Beverly looked at Carlos with surprised look on her face, but she gave a faint smile.
"For a minute there, I thought you were being serious." Said Beverly.
"(Chuckles) You know me too well, huh?" Carlos replied.
"Yeah, because you have family here. And I'm sure you could never leave them in danger, especially now. You're not that type of guy." Said Beverly.
"You got me. But are you serious about leaving?" Carlos asked.
"I just don't want to be here anymore." Said Beverly as Carlos placed his hand on her hand.
"Remember that day when we used to go to the police academy. When they ruined your room?" Carlos asked.
"Carlos, please don't try changing my mind." Said Beverly.
"Remember how you said that the only reason they didn't do anything worse was because of the respect they had for your father?" Carlos asked.
"Y…Yeah. He…was the chief. Chief of damn lies." Said Beverly.
"I was surprised that you said he was the chief. After we fought that day when you decided to join these guys. I did my research on him. He did work with Russo. I can't imagine how that felt when you found out. But I did find these letters that he wrote on the day he was killed. One was to Kimberly and the other to you." Said Carlos as he handed it to Beverly.
Beverly looked at the letter as she didn't know how to feel about.
"H-How did you find this?" Beverly asked.
"Well, I found out that they were holding onto this as evidence. But I took it." Said Carlos.
"Wow, breaking the rules. Who are you?" Said Beverly.
"It's okay to break the rules sometimes. I guess you rubbed that off onto me. But maybe this will change your mind, maybe it won't. Whatever you choose Bev…I'll do whatever to help you." Said Carlos as he left the tent.
Carlos saw Kimberly waiting for Carlos as he approached her and handed her the other letter.
"This is for you. It's from your father." Said Carlos.
Kimberly grabbed the letter as she and Beverly read it at the same time.
"Dear, Kimberly. Dear, Beverly. I'm writing this letter because I know that someday soon, I won't be around much longer. I'm sure you both will find out soon why. And I know for sure that, you ask why? After the day your mother left, I was left all alone with you both. You both were too little to remember those days. But I had a rough time making time for you girls and time being a police officer. Luckily, I had friends who were willing to look after you both. But during that time, I realized that this city is…not the best place to live in. So much crime, so much bad things happening. I wanted to help make a city where my little girls could walk around, not afraid of what's lurking around. I did the things I did, to help better your lives. But that came at a price. Kimberly, my little sweetheart. You always brightened my day with your smile. You weren't the best at many things, but you tried your best. That inspired me to do my best and not to give up. And to try to be more optimistic in life. Beverly, my strong, brave and oldest daughter. You looked like a girl but acted like a boy. Seeing you gave me courage and the strength to keep doing what I believed was right. You two were the only things that kept me going. So please, stay together and be close with one another. Because family and friends are what make things worth living for. I'm sorry for not always being there. I'm sorry that I've left you two all by yourselves. And I'm so sorry." Said the letters.
Beverly and Kimberly were already steaming tears down their faces as they kept on reading.
"Life will change you, but please. Do your best to not let that change you completely. I don't have much to write, but I do want you both to know that I love you both so much. I want to hold you two on last time. But I'm sure you both wouldn't want this old fool to embarrass you both. I know you both will be fine without. I'm sure you'll find great boyfriends, get married, start a family and grow old together. A shame that I won't be there to see it. But I need to stop rambling on or this letter is going to be long. But…goodbye, Beverly. Goodbye, Kimberly." Said the letter.
Kimberly cried her eyes out, while Beverly sobbed quietly on her bed. But she let it out as she could hold it in. Meanwhile, at the safe zone, we see Mizuko and Lie Yan sitting on a bed together, while James was lying on the bed still unconscious and recovering. They both were silent as the only sound they could hear were the people working and the people outside of the infirmary tents.
"What were you both fight about?" Lie Yan asked.
"H-Huh?" Mizuko replied as she turned towards Lie Yan.
"The last time we met, before our fight. You told me that him and you were arguing about something. What was it?" Lie Yan asked.
"Why do you want to know?" Mizuko asked as she looked down at her hands.
"Honestly, I am curious. But I wanted to see if I could help. I hate seeing two people in love fighter over a small quarrel. It's better to fix the problem soon, than to let it prolong itself." Said Lie Yan as she remembered her husband sick in bed.
"Oh. Well, we fought about…having children. He wanted to have children. I didn't." Said Mizuko answered.
"I see. And why don't you want any children?" Lie Yan asked.
"It's not that I don't any. I don't want to bring a life into this…cruel world. I don't know if I could ever watch my son or daughter suffer like I did. How the others and I suffered in that lab. Even now, I still have nightmares of those days. I want them to grow up and have a better life than I did. But how can I be sure if it's ever safe." Said Mizuko.
"I thought the same back in my homeland. I was taught how to fight at a very young age. But I grew up working as well, since that help made money. I did many jobs from cleaning homes to digging holes for well water. As I got older, I wanted to make sure that my husband and I were financially able to provide for us and for our children. So they can live better lives than we did. A mother always wants to protect and provide for their child. But we all must live life and go through suffering. Instead of protecting them, we must prepare them. So that they can be dependable. In truth, we can only do our best and pray that they live good lives. Help guide them and be there to help them when they need it. The world is cruel, scary and very unfair. But there's also good. So don't be afraid, Mizuko. Because you'll have him and your future children at your side. Even me…if you wish." Said Lie Yan.
Mizuko teared up as she hugged Lie Yan as she hugged her back, until they heard James groan as he was waking up.
"James!" Said Mizuko as she stood up and checked on him.
"Mizuko…you're safe…" Said James as he gently grabbed her hand.
"You idiot…why did you go off finding me like that." Said Mizuko as she smiled, while tearing up even more.
"I needed to find you. I was afraid something had happened to you." Said James as his voice broke.
"You should know more than anyone that I can take care of myself." Said Mizuko.
"I know. I couldn't help but to worry." Said James.
"But rest up for now. Once you can walk, we need to get back with the others. We need to fight back against Russo's men." Said Mizuko.
"You want to fight?" James asked.
"Yes. They attacked our home and they forced others to do things for them. I won't stand by and let this happen anymore. And after all of that…maybe we start out family." Said Mizuko.
James got emotional as he cried and turned his head to the side so that they couldn't see his face.
"I'm glad you changed your mind." Said James.
"You know we can see your face?" Said Lie Yan.
"Just let him be. But Lie Yan, could you do me a big favor, please?" Mizuko asked.
Meanwhile, at the circus we see Irons, Jean-Pierre, Ghigau in shock as they both saw C walking towards them. C was heating up everything around her as they all felt the temperature rise. Everything around her was catching on fire or slowly melting.
"Uh, any idea on how to land a hit on her?" Ghigau asked.
Irons aimed his arm and fired a bullet at C, but it melt into liquid metal as it landed on the ground. They all were on edge, while we see D make it pass them without them knowing. He looked around as he noticed everyone run towards the gun fire. He even saw Stacy walk out of Mr. Welch's office cart as he looked at her. Everyone was there, even Carlos who didn't know how to process what he was looking at.
"Can someone explain why that girl is burning everything!?" Carlos asked.
"A better questions. How can we hit her?" Allen asked.
"We need someone who can attack at a range and with an ability that doesn't have a physical form to burn or melt down." Said Irons.
Everyone looked around, until Kimberly and Florence stepped up.
"Oh, were you...?" Florence asked Kimberly as they both were awkward.
"Uh, yes. I didn't expect anyone else to step up." Said Beverly.
"Me neither." Florence replied.
"Allen. Mary, right?" Said Irons.
"Yeah." Allen replied.
"Yes." Mary replied.
"Both of you need to help them both. Make sure they won't get hit." Said Irons.
"Good idea." Said Mary as she stood ready.
"You want to see who can move the fastest?" Allen asked.
"It's you, duh. But I'm sure I can beat you." Said Mary.
"Ooh, I'll take that as a challenge." Said Allen.
"Just kiss already!" Said Mina as they both blushed.
C swung her hand releasing a heat wave at Kimberly and Florence, until Allen grabbed Kimberly and moved her out of the way. Mary teleported to Florence, touched her and teleported her out of the way. Florence then held her hand at C and made her lose focus as she was dazed. Kimberly then let out a strong scream that pushed C back a few feet back. But C swung her arm again, releasing another wave of heat. Allen and Mary got Kimberly and Florence out of the way as they were on the roof. Albert used his magnetism to put up metal walls to shield the others. As that happened D landed behind Stacy as she heard him as she grabbed her pencil, holding it in reverse and swung it at him. D stopped it as he grabbed her, covered her mouth and pushed her inside of the office. He close the door as the others couldn't see them. He looked at Stacy as she stood up and powered up, but D made her shadow restrain her. He then pulled out the gun Steiner give him, aimed at Stacy and fired a round at her chest. Meanwhile, outside, Mary and Allen were moving around C as Florence made C miss and Kimberly did their best to land a hit on her. They were doing well as C was watching Allen and Mary and saw that they were moving in a pattern. She then predicted where they would safely stop and swung a heat wave at them. She predicted where Mary stopped and hit her and Florence. Mary protected Florence as she got hit on the back. Allen noticed as he stopped before the ground combusting could hit them. But a part of the heat wave hit him on the ankle, making him trip and fall. C turned to Kimberly. She held her hand at Kimberly to shot a heat blast, but she stood strong and let out a powerful constant stream that hit C as the constant blast of sound waves were hitting her and hurting her ears. Everyone else was covering their ears, until C fired the heat blast Kimberly. Kimberly put her arms up as that shield her. Kimberly landed hard on the ground as she was in pain as her arms were damaged.
"Kimberly!" Ray shouted as he ran to her.
The others tried stopping him as C turned to him and aimed her hand at him. Ray then activated his ability as C heard the sound of a piano key behind her. She quickly turned around and swung a wave of heat, but no one was there as she was confused. But Ray made it to Kimberly and saw her arms were red, but stood towards C.
"If you want to hurt her, you have to get through me first!" Said Ray.
C aimed her hand at them both, until Florence used her physic ability to make her a bit daze. But it didn't do anything as she fired right at them. Ray shielded Kimberly, until burning hand swung the heat away. Everyone was surprised, even C as they all saw Lie Yan stand in front of Ray.