Beverly was sitting in her bed with Mina lying next to her as she was sleep. Beverly was petting her head as she was remembered her father did the same to her and Kimberly when they were little girls. Beverly clenched her other hand as Carlos arrived at their tent as he saw Kimberly and Ray.
"Kim! Hey, Ray, right?" Said Carlos.
"Yeah, you're that officer." Said Ray.
"Carlos! I'm so glad you're here!" Said Kimberly as she hugged him.
"And Bev?" Carlos asked.
"In there, but…" Said Kimberly as she paused.
"Don't worry. Bev will be back to the way she was." Said Carlos as he walked away.
"How do you know?" Kimberly asked.
"Because I know this won't bring her down." Said Carlos.
Carlos walked into Beverly's tent as she noticed him. Carlos saw Beverly's face as she was tired and sad looking as it hurt him to see her that way.
"Carlos, what are you doing here?" Beverly asked.
"That's a stupid question, don't you think?" Carlos replied.
Carlos walked over and hugged her as Beverly hugged him back.
"Are you going to help me get back to fighting?" Beverly asked.
"No. I just want to stay here with you. That's all." Said Carlos.
"Aw~." Said Mina as they both turned their heads, embarrassed.
Meanwhile, at Steiner's laboratory. He was working on something as he just finished up as one of his machine was making a weapon. The machine was like a 3D printer as it made a gun with a few rounds. D was there with him as Steiner handed him the gun and a small magazine full of the ammunition.
"This gun should do." Said Steiner.
"What's that for?" E asked as the Letters were there with them.
"A special weapon, I presume?" F asked.
"That gun has the ability to temporarily weaken one's ability for a certain amount of time. Depending on the ability." Said Steiner.
"And you trust him with it?" B asked.
"Yes, I do. As well as you all. But that will be used for later. C, I need you to find them and rough them up. Give her the message, D. And soon everything should be set up." Said Steiner.
"We'll be leaving." Said C as she left.
"Oh and be sure not to be caught, D." Said Steiner.
D nodded as he then left with C. It was later as Irons let Mary through, but Allen had to be with her to keep an eye on her.
"So I was wondering how you became an Enhanced?" Allen asked.
"That's personal." Mary replied, not looking at him.
"O-Oh. Right. It's personal for me too. Well, not really. I don't mind. But would you like to know?" Allen asked,
"Okay, I'll bite. How did you become an Enhance?" Mary asked.
"Well, it all happened when practicing running track after school. I was known as the fastest kid in my school. I just loved running. But I was kidnapped. And experimented on. I don't remember anything at all. I only remember dream of running. But luckily, Stacy saved me. And that's my story. It's not that interesting, huh?" Said Allen.
"Yet, you wanted to tell it?" Said Mary.
"Yeah, I just like talking about it to show that we have something in common. And it helps new Enhances to calm down. I know I need someone to talk to about this." Said Allen.
"And what about your family?" Mary asked.
"Let's just say that they didn't miss me being gone. Or even cared." Said Allen.
"Oh… unlike you and other Enhanced who were kidnapped. I was volunteered for this. But I only did it to help my family. All I remember during the experiments was that I wanted to Leave. Be with my family as soon as I could." Said Mary.
"You must care about them." Said Allen.
"Of course. They're my family." Said Mary.
They soon arrived to where Stacy was as she was in Mr. Welch's office. She was lying down on a couch, quietly as she was drinking a bottle of alcohol.
"Wow." Said Mary.
"What? You've never seen someone down? And drunk?" Stacy replied.
"I didn't know you drink?" Said Allen.
"I didn't. What do you need?" Stacy replied.
"From what I can see. You're a lost cause. But I want Russo stopped." Said Mary.
"I'm all ears. But I can't guarantee you that I'll do anything. Not after my huge failure of trying to stop that bastard Russo." Said Stacy.
"I've been speaking to former members of the mob, before Russo took over. And they wanted to fight back, especially after what happened yesterday. We're not many, but we're enough to fight back. And we're willing to fight if you and your team are willing. But how you are, isn't giving me much confidence." Said Mary.
"There's a good damn reason! I planned yesterday for so long! But he was able to predict what every move I had. Even my escape plan! And because of my predictability…D…he was captured and I won't be able to see him again. Beverly got shot and everyone almost died because of me! I can't fight back. I don't have it in me anymore." Said Stacy.
"Stacy…" Said Allen.
"Alright then. I'll be leaving you alone. But at least you were able to stand up to him. While the rest of us hid in fear." Said Mary as she left.
Allen then zipped over and grabbed her bottle and zipped at the door.
"This isn't going to help! But I know you can figure something out. The Stacy I know doesn't give up this easily." Said Allen as he left.
"He has a point." Said Mr. Welch.
"Do me a favor and get me more alcohol." Said Stacy.
"No, get your own." Mr. Welch replied.
"Why aren't you giving me a speech? You know, to make me get back on my feet? You know, being a parent." Said Stacy.
"Because I don't want you to go out there and try again. I want you safe here, like I always wanted. But you shouldn't give up. Seeing you like this…does hurt me. I only wish the safety for only all of my people. But today isn't the day for me hide as I always have been. Today is the time to rise and face our oppressors who force us to hide. But I'm sure he can give you a little push…" Said Mr. Welch as he walked away from Stacy.
But she heard heavy footsteps as Irons walked in as Mr. Welch walked passed him. He placed his hand on his arm and walked out, while Irons approached Stacy.
"How are you holding?" Irons asked.
"Irons, I messed up. Big time. I could've lost everyone that day. And to top it all off, I lost D…I'm such a failure." Stacy cried, tearing up.
Irons kneels down on one knee and looked at Stacy as he held his hand out to her. She looked at him as she placed her hand on his hand. They both remembered the moment they met as Stacy was young and Irons was in old military armor. They fade back to the present as Irons grabbed his face armor and took it off, looking straight at her.
"You may have made a mistake. But not a failure. Failure is for those who have completely given up. Just how you told me I wasn't a failure. You found me in Russo scrapyard. You fixed me, you took me, gave me new armor and…a home. I know nothing of my past. I don't even know who I am or…who I was. But none of that matter to me since you gave me something that filled that void. No matter what choice you make, Stacy. I will stand by your until I can no longer move." Said Irons.
"Irons…" Stacy replied emotionally.
He then handed Stacy the picture of her and Jane as Stacy looked.
"I will be waiting for you command outside with the others." Said Irons as he put back on his face mask.
He then left as Stacy looked at the picture, until she noticed another picture was there. She pulled it under from the other picture as her eyes widen a bit. It was a picture of her, D, Irons, Allen, Beverly, Kimberly, Ray and Mina in the bar. Stacy wanted to cry even more, but she stood up and walked over to a nearby wall and started to writing up a plan as she grabbed paper and pencil. Meanwhile, we see Carlos was with Beverly and Mina as the both of them were talking.
"So you have your own police car?" Mina asked with starry eyes.
"Yep, and it's pretty cool." Said Carlos.
"Wow~!" Said Mina.
"So what's up with the conductor outfit?" Carlos asked.
"I want to be a conductor! Plus, to represent the train powers I have." Said Mina.
"Oh, so you can do what a train can do." Said Carlos.
"Yes! Finally, someone understand!" Said Mina.
"You know what she means?" Beverly asked.
"I mean, it's in the name, right?" Said Carlos.
"You know what, I like you. I can see why Bev talks a lot about you. She's always like, (sighs) I wish Carlos was here." Said Mina, mimicking Beverly.
"I-I do not!" Beverly yelled as she turned red and sat up, embarrassed.
"Uh-huh. So why are you red like a tomato?" Mina asked.
"Mina, get out!" Beverly yelled.
"Okay~. I'll leave you two…alone." Said Mina with a smirk on her face.
"I said get out!" Beverly yelled, throwing a pillow at her.
Mina left laughing as Carlos was chuckling as Beverly started hitting him with her pillow.
"Why are you laughing too, huh!?" Beverly yelled.
"Sorry! I didn't know you missed me so much." Said Carlos, teasingly.
"Don't make me kick your ass!" Beverly yelled.
"In the state you're in now? I'll be surprised if you got up." Said Carlos.
Beverly then gets up from the bed with the pillow ready as Carlos panicked. But Beverly's knees gave out as she started to fall. Carlos quickly catches her on time as she was in his arms.
"Hey, don't push yourself." Said Carlos.
But Beverly then starts smothering Carlos with the pillow as she smiles.
"I knew you'd fall for that!" Said Beverly.
"Hey, stop it!" Carlos chuckled.
He was then able to grab onto her arms as they both struggled, until they both noticed they were very close to each other's faces. They both stopped for a second as they looked into each other's eyes, but Beverly looked to her side.
"C-Can you help me to my bed?" Beverly asked, blushing.
"Yeah, sure." Said Carlos.
He then swoops her off her feet and holds her with both of his arms. Beverly blushed as he placed her down on her bed as he was close to her face. But she quickly grabs a pillow and holds in front of her to hide her face. That made Carlos chuckles as he sat down next to her as Beverly tried calming herself down.
"But do you really want to leave, Bev? Because if that's so…I'm willing to go with you." Said Carlos as he looked at her with a serious look.