimberly covered Beverly's ears and let her siren scream as all of them were stunned from the ears. The ice broke as they were freed.

"Everyone jumped out of the window!" Emilia shouted.

"Everyone, hold onto me!" Irons shouted.

Stacy, Mina, Albert, Allen, Jean-Pierre and Ghigau grabbed onto him. James grabbed Kimberly, Beverly and Ray and jumped out. Emilia followed after as Mr. Russo and his men ran to the wind and aimed their guns and opened fired. But Albert held out his hand as he made the bullets slow down quickly as they only land on their skin. One of them touched Kimberly as she screamed from being scared by the bullet touching her. Valentina noticed what happened as she looked at Albert as he stared right her.

"Albert…" Valentine thought to herself.

Emilia then made blew underneath Irons and James as they fall slowed down as they landed hard on the ground. Suddenly, their truck stopped in front of them as Florence was driving it.

"Get in!" Florence shouted.

They all did so as the truck got low from everyone in it, but Florence stepped on the accelerator and drove off.

"Hold your fire. Let them go. We won't be hearing from them in a while." Said Mr. Russo.

"You sure, sir?" Malone asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Mr. Russo replied.

"Wow, that was so scary~. But you showed them, Mr. Russo." Said Pamela.

"It's good that B caught Ms. Dewitt's sister and her friend from reach her. But don't you think you should continue, Mr. Russo?" Steiner asked.

"Ah, yes. Thanks for reminding me. Sorry about that folks. Family, you know. But as of today, I will be taking control of this city. The police is no longer needed. As well as the government. As of now, I am the law. And don't try to fight back. The doctor here as created an enhancing pill for my grunts. They'll literally become super soldiers. So don't try pissing them off. Let's toast to this new beginning." Said Mr. Russo with an evil smile.

All of his men across the city started taking control of the city as they overthrew the police and forced the people to stay in their homes. Anyone who disobeyed were shot down on the spot. His men were given pills that Steiner made to enhance a normal persons abilities for a temporary amount of time. This went on for days as Mr. Russo watched from his tower as Pamela stood close to him with her hand on his chest.

"Mr. Russo, why are you doing this?" Pamela asked.

"What kind of questions is that?" Mr. Russo asked.

"I'm just curious. I remember there was time when you were respected by everyone. You were known as a good person. But this is what bad people do. Not that I care. Personally, I've seen and experience too much bad to have sympathy." Said Pamela.

"I wouldn't say I was good. I was just better person. But all I remember was that I wanted to live so badly. Steiner did a lot experimenting on me. And I think after days of experimenting myself, I think I just lost ability to care. He did tell me that this might happened. But I ignored it. I was that desperate. I became so desperate that I was willing to use Stacy. But at that point, Steiner told me that my mentally wasn't the same. Since I started hitting him and forcing him to do what I wanted. I think I broke him too. Since he started having that creep face he has. It's funny because they warned me about turning out like this. Since it was a family curse. Hmph, I guess I was wrong since all I want is power. I refuse to feel and be weak like was those day. I hated the feeling of being so pathetic. All I want is power now." Said Mr. Russo.

"Well, now you have it. And I love how your handling it." Said Pamela as she kissed him on the lips.

Meanwhile, we see the others at the circus as Irons, Jean-Pierre, Ghigau, Emilia and Allen were on watch with other members of the circus. The others were in the tent as they all looked defeated, while Stacy wasn't there. Kimberly was sitting next Beverly, holding her hand as Beverly was lying in bed. They had taken out the bullet as she was asleep. Ray and Mina were there as it was quiet. Florence walked in with some food as she placed it down a table.

"Um, here's some food if you guys are hungry." Said Florence.

"Uh, thank you." Said Ray.

Florence left them as we see Mr. Welch approaching Stacy as she was leaning on a table. She was deeply defeat as she was tearing up, until she slammed her fist onto the table.

"Damn it! Damn you, Russo! I hate you so much!" Stacy yelled.

Stacy then fell on her knees and cried as Mr. Welch comforted her as he let her cry on his shoulder. She let everything out as Mr. Welch was sadden by her pain.

"It's okay." Said Mr. Welch.

"No, it's not. I failed and because of that…D is back under Steiner's control. I…I don't know what to do…" Stacy cried.